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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Well, I understand you having a pet peeve, WC, and I'm not trying to take that from you. I'm trying to say that whether or not you're entitled to feel morally superior (I suppose you ARE entitled to that feeling), they're not scum for being less than perfect in your eyes. In fact, as I said earlier, the only person they're stealing from is someone who they could NEVER hurt enough to put in the poor house. [EDIT: To clarify; with that, I'll extend the offer to agree to disagree.]


So, was the rest of the PPV good? I only heard people refer to the first 3 matches so far.


It got better as the show went on i say a 7.5/10

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This I agree with. I have never stole from anybody or any store but IMO its not wrong to watch PPVs online


Well obviously it is wrong because otherwise WWE would show the live stream from their website free. I do it every once in awhile as well knowing it is wrong. Usually them streams just blow or get cut off anyway so if its something I really want to watch I wont waste my time trying to find a live feed.

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If it cost money and you don't pay it is stealing...period...exclamation point!


Can we justify stealing an over priced wasdte of 3 hours? Yeah, but so can Hitler eradicating all those nice Jewish folks. If you do not want to pay for it because it cost too much then don't but do not try to say stealing it is ok because Vince is rich. Last time I checked stealing was a crime no matter how much money the victim has.

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I'd say pirating is wrong, but there are varying degrees of wrong. For me, a man who likes to sleep on Sunday nights instead of staying up until 4am to watch a live PPV, and who can't justify paying for Sky TV just to buy the odd PPV, the easiest way for me to watch those shows is, regrettably, the illegal way. I once tried to order a Royal Rumble on WWE.com, but the sodding thing didn't work, so I ended up hunting down an illegal stream.


Wrestling PPV's aren't worth $40 anyway. Not to me at least. $15? Sure. It's only 3 hours of entertainment, and you can only watch it once. If seeing one of the Lord of the Rings flicks in the cinema cost $40, would you go see it? I know live sporting events should be more expensive, purely for the 'live' aspect, but... son of a biscuit that's a lot of money for something you're only going to watch once.

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I'd say pirating is wrong, but there are varying degrees of wrong. For me, a man who likes to sleep on Sunday nights instead of staying up until 4am to watch a live PPV, and who can't justify paying for Sky TV just to buy the odd PPV, the easiest way for me to watch those shows is, regrettably, the illegal way. I once tried to order a Royal Rumble on WWE.com, but the sodding thing didn't work, so I ended up hunting down an illegal stream.


Wrestling PPV's aren't worth $40 anyway. Not to me at least. $15? Sure. It's only 3 hours of entertainment, and you can only watch it once. If seeing one of the Lord of the Rings flicks in the cinema cost $40, would you go see it? I know live sporting events should be more expensive, purely for the 'live' aspect, but... son of a biscuit that's a lot of money for something you're only going to watch once.


This is how I feel. I pay WWE on demand money each month and a lot of times they dont update it for 1-2 days each month so their is very little on there to watch 1-2 days each month. If I want to watch 1 match from a PPV on a stream that is usually just horrid to watch I feel like Vince is still getting my money in other ways.


I wonder why the WWE thinks that 40+ for PPVs is the right price. I would think they would do much better in that 15-20 range. They should set WM at around 50, Royal Rumble and Summerslam around 40 and the other ones at 20. That to me is about what they are worth.

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Don't call me a "kid". That's ticks me off very badly. I'm ****ing 28 and I have a family! Don't call me a "kid"! For some reason people on message boards call me a kid all the time. Do I really act like a ****ing kid? I'm not in a good mood, because a bunch of jerks who scam people have pissed me off.


Not trying to start crap, or talk mess.... But yeah, I thought you were like 16. Honest to God.

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I mean... the idea of Kofi, Ziggler, and Swagger putting on a match that's as bad as you guys are saying? Unthinkable. I need to go into my bat-cave and re-evaluate my world-view now.


The match itself wasn't.. "bad" but the ending was just weird. Personally not to my liking. It may depend on how you see it, once you see it.


I still maintain JoMo vs. Sheamus was the match of the night, by WWE standards. At least between that and the TLC World title match. There was maybe one big spot but all the little spots made it entertaining too, crowd was into it and it overall just felt fresh.


I just don't know why Cena/Barrett was the main-event, show could've ended with a title match and the babyface winning(Edge), so I told myself something big was about to go down at the end... and then we get that stack of chairs spot which is a nice sign of closure, I guess? Meh, decent stuff but didn't seem all that much to me to end the show. Maybe cause it was the "main storyline" or something.

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WC, I don't think the outburst of angry swearing help people know you're a grown man, I understand why you'd get annoyed by it but there is better ways of going about it that going crazy when someone annoys you or disagrees with you. You are the one paying so you have the high ground, you should have used that to make them look bad. :)


TBH If I wanted to watch a WWE PPV I don't think I could bring myself to buy it just through the philosophy of, 'other people steal it with no consequences why should I pay?' Which is why I threaten to report someone who tried to get Football Manager 2011 illegally when I'd paid, :p they are actually buying it now!

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WC, I don't think the outburst of angry swearing help people know you're a grown man, I understand why you'd get annoyed by it but there is better ways of going about it that going crazy when someone annoys you or disagrees with you. You are the one paying so you have the high ground, you should have used that to make them look bad. :)


TBH If I wanted to watch a WWE PPV I don't think I could bring myself to buy it just through the philosophy of, 'other people steal it with no consequences why should I pay?' Which is why I threaten to report someone who tried to get Football Manager 2011 illegally when I'd paid, :p they are actually buying it now!

It isn't so much that, as much as how naive he sounds when he tells people these things. Just because he doesn't do it, and he doesn't think other people should it, doesn't mean other people don't do it, and even more importantly, it doesn't mean they think they shouldn't do it.


Some people don't feel bad, even JUSTIFIED, in what they do. Why does this happen in the first place? If everyone was an opportunist, then the person doing the original theft wouldn't even bother sharing (as it it would be in the case in real life). Why would they bother sharing it then? Someone must have bought the PPV, then shared it live stream. Why go through all that trouble if you are just a no-good opportunistic thief?


That's not me, though. I'm more of a bystander. I neitehr encourage nor discourage these practices. But he's just... naive. That's why people think he's a kid. He should know by now that people know what they are doing.


But again, like I said before, stealing this isn't the same as stealing in real life. The benefactors and victims, and the overall impact is different.

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I have a closely related question for everyone which will temporarily venture into ROH territory for the sake of discussion.


Now, I think we've seen pretty much everyone's opinion on pirating, so I've been trying to avoid instigating another huge fight over it, which was hard because I love to answer every comment.


But my question is this: Over the past year or so, a YouTube channel called rohbrazil was uploading the ROH material that showed on HDNet. Recently (mid-October), HDNet came to them and requested that they take down their material, and not put any more up, which rohbrazil complied with.


Now, considering that HDNet is only available in the US, and only to certain cable networks, do you think HDNet made the right decision to close down this channel?


(For instance I know I can't get HDNet. Can't even pay extra for it, my cable provider has refused to deal with HDNet.)

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I have a closely related question for everyone which will temporarily venture into ROH territory for the sake of discussion.


Now, I think we've seen pretty much everyone's opinion on pirating, so I've been trying to avoid instigating another huge fight over it, which was hard because I love to answer every comment.


But my question is this: Over the past year or so, a YouTube channel called rohbrazil was uploading the ROH material that showed on HDNet. Recently (mid-October), HDNet came to them and requested that they take down their material, and not put any more up, which rohbrazil complied with.


Now, considering that HDNet is only available in the US, and only to certain cable networks, do you think HDNet made the right decision to close down this channel?


(For instance I know I can't get HDNet. Can't even pay extra for it, my cable provider has refused to deal with HDNet.)


I think this is a very silly decision personally. I don't pay stupid amounts of money every month for Sky in the UK, but can still watch 'E programming on youtube when the mood takes me. Ditto TNA. The NWA's new TV show isn't televised over here, and they let anyone who wants it have it for free on their website. If HDNet are paranoid about losing paying customers, put the video on ROH's website and region limit it so it can only be watched by visitors outside the US. As it is a lot of the world is deprived of some of the best wrestling action on TV every week, and this is a sad thing.

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Also, I apologize for being acting like a jerk about all of this, but pirates/people who don't pay for things piss me off to no end. What if somebody bought a candy and they didn't like the taste of it, does that give them a right to go and get there money back, even if there was nothing wrong with the candy?


Shiver me timbers. :D


The entire pay per view was solid even the womens match in my opinion.


Thank you! I actually thought the PPV was pretty good. I didn't like the finish to Kofi / Ziggler / Swagger was very good, they should've done it differently, but I mean it preserves Ziggler's 'Persona'. Morrison sold the match with Sheamus real well, and That last spot before the PPV ended with Cena dropping the set on Barrett surprised me, did not see it coming. And usually, I see what's coming in the WWE.


It's gotten miles better in the past few weeks than it has in the past year.

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I'm glad you guys enjoyed the show. I didn't watch because I didn't find the card interesting enough and I usually have pretty low standards for an internet wrestling fan. Too much gimmick matchs in one night for my tastes and not enough hopes for a turning point in the storylines.


And now the big question is : will John Morrison drop the ball ? With a very minor question : what's left to do with Nexus now that Cena destroyed them ?

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I'm glad you guys enjoyed the show. I didn't watch because I didn't find the card interesting enough and I usually have pretty low standards for an internet wrestling fan. Too much gimmick matchs in one night for my tastes and not enough hopes for a turning point in the storylines.


And now the big question is : will John Morrison drop the ball ? With a very minor question : what's left to do with Nexus now that Cena destroyed them ?


To answer your first question, I doubt that he will drop the ball. I haven't ever liked him or his matches up until this year. While he still does need to develop his character more IMO, he definately has that Main Event feel to his matches. Also, his matches are getting quite good. He is ready for the top. For your second question, that's the same thing that I'm wondering. I hope that they don't fade away into the background.

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Now, considering that HDNet is only available in the US, and only to certain cable networks, do you think HDNet made the right decision to close down this channel?


Like TheKenwyne, they should have just limited it to be watched by people outside the USA, which is where they can only show it on television. Since ROHbrazil went down, I can't watch ROH at all. And while I was drawn into it by Final Countdown's Dynasty, Many of the guys in that Dynasty and were real-life ROH originals are in TNA and WWE for now. So I miss out, but I can easily forget about ROH and move on if I can't get an easily provided source of it.

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Like I said, I can't get HDNet. My cable provider does not offer it. I managed to catch a whole episode before we changed providers, ironically to a bigger provider, only to discover that HDNet isn't on Bright House, you can't get it. So I started watching on rohbrazil. Then that's down. So now I don't watch ROH. Wheeee, brand strength diminishing...
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Like I said, I can't get HDNet. My cable provider does not offer it. I managed to catch a whole episode before we changed providers, ironically to a bigger provider, only to discover that HDNet isn't on Bright House, you can't get it. So I started watching on rohbrazil. Then that's down. So now I don't watch ROH. Wheeee, brand strength diminishing...


In my opinion, the HDNet show was ROH-lite anyway... it just wasn't the same (performance-wise or atmosphere-wise) as their regular shows. Not that that helps or anything, just mentioning it.


I can't get HDNet either. I love ROH, and I've only seen a couple of episodes myself.



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Like I said, I can't get HDNet. My cable provider does not offer it. I managed to catch a whole episode before we changed providers, ironically to a bigger provider, only to discover that HDNet isn't on Bright House, you can't get it. So I started watching on rohbrazil. Then that's down. So now I don't watch ROH. Wheeee, brand strength diminishing...


There are other way's then youtube to get the shows though if there is no legal avenue open to yourself. As ThOR knows where to RENT them;).

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I just like keeping up with storylines. To be honest, even though I like the in-ring action, I don't care as much about it as the stuff that's going on with mics in hands. ROH has better characters that I care about more, and when I do get in-ring action it's usually for a reason, so I like their show better than WWE's shows most of the time.


Of course, I could easily *censored* the HDNet show, but that would be murder for my seeding ratio...

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I was very impressed by one of the 2010 summer ROH shows that I acquired online. I'm only a casual fan, but to me HDNet ROH is so much easier to follow than the tapes they used to put out back in the day. I remember those things used to drag on and feel like forever, I actually got bored with wrestling half way through them. The current ROH is the shiz tho, would like to see them grow a bit and compete with WWE. Not how TNA is with going to Monday and snatching up everyone who gets fired, but just offering something different to watch.
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