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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Anyone who says Del Rio was nothing a year ago knows nothing about pro wrestling. Del Rio is one of the top wrestlers in Mexico and has been for some time. Plus in WWE he is one of the most over heels in the company. People love the guy!


As for Nash and Booker T I think they will only be around to be HOF inductees since they played big parts in WCW. Nash was part of turning around the ratings in favor of WCW and Booker T held a lot of tag titles in WCW.


Who will be on what brand though?

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Just read the Rumble results. Haven't been a huge fan of the WWE since I was a kid, but recently I have been watching RAW from time to time. Easing my pain of losing ROH on HDNet in the near future. Between that and CHIKARA podcasts, I didn't need to watch WWE. And Lord knows I'm not watching TNA anymore...


I love Alberto del Rio as the Rumble winner. Guy is a wrestling phenom, and I like his wrestling heritage, being a Lucha Libre fan. Also, Booker T and Kevin Nash returning? Like that too.


Hey, who knows? Maybe I'll tune in to RAW tonight.

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my whole thing about Cena killing off the Nexus was that while it had to be done, I think it should have happened gradually and not all at once. Nexus went from major problem (10 eliminations I read somewhere) to afterthought in about 4 minutes.


If it was more of a battle that ended in Cena winning and downing Nexus I'm all for it but it was more of a how the hell was it that easy.


Still another great showing for Punk, and when Rey gave Nash the 619 he got tremendous heat which was amazing in itself

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It did happen gradually in a way, because once Khali came into the ring, he dominated the Nexus for a few seconds and actually threw Harris out. So you thought it was gonna be the end of their ride until Khali started acting a fool and didn't capitalize, Mason Ryan comes in and Khali gets eliminated - they end up right back on top. Cue Booker T, and then finally Cena; end of the line. Small rollercoaster momentum for what it was worth. Or maybe you just wish it had lasted longer, if so fair enough.
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You use the term "burying" very loosely, and honestly, who did you except to do it? Khali? At best, it could've been someone like Big Show but Cena would've made for the better Rumble highlight.


I'd have liked to have seen a combo of Cena and Barrett being forced to work together to dismiss the Nexus, leading to a 3-way face of between Cena, Punk and Barrett with the latter two recognising Cena as the greater threat and turning on him until the next entrant rocked out. Although it'd have been a bit of a waste of starpower, you could have had Orton come out next and do a double elimination spot with him and Punk taking one another out since Orton didn't really achieve any storyline benefit from entering later on. Again, just a personal preference.


By the way, the Santino moment - THAT is what I mean about suspending belief. Imagining something completely ridiculous and outlandish happening for a matter of seconds through your mind, even though by now we can easily sit and say it would've never happened. But who didn't have their mind running at 100 mph about the possibility of Santino getting a huge face push against The Miz or another big heel at Mania, despite the fact it would be appalling for buyrates and a myriad of other aspects that would make this move foolish? Santino being so over with the crowd helped it become a surreal moment.


Totally agree. It was one of those magical moments were I found myself getting swept up in it all. The crowd going wild, followed by the Cobra~! anything seemed possible, if only for the briefest of moments. The fact that Del Rio was in there rather than Cena, Orton, etc just added to that.

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Anyone that disagrees with you is now going to be called a hater. Okay got it...:rolleyes:


Um, what? It's a simple observation that you can't please everyone all the time. There will always be a contingent that isn't pleased no matter what. "Oh, you're pushing new guys, well it's the wrong new guy," etc. It's not some personal attack or labeling anyone. In fact, it's me going out of my way not to argue with anyone. I think you completely misunderstood my point.

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And why can't Nattie hold the belt... Zero sense. Who is Eve Torres? (I know who she is, but in what universe is she a better caliber of athlete then Nattie.) And they really missed on a Kong debut here.


I agree with you I thought for sure it was going to be Kong announced there in the 4-Way and then it was Eve and I was confused. Missed chance (they couldn't put her in the Rumble with the Hornswoggle & Santino stuff too, that would have been too much).


I don't know what's up with Edge... having a face champion "cheat" (due to the match stipulation) to win on a PPV seemed quite out of place. But if Vickie stips Edge of the belt on Friday that might be an interesting way to go... she'll of course name Dolph the new champ and then the GM will text in with a tourney announcement! ;)

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People on other forums have pointed out that if they want to introduce Kong, it makes more sense for her to steamroll Eve first, then feud with Natalya and/or Beth. Hopefully that's where this is going, because I can't see them seriously devoting time to a program between Eve and anyone.
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first ppv I ever bout, waste of money. they spent so long hyping how hall of famers win the rumble, how winning it is a huge deal, then put some guy that was cleaning the stands a year ago over as winner.




I really enjoy when people lead off with absolutely baseless comments, it lets me know I don't have to give the rest of the post any time.


Del Rio cleaning the stands a year ago, lmao :rolleyes:


Good on the WWE, liked the whole rumble. edge v. Dolph was pretty good, liked it. Orton v. Miz was acceptable, told a good story and combined with Miz screwing Cena later in the night moves the "Heel guy who everyone hates but no one can outsmart" gimmick along nicely.


People will pay to see Miz get destroyed at WM, and thats what a good heel champion should do.

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my whole thing about Cena killing off the Nexus was that while it had to be done, I think it should have happened gradually and not all at once. Nexus went from major problem (10 eliminations I read somewhere) to afterthought in about 4 minutes.


If it was more of a battle that ended in Cena winning and downing Nexus I'm all for it but it was more of a how the hell was it that easy.


Still another great showing for Punk, and when Rey gave Nash the 619 he got tremendous heat which was amazing in itself


Right, but they worte that correctly.


They looked dominate early, but as fresher, more high powered guys came down they started to slowly get worn down. lose a guy here or there, ect.


I even thought the normally atrocious commentary was good setting up that story that they entered too early to sustain their dominance (lot of "have they peaked to early? comments)


Really, to me, made them look strong, just unlucky to be in the first 1/3rd of the rumble.

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I don't know what's up with Edge... having a face champion "cheat" (due to the match stipulation) to win on a PPV seemed quite out of place. But if Vickie stips Edge of the belt on Friday that might be an interesting way to go... she'll of course name Dolph the new champ and then the GM will text in with a tourney announcement! ;)


He's the "ultimate opportunist"... living up to his name. Eddie and Flair did it, now it's Edge's turn.

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I have to admit, when Edge purposely went out of his way to hit the Unprettier/Killswitch/whatever name it gets upon Christian's return, I got a little giddy at the prospect of those two headlining Mania. Rumble's usually do a touch of foreshadowing during the early part of the show, and I thought that was the moment.


Also say that I'm in the boat with most, that I'm glad to see a fresh face on the marquee. Roberto Del Rio (so named by the Miz) was kind of a surprise, since I figured Orton would get the nod, being the "established" name. So I'm rather happy to see a shake up in the order of things.


And while I loved JoMo spider walking, and Chavo's tribute, my biggest question coming into tonight is how in the blue hell can William Regal be standing? He should have a 17" neck, and a concave chest. That was brutal!

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Didn't watch the show so I clearly don't know everything that went on but piecing together what some other people have said plus my own opinion, what is stopping Christian from coming in and costing Edge the title? Setting up their fued going into Mania, maybe during the elimination chamber.


And although unlikely what if Del Rio turned face and chose Miz because he felt Miz was a weaker champion? This would cause him to turn face and be "the new Rey Mistero" as someone pointed out about keeping the hispanic viewers involved. Hell this could even make Edge and Christian fued at WM as well.


Of course the reason Christian turns bad would be the use of his finisher... who likes to see their move stolen?

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I disagree about Cena burying the Nexus. Nexus had already had to deal with, among other, Booker T and The Great Khali. They were pretty well worn out by the time Cena got in there, and he was completely fresh. Besides, somebody had to do it.


How is coming in and being 4 against 1 and eliminating all 4 in 3 minutes not burying them?

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Alberto hasn't peaked as a heel so they won't be turning him face any time soon.


Wrestlemania looks to have Cena/Miz and Orton/Punk based on last night. Big Show/Nash was teased but that match would need to be kept short. Alberto will presumably be in the World title match, which means he'll probably be facing Edge who, as the top face on Smackdown, is a good bet to be either champion or challenger. Edge using the Unprettier could lead to a Christian heel turn so maybe Christian costs Edge the title at Wrestlemania? Or the month before so they get to have their Wrestlemania singles match, though that leaves Alberto needing an opponent.


With other matches known or ones that make sense on the surface, we could be getting this at Wrestlemania?




Show/Diesel (?)




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Just seen the Rumble match... and hey, I liked it. A big improvement over last years that was very underwhelming take Punk's in match promo and Michaels' backstabbing. Just an alround fun match - my only complaint would be that Gabriel and Slater got rather... buried. Compared to the Nexus guys, Zeke and Barrett, they just turned up and got chucked out the ring. Lots of nostalgic/cool spots and a well worked match throughout. Forty men didn't drag as I expected it too - though the point that the Nexus are dominant OMGZ could've been done in a little less time. My main question now is WTF Cena's gonna do for Wrestlemania - that tossing all of Nexus including Punk looked a little like a blowoff, and him muttering 'he's done' concerning the Miz after that elmination... I'm a little sad to admit it, but that supports Cena facing Miz at WM for the WWE title instead of the Cena-Punk Nexus blow off. :( I hope that's not the case, though.


On the returns - if they don't follow up on Diesel's and give him a throwaway title match on free TV soon they'll be fools - the crowd went absolutely nuts for him. And that's the first time I've heard Rey booed for years - clearly over despite his sins in TNA and the fact that he was largely used as a heel in his WWE run. The fact that beyond the big boot he didn't hit any big moves suggests that he could be here for a while. Conversely, Booker's return looked like a Legend getting his last run out - run in, hit signature moves, do a spinarooney, get tossed. Nice having you Booker, and I was grinning like a chump when the 'Can you dig it?!' hit, but I think we only see him again when he's inducted into the Hall of Fame. I hope I'm wrong, though.


EDIT: Fantabulous, where'd you get Punk-Orton from?

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I would have loved to have seen Punk eliminate Cena, in his hometown, to build to a Wrestlemania match between them. It would have been a fresh match and seen Cena not involve in the WWE title scene at Wrestlemania for the first time in six-years. The problem with Punk eliminating Cena for heat is that the crowd last night didn't seem to be super into Cena or the Cena-Orton staredowns, so Punk getting rid of Cena might have gotten a positive response.


Nash not doing big moves is most likely because he can't rather than because they're saving them. Nash is pretty much shot physically and it was for the best he wasn't in for long or it would have been very obvious just how limited he is and the crowd would have been sad rather than mad. I don't think we'll see much out of Nash, ring wise, although the face-off of sorts with Show indicates they have some thought of going in that direction.

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