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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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One word: Kizarney.


Vince has day-to-day approval of everything that goes on in a WWE ring, but by no means is he said to pay that close attention to it. Even back in the mid-90s, Vince signed Mick Foley on the recommendation of his advisors.


There's a story going around that Vince didn't know that the Major Brothers (Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins) weren't actually brothers. When he found that out, he ordered that they be repackaged. Eight months on TV and he didn't know?




Not only is EC on free TV tomorrow night, but coincidentally I have Monday off work. So early Monday morning I'll sit down with my breakfast and get my Chamber on.


Or something slightly less dreadful sounding...

"Last say" sounds like everyone boss I've known. Technically, they have the last say, but it's not hard to slip things by them if they don't pay attention.

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Who fired Dolph Ziggler? I don't watch Smackdown very often. I watched a few minutes of it yesterday though.


I would watch Smackdown much more if Christian was back.


Teddy Long fired him moments afters Vickie admitted that Dolph attacked Long a couple weeks ago and injured him.

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I was just watching NXT (yes it is still going) and there was a moment where I genuinly cracked up. Daniel Bryan took on Derrick Bateman and they shook hands at the start of the match. Dolph Ziggler ever the opportunist for a good insult quipped, "This isn't ROH, don't shake hands!" via the live microphone.




Love it. Especially since Dolph used to have the handshake gimmick :p

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One word: Kizarney.


Vince has day-to-day approval of everything that goes on in a WWE ring, but by no means is he said to pay that close attention to it. Even back in the mid-90s, Vince signed Mick Foley on the recommendation of his advisors.


There's a story going around that Vince didn't know that the Major Brothers (Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins) weren't actually brothers. When he found that out, he ordered that they be repackaged. Eight months on TV and he didn't know?


I've also heard hedidn't know Paul London & Brian Kendrick wore masks till they entered the ring for that same amount of time. I think he just might not pay close attention to the tag-team division. :p

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I've also heard hedidn't know Paul London & Brian Kendrick wore masks till they entered the ring for that same amount of time. I think he just might not pay close attention to the tag-team division. :p


I also remember a story from a few years ago when McMahon passed a monitor backstage, saw Kacey James on TV for a few minutes, figured he was one of the local job guys and said "Hire that man!" not realizing he already worked for them.


To be fair though, I can fully understand McMahon not paying huge amounts of attention and leaving a lot of the booking and day to day stuff to other people and instead focusing on the overall direction of the company.

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In a sense, absolutely - I wouldn't expect Vince to follow anything but the ongoign storylines all that closely, and none of these guys really had anything much going on during their time in WWE.


Still, it does seem odd that the senior booker isn't familiar with his roster to at least the degree that he knows the basics about their gimmicks and so on.


It almost seems that Vince has become complacent without any real challenge to the company.

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I was just watching NXT (yes it is still going) and there was a moment where I genuinly cracked up. Daniel Bryan took on Derrick Bateman and they shook hands at the start of the match. Dolph Ziggler ever the opportunist for a good insult quipped, "This isn't ROH, don't shake hands!" via the live microphone.




NXt is great, they are all so loose and relaxed it makes for a much more entertaining show. The guys get to actually show some character unlike when they are on Raw and SD.

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because they are both in the #1 contender match :rolleyes:. But that is saying something.


my pick for MOTN is already on Miz/Lawler though. I know Jerry will do his best to put Miz over


Now if only we can get a PPV without Orton and Cena completely...then again if that happens we'll have Triple H and Batista back...so its not much of a trade off.

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Who I want to win tonight. Not who I think is going to win.


The Miz vs Jerry Lawler- I've always hated the King. It sucks his mom died, but it'd be stupid and hypocritical for WWE to put the title on him.


Santino and Kozlov vs The Corre- Honestly, I love the Santino/Kozlov act, but I love tag team wrestling more. I'd like a tag team that looks like a tag team win, so lets go Corre! Plus, Justin Gabriel is still awesome


Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Del Rio- I read somewhere that it might get switched to an Intercontinental Title match. I'd rather Kofi keep the belt and have him start defending it. It would really piss me off if they put the IC title on Alberto and then took it to Wrestlemania. I hate when they make midcard titles worthless more than WWE already has by making them props like they did with the Miz US title.


Smackdown Elimination Chamber- It'd be sweet if Christian takes Dolph's place and wins...but that's just wishful thinking. I expect Dolph to still take his own place and do something like "Hi, I'm Nic Nemeth..."


Raw Elimination Chamber- My first pick is John Morrison just because as a Dirt Sheet and Mizorrison die hard fan, them headlining Wrestlemania against each other is a dream come true. Plus, they've already proven they can put on great matches together. My second pick is CM Punk just because he's the best thing on Raw.

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Morrison better have his World title run within this year. :mad:

I hope he does, but I can understand why the WWE is skiitish on him. The plus side: He's exciting to watch, great at selling, has a boatloads of charisma, and has underrated psychology. On the negative side: He can talk on the mic very well. And his voice sounds of bit weird. It's as if he can't get his charisma into his mic work, which is odd.


I think he deserves it, though.

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Morrison has been amazing for awhile now. I would love to see a Morrison/Punk or Morrison/Miz headlined pay per view in the next six months. Yes he has downsides, some of the same downsides that kept Jeff Hardy from reaching the top for so long (fortunately he doesn't have Hardy's personal issues), but I think Hardy in 2009 proved there's room for a new top guy every now and again, even one with limited promo skills. I think he'd be an awesome short-term champ in the summer.
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The 3 way feud when he was going over Punk AND Hardy during their feud had some great matches on SD.


He pinned Punk clean 2 times in like a month while he was champ. I thought for sure he would be a champ shortly after that, but Punk's reign got shorted and he jobbed to Taker, who would not be a feud option for Morrison.

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I think Jeff manages by "charisma"ing through a promo. You remember Ultimate Warrior? No mic skill.... but he had this crazy charisma, and he pushed through with it. The thing is, I think he works well with people with a solid foundation with good mic skills, like the Miz. I really want to see an epic match between them.
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Tonight is the first pay per view in two years that doesn't involve Orton or Cena in a title match.


Yep. If you include Triple H, it's first PPV in seven years that doesn't involve one of the three in a title match or in the main event. (there were a few times Triple H was in the main event and it wasn't a title match) And this is the first time EVER that a PPV will have both World titles defended and none of those three are in either match.


Of course, the Elimination Chamber has given us some surprises the last two years, so we may be speaking too soon.


Speaking of surprises, POTENTIAL SPOILER: Reports are Christian and Goldust have been seen at the arena...could Christian be the final entrant in the SD! Elimination Chamber match?

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