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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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EDIT: To those people complaining about Kaval/Lay-Cool... You know it's fake, right? They're not actually being mentored by these people. Just like Miz/Bryan, it's a storyline, and if I were going into NXT I'd rather have an interesting storyline to walk into than be paired with John Morrison or Cody Rhodes.


Self I think you are underestimating the boards here. A lot of people are disappointed in the pairing out of a storyline perspective. It will be some cheap giggles but further then that it will be challenging to develop it in a way that can be good for Kaval's career. The Miz being paired with another but different Daniel Bryan would have worked better. Kaval with I dunno Zach Ryder, JTG or another odd pairing with more long term potential would have worked better. This needs a lot of very very good writing by the E team to work and I just do not see it happening.

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I know very little about the indie scene, so I went and checked out a few clips of Low Ki on YouTube. My only thought is, isn't he a little stiff for the E?


EDIT: Also, am I the only one who's been really, incredibly bored with Layla? Michelle McCool's pretty solid on the mic, but Layla doesn't seem to be bringing anything to the table.

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Self I think you are underestimating the boards here. A lot of people are disappointed in the pairing out of a storyline perspective. It will be some cheap giggles but further then that it will be challenging to develop it in a way that can be good for Kaval's career. The Miz being paired with another but different Daniel Bryan would have worked better. Kaval with I dunno Zach Ryder, JTG or another odd pairing with more long term potential would have worked better. This needs a lot of very very good writing by the E team to work and I just do not see it happening.


Back when the Miz/Bryan pairing was announced, and the entire internet seemed to burst into tears, I said "Don't worry, they know what they're doing. This will be great." I no longer have that same confidence in the WWE writing team. So people are probably right. Kaval with Lay-Cool with probably suck... but it could be good. Not as a long term position, but as something for Kaval to do for 8-12 weeks... I see possibilities.


Sure. There are better alternatives. There always are. Put him with Edge as the 'Rated R Assassin', a ninja-esque fighter inexplicable loyal to his Pro, until his honourable and spiritual nature compels him to turn... by kicking Edge in the face. That's one idea.


I know very little about the indie scene, so I went and checked out a few clips of Low Ki on YouTube. My only thought is, isn't he a little stiff for the E?


EDIT: Also, am I the only one who's been really, incredibly bored with Layla? Michelle McCool's pretty solid on the mic, but Layla doesn't seem to be bringing anything to the table.


I'm the other way around. Michelle does nothing for me, but I love Layla. I think she was mostly on RAW before the whole Lay-Cool thing, so I guess I never saw her much before. I guess she could get boring after a while, but when she won the women's title I legit marked out.


Low Ki's kinda stiff, but he's been in FCW for a long time, so I'm sure he's adapted his style to suit.

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Literally just finished watching NXT. Did no-one else notice the huge goof made by Michael Tarver when they talked to the previously eliminated rookies after the triple threat?


Striker: Who do you think should be eliminated and why?

Tarver: One thing's for sure, whether i'm in this chair or in that ring, I am the product. But if I had to choose anybody...... I would choose me.

Striker: *says nothing but has a WTF look on his face*


I laughed so hard I think a little pee came out. When Striker talked to the rest of the guys he changed it to, "Who should WIN NXT and why?". :D

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Back when the Miz/Bryan pairing was announced, and the entire internet seemed to burst into tears, I said "Don't worry, they know what they're doing. This will be great." I no longer have that same confidence in the WWE writing team. So people are probably right. Kaval with Lay-Cool with probably suck... but it could be good. Not as a long term position, but as something for Kaval to do for 8-12 weeks... I see possibilities.

As a Danielson fan, I liked that pairing the minute it was announced. I saw the storyline possibilities. (And, since I saw you say you stopped watching NXT several weeks ago: either they DID know what they were doing all along, or they called an audible, because the booking of Danielson and his tirades against Miz and Cole over the past few weeks has been awesome.)


The only way I see the Kaval/LayCool thing having any chance of working is if LayCool recruit someone to "teach him a lesson" after Kaval basically ignores them for weeks on end. Where else can they really go with it? As hysterical as I personally would find a tree of woe double stomp on McTaker, that's not happening. With Bryan/Miz, you were waiting for Bryan to become fed up with Miz's garbage and floor him. You know that Kaval isn't going to be attacking either member of LayCool, so that element of payback isn't there.

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I always thought they were a (surprisingly cheap) rip-off of The Beautiful People, but that's just me.




Totaly feel the saME way


on a side note: I dont get why they didnt use Joe Hennig as his name... come on Michael McGillicuty supposed to be son of Beulah McGillicutty or something :p

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I haven't watched the NXT finale yet, but already sneak-peeked the new cast. Little surprised Titus got the call, as the little I've seen of him, he's struck me as clumsy in the ring. And Johnny Prime or whatever 70's monikor he's working under now, has been a black void of charisma, in my opinion. Maybe the spotlight will change that, but I don't think so.


And as excited I am to see Low Ki and Joe Henning (who will remain Joe Henning forever and ever, darn it!) I'm real excited to see Riley. If he plays his Varsity Villian gimmick, calls himself the Rare Breed, and falls into the anti-Danielson role with the Miz, I think he's got this show locked up.

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lol Low Ki with Lay Cool should be absolutely hilarious to watch. You've got probably one of the most angry human beings in the history of wrestling being mentored by Lay Cool. Wow.. Whoever put that triad together should be awarded. I can't see them casting Kaval off early like they did Danielson. Show would become too predictable. The early rumor for Ki in the 'E was to feud him with Rey Mysterio. That could/should still happen at the end of NXT.
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Why would it be predictable for Ki to be cast off? Because he's an "internet" guy? 90% of the people out there have no idea who this guy is so to that 90% it wouldn't be too predictable.


If the first season taught me anything is beside from Jericho and The Miz most of the pros were relevant for a few weeks before being forgotten about. Regal/Skip could have had a lot more done with it. Punk/Young had a good start and then they dropped that as well.


Eli Cottonwood or one of the second/third generation boys is my guess for a winner. Although Riley seems like he's got a shot as well.

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Did anyone else find what Barrett said about Otunga to be both funny and true? I mean he seemed to be bad at everything I mean even the promo stuff that they seemed to keep pushing that he was good at was just awful. I found him to be the most boring person on all of NXT by far (though I may be alone). All he seemed to have was a look.


Also Percy Watson is my new favorite name for a wrestler.

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Does anybody find it as not a big surprise with Barret(t) winning? I mean Vince and the booking teams, seem to have a thing for British workers these days. Sheamus with his "God-push" and Drew McInytre spring to mind.


Also, Kaval with Lay-Cool. The comedy almost writes itself. Especially when they said the belt carrying bit.

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Also, Kaval with Lay-Cool. The comedy almost writes itself. Especially when they said the belt carrying bit.


My problem with that is the only way it works is with Kaval playing it super straight like he did with the Paparazzi PCS. Which means it won't even be close to as funny as that was seeing as Nash and Shelley are a lot funnier then Lay-Cool and the WWE writers.

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Does anybody find it as not a big surprise with Barret(t) winning? I mean Vince and the booking teams, seem to have a thing for British workers these days. Sheamus with his "God-push" and Drew McInytre spring to mind.


To be nitpicky neither of those guys are Brits :p

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Did anyone else find what Barrett said about Otunga to be both funny and true? I mean he seemed to be bad at everything I mean even the promo stuff that they seemed to keep pushing that he was good at was just awful. I found him to be the most boring person on all of NXT by far (though I may be alone). All he seemed to have was a look.

You're definitely not alone. For all this talk of Otunga having "charisma" and "it factor", I thought the guy was boring as hell.

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Totaly feel the saME way


on a side note: I dont get why they didnt use Joe Hennig as his name... come on Michael McGillicuty supposed to be son of Beulah McGillicutty or something :p


The aforementioned copyright / trademark reasons. Still bad names though.

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Does anybody find it as not a big surprise with Barret(t) winning? I mean Vince and the booking teams, seem to have a thing for British workers these days. Sheamus with his "God-push" and Drew McInytre spring to mind.


Also, Kaval with Lay-Cool. The comedy almost writes itself. Especially when they said the belt carrying bit.


Meh, from an overall skills set and type the E likes point of view he deserved the win. Who cares if it was predictable as long as it was done well. Which in the case of Barret was so-so in the case of Bryan also so-so and the rest of NXT was blah.

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Also Percy Watson is my new favorite name for a wrestler.


Not only does he have an awesome name, but he (along with Darren Young) par-tay! Young lost that early in the show, I really hope Percy keeps it. And given mic time, does his giggle, which amuses me no end for some reason. lol



The aforementioned copyright / trademark reasons. Still bad names though.


In the sense that Joe didn't want to give the `E permission to trademark his name? Or that the Henning family owns the rights to the name and lineage?

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To be nitpicky neither of those guys are Brits :p


Think you are confusing England, UK and Britain here mate.


England = Just England

UK = England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.

Britain = England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland.


PS anyone remember when Finley first returned they billed him from Belfast Ireland? lolz. So Slag you are not alone.

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Not only does he have an awesome name, but he (along with Darren Young) par-tay! Young lost that early in the show, I really hope Percy keeps it. And given mic time, does his giggle, which amuses me no end for some reason. lol





In the sense that Joe didn't want to give the `E permission to trademark his name? Or that the Henning family owns the rights to the name and lineage?


Its too close to his real name. Joseph Henning and they can not trademark that in a way that prevents him using it outside the E, plus Joe would have to allow them to trademark it while working for them and would probably demand a fee for that. Much like when Christopher Daniels un curried. They went with Daniels as TNA could not get a deal done for his full name.


So instead of going through the hassle they just rename them anyway. They could have done Perfect Jr. or Michael Henning though with no problem.

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Its too close to his real name. Joseph Henning and they can not trademark that in a way that prevents him using it outside the E, plus Joe would have to allow them to trademark it while working for them and would probably demand a fee for that. Much like when Christopher Daniels un curried. They went with Daniels as TNA could not get a deal done for his full name.


So instead of going through the hassle they just rename them anyway. They could have done Perfect Jr. or Michael Henning though with no problem.


The way it works is, you can't trademark someone's actual name without their permission, and even after they leave your company they can obviously still wrestle under their own name. WWE does it as one of the numerous ways they control their "independent contractors" abilities to work elsewhere. Just calling him "Mike Hennig" doesn't restrict his ability to work elsewhere because he can call himself "Joe Michael Hennig" when and if he leaves the company.


Because TNA is not a national level promotion, they have different problems. Daniels didn't use his real name not because TNA didn't want him to, but (presumably) because he didn't want to contract away his rights to his name after he was out of TNA. TNA's stupidly written contracts apparently don't give any compensation for media rights for using Daniels' name, likeness, etc., in videogames, DVD releases, etc., in perpetuity without requiring compensating him at all. "Christopher Daniels" isn't even a registered trademark anywhere, and guys that do have trademarks, like Samoa Joe, have trademarks that they registered themselves.

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Think you are confusing England, UK and Britain here mate.


England = Just England

UK = England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.

Britain = England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland.


PS anyone remember when Finley first returned they billed him from Belfast Ireland? lolz. So Slag you are not alone.


No, Britain is just England, Scotland, Wales from what I know. The Irish Isle is only included if you say The British Isles. But Drew is British, no mistakes about that. Just not Finlay and Sheamus.

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