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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Jimmy Uso moves to SD never knew he was on Raw :p Splitting up twins is not good :(


Maybe Jey Uso will be drafted later on. Otherwise, things are not looking good for the Uso twins as far as remaining employed.


Kelly Kelly drafted to Raw. I'm good with this as, to me, she is one of the most Beautiful divas. Though something tells me that she is going to meet up with Kharma.

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Bryan Danielson moving should be good for his career. He'd clearly lost favour on Raw over the past few months and gone from strong midcarder to glorified JJTS material. On Smackdown, he'll probably not get a top push anyway, but he should, at least, get back to the level where he was before.


Killings/Morrison are getting what I call the Benoit Main Event Push (circa 2000). They're getting enough of a push to where they're not entirely lacking credibility as part of the upcoming PPV main event but their role is strictly that of a stepping stone; they do the jobs that WWE don't want the real stars doing.

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I just want to pop in to say that, the double-drafting of John Cena is the worst idea the WWE has had since Katie Vick. It's not entertaining, it doesn't create any kind of drama or heat... it's just stupid. I hope in future drafts they don't keep playing up this new, magical "you can just draft them back!" crap. I can imagine it already, WWE Draft 2012: all televised picks are John Cena!
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Seeing as I only really catch Smackdown with any sort of frequency, I'm pleased Danielson and Sin Cara have been switched over. Khali replaces the Big Show I guess... but the prospect of Mark Henry being legitimately pushed depresses me. Now I just want Ryder to get drafted to somewhere he'll actually get some TV time.


Something tells me that JTG's future isn't looking very bright either.

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I just want to pop in to say that, the double-drafting of John Cena is the worst idea the WWE has had since Katie Vick. It's not entertaining, it doesn't create any kind of drama or heat... it's just stupid. I hope in future drafts they don't keep playing up this new, magical "you can just draft them back!" crap. I can imagine it already, WWE Draft 2012: all televised picks are John Cena!


I'm not sure if I'd go quite that far, but it really fell flat and just left a sour taste in the mouth (even though I believe Cena is far better served on RAW). Perhaps they could have done something with the anonymous GM offering some sort of stacked trade with Smackdown in order to get Cena back (wanting him for whatever storyline reason). At least that wouldn't have felt quite so cheap.

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Well I guess if they're gonna move Hawkins to Raw, maybe they'll reunite Hawkins and Ryder?


Ugh. I want Ryder to get pushed


Honestly, I have no clue why so many people are wanting Zack Ryder pushed. He just seems annoying to me and a good reason to change the channel. More like X-Pac heat than actual heat.

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It'll probably end up being a Superstars match at some point.


Awesome. Superstars is the only WWE show I can stomach nowadays.


Honestly, I have no clue why so many people are wanting Zack Ryder pushed. He just seems annoying to me and a good reason to change the channel. More like X-Pac heat than actual heat.


He has heat? Granted I haven't actually seen a Ryder match in a little while, but I can't fathom why anyone would boo this man, as 'actual' heat or X-Pac heat. Why he isn't a babyface is utterly beyond me. I love him.

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