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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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He's not coming back because nobody cares. If the plan was for him to come back all along then as I said before shouldn't they be dropping hints to it? Its not like they "fired" Cena. Its not like the fans are going to remember "oh yeah four months ago he beat up Michael Cole one week and was part of Nexus".


I like DB a lot but if anybody thinks he's going to ride in on some white horse and just save the day and be a huge babyface part of this Nexus angle its just silly. As I said before if this was all part of their storyline even if he was fired.


Even if he was fired and they said "we'll bring you back in a few months" and the writers full intend on revealing Miz and Cole behind this. My question is why wouldn't they drop hints? What earthly good would it do them to quietly fire him on a website, not mention him a single time for three or four months and then bring him back after he spent all of two nights on RAW in his entire life anyway.


Simple, because the target to that attempt would be the IWC. Drop a few hints and they've basically given it away.


I'm not saying there's a high possibility he'll come back, but it just as makes sense if they haven't been dropping hints. If they brought him back, they wouldn't necessarily have him ride out on a white horse like you say, there's many other ways to do it. They can do it ala Matt Hardy, rambunctious attacking in the crowd making people guessing, sort of a reveal without the complete reveal. They can just bring him out and just... well, advertise what's going on. I mean hell, they did it with Bret Hart/Montreal Screwjob and... did it pay off? Doesn't look like it did stupendously, but they showed they can pull off the effort of milking something with enough attention to it, even if it goes as back as 12 years ago. And before you say anything, I'm not comparing the situations themselves. I know the screwjob is infinitely bigger than what we have here but I'm just talking about how WWE can take something and attempt to make people care about it.


Without putting Daniel Bryan too much on a pedestal, I don't think his overness should be labeled as him "spending at most two nights on Raw", because he's been the focus of NXT for a short while, and even on his incredible losing streak they found ways to keep him in the spotlight somehow. If Justin Gabriel or Heath Slater had gotten fired instead, I'd totally agree with this, but I solemnly believe there is to invest within DB.


That's not to say I expect him to return though.


Are you really going to take a guy that you're pushing into the main event and feud him with Daniel Bryan? The Daniel Bryan feud thing worked six months ago but since then Miz has upped his game and has gotten a bigger and bigger push each week. The guy might wind up being revealed as the master mind pushing him to the main event (otherwise what is the point at all). If you're not going to push the leader of Nexus as a main eventer then whats the point and why not just have Wade Barrett lead them? The point is to give someone that isn't quite a main eventer that last bit of momentum. Whoever it is has a built in feud with John Cena.


The feud doesn't have to be solely between them to begin with, Miz can still ruffle feathers with the champ in the meantime. Could have DB prevent him from cashing in, even as far as fighting for it and [obviously] losing. Hypothetically, if the two were to feud, with enough airtime and effort it could elevate them both at once. Nothing suggests this would "keep Miz down", just becuase he's facing off Bryan. I still believe in the hot midcard feud WWE can invest in SO much that it keeps neither man down and both of them come out looking like winners afterwards.


I realize I can be speaking in fairy tale language but nothing completely prevents this to my recollection, and I just heavily doubt it would tear down anything done with the Miz. It could halt Miz's momentum, sure, but it's not like he couldn't pick up and go off from that, which assumedly he would anyway. Guaranteed MITB holder. After what I've seen with Jack Swagger's acension to the World title, IMO, Miz is fair game to anything.

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You guys forget something. A Bryan Danielson vs. the Miz would be.... AWESOME, and it doesn't matter who wins. The Miz is popular enough to keep the match relevant, has enough in-ring skill to not look like a dunderhead in the ring like most of the WWE's chosen, while Bryan Danielson has the skills to make a good to great match.


If Miz loses, it wouldn't hurt him, because you can SEE Bryan Danielson beating him. On the other hand, if Bryan Danielson loses, it wouldn't hurt him either, because it would give the rub as a being a legitimate threat.


Everyone comes out winning. Fans, WWE, and the workers involved. It's a good match-up.

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I disagree if The Miz lost to Daniel Bryan after being on the cusp of the Main Event and losing to a guy that lost every match but one he ever competed in. I think that would hurt The Miz BADLY.


Six months ago The Miz was more of a joke now he's on the cusp of feuding with Triple H, Cena and Orton I think it would hurt him a lot to lose to a guy like Daniel Bryan.


The match would be good but we could say that for hundreds of match ups in the WWE if given the right context.

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I disagree if The Miz lost to Daniel Bryan after being on the cusp of the Main Event and losing to a guy that lost every match but one he ever competed in. I think that would hurt The Miz BADLY.


Six months ago The Miz was more of a joke now he's on the cusp of feuding with Triple H, Cena and Orton I think it would hurt him a lot to lose to a guy like Daniel Bryan.


The match would be good but we could say that for hundreds of match ups in the WWE if given the right context.


6 months ago, there were some people who still turned the TV off when the Miz was on it, so they didn't notice that he was far from a joke.


Secondly, you wouldn't have just a little one-off program with nothing to it. You'd have Daniel Bryan come along and KICK SOME HEADS IN. If you wanted him to feud straight off the bat with someone who, like you said, is just short of Cena and Trips, you have him start off by powering through Morrison or R Truth or whatever the midcard picture is looking like on RAW right now. (Secretly... I haven't watched in like, 2 months.)

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I disagree if The Miz lost to Daniel Bryan after being on the cusp of the Main Event and losing to a guy that lost every match but one he ever competed in. I think that would hurt The Miz BADLY.


Six months ago The Miz was more of a joke now he's on the cusp of feuding with Triple H, Cena and Orton I think it would hurt him a lot to lose to a guy like Daniel Bryan.


The match would be good but we could say that for hundreds of match ups in the WWE if given the right context.

We will have to disagree then, because such a match would elevate both workers. You are underestimating the Miz if you think he can't recover from this, because you are wrong that he was a joke 6 months ago... he was a joke YEARS ago. In fact, he sucked when he started.


If he could survive his terrible start, he will not ONLY save a loss against Bryan Danielson, he will come out BETTER, probably even better than Bryan Danielson.


He lost to R-Truth. That didn't hurt him much. He can do the same thing against Bryan Danielson.


Besides, A Cena/Miz matchup would probably suck in the ring, as would a Sheamus/Miz matchup. The only matchups that are any good is Miz/HHH or Miz/Orton matchups. Both of them seem to able to either mesh well against Miz's character.

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Well if this was ROH I would be concerned about in ring but its the WWE.


If you do like Linslov says and bring him in and have him run several programs with other people before getting to Miz sure but really aside from a few weeks of television why put the effort into Daniel Bryan. Why not John Morrison? He's got the look, he's good in the ring and he's about the same on the mic as Daniel Bryan and he's been there seven years longer.


There is no doubt that you could bring DB back and push him towards a main event with Miz. We've seen it with Jack Swagger, we've seen it with Kurt Angle. Sheamous, etc sometimes you bring the guy in and it works out.


However more often than not it takes years (like it has for Miz) to achieve where their at.


My personal style of booking is to very very rarely just hot shot somebody to the main event. Heck why not give it to Evan Bourne? He's just as talented, he's the same size and he's been there longer plus he's associated with John Cena these days.


Obviously anybody can make a case for anybody getting to the main event I'm just saying the Miz thing is done and gone. The story between them two was six months ago and before Daniel left it was looking like that story was scrapped with Daniel going heel and I seriously doubt they were turning the Miz face.


I'd like to see him come back and wrestle Kaval every week on Smackdown, that to me would be entertaining than trying to hash up something that will be six months old by the time they get around to it.


I'm just repeating the same stuff so I guess I'm done talking about it since this isn't a right or wrong thing and just what everyone would prefer to see happen. That being said I'm sure the guy is going to land on his feet and get a payday somewhere.

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My Summer Slam Prediction....


Someone on the WWE7 is going to either leave the match or decide at the last minute to not show up. Something that's going to make the crowd think they're a player short. THen to take his place will be the "man", the legend, the son-in-law of the next senator from Connecticut, Triple H. But, HHH will turn and give some reason that "he knows how to lead a group" and be the new leader of Nexus.


After all, HHH is on the cover of this month's WWE Mag with the caption of him being 'back'. And triple H leading the Nexus will give it the cred it needs because the one dude who runs it (see, I watch every week and still don't care to know his name) is pretty friggin lame.

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After all, HHH is on the cover of this month's WWE Mag with the caption of him being 'back'. And triple H leading the Nexus will give it the cred it needs because the one dude who runs it (see, I watch every week and still don't care to know his name) is pretty friggin lame.


... Trips is cooler than Wade Barrett? Did he start wearing cellotape glasses and plaid pants pulled up around his pants or something in the last few months?

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My Summer Slam Prediction....


Someone on the WWE7 is going to either leave the match or decide at the last minute to not show up. Something that's going to make the crowd think they're a player short. THen to take his place will be the "man", the legend, the son-in-law of the next senator from Connecticut, Triple H. But, HHH will turn and give some reason that "he knows how to lead a group" and be the new leader of Nexus.


After all, HHH is on the cover of this month's WWE Mag with the caption of him being 'back'. And triple H leading the Nexus will give it the cred it needs because the one dude who runs it (see, I watch every week and still don't care to know his name) is pretty friggin lame.


Really? I actually quite like Wade Barrett. Honestly, I would rather that the WWE not add someone else to be the 'leader of NeXus'. Why? I think it suits Barrett pretty well (both in storyline and in his ability). They are easily creating a new superstar by having him be the, far and away, leader of the group. In a way, I wouldn't mind seeing Barrett flexing his power even more within the group; however, that would limit the growth of the rest of the team. Either way, I really hope they stick with Barrett as the unrivaled leader of the group. It creates an aura for the guy (which is pretty powerful seeing how he's a newbie to the WWE and still carries a good feel straight away).


As for the whole 'turning' thing. I don't know if it's really going to happen to be honest. Why? The WWE doesn't really do stuff like this much anymore. The days of turning someone face or heel simply for more storylines are done and gone. I mean, look at Orton's turn as an example. It was less about them wanting to change things up and more about them no longer being able to ignore the fans cheering for him.


With that said, of those who've been listed as potential 'turners'... These are my thoughts on the matter:


1) Bret Hart: Some seem to think that Bret is going to turn on the WWE in which to 'stick it to McMahon'. While I wouldn't put it past the WWE to do something as stupid as that, I just don't see it happening. The reason it's so powerful that he's back is because he was pretty much 'left for dead' after a henious assault by nexus on a previous RAW. I mean, they slammed a car into his limo and simulated a destructive car crash in which to 'mow him over'. Now, he will be their leader? I don't see it.


2) John Cena: Call me crazy but I don't EVER see Cena turning. Why would they? Sure, he gets mixed reactions all the time but he IS the face of the company. He does interviews outside of company programming, and a new movie coming out where he plays a man looking to redeem himself, so, why would they turn him now? Cena will be like a Hogan figure. He'll be a babyface forever and will only turn if, for some reason, his act has become so stale that he can no longer generate interest outside of the Wrestling industry.


3) Edge or Jericho: Realistically, this is the most possibly scenario but I don't see it happening. Sure, they may seem a little rigid while working with the babyfaces within the team; however, their 'turn around and fight' thing on RAW was a symbol that they are pro-WWE. Well, at least Pro-getting back at nexus. Their hatred for the group (nexus) will keep them in-line; at least until after the bell is rung.



I have a feeling this match is going to play out like Bash at the Beach 96. 7 vs 6 and then when Team WWE is getting the crap kicked out of them, someone from the back will come out to "rescue" WWE and then hit their finisher on members of Team WWE.


While not original, I wouldn't mind seeing this outcome. That said, I'd like to see a youngster be the one who pulls the 'Hogan' moment; maybe the Miz?

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Nexus is only around to get Wade over. He is clearly the only one that is going to stick around after this is all over and done


While this is true on the surface, ive got to believe at least Justin Gabriel will stay around as well.. he has a distinct selling point in his 450 finisher and hits it all the time..

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Nexus is only around to get Wade over. He is clearly the only one that is going to stick around after this is all over and done


I... wouldn't say that.


Will all of them stick around longterm when Nexus has finally run it's course? Hell no. For starters, Bryan Danielson (had he not been fired) would've likely stuck around.


Tarver, Slater, Young... can't say I care for any of them in any way at all and I wouldn't be shocked that the day all things Nexus ceases to be they vanish off TV (until TNA picks them up, realizes why the WWE let them go, and they all vanish again). Still, love to see them prove me wrong!


Sheffield is only a step above them, but he has a good look and that'll be enough for the WWE to gamble on him at least briefly.


Otunga blows, but his "celebrity" status will probably keep him around longer than he deserves.


And Justin Gabriel is the freakin' man. He'll probably never be a massive star in the WWE due to his lack of charisma (which isn't helped at all by his South African accent, which sounds more odd than anything), but he's a huge in-ring talent with oodles of athleticism. He can pull a good match out of most folks, and that'll make him a valuable asset to any company down the line. No reason WWE doesn't take advantage of it. Oh, and he got to pin Cena in the handicap match. And there's not a wrestling fan alive who can honestly say his 450 splash isn't impressive without lying. Go ahead and say it: you'll just prove to the world you're a liar.



Yes, Nexus is a device primarily to get Wade Barrett over and it's succeeded brilliantly so far (probably the best thing WWE has done in almost a decade). That said, the other guys ARE getting air time and have managed to stick around in the WWE this time as part of a major storyline. Right now, it's all about Barrett. Maybe in several months after Barrett reaches the top he causes a schism in the group and one of the other guys gets to feud with him.

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Jason Bourne would kick Evan Bourne's ass any day of the week.


Never saw the appeal of the Shining Wizard. I don't think I've seen one that hasn't looked weak. A 450 on the other hand... sure the flip is largely ornamental, but it still ends with you being crushed by a full grown man.

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