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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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saw this in someones sig at ROH forums i think this might be why he got fired cena went crying to vinny mac :D




Come on now. Whatever you think of Cena the on screen persona, he's not going to get a guy fired over that.


In addition, do you REALLY think that he randomly spit in the number one face's errr...face without telling him first? get real.


The "some important sponser complained about the chocking angle and threatened to pull it's contract if Bryan wasen't let go" is the ONLY rumor that makes sense. The choke was pretty viscreal and looked very "real"


I'm still not convinced this isn't a work. It just seems to me that if bryan was truly fired, given how vocal he has been on twitter in the past and no longer being a WWE employee, he'd do more than tweet Wade barret's catch phrase.


Also, given how every report from backstage is that Vince is very, very high on barret and Danielson, I find it hard to believe he just randomly fired a guy who is instrmental to an angle that got his company more exposer and generated more buzz than anything in the last year or so.


Vince isn't that stupid, therefore I think:


1. It's a legit firing to appease a high money sponsor who threatened to pull there sponsorship, but bryan was made well aware that it's temporary release to get the heat off Vince's back and has been told that in 3-6 months or so, he'll be rehired and his firing will be worked in storyline. (if this is the case, I assume he is going to get a very nice "severance" package on the condition he not work for a major competitor before his rehiring.)


That would explain why he's seemed unconcerned and hasen't taken any shots at the WWE. He knows he has a job and push waiting for him once snickers or slim jim, or whoever it is, backs off. And, that sort of "wink wink" firing and rehiring has been done before.


2. It's a work, and the WWE employee's most of whom are the sources for these rumor sites, have been told to say it's legit by Vince to keep the IWC guessing.



I can see either of the above being true, though i hope it's 2 so that they can work it into the barret storyline more smoothly.

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ok if the release is real and if he has signed with tna why cant he be in the front row as part of the audiance of slamiversery it would be a clever way of tna saying look who we signed with out saying anything


I don't think he is allowed to appear on tv(for a wrestling company). So even if he just sat in the front row and nothing more, that could be a violation.

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I don't think he is allowed to appear on tv(for a wrestling company). So even if he just sat in the front row and nothing more, that could be a violation.

not if he hasnt signed and is just going to see a wrestling show


Originally Posted by dvdWarrior



Bryan Danielson spits in the face....



Of people who don't want to be cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





more like daniel bryan spits in the face of people who cant wrestle

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Really? I mean, did WWE really tell Danielson to strangle someone realistically? Or spit in someone's face? Maybe they did, but I find that extremely unlikely.


I think they'll have told them to be honest, he would't go that far if he wasn't told to, he's not stupid.


That doesn't influence my view of whether it's a work as they could easily do that then fire him anyway, but still.


I'm pretty sure he was told to spit in Cena's face. At the very least he would have spoken to Cena about it before hand. You don't spit in a guys face unless he is aware I'd say. Cena easily could have slugged him otherwise. The choke could have been a spur of the moment thing, or he could have been told to do it.


Yeah, sorry, I should have said "if he's been fired, do you really think..."


If he isn't fired it's a non-issue.


If he was fired for something he was told to do... the wrong person's been fired.


So I have to believe either a) he's not fired (which I've gone from being 99% sure of to 60% sure of), or b) be overstepped the instructions given. I think c) he was told to realistically strangle Roberts / spit in Cena's face and then he got sacked for realistically strangling Roberts / spitting in Cena's face just isn't possible.


And you can probably cut out the spit. I'd be hugely suprised if Danielson spat in Cena's face without actually clearing it was Cena or someone else first.

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I could see it being completely possible that he got fired for doing what he was told. If a sponsor threaten to pull the plug, then firing Danielson is the most visible way to appease. If legit, he was probably given assurances that he would be rehired and rewarded(money, push) for being a team player and agreeing to be the scapegoat.
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i think its definitly legit they wouldnt make them rewrite raw twice for a work


Okay. For the record. We're assuming that they MIGHT be lying about it being legit, but they totally wouldn't lie about whether or not they were rewriting the storylines?

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