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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm confident Del Rio will win at Mania, so they're building up Edge with the stronger momentum to make a Del Rio win look more impressive. And he'll probably retain against Christian down the track. I'd like to see Edge and Christian unite to take the tag titles off the Corre and give the tag division a boost.


Most enjoyable Smackdown in a while, IMO. Highlights: Cody Rhodes/Mysterio angle, the unexpected Intercontinental Title match (and unexpected result), Christian/Del Rio match (2 of my fav wrestlers right now).


I see it going a different way, with Christian costing Edge the title at Mania, finally setting up the long awaited feud between the "brothers". And allowing Del Rio to move on to a new feud.

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I see it going a different way, with Christian costing Edge the title at Mania, finally setting up the long awaited feud between the "brothers". And allowing Del Rio to move on to a new feud.


They aren't brothers anymore. Now they're just best friends.


Remember, we're wrestling fans, we have the memory of a gold fish. Edge has never done that submission move before and Hawkins and Ryder weren't the Major Brothers a few weeks prior.


Oh, and the big one is Triple H isn't one of Undertaker's Wrestlemania victims.

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They aren't brothers anymore. Now they're just best friends.


Remember, we're wrestling fans, we have the memory of a gold fish. Edge has never done that submission move before and Hawkins and Ryder weren't the Major Brothers a few weeks prior.


Oh, and the big one is Triple H isn't one of Undertaker's Wrestlemania victims.


Of course Wrestlemania X-Seven never happened! I wasn't sure if WWE still acknowledged Edge and Christian as brothers, or if they were just considered friends now a days.

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I read somewhere (Maybe in this topic actually) that Vince made it so that the Majors weren't portrayed as brothers, after learning that they weren't actually related... so perhaps he's developed some sort of disdain for kayfabe brothers?


I guess Kane and 'Taker still get a pass due to only being half-"brothers", but... :p

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I read somewhere (Maybe in this topic actually) that Vince made it so that the Majors weren't portrayed as brothers, after learning that they weren't actually related... so perhaps he's developed some sort of disdain for kayfabe brothers?


I guess Kane and 'Taker still get a pass due to only being half-"brothers", but... :p


Well... Changing E&C to friends doesn't really change anything in their relationship. If you think back on all of their storylines, there's no difference. Kane and Undertaker on the other hand, if they arent related their entire backstory makes no sense.

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Looks like they're letting Sin Cara use most of his famous moves. According to Wikipedia his moves are:


Finishing moves

La Mística (Tilt–a–whirl headscissors takedown transitioned into a single arm DDT floated over into a Fujiwara armbar)


Signature moves

Arm drag, sometimes from the second or top rope or preceded by a tilt–a–whirl headscissors takedown

El Péndulo (Tiger feint kick)

Hurricanrana, sometimes from the top rope or preceded by a slingshot

Leg trap sunset flip powerbomb

Slingshot corkscrew crossbody

Springboard moonsault



I'm sure the Top Rope C4 is a new move. I hope they're letting him use his CMLL entrance theme.

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Am I the only one who calls it the Flux Capacitor, then? Don't tell Kazarian; he might cry.


C4 was the first move name that came to mind without saying Moonsault Side-Slam/Uranage.


Sorry Kaz. I will remember Flux Capacitor next time...I swear.

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Not "an armbar", a flying headscissors into an armbar. It looks great. Didn't know he also did the Shiranui Kai, I'd be amazed if they let him do that on WWE television as that's an insanely dangerous move (the guy who invented it nearly killed himself AND his opponent twice trying to do it but slipping off the top rope and to the floor)
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Not "an armbar", a flying headscissors into an armbar. It looks great. Didn't know he also did the Shiranui Kai, I'd be amazed if they let him do that on WWE television as that's an insanely dangerous move (the guy who invented it nearly killed himself AND his opponent twice trying to do it but slipping off the top rope and to the floor)

Marufuji? Or did somebody else invent it?

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