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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Del Rio is a classic example of being Pushed TOO FAST.


Dont believe me? Ask Sheamus.


I mean lets see. the first month of he fueds with Rey (a Main eventer) Then he wins RR 2011. Co Main Events WM. and then he wins MITB....all in one year? Really???


No they have done good with him. Sheamus won the title in his first PPV as a Raw roster member.

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Del Rio is a classic example of being Pushed TOO FAST.


Dont believe me? Ask Sheamus.


I mean lets see. the first month of he fueds with Rey (a Main eventer) Then he wins RR 2011. Co Main Events WM. and then he wins MITB....all in one year? Really???


Well they still are looking for their next Lesnar...

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Del Rio is a classic example of being Pushed TOO FAST.


Dont believe me? Ask Sheamus.


I mean lets see. the first month of he fueds with Rey (a Main eventer) Then he wins RR 2011. Co Main Events WM. and then he wins MITB....all in one year? Really???


Sheamus was given the belt in a fluke-y way and rarely if ever booked to be a top level guy despite winning the belt twice.


ADR has been consistently built for months without getting the title or any main event PPV appearances. This is EXACTLY how you're supposed to build somebody.

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The more I think about it the more it would make sense for ADR to lose his Title match when he cashes in. It could be a huge storyline where everytime he has a title shot he ends up losing, and swears he has bad luck.


He won the Royal Rumble. Something like over 80% of the RR winners win the Championship. ADR lost.


He wins the Number 1 contenders match, and doesn't even get a title shot.


Now he's won the MITB. 100% of the time it's been cashed in, the Title changed hands. For some reason ADR could lose.


He goes on to talk about how he's cursed, or unlucky, or just plain screwed out of the belt. Make it long and drawn out so that he has time to work with others, and eventually end his unlucky streak.


Just dreaming I guess.

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Christian starting strong in the start, in control. When the bell rang Christian brought a chair into the ring and slided it to Orton, trying to taunt him to using it.


Christian used a spinebuster! Slow, traditional start to the match. Both men now outside! Double count-out?

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Christian does Diving Headbutt off the top rope! Vintage Benoit!


Can anyone else see Christian using the old Eddie Guerrero swerve? The referee is slowly recovering from a bump and Christian bangs a chair on the mat and then tosses it to Orton. Then Christian lies down like he was hit with the chair. The referee recovers and sees Orton with a chair.


OMG! Wow. Creative thinking!

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Can anyone else see Christian using the old Eddie Guerrero swerve? The referee is slowly recovering from a bump and Christian bangs a chair on the mat and then tosses it to Orton. Then Christian lies down like he was hit with the chair. The referee recovers and sees Orton with a chair.


And then another referee comes out and says it was a bad decision. By way of which Christian become champ anyway :p


With all the talk off lawyers is see them exploiting the contract to give Christian the title, even though we all think RKO has retain, the decision gets reversed

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Christian misses spear! Orton hits the hanging neckbreaker! one, two, KICKOUT!


Crowd is HOT, loving the action.






No! Christian sidesteppes, Orton hits powerslam! Orton DDT! Christian is down.



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