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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Ok, lets revisit the whole 2/21/11 thing. I was just looking through a thread on another forum and came across this picture taken from the latest video.




Of course the speculation arising from the picture: That looks a bit like HBK.


Just thought I would post it here to get other opinions. 1 thing is for sure though, I am not missing RAW next week.

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Ok, lets revisit the whole 2/21/11 thing. I was just looking through a thread on another forum and came across this picture taken from the latest video.




Of course the speculation arising from the picture: That looks a bit like HBK.


Just thought I would post it here to get other opinions. 1 thing is for sure though, I am not missing RAW next week.


Looks exactly like the Undertaker to me. After that Johnny Cash line, it couldn't logically be anyone else.

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Looks exactly like the Undertaker to me. After that Johnny Cash line, it couldn't logically be anyone else.


Im not saying for sure its HBK. Its just another rumor going around (and after his retirement last year I would seriously doubt its HBK) and one that caught my eye since (to me atleast) the facial features visible in that picture look as much like HBK as they do 'Taker.


Without a doubt these videos are something to do with 'Taker, but I subscribe to the 2 person theory going around. In the latest promo we see (who we can assume is) Undertaker enter the cabin, then at the end someone(else?) walking towards the cabin.


Whether it is someone else will likely become more clear next week, but for now I remain hopeful it isnt just another 'Taker return.

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You do realize that trying to garner 'evidence' from images from the video is pointless, right? You can read anything you want into any one part of the video; if you want it to be for Shawn, Undertaker or whoever, you'll find a way to 'prove' it's for them with the flimsiest of evidence. And even if the video is for, say, Undertaker, who's to say that Monday afternoon Vince doesn't just change his mind and decide to have the video for Triple H or Shawn and go in a different direction.
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I don't follow your example. I was talking about the effects on The Rock.


So - in your example - I don't give a crap about you. I am talking about - again, in your example - your girlfriend.


She stopped dating you because you just weren't in her league. You were cute for High School but she knew she could do better. So she went off and dated some wealthy investment banker and got treated like a princess, and then a few years down the road came back into town to see her folks. She kinda wants to hook up and of course you said yes.


So she got everything she ever wanted AND you still are in to her because - DUH - she's ten times hotter than anyone else you might get.


So, back to what I was saying: where's the negative for your girlfriend/The Rock? I don't see it.


The negative is something that you can't really see because it's not there to see. IF that's what your saying, then I agree.... However, your not that shallow are you?


Your not going to sit there and type that you don't understand that what I am saying is that I believe he could have done even better with the movies (had much more success) with the wrestling fans totally behind him?


Look at the success of the movie that ALOT of people went to see, when he was just a CGI character (The Mummy Returns/movie with him as the Scorpion King). When he was still "there" for the fans.... The success of that one movie, and the knowledge it has alot to do with him being in it, is what launched the Scorpion King in which he played the lead in. This was the reason his whole carreer took off in the first place.


If you refuse to acknowledge any wrestling fans as being able to support (in a pretty big way) a person enough to help them become successfull, then your even dissagreeing with what he said as "Dwayne" on Raw.


As I said, this is my opinion. You can't "see" the difference because there is no way to go back and see what would have happened had he played it differently. I'm just speculating (and going by the financial success, which has been acknowledged as because of the wrestling fans, of his first appearance in a big budget movie).


It might look like apples and oranges to you... and what effects Wrestling fans cannot effect movie fans (or vise versa), then there is no way I am going to get you to understand what I'm saying (although I believe you understood the first time). However, if you can look at Wrestling Fans, and Movie fans, and say "Hey, that's alot of fans" if you can get them together on something.... then maybe you can see my point of what I think he "could" have potentially done. Heck, maybe that's what he realised and is going to go about doing it this way now (first thing I thought of when I was watching his promo).

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It might look like apples and oranges to you... and what effects Wrestling fans cannot effect movie fans (or vise versa), then there is no way I am going to get you to understand what I'm saying (although I believe you understood the first time). However, if you can look at Wrestling Fans, and Movie fans, and say "Hey, that's alot of fans" if you can get them together on something.... then maybe you can see my point of what I think he "could" have potentially done. Heck, maybe that's what he realised and is going to go about doing it this way now (first thing I thought of when I was watching his promo).


If your point is that The Rock could have 'possibly' made more money on his movies by keeping his wrestling fans close, then I think I would call that a stretch, if only because his movie career has been fairly OK


Doom and Faster bombed, but all of his Disney movies were very profitable and even though Scorpion King did well, he made almost the exact same amount of money (with a smaller budget) with The Game Plan. A movie that I'm sure very few of his wrestling fans would have gone to see regardless


The guy is considered a bankable movie actor. I know it's just a matter of opinion...but I sincerely don't see that wrestling fans would've done any more or less for The Rock's career these past few years if his actions had been different.


And - again - the mainstream attitude BEFORE The Rock's movie success was very different and I think he and his management team had legitimate concerns that studios would not have taken him seriously had he not tried to separate himself from his 'wrestling past.'


To me, he was able to have his cake and eat it too and I can't criticize that.

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Ok, lets revisit the whole 2/21/11 thing. I was just looking through a thread on another forum and came across this picture taken from the latest video.




Of course the speculation arising from the picture: That looks a bit like HBK.


Just thought I would post it here to get other opinions. 1 thing is for sure though, I am not missing RAW next week.


Some say it looks like Triple H. With the facial hair and all.

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And - again - the mainstream attitude BEFORE The Rock's movie success was very different and I think he and his management team had legitimate concerns that studios would not have taken him seriously had he not tried to separate himself from his 'wrestling past.'


I think he's still seen as a bit of a gimmick, even though he's been away from wrestling for so long. Most people, even non-wrestling fans, who see his movies, sees The Rock (not Dwayne Johnson) and characterises him as such. Most of my friends who stopped watching wrestling before their teens, and who were casual at most fans, still joke about him giving the Rock Bottom or whatever when he's in a film, and that would just be increased by a regular spot on WWE television.


I don't think his reappearance will cause him any loss of credibility, however, had he remained in WWE he would have become even more of a one-dimensional gimmick in most people's minds than he has been.

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The facial hair could be HHH but the nose doesnt look like his to me. HHH has more of a distinctive nose shape.


You just reminded me about the Nation's DX impression.


Anyway back on topic I could see it as HBK but I doubt it is since well Taker is just a better choice and Shawn already made his "return" now that he is in the Hall of Fame. If it isn't Taker however I have no idea who it would be, Sting maybe, but that's big maybe.

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Knew it would be a good Raw when Cena/Punk opened the show. Good to see Punk win.


Nice to see Eve & Natalya given a chance to show off some decent moves in the ring. Now if only they'd split LayCool the Divas division might start to improve.


Liked A-Ri on the mic and Miz winning clean. Would have preferred Sheamus to beat Orton. The Rock is still awesome! Bring back HHH, add a couple more twists to Wrestlemania and it could be a good PPV.


As for the promo. I enhanced the contrast on that image and to me it looks like Shawn Michael's jawline.

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With HHH, Kane, Undertaker, Edge and Big Show likely all close to retiring this is going to leave a lot of holes in the WWE roster.


I think the WWE will have a hard time maintaining their current popularity in the near future. CM Punk, Shaemus, The Miz and Albert Del Rio are just not household names at this point.


We arent too far away from Cena being the only International Superstar on the roster with Orton not being far away.


Its quite amazing to think of all the Main Event talent they have lost since 2003 and will soon lose. Rock, Austin, Lesnar, Angle, HBK, Benoit, Guerrero and the initial list off the top of my head.

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Someone's prob mentioned this already, but latest rumour I heard was HHH vs Taker at Mania with HBK as special ref.


It sounds like this is going to happen. Apparently, HHH hasnt been the same since HBK retired and with all of his injuries over the years is looking to give up the in ring work.


I read a good article about why it wont be Sting facing taker as well which made a lot of sense. As much as we think WWE creative doesnt have a clue they are smarter than rushing a 5 week buildup with Sting-UT just to have him lose to UT and have no momentum going forward.

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With HHH, Kane, Undertaker, Edge and Big Show likely all close to retiring this is going to leave a lot of holes in the WWE roster.


I think the WWE will have a hard time maintaining their current popularity in the near future. CM Punk, Shaemus, The Miz and Albert Del Rio are just not household names at this point.


We arent too far away from Cena being the only International Superstar on the roster with Orton not being far away.


Its quite amazing to think of all the Main Event talent they have lost since 2003 and will soon lose. Rock, Austin, Lesnar, Angle, HBK, Benoit, Guerrero and the initial list off the top of my head.


I would argue those were the only TRUE SUPERSTARS out of that list. Who outside of wrestling fans knew of Lesnar, Angle, Guerrero, and Benoit while they were wrestling in the WWE?


The WWE could gain mainstream exposure for their current stars by having them on television shows and such. They did it in the 90s with MTV, the Drew Carey show, and many other television shows. HHH was nothing more than an IC title guy until after the Drew Carey show and MTV spots.


It helps get the people themselves over when they get exposure like that. It's something I could see helping again eventually.


EDIT: NOT saying HHH only got over because of those but I certainly feel they helped.

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I thought the way they handled his return was tremendous. Having the lights go out one by one and turning off the Wrestlemania sign made you feel that something BIG was coming. I legitimately thought Vince McMahon was just going to come out and announce the guest host for Wrestlemania, but when all of the effects started to happen I expected much more. And when "do you smell what The Rock is cookin'?" came over the PA, I jumped out of bed and my girlfriend looked at me and said, "Really Logan?" So I flipped out and told her she was witnessing history and that she HAD to like it.


I hadn't been that excited watching WWE since the original Nexus destroyed Cena and the ringside area. When I heard someone in the crowd during RAW start a small chant, "THANK YOU ROCK!" - I started doing it too! :D


Someone's prob mentioned this already, but latest rumour I heard was HHH vs Taker at Mania with HBK as special ref.


That would be epic. No doubt about it.

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Taker vs. HHH at Mania would be alright. I don't know, I guess I just really bought into the whole Sting thing what with Nash, and Booker both jumping ship. I let the rumors get the better of me.


And three days later, I'm still nuts about The Rock coming back. Everytime I watch just the entrance on YouTube, I get goosebumps. Bravo WWE.


And as someone wrote earlier, which I think is absolutely right... It's time to turn Cena. Huge Babyface or not, Cena as a heel is just better, I've always thought so.

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