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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Here is the supposed reason of the firing....


Credit: F4WOnline.com


According to Dave Meltzer, the "people that needed to know" were told that Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) was fired for choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with his own tie during the NXT invasion angle on RAW this past Monday.


The shot was edited from some replays of the angle and was described as being too violent for what WWE allows on it’s programming.


Word is that someone very important complained to WWE officials about the angle with the idea that kids who were watching may think it’s fun to choke people with their ties. It’s unknown who actually complained but it had to be someone with a lot of power.


Bryan is being described as a scapegoat. WWE does want to bring him back to the roster once the whole thing blows over.


Danielson was described as the type of person you would want your locker room filled with.


So most likely he was fired because of the FCC!!!!

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I look at it like we're playing TEW. Do you bring in someone to be apart of your hottest angle in years, have him yell, spit, and kick in the head of your main guy... just to release him without killing off the popularity he gained? No. And since when do announcers who are less important than jobbers have any real pull? Even though he was getting the crap choked out of him - Roberts is a wrestling fan - he was having the time of his life being apart of a wrestling angle and not just announcing.


And if someone "higher up" thought it was pushing the envelope I'd be surprised. Nobody besides Vinnie Mac has the last say and from what I've read he thought the angle on RAW was awesome. WWE is just getting way more reality-based and what better way to be "real" then to fire someone?


Now if he really is fired and it's due to the reason posted. I'm not really sure what to say. WWE dropped the ball big time.

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I look at it like we're playing TEW. Do you bring in someone to be apart of your hottest angle in years, have him yell, spit, and kick in the head of your main guy... just to release him without killing off the popularity he gained? No. And since when do announcers who are less important than jobbers have any real pull? Even though he was getting the crap choked out of him - Roberts is a wrestling fan - he was having the time of his life being apart of a wrestling angle and not just announcing.


And if someone "higher up" thought it was pushing the envelope I'd be surprised. Nobody besides Vinnie Mac has the last say and from what I've read he thought the angle on RAW was awesome. WWE is just getting way more reality-based and what better way to be "real" then to fire someone?


Now if he really is fired and it's due to the reason posted. I'm not really sure what to say. WWE dropped the ball big time.


Or did they?


They already said the "door is open to him once this blows over".


Clearly, they love the guy. Could you imagine what they could do with him when he does come back? The problem that has always plauged Danielson for years and prevented him from coming into the WWE was they had nothing to push him with. I love amazing matches, but those sadly can't get you over alone in the WWE. Gotta have the look, and he looks like a generic white dude.


But now? Ultimately this COULD circumvent it: he's the guy that was too violent and risky to be allowed on television. He's the guy the WWE had to run off because he, single-handely, was a threat to them.



And if this is all a massive play and ROH fans crap on him because of it, then it's their loss. Had things gone differently, Danielson may have spent the entirety of the remainder of his career (or at least his prime) in the WWE. If anything, folks should be like me and excited at the prospect of actually getting a few more ROH-style matches out of Danielson. Because, get this: the WWE doing well is GOOD FOR THE WRESTLING BUSINESS AS A WHOLE! I know they're the "evil empire" to many, but:


1. Danielson's involvment alone has brought more attention to indie wrestling. I bet at least a few people who never heard of him before NXT end up seeing what this "ROH thing" is. And a few might even like it.


2. The WWE is the lifeblood of the wrestling business. If people are inclined to want to watch it, they may be inclined to check out other companies when they realize that wrestling can be entertaining.



That said, it's still a damn shame. Part of me was praying, PRAYING, that him and Gabriel would somehow use this angle to end up in a tag team together. The guy from the indies I mark for teamed up with the guy from the indies that everyone else marks for, and both are FANTASTIC in-ring competitors.


Whatever, Justin Gabriel didn't get fired. In fact his 450 on Cena was the dot at the bottom of the exclamation point of the angle. Even without Danielson, the angle could still be huge. After all, it's mainly about pushing Barrett, and testing the mainstream waters for the other guys.

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Or did they?


They already said the "door is open to him once this blows over".


Clearly, they love the guy. Could you imagine what they could do with him when he does come back? The problem that has always plauged Danielson for years and prevented him from coming into the WWE was they had nothing to push him with. I love amazing matches, but those sadly can't get you over alone in the WWE. Gotta have the look, and he looks like a generic white dude.


But now? Ultimately this COULD circumvent it: he's the guy that was too violent and risky to be allowed on television. He's the guy the WWE had to run off because he, single-handely, was a threat to them.


That would be cool no doubt. But I truly don't think he's fired. I think he would have posted more than just what he did - "Just changed my twitter name to Bryan Danielson. The winds of change are stirring." I think the reason he hasn't really said anything besides that is because WWE is limiting what he can say. And if he was fired could they limit what he puts on twitter? Nope.


I truly expect to see him on RAW. Not even giving it a second thought.

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Or did they?


They just fired the work horse and second best promo guy in the group at the center of the biggest story line the WWE have done in some time. I would call that dropping the ball no matter what happens down the line, they just neutered the biggest story line they had going.


Edit: which is only if he is really fired (which I think odds are he is).

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I think he would have posted more than just what he did - "Just changed my twitter name to Bryan Danielson. The winds of change are stirring." I think the reason he hasn't really said anything besides that is because WWE is limiting what he can say. And if he was fired could they limit what he puts on twitter? Nope.


I truly expect to see him on RAW. Not even giving it a second thought.


I keep coming back to that Twitter thing as well, though I'm looking at it in a different way. Danielson isn't much of an Internet guy--the only reason he even has a Twitter is because WWE asked him to make one (I remember reading a post from him where he said exactly that.) If this were legit, I feel like he would've either said nothing at all, or just gotten rid of his Twitter account outright. The fact that he changed his Twitter name, plus that vague post where he borrowed Wade Barrett's "winds of change" line, seem to suggest a work to me.


Still, I'm not sure. If it is a work, they've managed to fool most of the "insiders" that people turn to for wrestling news.

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I keep coming back to that Twitter thing as well, though I'm looking at it in a different way. Danielson isn't much of an Internet guy--the only reason he even has a Twitter is because WWE asked him to make one (I remember reading a post from him where he said exactly that.) If this were legit, I feel like he would've either said nothing at all, or just gotten rid of his Twitter account outright. The fact that he changed his Twitter name, plus that vague post where he borrowed Wade Barrett's "winds of change" line, seem to suggest a work to me.


Still, I'm not sure. If it is a work, they've managed to fool most of the "insiders" that people turn to for wrestling news.


Well, supposedly the angle on RAW was on the rundown-sheet but it didn't say exactly what was happening and only the people directly involved knew about it. Rumor has it the people around ringside didn't know what was happening until minutes before. Wouldn't be surprised if Danielson is kept in a limo all Monday night until he's used to keep anybody backstage from even knowing the truth. This is how wrestling should be booked - keeping stuff from wrestlers not involved is a good thing in my opinion.


I guess the only way to know for sure is to watch RAW on Monday. WWE has won over all of our curiosity and intrigue. I think that's what they wanted.

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That would be cool no doubt. But I truly don't think he's fired. I think he would have posted more than just what he did - "Just changed my twitter name to Bryan Danielson. The winds of change are stirring." I think the reason he hasn't really said anything besides that is because WWE is limiting what he can say. And if he was fired could they limit what he puts on twitter? Nope.

I truly expect to see him on RAW. Not even giving it a second thought.


If he is fired, and they do want to bring him back once the choke heat blows over, then obviuosly he's not going to say much. Wouldn't want to burn any bridges.

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If he is fired, and they do want to bring him back once the choke heat blows over, then obviuosly he's not going to say much. Wouldn't want to burn any bridges.


Since when does posting something on the Internet have to be a negative thing? I would just assume if he was legitimately fired he would say something a bit more interesting than he did. I'm pretty sure I would. :rolleyes:

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Since when does posting something on the Internet have to be a negative thing? I would just assume if he was legitimately fired he would say something a bit more interesting than he did. I'm pretty sure I would. :rolleyes:


My interpretation of the twitter message is simply that he is changing his name. I mean, for years he work as Brian Danielson and then it was suddenly changed to Daniel Bryan. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the whole NXT gang broke kayfabe and changed to there real names.

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Since when does posting something on the Internet have to be a negative thing? I would just assume if he was legitimately fired he would say something a bit more interesting than he did. I'm pretty sure I would. :rolleyes:


Just the way you posted made it sound like you were expecting him to rant about the E if it was legit.


You know what they say, if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.

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I will say this ... if, if, this is part of a bigger scheme, storyline wise, you do realize that this simply gives the NXT crew more reason to do what they did. I think it could be used to build more momentum, and keeping Danielson off television for a bit, allowing Barrett to rail against how the powers that be continue to disrespect the new class of athlete is a viable next step.


It also takes away the need for a "mastermind" ... the buzz of this, the added reason for doing what they did, it's enough of a statement to fuel the upcoming Barrett vs. Cena feud.


Also, Riley sneezing because he's allergic to Stryker? Awesome. lol

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i really REALLY wanna see kaval snap and go ape sh*t crazy on LayCool maby he could ram there crappy titles down there big mouths then kick there heads off there shoulders


WWE Discussion Thread has come to terms on the release of -laz- as of today June 12, 2010. We wish -laz- the best in all future endeavors.


Caldwell's Analysis: He wants to see a male wrestler go ape **** over SaySo favorite SmackDown diva duo. To quote Carlito, "that's not cool." However, i believe -laz- isn't released according to sources inside the thread. We cannot confirm.

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I'm truly stunned people believe this is legit. Honestly. Whatever the WWE is doing backstage is convince all the "insiders" that it's real, you have to give them a TON of credit.


Now, keep in mind he probably won't be on Raw this Monday. If they're going to all this trouble to make people buy it, his return has to be at a HUGE time...like, I don't know, a Cena vs. Barrett WWE title match on pay-per-view.

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WWE Discussion Thread has come to terms on the release of -laz- as of today June 12, 2010. We wish -laz- the best in all future endeavors.


Caldwell's Analysis: He wants to see a male wrestler go ape **** over SaySo favorite SmackDown diva duo. To quote Carlito, "that's not cool."


It can also lead to police at Kaval's door due to non-sexual abuse towards another gender.

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WWE Discussion Thread has come to terms on the release of -laz- as of today June 12, 2010. We wish -laz- the best in all future endeavors.


Caldwell's Analysis: He wants to see a male wrestler go ape **** over SaySo favorite SmackDown diva duo. To quote Carlito, "that's not cool." However, i believe -laz- isn't released according to sources within the thread.

i supose im off to TNA discusion thread for less money and lighter work load :D

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