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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I think the thing we all learned from this Rumble is that the `E needs to do what they did with Perfect a few years back, and bring back the big man. The fact that Rey Mysterio got booed for hitting him with a 619 is insane. lol


Overall, I thought the Rumble match was pretty good. Not stellar, but definitely not bland. My biggest issue was the two championship losers being in. Maybe it's just me, but that whole concept of losing your shot at the gold, just to get a second chance at it, and not in a sneaky conspiracy way, just seems awkward.


/nod. I was confused.

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Brock had that it factor a great monster look and skill. *Snip* to me is boring and bland like much of WWE's newer "Stars"


Considering you were the one crying and ranting about the WWE not pushing newer stars, you should be happy about who won the match. If you don't think he has an 'It' factor, then you obviously have been brainwashed by TNA. Honestly, who do you think in TNA could out-wrestle and out-talk *Spoiler*. Mr Kennedy is probably the only one. Angle sucks (Last I recall, granted I didn't see much of his work), Hardy sucks (Both of em'), Jarrett Sucks, Joe Sucks, hell, even *Spoiler* and *Spoiler* ditched TNA for this match. I don't think RVD could out-talk him, as much as I like RVD.

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why did Cena just bury the Nexus is 3 minutes? That was my only gripe besides WTF at that divas match


I read somewhere that Trips did not want to be in the RR if he wasn't gonna come back, so maybe they had Orton in there as his replacement. The entire Rumble was above average but the storylines within the RR is just what needed to happen to further most of these feuds.




pretty prophetic article I read earlier this week that was spot on with a few guys.

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Considering you were the one crying and ranting about the WWE not pushing newer stars, you should be happy about who won the match. If you don't think he has an 'It' factor, then you obviously have been brainwashed by TNA. Honestly, who do you think in TNA could out-wrestle and out-talk *Spoiler*. Mr Kennedy is probably the only one. Angle sucks (Last I recall, granted I didn't see much of his work), Hardy sucks (Both of em'), Jarrett Sucks, Joe Sucks, hell, even *Spoiler* and *Spoiler* ditched TNA for this match. I don't think RVD could out-talk him, as much as I like RVD.


Anderson Joe and angle can out talk and out wrestle him. And I said nothing about TNA there are talents that are young that I wouldn't mind Punk, Morrison, Swagger, Sheamas, and I wouldn't even mind Riley

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Cena has been in the WWE title match every WM since 21.


Yeah that is what I meant to say, I am glad that Del Rio won the Royal Rumble Match it was good to see someone different win it. Now my only hope is that Mysterio wins the elimination chamber match for the World Title and Del Rio goes after Mysterio at Mania it would be the perfect ending to a great feud.

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Fair warning: I'm not going to hide my spoiler here. It's not like the show was taped to be aired later; it was broadcast live for anyone and everyone to see.


Anderson Joe and angle can out talk and out wrestle him. And I said nothing about TNA there are talents that are young that I wouldn't mind Punk, Morrison, Swagger, Sheamas, and I wouldn't even mind Riley

I'll have to disagree there. Anderson can out talk him, but I think Alberto's got him beat inside the ring. Joe (at his best, at least) can outwrestle him, but Alberto's a better talker. Angle's the only guy of the three that can do both things better than Del Rio, at least in my opinion.


You aren't seriously suggesting that Alex Riley winning the Rumble would've been better than Del Rio, are you? Please tell me I misinterpreted what you typed, because that is just crazy to me.

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Glad to see someone finally win who hasn't before. I could easily see Rey winning the World Title at Elimination Chamber and Del Rio challenge him for the belt. It would be a perfect end to a great feud and my only hope for that would be that Del Rio would win the Royal Rumble. Plus if it was Mysterio vs. Del Rio in the main event at Mania Mexican Fans would love it.


The only thing I don't like about the idea is that if this were to happen Mysterio would only hold the belt for a month but I think it would be well worth it.

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Fair warning: I'm not going to hide my spoiler here. It's not like the show was taped to be aired later; it was broadcast live for anyone and everyone to see.



I'll have to disagree there. Anderson can out talk him, but I think Alberto's got him beat inside the ring. Joe (at his best, at least) can outwrestle him, but Alberto's a better talker. Angle's the only guy of the three that can do both things better than Del Rio, at least in my opinion.


You aren't seriously suggesting that Alex Riley winning the Rumble would've been better than Del Rio, are you? Please tell me I misinterpreted what you typed, because that is just crazy to me.


I think a Riley/Miz program would be nice

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Not to buyrates.


Your right, but if booked right could be good for buyrates.


So with the way Nash and Booker were booked in the rumble how long do you thinkthey are under contract? I would love to see Nash as a GM for Raw or Smackdown. Booker can still go, I think he should be on smackdown for more starpower.

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I think a Riley/Miz program would be nice

I don't disagree. I think Riley has potential, and maybe he'll be ready for that kind of spotlight eventually. But now's not the time. He's nowhere near ready to win the Rumble or be put into a feature match at Wrestlemania, aside from MAYBE Money in the Bank (if they're still going to run it at Mania now that there's a MITB PPV.)

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Haters gonna hate, I guess. Good for WWE for taking a risk with a new guy that has all the tools to be a huge deal.


Anyone that disagrees with you is now going to be called a hater. Okay got it...:rolleyes:


I like this move, I am glad they are giving this to someone new who I find to be very entertaining. I wonder if this is Vince trying to make further inroads into the Hispanic marketplace. If so I think TakerNGN might be right and we could see Rey vs. Del Rio. Not a bad idea at all, it worked in the 70's for Vince Sr. when he had Pedro Morales as the champion. I could see it working now.


That being said, I do not think Del Rio will be in the main event, that is unless he goes for the RAW title, which I just do not see that happening.

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First Rumble in awhile that I really, really enjoyed to be honest. Nash & Booker were very welcome surprises and it was nice to see the crowd behind them. Some really cool spots, especially JoMo and Chavo's. Danielson's kicks to Regal during his entire stay were pretty sick, too. Good booking for the most part, even with the Nexus and Hornswoggle/Cena squashfests, they bumped it to 40 afterall. Del Rio winning was great and highly unexpected for me. And I was going nuts during the Santino spot too and was thinking for a split second he was going to actually win!


I, too, kinda scratched my head at Dolph & Orton's additions to the match. While it didn't really advance much storyline wise, it still played a big part in the match as I figured they'd be serious contenders to win. Once Cena was dumped out by Miz, I thought Orton had it in the bag. Highly disappointing it would have been, but that made Del Rio's win all the more sweeter.


All in all, one of my favorite Rumble matches ever, which is saying a lot considering my usual view of current WWE.

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I think there is a more selfish, but nonetheless, valid reason why they are pushing Del Rio - Rey Mysterio Jr. may or may not leave the WWE, either from injury, of rom choice. Mysterio is pretty banged up, but Del Rio is pretty fresh. They need someone from the Hispanic market, and Del Rio is their man.
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When is something no longer a spoiler? If the topic is about it and it has already happened then wouldn’t someone who doesn’t want to be spoiled just stay away, I would think that is common sense. Though I could kind of see how having all the WWE stuff in one thread complicates it a bit, still it seems pointless to worry about spoilers after an event has been broadcasted.


Yeah, exactly. When I don't want to know what happened on a show that already aired, I don't read this thread. You can't spoil something that already aired.


So with the way Nash and Booker were booked in the rumble how long do you thinkthey are under contract? I would love to see Nash as a GM for Raw or Smackdown. Booker can still go, I think he should be on smackdown for more starpower.


I think Diesel's around for awhile. He got a massive crowd reaction, and there was that little thing with him and Big Show...I think they're going to build on that.


why did Cena just bury the Nexus is 3 minutes? That was my only gripe besides WTF at that divas match


I read somewhere that Trips did not want to be in the RR if he wasn't gonna come back, so maybe they had Orton in there as his replacement. The entire Rumble was above average but the storylines within the RR is just what needed to happen to further most of these feuds.


I disagree about Cena burying the Nexus. Nexus had already had to deal with, among other, Booker T and The Great Khali. They were pretty well worn out by the time Cena got in there, and he was completely fresh. Besides, somebody had to do it.


They had three guys listed on their website as in the match that weren't (Darren Young, DH Smith, and Primo), so it's not like they were short of wrestlers. My theory on Trips not returning is that his fued with Sheamus doesn't need to be built up. IF they are planning a match between the two at Wrestlemania, how much more can they really do? I don't think they have two months worth of fueding left there. He can come back at the Elimination Chamber and still have plenty of time to build that match.

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Definitely don't agree with the Orton/Ziggler entrances. They had their title matches, and shouldn't have been in the Rumble.


And why can't Nattie hold the belt... Zero sense. Who is Eve Torres? (I know who she is, but in what universe is she a better caliber of athlete then Nattie.) And they really missed on a Kong debut here.


Didn't care for either title match, although Edge using the Unprettier was a nice touch.


And for Christ sakes, can they please stop with Michael Cole. He's actually becoming the reason I don't want to watch any WWE programming anymore.


Best Quotes from the show.



"and now we have Michael Cole's opinion..."



"Was that e-mail typed all in caps, cause you yelled that whole thing."

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Last night's RR was the first WWE ppv I've bought for about 3+ years, more due to the fact I don't have work today than being majorly sold on the card.


I enjoyed both the title matches, although I still just have no interest in Edge with the gold, but that's just something that the WWE can't change for me. Still, his match with Dolph was solid and nicely booked to incorporate the spear being banned. I also enjoyed the Impaler/Unprettier nod to Christian, although sadly it wasn't foreshadowing a Rumble appearance.


The divas match was what it needed to be I guess. Pretty much eh and beyond Eve's athletic spots, I don't see a whole lot to her.


I loved the Rumble itself. The smark's dream opening sequences and the nod from the announcers to the internet loving it was great, infact I haven't watched a ton of WWE in recent months/years, but I really enjoyed the combo of Cole, Lawler and Striker. The Nexus domination was a great bit of booking and really hooked the crowd... I've never heard Khali get that sort of pop before, it's just a shame Cena completely squashed it. That's not an anti-Cena comment, it just would have been nice if someone else could have got a bit of a rub from fighting back/or aiding Cena. I would have liked to see Punk last longer without the Nexus, but oh well. The Hornswoggle moments were alright as a little sideshow during the lull, JoMo' sequence was awesome as was Chavo's Eddie tribute and even Zack Ryder got in some offence. Kinda meh on Booker T and Nash's involvement. It was good to see them and see Book bust out his trademarks during his cameo, but Nash entering as Diesel just made him seem old as hell, especially with the Just For Men black hair. Having said that, the crowd pretty much died after Diesel hit the bricks, until Santino's reappearance of course.


I don't know whether it was the 40 man stip, but the latter stages of the match seemed almost like an afterthought. I'll echo those who didn't really like the inclusion of Dolph and Orton as neither had any sort of meaningful moment or elimination, beyond the crowd reacting in an explosion of silence and Cena and Orton posed off. I've also never experienced a Rumble match where the crowd seemed so uninvolved with the lead-up to the finale (beyond the pop for Miz dumping out Cena, which was awesome). So yeah, Santino's last minute return really saved what was otherwise a complete anti-climax of a finish.


Overall though, whilst Del Rio doesn't entirely float my boat, kudos to the WWE for running with a new face instead of sticking to the tried and tested candidates.

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why did Cena just bury the Nexus is 3 minutes? That was my only gripe besides WTF at that divas match


You use the term "burying" very loosely, and honestly, who did you except to do it? Khali? At best, it could've been someone like Big Show but Cena would've made for the better Rumble highlight.


By the way, the Santino moment - THAT is what I mean about suspending belief. Imagining something completely ridiculous and outlandish happening for a matter of seconds through your mind, even though by now we can easily sit and say it would've never happened. But who didn't have their mind running at 100 mph about the possibility of Santino getting a huge face push against The Miz or another big heel at Mania, despite the fact it would be appalling for buyrates and a myriad of other aspects that would make this move foolish? Santino being so over with the crowd helped it become a surreal moment.


I saw the PPV in a movie theater, and I can tell you one thing: Michael Cole is an effective heel. The reactions I've heard throughout the theater were something - there were laughter, groans, laughing at every of King and Striker's comebacks towards Cole... really changed my perspective on Cole overall. The butt monkey thing could actually work... I guess this is his only way of him redeeming himself. Still, for now he annoys me still. :D


As for the Rumble itself, looks like they tried to do with the best they could - no HHH, Christian and more, and having the two surprise appearances ruined by stupid spoilers harmed the event but they made up for it with little things and overall it was great. Maybe not an iconic Rumble I'll re-watch again in later years, but satisfactory.

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Coming out of this, I see:


Miz versus John Cena

Orton versus CM Punk

Dolph Ziggler versus Edge continuing

Daniel Bryan/Gail Kim versus Bellas continuing (shoot me now)

Ezekial Jackson versus Big Show


and ...


Eve versus Lay-cool versus Natalya (unless they made the title switch so Eve could get destroyed by Kong on her debut)

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That might have been the best Royal Rumble ever. I'm curious to see who Del Rio will face at WrestleMania.


first ppv I ever bout, waste of money. they spent so long hyping how hall of famers win the rumble, how winning it is a huge deal, then put some guy that was cleaning the stands a year ago over as winner.


at least if santino had thrown him out, I could have seen a sudden character shift, and Santina suddenly getting a push he sure as heck has earned.


glad I had friends over to watch it, that was worth the money. The PPV's first two matches, ok the rumble on the whole good. but the finish soured the whole night.

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first ppv I ever bout, waste of money. they spent so long hyping how hall of famers win the rumble, how winning it is a huge deal, then put some guy that was cleaning the stands a year ago over as winner.


at least if santino had thrown him out, I could have seen a sudden character shift, and Santina suddenly getting a push he sure as heck has earned.


glad I had friends over to watch it, that was worth the money. The PPV's first two matches, ok the rumble on the whole good. but the finish soured the whole night.


... You feel like explaining that remark? Because it comes off as more than a little racist.

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Not to mention his pedigree in amateur wrestling and MMA, and his ten years wrestling in Mexico, where he became a huge star and a World Champion so even moving beyond any potentially racist undertone there, you're severely underselling the quality of Del Rio.


And Santino has earned it more than him? He's been wrestling half as long, at a lower standard and without the same quality of background.

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