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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Catched RAW for the first time in a long time and man apart from Barrett the nexus just can not do a promo worth a damn!


Justin Gabriel doesn't need to do promos. Let him do his talking in the ring :cool:


But it's true, he's far from good on the microphone. Still, good look and supreme talent. With any luck, that can make him a more consistent Jeff Hardy who also doesn't run off to smoke weed at random.

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I think Skip was actually competent on the mic, not good but competent. not that these things matter right now with him injured.


Gaberial is bland enough that he'll never get over on his mic skills but wont be mocked, and his in ring talent and energy could make people not care, Ala Jeff hardy (hat tip to com, he beat me to the hardy comparison hehe).


Otunga, carver and slater should never be given the mic again.


Although to be fair, at least slater can work the basics of a match, so i dont mind him as much as carver and otunga who are just awful. Dolph ziggler does your finisher about 10 times better though kid, find a new one.


mabey he can be like his idle and adopt an already heavily used finisher? the slater spear? :D



Also on a random topic switch, Miz-Bryan continues to be a solid, simple fued. I like that the WWE is letting bryan pretty much put out the "I'm not a good talker and i know it, but i'll kick your F'n head in and make you tap" persona as much as PG can allow.


I laughed hard at him smiling and laughing at Miz while alex riley tapped like a little girl.


I wonder if they'll save cattle mutilation for the PPV as his finsher? i've heard he's been doing that at house shows and such. could be a reveal for NOC.

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How did they write Sheffield out? Or is he still around just not wrestling?


They just had barrett mention that he got injured, so they seem to be keeping his spot open for a return later.


Wade mentions it in promo's from time to time. "undermanned with skip out, doing this even without skip, ect..)


Also cool to see darren young come down and distract wade this week, leading to randy RKO'in the stuffing out of him. Young's not the most exciting guy, but im glad to see the WWE do more with his beat down by nexus than send him down to FCW like he never existed.

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9/6 Raw Viewership Just In


The initial details we have on Monday's Labor Day Raw is the show averaged 4.20 million viewers over the course of the two-hour broadcast.


Viewership was down 16.9 percent compared to last week's 5.05 million viewers for the Raw #900 episode.

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The thing i just realised about this season of NXT is that we're probably going to see primo vs goldust in some form many times over the season - i'm not sure if that's a good thing yet :D


Goldust is the only thing that makes me want to watch NXT this season, but I still won't.

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Goldust is the only thing that makes me want to watch NXT this season, but I still won't.


ha, one of the best things on NXT this week was trying to work out if Aksana was legitimately freaked out by Goldust playing his character - she looked confused a lot of the time. Goldust is a great man, and time on-air for Primo works for me.

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After watching the last RAW, I feel the need to say... gosh I hate it when Maryse speaks french. Mind you, I'm from the same area, I understand perfectly what she says (and I probably have the same accent), but dammit, it makes me cringe each time. It kinda break the immersion factor each time for me. Maybe if she was actually saying something relevant from time to time...


Is it just me or they ran recently a losing streak story with Jericho and they're about to do it again ?

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After watching the last RAW, I feel the need to say... gosh I hate it when Maryse speaks french. Mind you, I'm from the same area, I understand perfectly what she says (and I probably have the same accent), but dammit, it makes me cringe each time. It kinda break the immersion factor each time for me. Maybe if she was actually saying something relevant from time to time...


Is it just me or they ran recently a losing streak story with Jericho and they're about to do it again ?


O'm not sure they ended it, it was right before the nexus stuff started, and he hasen't exactly been on fire.


He put Wade over clean the night after SS, and i can't remeber him winning anytime before that, at least not over a non jobber in singles.


I think it's part of a plan to let him go tour and then come back as a face. I mean, the crowd is busting into "Y2J" chants everywhere now.


He's reached that point that most great older heels do where the fans are uncomfortable booing him i think. They know he doesn't have much time left, and they want to cheer him during it. And, since most of the new young guys they are pushing up the card are heels (shemus, drew, nexus, del rio, swagger) they can afford to let him go at grey, if not outright face.


I'm thinking were going to see the last ride of the Y2J persona in the near future. or maybe that's just my hope, much as i like his heel character.

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So the PWI top 50 North American Women's Wrestlers is out. Michelle McCool is number one. I thought I'd post the list on here. I don't know who about 35 of these girls are but I'm sure others will.


1. Michelle McCool

2. Angelina Love

3. Mercedes Martinez

4. Cheerleader Melissa

5. Eve Torres

6. Madison Rayne

7. Beth Phoenix

8. Mickie James

9. MsChif

10. Maryse

11. Tara

12. Sara Del Rey

13. Gail Kim

14. Awesome Kong

15. Madison Eagles

16. Sarita

17. Alicia Fox

18. Taylor Wilde

19. Daffney

20. Hamada

21. Velvet Sky

22. ODB

23. Nikki Roxx

24. Jillian

25. Portia Perez

26. Kelly Kelly

27. Rain

28. Angel Orsini

29. Natalya

30. Serena Deeb

31. Nicole Matthews

32. Amber O'Neal

33. LuFisto

34. Daizee Haze

35. Allison Danger

36. Layla

37. Kellie Skater

38. Tiffany

39. Jennifer Blake

40. Jazz

41. Melissa Coates

42. Cat Power

43. Malia Hosaka

44. Cherry Bomb

45. April Hunter

46. Jessicka Havok

47. Brittany Force

48. Naomi Night

49. Cindy Rogers

50. Roxie Cotton

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After watching the last RAW, I feel the need to say... gosh I hate it when Maryse speaks french. Mind you, I'm from the same area, I understand perfectly what she says (and I probably have the same accent), but dammit, it makes me cringe each time. It kinda break the immersion factor each time for me. Maybe if she was actually saying something relevant from time to time...


This reminds me of the times I've heard Hamada speak Japanese on TNA (I know, not WWE, but it's kinda related?) She always says something like "I have no idea what any of you are saying," and the announcers treat it like she actually said something.

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After watching the last RAW, I feel the need to say... gosh I hate it when Maryse speaks french. Mind you, I'm from the same area, I understand perfectly what she says (and I probably have the same accent), but dammit, it makes me cringe each time. It kinda break the immersion factor each time for me. Maybe if she was actually saying something relevant from time to time...


Is it just me or they ran recently a losing streak story with Jericho and they're about to do it again ?


What kinda stuff does she usually say?

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