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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Cena's matches against HBK? MOTY award? Seriously? I thought those were some of HBK's worse higher-card matches. Well, except maybe the ones against HHH. But then again, those two never really had in-ring chemistry as opponents.


The first match couple of matches they had together were especially atrocious. They make Cena/Orton matches like Steamboat/Flair matches. And this is me trying to be as generous as possible. They only had one GOOD match, and I wouldn't even put in HBK's top 10, let alone top 20, of his matches.

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Cena's matches against HBK? MOTY award? Seriously? I thought those were some of HBK's worse higher-card matches. Well, except maybe the ones against HHH. But then again, those two never really had in-ring chemistry as opponents.


The first match couple of matches they had together were especially atrocious. They make Cena/Orton matches like Steamboat/Flair matches. And this is me trying to be as generous as possible. They only had one GOOD match, and I wouldn't even put in HBK's top 10, let alone top 20, of his matches.


See, now this is where I just let you have your opinion, and I'll have mine. That Raw Match, and later the PPV match between Cena and HBK were talked about highly, even if you didn't consider them MOTY you would have to acknowledge at LEAST that fact. If your not even going to do that, then I'll leave you to your world, and hope that your happy in it:)

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On the "He's only liked by kids (and women) thing" Well, we all know that's pretty much an empty comment. Parents have to buy merchandise, and parents tend not to buy merchandise from people that cannot stand/have the same attitude as people claiming the quote about Cena. I mean.... if you dislike Cena, when was the last time you bought your kid, or little brother, etc.. some good 'ole Cena Merchandise. That's something I wanted to say for a little while, but still...


Im sorry but I dont agree with this. The parents attitude towards a wrestler doesnt out weight the childs happiness. If a kid wants a Cena T-Shirt the chances are that the parent will buy them the T-shirt.

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On the "He's only liked by kids (and women) thing" Well, we all know that's pretty much an empty comment. Parents have to buy merchandise, and parents tend not to buy merchandise from people that cannot stand/have the same attitude as people claiming the quote about Cena. I mean.... if you dislike Cena, when was the last time you bought your kid, or little brother, etc.. some good 'ole Cena Merchandise. That's something I wanted to say for a little while, but still..


My brother asked me to pick him up a John Cena "Never Give Up" shirt, so I got him one. He now wears it to the gym. I hope ironically. Then again, I don't exactly hate John Cena, so this is less an argument and more of an anecdote.

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Im sorry but I dont agree with this. The parents attitude towards a wrestler doesnt out weight the childs happiness. If a kid wants a Cena T-Shirt the chances are that the parent will buy them the T-shirt.

I agree with this statement. But I want to add a caveat. Parents don't necessarily have to like him, they just don't to mind or even care about him. If they are neutral, and they got the dough, why not?

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On the "He's only liked by kids (and women) thing" Well, we all know that's pretty much an empty comment. Parents have to buy merchandise, and parents tend not to buy merchandise from people that cannot stand/have the same attitude as people claiming the quote about Cena. I mean.... if you dislike Cena, when was the last time you bought your kid, or little brother, etc.. some good 'ole Cena Merchandise. That's something I wanted to say for a little while, but still..




Last Christmas. my little brothers love Cena, i don't particularly care for him, but I buy gifts for people based on what they like, not what i like...That's kinda the point of giving a gift.


I serisouly don't get this comment. If your taking your kid to a WWE show but won't allow them to get any merchindise unless it's of a worker you like, that's the most selfish thing i can ever think of to do to a kid attending such an event.


"Hey bud, lets go to a WWE show!"


"Awesome! can i get my favorite wrestlers shirt?"


"No! I hate that guy and since you are not allowed a original thought or Idea, you too must get what i want so that i can live vicariously through you!"


That's a silly way to buy gifts for someone you love.

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Your scenario is more likely. 99% of the time the good guy always gets the final win in something like this. I wouldn't want to see Cena Taker at Mania. Neither guy gains anything from that and I think it would be a waste if Cena ended Takers streak. How about Sheamus ending Takers streak? Or someone on the cusp of being one of the greatest in the company.


It's not always to do with someone gaining anything. Cena/Taker would be a huge money match, and it's a match-up that's happened every four years or so(last one being pretty damn forgettable) so it'd be a great move all in all. Plus, it'd be better than having Cena in Mania's title picture for the 12th time. Knock two birds out with one stone, pair Cena with Taker and have Sheamus headline Mania with a top dog(namely someone who's pegged to come back around Rumble time anyway).

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Im sorry but I dont agree with this. The parents attitude towards a wrestler doesnt out weight the childs happiness. If a kid wants a Cena T-Shirt the chances are that the parent will buy them the T-shirt.


I agree with this statement. But I want to add a caveat. Parents don't necessarily have to like him, they just don't to mind or even care about him. If they are neutral, and they got the dough, why not?


Last Christmas. my little brothers love Cena, i don't particularly care for him, but I buy gifts for people based on what they like, not what i like...That's kinda the point of giving a gift.


I serisouly don't get this comment. If your taking your kid to a WWE show but won't allow them to get any merchindise unless it's of a worker you like, that's the most selfish thing i can ever think of to do to a kid attending such an event.


"Hey bud, lets go to a WWE show!"


"Awesome! can i get my favorite wrestlers shirt?"


"No! I hate that guy and since you are not allowed a original thought or Idea, you too must get what i want so that i can live vicariously through you!"


That's a silly way to buy gifts for someone you love.


/nod. Your points are valid, I'm just saying that's not "exactly" going to make up for the millions of merchandise people pay for his merchandise. You would litterally have to go out of your way to get Cena stuff for it to be half as good as we are told Cena merchandise sells.


For example: Person 1 never sells merchandise unless it's from a kid wanting it from his family or friend.

Person 2 sells merchandise to everyone.


Person 1 is really limited, in that it's going to be birthdays, actually being at an event, etc. It's not going to be "Hey, I see a Cena shirt, think I'll go buy it for my little cousin just because it's monday." It happens, I do it, I'm sure "PEOPLE HERE" do it, but we are a bit more then just ordinary people, as far as wrestling is concerned, we're genuine fans... and want other's to like wrestling. I'm definately leaving to much room for debate here, but you guys have to understand what I'm saying... Let's say you litterally HATE Cena. Your going to buy something for your kid brother or son, but your different.... You will actually think of "Wrestling" merchandise where other's would probably buy a toy or something else instead...


Example: I'm an ordinary person (someone that doesn't talk wrestling on the internet), and I don't like Cena. I can't stand his movies, and I don't like his wrestling, etc. I watch it every now and then, but Cena makes me want to change channels. It's my son's birthday, and I have a list of things he wants... One or two of them being something to do with John Cena, the rest things like 360 games or something. I'm more likely to get him a game or two... even if it's Smackdown vs. Raw, rather then a John Cena "action figure".




The scenario you guys bring up is almost a "No Way Out" scenario, which is not what I meant at all. You have your son, or kid brother with you, and he is tugging on your arm sleeve with his eyes wide and a huge smile saying "Look, John Cena" as he points to some John Cena Merchandise... NO able Human would be able to turn to that kid and say "Cena sucks, there's no way I'm getting that for you!" Of course you would buy it, who wouldn't (if you were able)? That's a different story entirely. I'm talking in a much broader scense of things.

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I would counter that the scenario you're laying out is far more removed from the WWE's target merchandise audience than ours were.


You counter our points by saying they are too specific, but then go on to lay out a very specific scenario under which your point is valid.


I would say the WWE is not really that concerned with a parent who hates/dislikes the wrestling thing in general and chooses to buy a 360 game instead and much more concerned with the people they pack into shows (where most merchandise is bought as a memento) and parents who are more disposed to buy there child something he wants as opposed to something off a broad list of things he wants that conform with a parents ideal's and a few WWE things that don't (which you dismiss in your specific example)


I think "parent who doesn't really get the whole wrestling stichk and doesn't like that thier kid is a fan" is pretty far down on who WWE's merch department is banking on buying the product.

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See, now this is where I just let you have your opinion, and I'll have mine. That Raw Match, and later the PPV match between Cena and HBK were talked about highly, even if you didn't consider them MOTY you would have to acknowledge at LEAST that fact. If your not even going to do that, then I'll leave you to your world, and hope that your happy in it:)


and according to "breaking the code" they are the reason Chris Jericho came back to the WWE for the most recent stint.


Seriously, Chris said they were so good they got him energized for the business again. Who am i to argue with the ayatollah of rock n rolla?

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I would counter that the scenario you're laying out is far more removed from the WWE's target merchandise audience than ours were.


You counter our points by saying they are too specific, but then go on to lay out a very specific scenario under which your point is valid.


I would say the WWE is not really that concerned with a parent who hates/dislikes the wrestling thing in general and chooses to buy a 360 game instead and much more concerned with the people they pack into shows (where most merchandise is bought as a memento) and parents who are more disposed to buy there child something he wants as opposed to something off a broad list of things he wants that conform with a parents ideal's and a few WWE things that don't (which you dismiss in your specific example)


I think "parent who doesn't really get the whole wrestling stichk and doesn't like that thier kid is a fan" is pretty far down on who WWE's merch department is banking on buying the product.


I didn't say that they didn't "Like" wrestling, I said that they didn't like "Cena", at least that was my intention. They could be dedicated enough to watch every WWE show, but still hate Cena/want to change the channel when he comes on.


I'm an ordinary person (someone that doesn't talk wrestling on the internet), and I don't like Cena. I can't stand his movies, and I don't like his wrestling, etc. I watch it every now and then, but Cena makes me want to change channels.


Just because they don't like Cena doesn't mean that I'm stretching things.


And dont' try to tell me that WWE's target audience is a bunch of Internet fans. I don't buy that at all.:p

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I've never met a person like that. In fact, I've seen 5 "U CAN'T C ME" shirts in my time, and only 1 of those was on a kid. Cena's really popular outside the IWC.


I've only seen about three families with kids that have Cena merchandise... and every one of them has T-Shirts or a poster (I'm talking about the adults) as well. Meaning, in my actual ring of friends, I know for sure of THREE of them that bought something like the Action figures, or a belt or something for their kid, with Cena's name on it. Every one of them had the adults had their own Cena T-Shirt, either Chain Gang or U Can't See Me.


The rest of the people I know that have Cena Merchandise either don't have kids yet, or I've never been to their house to see their kids so I don't know if they have any or not.


When I'm just out and about though, I've only seen it on a grown up. I'm not saying kids don't get it, but I really dont' see it that often. Transformers, Spiderman, etc.. Yeah.

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I have 5 kids...5 of the 5 actually have John Cena shirts, the 12 year old girl has 12 of them. Take that for what it is worth. The kids absolutely love Cena. I can not see him going heel anytime soon because the kids are the ones making their parents buy them shirts


Schadenfreude at its best:






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On the "He's only liked by kids (and women) thing" Well, we all know that's pretty much an empty comment. Parents have to buy merchandise, and parents tend not to buy merchandise from people that cannot stand/have the same attitude as people claiming the quote about Cena. I mean.... if you dislike Cena, when was the last time you bought your kid, or little brother, etc.. some good 'ole Cena Merchandise. That's something I wanted to say for a little while, but still..

I don't recall the idea being that "kids love Cena and parents HATE Cena", just "kids love Cena, adult male wrestling fans generally don't like him". So the vast majority of parents, realistically aren't wrestling fans, and just buy their kid whatever it is they're into.


Even so I'm sure my mum wasn't crazy about plenty of the stuff I liked as a kid. Didn't stop her buying merch for me.

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I never said only kids like Cena. Please don't put words in my mouth. I said he's been getting boos for years. Some people (most commonly those who would consider themselves smarks) don't like him for whatever reason. Im in Chicago, when he comes here, no matter WHAT he's doing he's getting booed. Its that simple. He could be in a match with Osama Bin Laden and he's still getting booed.
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Is anyone else loving the Miz as much as me right now? Lately he's been the most entertaining guy on Raw... I'd much rather listen to him han Cena any day of the week! (I wish Michael Cole would stop stuffing him down our throats, and I think he's capable of standing on his own without needing Alex Riley as a sidekick... but seriously he's been great lately and is my favourite guy on Raw now that Edge and Jericho aren't there.)
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Is anyone else loving the Miz as much as me right now? Lately he's been the most entertaining guy on Raw... I'd much rather listen to him han Cena any day of the week! (I wish Michael Cole would stop stuffing him down our throats, and I think he's capable of standing on his own without needing Alex Riley as a sidekick... but seriously he's been great lately and is my favourite guy on Raw now that Edge and Jericho aren't there.)


Agreed I love Miz and he was great at the Australian Kids choice awards last week. He played up his character though out the entire show. When he lost the Biggest baddie award he even came out to complain about it LOL and man has the MITB briefcase really taken a beating


and yes im a 22 yr old that watched a kids awards show Id like to point out that I only did cus of the Miz

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Agreed I love Miz and he was great at the Australian Kids choice awards last week. He played up his character though out the entire show. When he lost the Biggest baddie award he even came out to complain about it LOL and man has the MITB briefcase really taken a beating


and yes im a 22 yr old that watched a kids awards show Id like to point out that I only did cus of the Miz


He has to be the most entertaining guy on the Raw roster atm! I'd love to see him be given the chance to really shine on his own (without Alex Riley with him), but he just gets better and better every week! The promo with Edge last week was fantastic!

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So time for a smark to come clean on Alberto Del Rio.


So, when they were pushing this guy every week in vignettes for two months, He had xpac heat for me. I told my friends the WWE was screwing up smackdown, this guys going to be terrible and be feuding with Cody Rhodes, he's not intersting, ect. Everytime those things came on for that last month i groaned about it stalling the show, over exposure ect.


Man was i wrong, He's quickly become one of my favorite parts of smackdown. great natural heel, great at connecting with the crowd, good promo's (the dog dressed like rey was hillarious) good move set....just in general a great talent, he's gonna be huge.


And to the biggest complaint i've seen from my fellow smark's, that he's "A spanish JBL lol"


WHO CARES? he's awesome at that gimmick, from the ring announcer always dropping something into the intro that even a guy like me with H.S spanish can pick up and laugh at to the "my name is alberto del rio!" just great.


Is the "Mexican Aristocrat" JBL? sure, but JBL was just another instance of the "rich, powerful guy the fans hate" gimmick. not a new thing to pro wrestling by any stretch.


Anyone else enjoying this kid's work?

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Definatley. If JBL every decides to comeback he should take notes haha.


Im not one of those smarks who really judges ringwork, more of the x def. y was a bad move smark.


With that said, Im impressed by what he can do in the ring. Hes bigger but can bust out flashy quick moves.

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Del Rio also has that grin... You know the kind of grin you want to slap out of his face. Simply amazing ! Of course, I'm totally biased since I hate Rey Mysterio, so anyone who bash him repeatedly with any foreign object always gets a high note in my book. ;)
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