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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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For those of you who didn't shell out for the main event or weren't bothered enough to stream it..I'll describe it to you:


15 minutes of headlocks in-front of a zombie, mindless crowd that wouldn't have popped if the Rock showed up, topped off by an anti-climax that makes Hogan/Sting Starrcade '97 look acceptable. ZERO DRAMA, ZERO EMOTION.


And an undercard who decided not to be motivated in the slightest despite what had been shaping up to be WWE's biggest Non-WM PPV in years save the opening bout and the 5 on 5 match.

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For those of you who didn't shell out for the main event or weren't bothered enough to stream it..I'll describe it to you:


15 minutes of headlocks in-front of a zombie, mindless crowd that wouldn't have popped if the Rock showed up, topped off by an anti-climax that makes Hogan/Sting Starrcade '97 look acceptable. ZERO DRAMA, ZERO EMOTION.

So... what? Barrett pins Orton clean, new World Champ, Cena free of Nexus, Cena does happy face?

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I'm saddened that one of my biggest highlights was seeing Tyler Reks become something of a force. I mean, while there were some moments, the overall event was passable, at best. And the ending was horrific. So many possibilities, and that's what they went with?


And for reasons I can't explain, that hug with Cole is irritating me. lol

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Nope, we get treated to 3 minutes of Orton looking dazed and confused before he leaves awkward (but not before Cena hugs it out with him). The next 6 minutes is Cena waltzing around the arena saying goodbye to the fans as the commentators say nothing, as if it's as shoot or something, which is incredible sad/dumb since the damn hype video make it look like Cena had cancer/was a death's door by being so damn similar to the Undertaker/Michaels II video as well as the Eddie Guerrero RIP tribute video. (No I'm not exaggerating, this video had childhood photos of Cena and everything).


I'm actually mad at this PPV, the sheer amount of wasted opportunity. Having read ideas by fans it's clear this angle could have been amazing whether Cena turned heel or not. Regardless WWE totally and utterly dropped the ball on this PPV.

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I'm sure that the PPV wasn't that bad. The card looked like it was going to be the best PPV of the year.


If you'd watched you'd know it sucked, sucked mighty hard. Once again, opening bout and the 5 on 5 were good, the rest was shameful, particularly from guys who are supposed to be the main eventers of the company.


Edit: Sorry, I'll give the divas their due as well...ish. The match wasn't anything special. Nattie winning and Beth returning was.

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So wait, does this mean that John Cena really won't be coming back to the WWE?


He'll be back within the month, guaranteed. Apparently creative's big idea to make this angle work is to make the single few minutes look like a shoot when even a child could predict it's a work.

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Yes, and the Undertaker is really a zombie.


You know what, screw you. I asked a question. Apparently they showed a video before the match they was John Cena's career highlights or something like that, and that the WWE treated this like it was a retirement match for John Cena. At least, that's what I gathered from this thread. You didn't need to be so damn rude.

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He'll be back within the month, guaranteed. Apparently creative's big idea to make this angle work is to make the single few minutes look like a shoot when even a child could predict it's a work.


That's what I thought. But with the big video package that played before the match I wasn't so sure. If that's true, then IMO they made that video package for nothing.

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You know what, screw you. I asked a question. Apparently they showed a video before the match they was John Cena's career highlights or something like that, and that the WWE treated this like it was a retirement match for John Cena. At least, that's what I gathered from this thread. You didn't need to be so damn rude.


Kane makes that fire come up from the ringposts all by himself you know. With magic. :eek:

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Kane makes that fire come up from the ringposts all by himself you know. With magic. :eek:



That does sound like the worst of all possible outcomes. What are everybody's thoughts on how they'll explain Cena getting his job back? Do you think it'll just be a simple re-hiring by Vince / Steph / Anonymous GM, or something more original?

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Okay, I'm just about done with The Dog Pound. Whenever I post in The Dog Pound, I almost always get flamed or spammed or insulted or trolled. And then almost everybody else just goes along with it.




That does sound like the worst of all possible outcomes. What are everybody's thoughts on how they'll explain Cena getting his job back? Do you think it'll just be a simple re-hiring by Vince / Steph / Anonymous GM, or something more original?


I doubt that it will be something more original, because IMO the finish to the main event tonight was one of the most unoriginal things ever.

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Okay, I'm just about done with The Dog Pound. Whenever I post in The Dog Pound, I almost always get flamed or spammed or insulted or trolled. And then almost everybody else just goes along with it.


That wasn't getting trolled or flamed. It was getting a sarcastic answer to a question that seemed... well... really naive.


What exactly would make you think the Cena ending wasn't just an angle? What would make it seem like a legitimate good-bye, as opposed to Cena selling the "fired" angle?


Consider it logically for a moment... If Cena was actually done with the WWE, rather than simply taking some time away (at most), would they have his big finish to a massively successful WWE career be a match where he isn't actually a competitor? Why would they have a some kind of retirement, loser-leaves-town match where he can be defeated and put someone over in a big way?


Basically, you got a sarcastic answer to a question that didn't need to be asked. If you took a moment to consider it, the answer should have been really really obvious.

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That wasn't getting trolled or flamed. It was getting a sarcastic answer to a question that seemed... well... really naive.


What exactly would make you think the Cena ending wasn't just an angle? What would make it seem like a legitimate good-bye, as opposed to Cena selling the "fired" angle?


Consider it logically for a moment... If Cena was actually done with the WWE, rather than simply taking some time away (at most), would they have his big finish to a massively successful WWE career be a match where he isn't actually a competitor? Why would they have a some kind of retirement, loser-leaves-town match where he can be defeated and put someone over in a big way?


Basically, you got a sarcastic answer to a question that didn't need to be asked. If you took a moment to consider it, the answer should have been really really obvious.


I didn't see the PPV, so I was just going by what people said in the thread. Geez, thanks for pointing out that I'm stupid.

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Survivor Series was average, but my opinion might be biased, there's so many things in the card I just didn't care about to begin with. On the other hand, the PPV was supposed to be all about the main event and it lived up to that expectations.


Bryan/Dibiase : You know what struck me watching this ? Maryse and Ted are not even remontely close to being a couple or even just a unit. They look so distant most of the time, they are not believable on this aspect and it really drags the angle down. It's not really what Ted needed to come out of his shell. Match was good for an opener, poor Ted looks to be stuck in midcard limbo for a long time if he doesn't find his persona quickly.


The more I hear Michael Cole with anyone but Lawler, the more I think Lawler is the problem. He doesn't know how to respond to Cole unlike Striker or Matthews. Sometimes it just feels like Lawler doesn't even care anymore.


Poor Shaemus. From being World champion to losing clean to John Morrison. Good match though. Good match between Ziggler and Kaval, would have stole the show given the same amount of time Ziggler got with Bryan last month. Survivor match was an okay filler with everyone doing their part (bonus points for DASHING Cody Rhodes in this one). I absolutely dislike Rey Mysterio, it pains me to see him win everytime, but I'll admit the match filled its purpose.


At this point, I honestly stopped watching for some time. I didn't pay money for this, but my time is still more valuable than a diva match or any Kane match for that matter. Of course I came back for Santino. That guy is pure comedy gold and I wouldn't miss a second of his antics.


The main event was what I expected. Wade Barrett has very generic and rather limited offense, he's not ready to main event even less carry the promotion, so I expected a lot of restholds, punches and kicks, which is what we got. Match was a bit too long though as it really exposed the weakness in Barrett. Logically speaking, both endings (free or fired) were possibles. You could create really good scenarios with both and I was curious to see which one the WWE would take. The finish was a tad unoriginal, but I think overall they played well the emotional aspect of this. Would have been better with a crowd not dead, but that's another story. Cena stayed true to his persona with tends to indicate that he will be a face upon his return... and that's when the twist could happen. If he comes back exactly as he was, I agree, all this story was a waste of time. Something has to change, but he doesn't even have to turn heel, he just needs a new side in his persona.

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