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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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ADR is not going to lose the belt soon. There's a tour in Mexico in October and they are dying to go back there with him as a champion. It would give him a 3-4 months reign which is really good for a first time.


As for Punk not being able to hit the GTS on Nash... Well, for me, the move has zero credibilty in the first place anyway. A lot of WWE wrestlers are bigger and/or taller than Punk, so he has trouble to a) lift them b) hitting them with his knee before their feet touch the ground. He really needs something for bigger opponents, but that's just my opinion.

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He really needs something for bigger opponents




It's sad that they don't sell the hype on Punk doing the GTS on Cena more. That's the equivalent of Cena doing the FU on the Big Show. Punk doing that was more of a statement that he is what he claims he is and that is that he's not just a better wrestler than Cena but that he is also the best. He can do something FU like on Cena who is much bigger than him and still do it several times. Commentating really has gone downhill. I could imagine Monsoon being all over that.

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I find it funny how everybody thinks that if the WWE don't make Punk a legend they have majorly screwed up. I think CM Punk is the most entertaining wrestler on the roster today, but while he does have excellent in ring skills and can cut awesome promos, he just doesn't have the look IMO. He seems destined to be a Semi-Main Eventer, like Rey Mysterio and Kane. Rising up, being the top star for a few months, going back down to jobbing to Main Eventers ect. We as the IWC love him because, well, he can actually put on 5 star classic matches unlike (almost) the rest of the roster, but look at his fued with Jeff Hardy from 2009. He was the hottest heel in the company, but after Jeff left the company his push just stopped in its tracks. I think that once this fued with Cena is over he will just be back where he was at the first of the year.
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I find it funny how everybody thinks that if the WWE don't make Punk a legend they have majorly screwed up. I think CM Punk is the most entertaining wrestler on the roster today, but while he does have excellent in ring skills and can cut awesome promos, he just doesn't have the look IMO. He seems destined to be a Semi-Main Eventer, like Rey Mysterio and Kane. Rising up, being the top star for a few months, going back down to jobbing to Main Eventers ect. We as the IWC love him because, well, he can actually put on 5 star classic matches unlike (almost) the rest of the roster, but look at his fued with Jeff Hardy from 2009. He was the hottest heel in the company, but after Jeff left the company his push just stopped in its tracks. I think that once this fued with Cena is over he will just be back where he was at the first of the year.


So you're theory is that is push stopped because Hardy left? is push stopped because the powers that be followed other directions.

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Whether someone has the look or not is completely subjective to your own POV. Ironically, it's people like HHH who used to sound like that.




It's sad that they don't sell the hype on Punk doing the GTS on Cena more. That's the equivalent of Cena doing the FU on the Big Show. Punk doing that was more of a statement that he is what he claims he is and that is that he's not just a better wrestler than Cena but that he is also the best. He can do something FU like on Cena who is much bigger than him and still do it several times. Commentating really has gone downhill. I could imagine Monsoon being all over that.


Cena isn't THAT big... and Punk's done the GTS on much heavier than Cena. JBL, Kane for starters.

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Whether someone has the look or not is completely subjective to your own POV. Ironically, it's people like HHH who used to sound like that.




Cena isn't THAT big... and Punk's done the GTS on much heavier than Cena. JBL, Kane for starters.


You can't really be sold as a SuperFace unless you have the build of a big wrestler.


JBL for example may be bigger than Cena but the way the character is portrayed he is smaller (not in size) but in capability than Cena that lifting Cena is a much bigger achievement.


I also don't recall the Kane GTS but judging by the name, it seems most likely that Punk was doing the GTS after a beaten down Kane either from a weapon or from Punk's factions where as what Punk did to Cena was a straight up shoot match. Almost where the perception was Cena couldn't just "fake" it to Punk and Punk similarly wouldn't do as much high spots and would opt for more shoot style and stiff style moves even to the point of repetition.


I'm not really saying they need to bring up that fact with the feud though. Just that a simple commentator mention would have added spades to the achievement of Punk even beating Cena the way he did so that there would be no question with regards to the usage of the GTS. In the past there were many of these instances. Nowadays it's only Cole who have the guts to call something out that doesn't sound scripted and often times whenever he hands Booker T or King a golden opportunity to counter their words, these guys just mumble or poke fun at Cole and totally kill any small build up the wrestlers could actually be getting from the booth. If Bret in his prime had these types of comments thrown at him, the sharpshooter and the small package wouldn't have the mystique of painting Bret as a mega-talented 5 moves of doom technical wrestler.

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So, after this PPV i have two questions: THe long term and Awesome plan that many of the WWE guys like JR told us to wait for is making him a transitional champion twice? Nice one....


2: Punk losing the title to Del Rio because of Nash... (i knew he hadn't been hired just to sit at home) Mexican tour coming,bla, bla... i know, but still... CM Punk re-signed just to lose the title right away? Damn...Do i see a Joey Styles treatment on the way? Really...i know it looks like it, but i'm not complaining, i'm just wondering and trying to make sense out of all of this! I mean....this Punk thing looked awesome back in June. Now?....I just don't see it fulfilling all it's potential... Let's hope i'm wrong. Hey, maybe i am....afterall the buzz continues with this Nash thing. But the outcome may not be that good.

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So, after this PPV i have two questions: THe long term and Awesome plan that many of the WWE guys like JR told us to wait for is making him a transitional champion twice? Nice one....


2: Punk losing the title to Del Rio because of Nash... (i knew he hadn't been hired just to sit at home) Mexican tour coming,bla, bla... i know, but still... CM Punk re-signed just to lose the title right away? Damn...Do i see a Joey Styles treatment on the way? Really...i know it looks like it, but i'm not complaining, i'm just wondering and trying to make sense out of all of this! I mean....this Punk thing looked awesome back in June. Now?....I just don't see it fulfilling all it's potential... Let's hope i'm wrong. Hey, maybe i am....afterall the buzz continues with this Nash thing. But the outcome may not be that good.


He'll get his dream job and do it quietly for years with the exception of spouting embarrassing conservative talking points on twitter? I doubt it.


Seriously if Punk is going full-fledged rebel babyface, it makes far more sense for him to be chasing the belt.

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lol when has MITB ever made a champ look weak?


It doesn't make the champ look weak but when the champ is in the middle of a major losing streak and only wins the belt because his opponent is knocked out it makes the championship look extremely weak and strips it of what meaning the Punk/Cena feud had given it.

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And the Plot Thickens.


I am telling you. If you read my theory last night, its the "re-emergence" of the Corporation... but instead of Trips taking the helm of control, it will be Stephanie. I wouldnt be surprised if Trips actually REMAINS face. And I know this is a long shot..but he aligns himself with Punk and Cena.



Just a thought

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