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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Maybe an era of...wait for it... QUALITIY STORYLINES


What are you smoking? Can I have some? ;)

I was thinking the same thing.

The Doofus Is In Charge?!

Best post of the night!

Now Vince can lead CM Punk and some other heels that will join him against HHH and his Cena team.


I do not see this coming.

Me either. I am interested in HHH getting back to being a Bad Guy though.... I think it should be mandatory that the guy in charge needs to be a bad guy. Good guys get locked in the back of trunks, or tied up and stuff... To "out there" for me to stay focused.


But I just hope after this he doesn't just go back off doing whatever after taking the top job. But that is what I see happening.



Also, a lot of crazy stuff is happening in WWE ATM, it scares me a little:(


He could come out and say he hired someone to run RAW. Someone with great vision, great wrestling knowledge and great entertainment skills:


CM Punk.


That would be "AWESOME".... as Miz would say.

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PWInsider says so


And apparently got it right, as they read it pretty much verbatim on the show. My comment was more a Twitter thing; I really do like Twitter, and it's interesting how WWE is incorporating social media into their narratives -- how many times did Cole say 'trending worldwide on Twitter' through the broadcast?


But yeah, after all this buzz buildup, even with the swerve at the end, I'm finding myself...eh? Rey v. Miz is not something that persuades me to tune in next week.

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Im glad CM Punk wasnt on tv if he really was unemployed he would have never been let in to the building. It would have made no sense for him to come out at the top of the show and cut a promo on Vince again. CM Punk got what he wanted Sunday night in Chicago. The WWE is going to have to throw a black check book at CM Punk for him to come back with the title. The tournament was fine for what it was and i wasn't surprised by the two finalists. With HHH "taking over" i hope it means a restart of sorts for both shows. New main eventers and pushes would be great to see. They didn't hit a home run and thats fine you cant show off everything in one night.
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I think HHH might be in charge now irl i know they were talking about it. Vince has been rumored to be retireing foy a year now. This might really be it.


Not for nothing but Vince has been "rumored to be retiring" several times in the past. He's also said many times in the past (and been quoted in many wrestlers' books) that he'll retire when they put him in the ground. Ceding control over parts of the business does not equate to 'retiring'. Putting Triple H in charge of talent was a 'duh' move (the only other person who might've fit would've been Taker IMO. Top level performer widely respected through the industry who can still 'go' to some degree now. Maybe HBK would fit too but the family connection isn't there for the other two). Take this for what it is: a chance to get Vince off TV (like all the various other ways they've done it. Anyone remember the ill-fated exploding limousine?). Now you have someone the fans know very well in his place.


Sadly, I think that unless Triple H takes a frontline role, the anonymous Raw GM schtick will probably continue. This is the closest thing to a push Michael Cole has seen in his lifetime ("May I have your attention? I have just received an email!").


I will say this though. Vickie looks much better now as a 10/12.

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Just as the all kinds of awesome MiTB PPV gave the impression that they were going to be a bit more about wrestling, a stupid string of 5-min matches totally smashed that and once again reminded the world that they are 100 % sports entertainment. Sure, the ending was shocking and interesting... but it's a huge shame that the only interesting part of a 2-hour wrestling show is 10-min angle in the end.


It's cute btw to see John Cena try to be cool like Punk by hinting towards a rival company on tv. You can't blame him for not trying!

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Just as the all kinds of awesome MiTB PPV gave the impression that they were going to be a bit more about wrestling, a stupid string of 5-min matches totally smashed that and once again reminded the world that they are 100 % sports entertainment. Sure, the ending was shocking and interesting... but it's a huge shame that the only interesting part of a 2-hour wrestling show is 10-min angle in the end.


It's cute btw to see John Cena try to be cool like Punk by hinting towards a rival company on tv. You can't blame him for not trying!


The more things seem to change the more they stay the same. I've found myself withdrawing more and more from wrestling, with the exception of the few bright spots that occur here and there.

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Just as the all kinds of awesome MiTB PPV gave the impression that they were going to be a bit more about wrestling, a stupid string of 5-min matches totally smashed that and once again reminded the world that they are 100 % sports entertainment. Sure, the ending was shocking and interesting... but it's a huge shame that the only interesting part of a 2-hour wrestling show is 10-min angle in the end.


It's cute btw to see John Cena try to be cool like Punk by hinting towards a rival company on tv. You can't blame him for not trying!


lol hold on, how exactly did the awesomeness of MITB suggest it was going to be more about 'wrestling' from now on? A show with two spot-filled ladder matches, Big Show vs. Mark Henry, Christian winning the world title by spitting in someone's face and a main event that, though a great match in it's own right, was sent to a whole new level by the story being told in the build-up and the energy of the crowd? MITB wasn't a return to 'wrestling', it was sports entertainment at it's very, very best.

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RAW wasn't quite what I expected but I loved the ending though. Good good. But I really think that WWE should capitalise on CM Punk's HUGE momentum as soon as possibly. Maybe next week some contract signing with CM Punk and Triple H?


I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I love CM Punk right now and want to see as much of him as possible. On the other, I've been markishly cheering on the character, so I want to see that character achieve his goal, which was to leave and stay gone. A big part of me would hate to see him come back so soon and get into bed with the enemy.

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Just as the all kinds of awesome MiTB PPV gave the impression that they were going to be a bit more about wrestling, a stupid string of 5-min matches totally smashed that and once again reminded the world that they are 100 % sports entertainment.


Because it would have been TOTALLY possible to have 20 min matches when an 8 man tournament involves 7 matches. 7 x 20 = 140 mins = 2 hours and 20 minutes.


There is opinion and then there is outright bias. Guess which one I think you have? :p

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I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I love CM Punk right now and want to see as much of him as possible. On the other, I've been markishly cheering on the character, so I want to see that character achieve his goal, which was to leave and stay gone. A big part of me would hate to see him come back so soon and get into bed with the enemy.


Completely sums up my feelings. Punk has me invested in his character, which could be ruined depending where they go with it.


The only way I would want him back next week is if he comes out of the crowd to try and enforce the stipulation that Cena should be fired. And in a scenario that could perfectly work for Summerslam is have Punk confront HHH and demand Cena be fired, all the while refusing another match.


Then have HHH say that things are going to change from the McMahon era, and that he will be doing things differently. Have HHH say that he knows what the title means, and will do anything to prevent it leaving the title, including have a match...against Punk at Summerslam. If Punk wins, not only will HHH fire John Cena...but HHH will retire. If HHH wins, Punk must sign a new contract and return to the WWE.


(Very much fantasy booking, but who knows what could happen. And I don't know where this would leave the WWE title tournament, but who cares)

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Because it would have been TOTALLY possible to have 20 min matches when an 8 man tournament involves 7 matches. 7 x 20 = 140 mins = 2 hours and 20 minutes.


There is opinion and then there is outright bias. Guess which one I think you have? :p

10 minute matches x 7 = 70 minutes. Leaves plenty of time for building each match as something slightly important. :rolleyes:
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Completely sums up my feelings. Punk has me invested in his character, which could be ruined depending where they go with it.


The only way I would want him back next week is if he comes out of the crowd to try and enforce the stipulation that Cena should be fired. And in a scenario that could perfectly work for Summerslam is have Punk confront HHH and demand Cena be fired, all the while refusing another match.


Then have HHH say that things are going to change from the McMahon era, and that he will be doing things differently. Have HHH say that he knows what the title means, and will do anything to prevent it leaving the title, including have a match...against Punk at Summerslam. If Punk wins, not only will HHH fire John Cena...but HHH will retire. If HHH wins, Punk must sign a new contract and return to the WWE.


(Very much fantasy booking, but who knows what could happen. And I don't know where this would leave the WWE title tournament, but who cares)


Since we're all having fun fantasy booking, here's what I'd do with trips as the boss...


1. Next week have trips announce that the WWE title represents to much to the industry and the company to simply replace. Announce that WWE is doing everything it can to either negotiate a match for the title or a deal long term for CM punk, and they are not simply going to pretend the match didnt happen. but emphasize that they will not cave completely on Punk's demands (no man is bigger than the business ect)


2. Hold the match between rey and miz, and announce that it is for the internum belt, which also represents the number one contender slot for whoever holds it at such time as the belt is regained/ a match is signed.


3. have punk continue to tweet/FB/whatever about how WWE's title is a joke similar to last night, meanwhile have him go to indy events (they clearly don't mind ROH for instance) and either defend the title or give promo's about how he's the true champ. Place WWE plants at these events with flip cams to put them on social media (i.e cena's promo that got taped and put on his twitter) and reference them on Raw


4. to many options to list from this point, you could have the WWE legal team find a clause that says the champ has to defend one a month regardless of overall employment status or be stripped (complete with lawyers telling punk the belt will be taken back as WWE property, keeping him face)


or you could have him resign, or defend the title once a month in other promotions and say he met the requirements, ect. you could have him lead a faction back to the WWE as part of his contract negotiations that are "true wrestlers" (a Face IWC faction)


but my main point would be I would spin it as hunter saying "look, i'm the new boss, and i'm not going to pretend chicago didn't happen."


that puts hunter over with both pro punk and anti punk fans (if there are any :D) sides as a good boss who respects the belt/win, makes the title seem important because the new boss refuses to just make a new one and bury his head in the sand but rather is going to go to great ends to "get it back", and sets up an interim number one contender and belt holder to placate fans who must have a title on TV.

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Since we're all having fun fantasy booking, here's what I'd do with trips as the boss...


1. Next week have trips announce that the WWE title represents to much to the industry and the company to simply replace. Announce that WWE is doing everything it can to either negotiate a match for the title or a deal long term for CM punk, and they are not simply going to pretend the match didnt happen. but emphasize that they will not cave completely on Punk's demands (no man is bigger than the business ect)


2. Hold the match between rey and miz, and announce that it is for the internum belt, which also represents the number one contender slot for whoever holds it at such time as the belt is regained/ a match is signed.


3. have punk continue to tweet/FB/whatever about how WWE's title is a joke similar to last night, meanwhile have him go to indy events (they clearly don't mind ROH for instance) and either defend the title or give promo's about how he's the true champ. Place WWE plants at these events with flip cams to put them on social media (i.e cena's promo that got taped and put on his twitter) and reference them on Raw


4. to many options to list from this point, you could have the WWE legal team find a clause that says the champ has to defend one a month regardless of overall employment status or be stripped (complete with lawyers telling punk the belt will be taken back as WWE property, keeping him face)


or you could have him resign, or defend the title once a month in other promotions and say he met the requirements, ect. you could have him lead a faction back to the WWE as part of his contract negotiations that are "true wrestlers" (a Face IWC faction)


but my main point would be I would spin it as hunter saying "look, i'm the new boss, and i'm not going to pretend chicago didn't happen."


that puts hunter over with both pro punk and anti punk fans (if there are any :D) sides as a good boss who respects the belt/win, makes the title seem important because the new boss refuses to just make a new one and bury his head in the sand but rather is going to go to great ends to "get it back", and sets up an interim number one contender and belt holder to placate fans who must have a title on TV.


I like this fantasy booking scenario. This would be a lot of fun to follow.

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Just as the all kinds of awesome MiTB PPV gave the impression that they were going to be a bit more about wrestling, a stupid string of 5-min matches totally smashed that and once again reminded the world that they are 100 % sports entertainment. Sure, the ending was shocking and interesting... but it's a huge shame that the only interesting part of a 2-hour wrestling show is 10-min angle in the end.


It's cute btw to see John Cena try to be cool like Punk by hinting towards a rival company on tv. You can't blame him for not trying!


right, but when you combine the fact that the ENTIRE POINT of the last segment is that Vince is making horrible decisions with the product, doesn't the fact that he booked a quickie tournament re enforce the fact that trips should be in charge BECAUSE vince books a horrible product without regardless to how the biz runs now?


the entire show was an intentional indictment of vince, both from him trying to put the bandaid on with the quick matches to trying to purge punk from the record books by saying he can't be mentioned rather than admit his mistake. Also notice that Cena tossed that out the window by naming punk and thanking him and also punk's twitter during the event also invalidated the entire thing as vince being crazy.


I understand it was annoying to have a bunch of 5 minute matches after an great PPV, but this is going to be a slow burn angle. The attempt by vince to convince the crowd MITB didn't matter and put a bandaid on the situation was needed to build up to the even worse business decision to attempt to fire Cena so Trips could come out and put an end to Vince's awful decision making and give the angle teeth.


IT will depend on the next few weeks. If trips just goes "ho hum, we'll have this match miz v. rey for a fake belt just like the guy we just removed from power said" then i'll be right with you Hive.


If next week he does something along the lines of "We aren't going to devalue that title like this, we are going to work on getting it back in to the WWE fold. That match is for an interim belt/ #1 contender slot while we pursue that" then I'm ok with that storytelling.

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10 minute matches x 7 = 70 minutes. Leaves plenty of time for building each match as something slightly important. :rolleyes:


I only caught the last part of Raw (was at work), but if they all were like 2 minutes long, I see your point.


I'm not sure how much time commercials take, but then again, a match can be going on while the commercial is on anyways. So really, you only have to make sure you have enough time for promo's to carry the storylines going on (if they even had any at all outside of the obvious for that show).


Still, you could pop in a 7 to 10 minute match in there, if you have a couple squash match's, which is why I agree with you. Put two people against each other that can make it look very uneven, and book it as such.

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I think alot of you guys seem to want your cake and eat it too.


you can't have the board of directors specifically target Vince's bad booking decisions as a reason to fire him from his own company yet complain that in the lead up to that angle vince made bad booking decisions you didn't like so the show stunk. That was the point of the night and recent storyline....


As i said above, the entire point of the night was that Vince has lost touch with the audience and needs to be replaced. yet the criticisms here about the first 1:45 minutes of the show are that it wasn't a well booked show following a good PPV (which was only good because all of Vince's schemes backfired).


You can't have a guy book a great show to make up for losing the WWE title and then send out HHH to strip him down for being a bad head of the company. Not if you want the angle to mean anything anyway


And lets be honest, those matches are no worse than what's been on Raw for years, and contrary to some of the posters above's assertions, 3 of them went over 8 minutes of in ring time. 2 others went over 6.


As i pointed out to Hive, I'll wait to see next weeks follow up. If trips doesn't cement his power/ alter the booking by Vince and instead just goes forward with the rey v. miz match and trying to pretend punk dosen't exist, , then I'll lean more the way of "they are screwing this up"


But if the booking next week references how bad an idea it was to try to "forget" the WWE title as i expect then this show was well booked, because it told the correct story of Vince's growing incompetence and loss of touch with the WWE's current audience (something Punk, Cena and Trips have referenced in promo's) that had to be stopped and opens the way for them to tell the story of HHH trying to set the company stright.

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