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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Given the choices, I think Kofi is the best potential black star the WWE has on their hands. That said, they've tried to push him recently and I believe nerves got the best of him... but probably nothing time and experience can't fix. But the fact is... I don't particularly like most of the black wrestlers in the WWE today. Some of them aren't bad midcarders, but other than Kofi none of them strike me as incredibly likely stars. Maybe Killings or even JTG with better gimmicks. Of course, I think JTG is too small and is just short on talent to make up for it. And then there's MVP... career midcarder, I'm saying it now. Even if he ditched the super lame catchphrase and horrid ring-gear, he's still just a guy whose pretty good at alot of stuff, but not great enough at anything.


Oh, and none of the NXT guys strike me as super awesome either, but I guess they haven't been around long enough to make any accurate judgements.


But hey, at least Kofi rocks!


I think Ezekiel Jackson could be a Bob Sapp-ish main event monster. I mean, he even kind of looks like Sapp. If he was nearly as charismatic he'd be a slam dunk main eventer. God as much as it hurt WWE to lose Lesnar how much money could a guy like Sapp have made them? The guy was the total package.


I'd say he's the very definition of the term African-American. :rolleyes:


GOTCHA! Don't forget work visas! But seriously I agree: he went to high school here, got a degree here, and lives here. At what point can we call him an American?

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I think Ezekiel Jackson could be a Bob Sapp-ish main event monster. I mean, he even kind of looks like Sapp. If he was nearly as charismatic he'd be a slam dunk main eventer. God as much as it hurt WWE to lost Lesnar how much money could a guy like Sapp have made them? The guy was the total package.


Christ..forgot Zeke. Yeah..he's got monster heel push written all over him


If we're really dreaming..maybe Monty Brown comes back to the business for the E and gets the run he deserved in TNA.

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Charlize Theron is African. she ain't black. I'm tired of the "African-American" tag. If you were born here, you're American. Done.


I agree with this 100%. My ancestry is Irish, Norwegian, English, and Italian. So what does that make me? Seriously to me there is no such thing as Spanish-Americans, African-Americans, or Irish-Americans. If we were born in this country we are all Americans end of story.


You know who I would love to see in the WWF or TNA, Rampage Jackson. That dude was meant for pro wrestling. Granted he does have a nice little MMA career going and the whole A-Team thing...

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Bobby Lashley was going to be the guy for years to come in WWE. He had to turn into a Brock Lesnar and think he was better than wrestling though. He was getting such a big push back in the day. Anytime you get an opportunity to feud with McMahon like Austin did, you should cherish and make the best of it. Lashley has no idea how big he could have been. I wanted him to win MITB back at WM22 when RVD won it... I was marking out hard for him back then.
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Just about everyone born here or has been nationalized is some kind of American. Even white people are sometimes (rarely) called Anglo-Americans which is wrong to me in multiple ways.


I think the only people without some kind of "american label" are mixed races. They get dumped in one pre-existing class or another.


BTW, what did the census say under races?

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Bobby Lashley was going to be the guy for years to come in WWE. He had to turn into a Brock Lesnar and think he was better than wrestling though. He was getting such a big push back in the day. Anytime you get an opportunity to feud with McMahon like Austin did, you should cherish and make the best of it. Lashley has no idea how big he could have been. I wanted him to win MITB back at WM22 when RVD won it... I was marking out hard for him back then.


He was crap on the mic though. And he had the girl voice. Eventually it would've caught up to him.

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Bobby Lashley was going to be the guy for years to come in WWE. He had to turn into a Brock Lesnar and think he was better than wrestling though. He was getting such a big push back in the day. Anytime you get an opportunity to feud with McMahon like Austin did, you should cherish and make the best of it. Lashley has no idea how big he could have been. I wanted him to win MITB back at WM22 when RVD won it... I was marking out hard for him back then.


That's part of why I think Sapp could've been such a big deal: he's got way more charisma than Lashley, plus he would've attracted international audiences from Japan, where he's hugely over, and could've easily gotten over with the casual fans as a stiff, bad-ass monster.


I liked Lashley when I first saw him and figured they would try to make him the next Lesnar but apart from the build he just wasn't quite at the same level in terms of personality or in-ring skill. Maybe he could've gotten there in time, but I guess we'll never know.


But yeah, they certainly pushed the guy. I mean he was in what was basically a main event match at Wrestlemania as Trump's chosen one.

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Just about everyone born here or has been nationalized is some kind of American. Even white people are sometimes (rarely) called Anglo-Americans which is wrong to me in multiple ways.


I think the only people without some kind of "american label" are mixed races. They get dumped in one pre-existing class or another.


BTW, what did the census say under races?


I have a copy of the form...



Black, African American, Negro

American Indian or Alaskan Native

Asian Indian






Native Hawaiian

Guamanian or Chamorro


Other Asian

Other Pacific Islander

Some other race



Twas editted!

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I have a copy of the form...



Black, African American, Negro

American Indian or Alaskan Native

Asian Indian






Native Hawaiian

Guamanian or Chamorro


Other Asian

Other Pacific Islander

Some other race



Twas editted!


Wait..so all hispanics are "other" ? That seems like a bad way to measure such a growing segment of the population.

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Wait..so all hispanics are "other" ? That seems like a bad way to measure such a growing segment of the population.




For hispanics, you're suppossed to select White (or possibly Black, I know a few) now, along with answering a seperate question of if you're Hispanic, and from what nationality is your Hispanicness.


Like Italians and the Irish before them, Hispanic people are now considered White by the USA.

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That's part of why I think Sapp could've been such a big deal: he's got way more charisma than Lashley, plus he would've attracted international audiences from Japan, where he's hugely over, and could've easily gotten over with the casual fans as a stiff, bad-ass monster.


I liked Lashley when I first saw him and figured they would try to make him the next Lesnar but apart from the build he just wasn't quite at the same level in terms of personality or in-ring skill. Maybe he could've gotten there in time, but I guess we'll never know.


But yeah, they certainly pushed the guy. I mean he was in what was basically a main event match at Wrestlemania as Trump's chosen one.


I agree completely. Aside from his big build and overall look he didn't have the complete in-ring skills or the entertainment skills. But I also think that with his age if he had stuck with it and gave it 100% he could have been a huge star. It's disappointing we'll never know because his look just grabbed your attention and made you think, "whoa... whose that guy?"

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For hispanics, you're suppossed to select White (or possibly Black, I know a few) now, along with answering a seperate question of if you're Hispanic, and from what nationality is your Hispanicness.


Like Italians and the Irish before them, Hispanic people are now considered White by the USA.


Depending on what part of Spain their ancestors came from that would be true. Same goes for the Italians, basically the Northern parts of Spain and Italy were not touched by the Moors therefore the people of those regions have lighter skin color.

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For hispanics, you're suppossed to select White (or possibly Black, I know a few) now, along with answering a seperate question of if you're Hispanic, and from what nationality is your Hispanicness.


Like Italians and the Irish before them, Hispanic people are now considered White by the USA.


There's actually some anthropological basis for this (a bit outdated but it's there), I just can't believe they'd do that because of the inherent inaccuracy that will create. Weird.

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Tis why I made the point of Kofi not being American. Heck, I made a point about it probably close to a year ago when someone mentioned "all the African-Americans working for NOTBPW (or was it CGC?)". Turns out, there are NO African-Americans working for said Canadian company. Plenty of African-Canadians, however.


I'ver heard people say "the majority of the people living in Kenya are African-American". Seriously. The only time I think the term is appropriate is when talking about folks of African decent who are also American. It is NOT interchangable with identifying a black person.


Yeah. I just have a problem with any <insert generic place that race is from> American. Why am I just white? If I'm white, black people are black. If black people are African-American (not counting people who are actually that) then I demand to be called Norwegian-American. It's actually more racist, to me, to call me white, when the news tip-toes around other races.


My favorite was a news report of a place that had been robbed by an African-American, and a white man.


I could go all day. Rey Mysterio is a Mexican-American. Why do you think Jack Swagger is an American-American? :p


No, he's an ALL American-American.


Get it straight.


That's All American American American American.

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Depending on what part of Spain their ancestors came from that would be true. Same goes for the Italians, basically the Northern parts of Spain and Italy were not touched by the Moors therefore the people of those regions have lighter skin color.


Cmon now...how many hispanics in America are from a part of the world where their ancestors are purely Spanish? None in my family, that's for damn sure.. :D

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There's actually some anthropological basis for this (a bit outdated but it's there), I just can't believe they'd do that because of the inherent inaccuracy that will create. Weird.


No, think about it...


Some folks don't won't white folks to NOT be the majority in America. ;)

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Cmon now...how many hispanics in America are from a part of the world where their ancestors are purely Spanish? None in my family, that's for damn sure.. :D


Yeah you are right but the arguement could still be made. Like I said before, I am considered Irish but I am a mutt having more nationalities in my blood than the UN.:D


No, think about it...


Some folks don't won't white folks to NOT be the majority in America. ;)


That is very true statement.

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You know, I almost forgot about Ezekiel Jackson... and you know what? I've always liked the guy. Could be a HUGE monster heel if the WWE ever actually put some effort into it. That said, after they screwed up booking Kozlov (and The Big Show on a weekly basis), I don't think the WWE knows HOW to push a monster anymore.


That said, THIS is all the evidence I need as to why a certain someone SHOULD be the top black superstar in wrestling today:


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