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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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For what it's worth, he claims that he's not face or heel on twitter, and that these terms are outdated and don't exist anymore. They just are who they are.


But yeah, a very strong Raw all-around, I think. Morrison/Del Rio was a good opener, Bourne/Kingston winning the tag titles was nice, Miz and Truth are great together, Cena/Punk was great and the main angle is pretty intriguing to me. Not really any bad spots on Raw this week.

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@Sayso, I did catch the end of that match, and from what I saw, it was a strong match that and the commentary by JR was making ADR seem really strong "I don't know if Punk OR Cena could take ADR right now."


I missed the conversation though, hoping to catch it on youtube or something later. I took the family out to eat and didn't make it home till after RAW started (at that point it was toward the end of the ADR vs Morrison match). Was around 8:30/8:45, not exactly sure how much I missed to the minute.

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I know this is a long shot, but what if the person behind all of this is..."Dramatic pause".....Vince?


I mean think about it. Who does he blame for his "relieving"? Cena and Punk equally! So call in Nash who happens to be Trips best friend and he would have leverage against him. Then have ADR take out Cena, and the title would be safely in the hands of the Corporation, but who would be the Corporations leader? Think about it.


John Laurenitis: Is a modern Day Stooge, and not charismatic enough to pull it off.


Stephanie: Maybe. but then again, it would be too obvious.


Trips; If it was him it would make as much since as Vince being the Higher Power and the leader of the "Corporate Ministry" (remember that? )


Linda: Running for Senate, again, plus she was a HORRIBLE Heel.


So it HAS to be Vince.


What you think

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It won't be Triple H, as Laurenitis told him a bout the car crash. Laurenitis also had access to Triple H's room at SummerSlam, since he was in their holding meetings or what ever. Therefore, the man who texted Nash on Triple H's cell phone, was in fact Laurenitis. Who is also in charge of hiring, therefore offered Kevin Nash a contract, and hasn't told Triple H about it. He also told Kevin Nash that he was not allowed to tell Triple H otherwise the contract is null and void.


That's my theory, but it's based on logic, and you can't use logic when looking at WWE's booking.

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Not within your debate about who's behind everything, but...


The whole match between Punk and Cena was hilarious, Punk was laughing after a good portion of the moves Cena did to him, don't know if that's part of their storyline or whatever, but it made me laugh, a lot...


And was Punk the one who said " I'm flying " when Punk went for the springboard clothesline from the outside of the apron? If so, Punk is just hilarious.


And I believe after Cena did his normal thing, with the diving shoulder blocks, and a miss clothesline from Punk into a spinout powerbomb, you can visibly see Punk sarcastically acting like he's in danger and laughing...Just about the same thing when Punk dove off the top rope onto a standing Cena and he rolled through and lifted him in a fallaway slam manner, Punk was bobbling his head like crazy towards the crowd, who ate it up, only for him to be shifted and lifted into an AA, and Punk looked like he got like.. Angry and serious all at once with the elbows to reverse/counter/escape the AA attempt.


This all was very entertaining though, at least to me.

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But one question.

what would be Laurenitis reasoning behind it? I mean his motive is not "personal" enough


Technically, both men within the span of ... two weeks? ... assaulted Johnny Ace. Cena with the shot at MitB, and Punk kicking him in the head. And during that span, both men have questioned his authority, and insulted him, so there is a personal vein that runs through it.


I'd believe it would be at the call of someone higher, though, such as a Stephanie or Vince.

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I know this is a long shot, but what if the person behind all of this is..."Dramatic pause".....Vince?


I mean think about it. Who does he blame for his "relieving"? Cena and Punk equally! So call in Nash who happens to be Trips best friend and he would have leverage against him. Then have ADR take out Cena, and the title would be safely in the hands of the Corporation, but who would be the Corporations leader? Think about it.


John Laurenitis: Is a modern Day Stooge, and not charismatic enough to pull it off.


Stephanie: Maybe. but then again, it would be too obvious.


Trips; If it was him it would make as much since as Vince being the Higher Power and the leader of the "Corporate Ministry" (remember that? )


Linda: Running for Senate, again, plus she was a HORRIBLE Heel.


So it HAS to be Vince.


What you think


I really do not think it is that much of a long shot, I actually think it makes perfect sense. Even your reasoning behind it seems to be a perfect fit. Therefore the WWF will not go with it because it makes too much sense.

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I think it'll be revelaed little by little that Steph had something to do with all this. And Johnny Ace is probably in on it.


It's all a conspiracy to get Vince back in there and ruin Triple H in the eyes of the board.


Not saying anything new or crazy but I dont think it's one person. They'll make it seem like this huge reveal and that it WAS one of them all along, but I think more crap will come out on TV and it'll be a bigger conspiracy with several people involved.

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Is he getting the full replacement? That sucks. I dont wish that on anyone that's a very tough surgery to have. Especially Rey. He stood outside in the cold and signed autographs for about an hour after a show here in Philly. Pretty much all the other "big" names got in their cars but Rey stood out and talked to his fans and took pictures and everything. He really was a great guy, or at least came off that way to me.


I was under the impression they were doing reconstuctive surgery on the ACL and/or MCL since the tendon issues were the problem moreso than connective tissue loss. I mean that surgery sucks too but if you couple that on top of getting a full knee replacement... it's not good. I hope he gets better but maybe decides he's done enough in wrestling and doesn't need to jeopardize his future anymore.

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Todd Grisham has left for a job with ESPN. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


And maybe like Jonathan Coachman before him, he'll prove to be better there than he was with WWE. Then again, I've seen Grisham on Fox Soccer a couple times and wasn't impressed with him there either.

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