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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I fear alot of divas/secondary characters moving (Ricardo, Hornswoggle, etc). This should also give a good foreteller of who's gonna get ****canned next. (looking at you Nexus)


What does Horny do know a days. Is he still just the comedy act. Also like you said the supp. draft is usually for people who have gone stale or have nothing so the move them and usually cut them.


I also marked when Cena went back to Raw because Christian is pretty much the new champ. I am happy for him.

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What does Horny do know a days. Is he still just the comedy act. Also like you said the supp. draft is usually for people who have gone stale or have nothing so the move them and usually cut them.


I also marked when Cena went back to Raw because Christian is pretty much the new champ. I am happy for him.


Horny's never on anymore, which is strange espically with how they're going after kids and stuff. I expect Smackdown to get Danielson and or Bourne tmmrw, and honestly either one (espically Danielson) could do loads better with a heel turn.


As much as I love Christian, if he does get the belt (which I have a feeling he won't somehow...like Orton getting thrown into the match or something), it's not gonna feel right. Christian's most recent WWE run has def not put him in anywhere near the upper level of WWE faces. He doesn't have the buzz he had during his initial "Peep" run where everyone got onto his bandwagon. Since coming back from TNA, it's been alot of blah stuff IMO and him winning would be both weak and the sign of a transitional title run until they decide on who the next top SD heel's gonna be.

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They wasted 2 picks on Cena that could have been used to bring Daniel Bryan to SD and McIntre to Raw.


With Raw getting ADR it looks like Cody will be in position to challenge Christian if they both win at Extreme Rules. Not too sure what Randy is going to do (another feud with Henry?) but he can easily turn McIntre into a big time player.


Raw is set up nicely, I see Del Rio vs Cena and Truth vs Morrison in the immediate future with possible ties to Miz and the WWE title. It seems like Miz wont ever lose the thing.

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The "draft" is stupid. Anyone realize it's more of a lottery than draft? Someone should tell the WWE the difference.


Also, when you move top stars from A to B and top stars from B to A, you do a real good job of just switching what night you see the same things, by now, switching top stars does not create new feuds because nobody new has really been built up in years. I mean, when the brands first started it was kinda during the early ruthless aggression era when a couple new stars were built and when they got moved, it was actually somewhat interesting. Now, however, the same top dogs just keep getting shuffled and it seems utterly pointless to me. Ooh well.


Yes, because Sin Cara and Alberto Del Rio have feuded with everyone and/or are not "new" stars being built. Also while I'm at it, John Morrison and R-Truth haven't moved up the card, despite the fact that they're in the middle of a program that's getting some attention, Morrison is slated to be in the main event on PPV, the two opened last week's show, and have never had long-term feuds with any main eventers except the guys that moved up the card ahead of them (CM Punk and the Miz in Morrison's case). And honestly I'd pay to see Morrison/Punk on PPV again because it's been years since they feuded on ECW, they've face-heel switched, and they put on some great matches last time.


But yeah, no new stars! :mad:

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Interesting drafts:


Cena & Orton to SD - Raw just lost its top 2 faces (oh wait, nope Cena's back on Raw - is that legal? Shou'dn't his name have been removed after his first move?). Now they need Chris Jericho on Raw to fill Orton's spot.


Del Rio to Raw - Wow, didn't expect that.


And WTF with Mark Henry's same-team rampage!

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Another fun Tough Enough. Glad they're turning Luke heel. Hate that guy.


First thing I think of when I see these challenges is 'matt cross would own this'. Next thought is 'Austin Aries would be even better. Technique? Agility? No problem.

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Enjoying tough enough. Had a flashback watching the show and seem to remember a guy in the previous seasons that kept kicking everyone's butt in the competitions, but got cut because he was too generic and didn't have the look. Can't recall who it was and couldn't figure it out online, but my memory has me thinking it might be the guy that's now daniel bryan, although I don't see it in his bio/wiki either.


Wondering who that was and if they ever made it anywhere.

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Enjoying tough enough. Had a flashback watching the show and seem to remember a guy in the previous seasons that kept kicking everyone's butt in the competitions, but got cut because he was too generic and didn't have the look. Can't recall who it was and couldn't figure it out online, but my memory has me thinking it might be the guy that's now daniel bryan, although I don't see it in his bio/wiki either.


Wondering who that was and if they ever made it anywhere.


Wasn't his name Pete or something? Look up Tough Enough and it will give you the Tough Enough Wiki. I am almost positive that was the guy you are talking about though.

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Interesting drafts:


Cena & Orton to SD - Raw just lost its top 2 faces (oh wait, nope Cena's back on Raw - is that legal? Shou'dn't his name have been removed after his first move?). Now they need Chris Jericho on Raw to fill Orton's spot.


Del Rio to Raw - Wow, didn't expect that.


And WTF with Mark Henry's same-team rampage!


So maybe now, even though it seemed to me like Christian was going to get the belt at Extreme Rules, maybe Del Rio wins, he works a program with Cena in which Cena eventually becomes champion so that the World title is on the line with Rock at WM next year.


Mark Henry did that rampage for the memory of Vladimir Kozlov! :)

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The "draft" is stupid. Anyone realize it's more of a lottery than draft? Someone should tell the WWE the difference.


Also, when you move top stars from A to B and top stars from B to A, you do a real good job of just switching what night you see the same things, by now, switching top stars does not create new feuds because nobody new has really been built up in years. I mean, when the brands first started it was kinda during the early ruthless aggression era when a couple new stars were built and when they got moved, it was actually somewhat interesting. Now, however, the same top dogs just keep getting shuffled and it seems utterly pointless to me. Ooh well.


Ain't this the truth.

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So maybe now, even though it seemed to me like Christian was going to get the belt at Extreme Rules, maybe Del Rio wins, he works a program with Cena in which Cena eventually becomes champion so that the World title is on the line with Rock at WM next year.


Mark Henry did that rampage for the memory of Vladimir Kozlov! :)


But if Del Rio wins both World Titles are on Raw.

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John Canton posted this on Facebook


From PWInsider.com (a fairly reliable source): "According to WWE sources, CM Punk has been offered a new long-term deal but has balked at signing, citing burnout with being on the road for years and unhappiness with his position in the company over the last year.

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John Canton posted this on Facebook


From PWInsider.com (a fairly reliable source): "According to WWE sources, CM Punk has been offered a new long-term deal but has balked at signing, citing burnout with being on the road for years and unhappiness with his position in the company over the last year.


Where would he go, I just have a feeling he wouldn't go to TNA IDK why though, I think him leaving would completely switch me off from the little bit of WWE I do watch, he is the only good character left imo. That said I watch TNA even though it's worse.

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I don't believe for a minute that the draft isn't "Pre-Determined", and cannot imagine anyone else believing differently... However, seems to be people upset that they "Wasted" a pick or two by having Cena move twice.


To me it's obvious that was to create a little confusion/concern/uproar/or just to play with the fans a little bit (possibly the internet fans a little more).


But honestly.... The guy that is supposedly going to go one on one against The Rock for Wrestlemania next year, should not be on Smackdown. Never know when The Rock and him will go back and forth with words or what not, never know exactly when The Rock would be available to be live at a show or something either... Raw is supposed to be the "Biggest" show they have, they are supposed to have better ratings then Smackdown, so it only makes sense to have Raw Top heavy, rather then being even with Smackdown.


Everytime they do this draft, I've thought the same way. I don't know why anyone would expect different (no matter if you think it would be better for them or not). Throw a couple of Veterans that can move up and down the card over to Smackdown, throw them some people to enhance, etc. Raw should concentrate on ratings with the biggest stars and the "Soon to be stars", etc.


There is no reason they should be evenly balanced, as Smackdown isn't meant to be an equal to Raw (IMO).

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John Canton posted this on Facebook


From PWInsider.com (a fairly reliable source): "According to WWE sources, CM Punk has been offered a new long-term deal but has balked at signing, citing burnout with being on the road for years and unhappiness with his position in the company over the last year.


That would be dreadful and would really turn me off watching WWE as only he and a select few are worthwhile watching in my opinion.

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See I thought it would have been great to have Cena dominate "The Rock's show". woould've added just a little more to that fued. especially if you slow turn christian and have a cena christian fued in the same style as the great edge cena fued. but alas, it wasnt to be.
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Yes, because Sin Cara and Alberto Del Rio have feuded with everyone and/or are not "new" stars being built. Also while I'm at it, John Morrison and R-Truth haven't moved up the card, despite the fact that they're in the middle of a program that's getting some attention, Morrison is slated to be in the main event on PPV, the two opened last week's show, and have never had long-term feuds with any main eventers except the guys that moved up the card ahead of them (CM Punk and the Miz in Morrison's case). And honestly I'd pay to see Morrison/Punk on PPV again because it's been years since they feuded on ECW, they've face-heel switched, and they put on some great matches last time.


But yeah, no new stars! :mad:


You know, I'll admit that I don't hardly watch WWE anymore, but I do sometimes read up on it. Sin Cara a star? He won that tag match with Cena against Miz and Riley, yes, but that doesn't cement him as a star. Nor did his win over Primo cement him as a star. Is he interesting, sure...but by no means do I buy in to him being a star yet. Del Rio won the Rumble, lost at Mania and because of Edges retirement he was never able to get his heat back in that feud IMO. I have a feeling Del Rio is on the Sheamus train, meaning he is a guy who is supposed to be hot property but I feel like he'll be back to a midcard act soon.


Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe these guys are big stars right now, but if thats the case then it shows how shallow and star deprived the WWE roster is at the moment.

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You know, I'll admit that I don't hardly watch WWE anymore, but I do sometimes read up on it. Sin Cara a star? He won that tag match with Cena against Miz and Riley, yes, but that doesn't cement him as a star. Nor did his win over Primo cement him as a star. Is he interesting, sure...but by no means do I buy in to him being a star yet. Del Rio won the Rumble, lost at Mania and because of Edges retirement he was never able to get his heat back in that feud IMO. I have a feeling Del Rio is on the Sheamus train, meaning he is a guy who is supposed to be hot property but I feel like he'll be back to a midcard act soon.


Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe these guys are big stars right now, but if thats the case then it shows how shallow and star deprived the WWE roster is at the moment.


Del Rio is on Raw to solidify himself as a star. Probably in a program with Cena this year. Why else move him to Raw except to give him more exposure? Orton now has his own show. Orton is now the biggest star on Smackdown with hardly anyone on his heels. Orton will be back on Raw by Wrestlemania I bet.

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