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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I still like my idea of doing a three way match between Taker/HBK/HHH. That is the only way I have interest in HHH being in the Taker match. His new role as COO would be perfect to run the storyline I proposed earlier in this thread.


Other than that, there really isn't a compelling matchup for Taker that is obvious.

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Not really a fan of seeing Triple H face Taker again.


Needs to be someone who if they were to beat him it would give them a tremendous rub. I don't think anyone will beat him but the person who faces him needs to be someone who could conceivably gain something long term from a win over Taker. HHH wouldn't, he doesn't need to end the streak to get any higher.


Punk facing him and beating him could truly put him at the very very top of the tree. Could go with the whole Punk only person to beat him by submission angle in some way maybe.


Cena will be around for a long time but doesn't need the ending of the streak.


I'd like to see Orton as the last man to face Taker at Mania, reckon it would be a pretty good match, but again I'm not sure he conceivably needs the rub of ending the streak.


Jericho, again a good match would be had, but no one gains anything from Jericho ending the streak.


Who else is there? They could build someone up I guess, but who?


Personally I'd like to see Orton get it, slowly turn more deranged over the year and win the Rumble, have Taker announce Mania will be his last match, Orton comes out and says he wants to end the streak, plays the tweener role like Michaels sort of did with his 2 feuds with Taker. Taker wins and bows out on the grandest stage with the streak in tact.


or.. Orton win's and becomes the Evil Legend Killer we all know and love.:cool:

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Sheamus and Undertaker would be a good match I think. Sheamus could deliver everything he has only for Taker to continue to get up and kick out. Taker would win and go on another year but if Sheamus looked strong it could help his career.


Does that story ever get old?


"Gives everything but taker just keeps kicking out"


Ready for a new story.

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Does that story ever get old?


"Gives everything but taker just keeps kicking out"


Ready for a new story.


Normally I'd say it gets old but when it comes to the Undertaker and Wrestlemania no I don't think it is old. Not sure how true it is but he supposedly has some say in who he will lose to at Mania.


If I had to guess right now who will eventually end the streak if anyone does... I will say Big Show probably.

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I'd prefer Undertaker to just not come back. He bores the hell out of me nowadays.


Also, his entrance went from being bad ass to seriously? Cut to a freaking commercial.


I can't remember when it was, but it was in the last few years. His entrance lasted 2 minutes and then he cut a promo that lasted for 30 seconds. REALLY?


I'm not exaggerating either. The one SummerSlam where he faced Edge in Hell in A Cell, his entrance was over 3 minutes long. It'd be one thing if that was a pay per view only thing, but come on, taking up TV time watching him walk down the ramp is boring. It lost it's appeal(at least to me) forever ago.


I also hate how he incorporated the MMA striking crap into his move set. It just looks silly when he's in a stance like that and he's supposed to be this undead creature. I get that he was trying to evolve, but he just looks like a goof to me.

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Normally I'd say it gets old but when it comes to the Undertaker and Wrestlemania no I don't think it is old. Not sure how true it is but he supposedly has some say in who he will lose to at Mania.


If I had to guess right now who will eventually end the streak if anyone does... I will say Big Show probably.


Wow, not sure you could have picked someone worse or less likely to end the streak :D


Big Show hasn't long left himself, him ending the streak does nothing for either of them. Literally 0% chance of Big Show ever ending the streak, and I'd say the chances are only slightly higher of Show even facing Taker at Mania, say 0.0000000001%.

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Wow, not sure you could have picked someone worse or less likely to end the streak :D


Big Show hasn't long left himself, him ending the streak does nothing for either of them. Literally 0% chance of Big Show ever ending the streak, and I'd say the chances are only slightly higher of Show even facing Taker at Mania, say 0.0000000001%.


I've always thought it would be cool if Kane beat him. However, I think he's getting to be in the same boat.


They need someone to take up that spot, if he loses. Someone that everyone will want to beat the man that beat the streak, and then like five years from now... Show how no one has beaten him at Wrestlemania even though he's lost in other PPV's and on TV.


I have no idea who though. They had a couple of "Giant" types in FCW, but I think they let them go or something (haven't heard of them in a while). I thought one of them was looking pretty agile, and menacing.


I bet Goldberg comes back to wrestle him.... LOL.


Goldberg said he would be back in wrestling at the end of this year.

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I've always thought it would be cool if Kane beat him. However, I think he's getting to be in the same boat.


They need someone to take up that spot, if he loses. Someone that everyone will want to beat the man that beat the streak, and then like five years from now... Show how no one has beaten him at Wrestlemania even though he's lost in other PPV's and on TV.


I have no idea who though. They had a couple of "Giant" types in FCW, but I think they let them go or something (haven't heard of them in a while). I thought one of them was looking pretty agile, and menacing.


I bet Goldberg comes back to wrestle him.... LOL.


Goldberg said he would be back in wrestling at the end of this year.


Goldberg's "return" is him wrestling a charity show in Africa. Already announced. He said he'd only wrestle "for him" and not anyone else anymore.

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I always felt Randy Orton would be the one to beat him finally for some reason. I don't know why. I guess they try hard to make Orton the #2 man behind Cena and sometimes people don't buy it. That would really cement his place at the top imo.


If it was up to me I would give it to either Sheamus or Wade Barrett. Both have all the tools to be HUGE for years to come.

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I always felt Randy Orton would be the one to beat him finally for some reason. I don't know why. I guess they try hard to make Orton the #2 man behind Cena and sometimes people don't buy it. That would really cement his place at the top imo.


If it was up to me I would give it to either Sheamus or Wade Barrett. Both have all the tools to be HUGE for years to come.


I want Sheamus to end the streak.


I just have a weird feeling it would be Big Show or a big guy like that if anyone. I could see Big Show wrestling for another decade with a light schedule. If he never had goofy comedy roles I think he would be much more credible too. He could have been our generations Andre.

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I had stated before that I wanted Henry to fight the Undertaker at mania and I still do. I just don't think that it would happen as they'd worry about the match quality. Mark Henry's good at what he does, and in a normal PPV a Taker / Henry match would be a quality main event. But it's Wrestlemania, baby. And even though I want to see it, I highly doubt they'd go into mania with that match. They'd look for a more dynamic performer to go against the Undertaker most likely so they can overbook the crap out of the match. I'm really at a loss of as to WHO could be that guy, but I don't think it's Henry.


Build Henry as unstoppable all the way to 'Mania. 'Taker stpes forward as the man to finally stop him. Henry goes into 'Mania as a real threat to the streak and looks like he's going to win it after *insert way of cheating here*


In the build up to 'Mania, keep Kane/Big Show off TV. With Henry about to win it, Kane/Big Show return, stopping Henry picking up the win. 'Taker gets 1 final run as champ. From there, I'd build towards 'Taker vs HHH vs HBK at 'Taker's final Wrestlemania. How good would it be having 'Taker go over both HHH & HBK and then having HHH, HBK & 'Taker hug it out to close 'Mania.

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Build Henry as unstoppable all the way to 'Mania. 'Taker stpes forward as the man to finally stop him. Henry goes into 'Mania as a real threat to the streak and looks like he's going to win it after *insert way of cheating here*


In the build up to 'Mania, keep Kane/Big Show off TV. With Henry about to win it, Kane/Big Show return, stopping Henry picking up the win. 'Taker gets 1 final run as champ.


Nothing they do with Mark Henry will lead anyone to believe his a legit threat to end the streak. On top of that, Taker surviving Mania against Henry because of help from Kane and Big Show would be a crappy way to continue the streak.


From there, I'd build towards 'Taker vs HHH vs HBK at 'Taker's final Wrestlemania. How good would it be having 'Taker go over both HHH & HBK and then having HHH, HBK & 'Taker hug it out to close 'Mania.


To me, this is the best match at WM for Taker. Have HHH turn sort of heel by using his power to force Taker into a match with him. Have him so obsessed with ending the streak that it isn't just about wanting to be the one to end, it's about wanting Undertaker to retire with a loss no matter who it is from. He forces HBK back into action thinking HBK will help him. HBK is reluctant about returning. The Undertaker doesn't trust him and is convinced this is a handicap match.


At Mania, they should be working an epic match where HBK is sort of reluctant throughout. He gets taken out by a chokeslam and HHH gets the sledgehammer "DETERMINED" to end the streak no matter what! He takes out Taker with the sledgehammer as HBK gets up. HHH starts the pin and at 2 HBK breaks the count, saying "not like this." This leads to 5 minutes or so of HHH vs HBK while Taker recovers himself. HBK ends up nailing HHH with Sweet Chin Music. The crowd is popping as HBK spins for his little arms wide open dance and gets caught with a tombstone for the pin.


Streak continues. Put that match together right and it would be epic. Lots of drama, lots of near falls and people might actually worry about the streak ending.

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No, no, no. I love HBK, but I don't want him to come back and have another match. He had his retirement match and, unlike Ric Flair, I see him actually honouring that and never having another match. And the last thing we should have is a triple threat for a Taker's streak match.


Only realistic options in my eyes.


Triple H. HHH becomes obsessed and realises that just like his buddy HBK, ending the streak can truly take over your life.


Randy Orton. Would be one hell of a match imo. Orton can carry on getting more and more like a loose cannon over the year and can say that he lost to Taker several years ago, but then he was young and naive and Taker was at the top of his powers, but now things are the other way around.


Chris Jericho. Another quality match would be had, and if Jericho is brought back and made to look strong it could work. Not really any realisitc chance of Jericho being given the rub if they do decide to ever end the streak.


Wade Barrett. They've got the history with Nexus helping Kane to bury Taker last year. Could easily conjure something up for the two of them and people might believe Barrett could be given the win with being obviously talented and young too. Wouldn't be a big draw though imo, unless they really made Barrett hugely credible going in to the fight.

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To me, this is the best match at WM for Taker. Have HHH turn sort of heel by using his power to force Taker into a match with him. Have him so obsessed with ending the streak that it isn't just about wanting to be the one to end, it's about wanting Undertaker to retire with a loss no matter who it is from. He forces HBK back into action thinking HBK will help him. HBK is reluctant about returning. The Undertaker doesn't trust him and is convinced this is a handicap match.


At Mania, they should be working an epic match where HBK is sort of reluctant throughout. He gets taken out by a chokeslam and HHH gets the sledgehammer "DETERMINED" to end the streak no matter what! He takes out Taker with the sledgehammer as HBK gets up. HHH starts the pin and at 2 HBK breaks the count, saying "not like this." This leads to 5 minutes or so of HHH vs HBK while Taker recovers himself. HBK ends up nailing HHH with Sweet Chin Music. The crowd is popping as HBK spins for his little arms wide open dance and gets caught with a tombstone for the pin.


Streak continues. Put that match together right and it would be epic. Lots of drama, lots of near falls and people might actually worry about the streak ending.


Thank you. Gonna go open TEW now :p

If that happens I owe you lunch ;)

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I'm no fan of The Undertaker's character in any way and have never rooted for him in any matches (unless against someone I really disliked). However, I think it would be a huge mistake at this point to ever break the streak. He should keep winning those matches untill he retire, and hopefully against fresher people than Triple H and the likes, so that they can get a rub. Like Sheamus, Morrison, Barrett, The Miz, etc... just someone he hasn't had matches with at 10 PPVs already.
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They've been covering that up pretty well though, IMO. He can't go like alot of them, but if they continue to have him do slow yet very strong moves, with the way he's able to pull out that "flash" like reflex everynow and then, they could easily hide his in ring limitations. Lots to work with there, if they keep it up.


@shawn michaels 82:


Seems Mark Henry has more fans then alot of people thought, and his new momentum is good. He's one of the few "KNOWN" big guys left on the roster that they can depend on to be there every week. Giving him a push, making him a worthy competitor, and making him "awesome" is only going to help whomever beats him down the road... Be it Shaemus, Orton, whomever. Obviously they needed someone like this, and you can't do this with a "nobody" just because someone else feels it would be better. First off, Henry has proven himself to be there through thick and thin... He gives his all no matter if he's jobbing or not. Now he's getting his dues, and lots of people think it's well deserved. A "New" guy in this position wouldn't work no where near as fast.




Christian has always been great in the upper cards, going for the belt. I honestly think he's about to get sucked into this "conspiracy theory" storyline, but even if he doesn't, he is playing his part to perfection. He's a "Whiner" right now, and he's exactly where he should be... Does a great job as a heel and I'd like to see him actually slip down the card to help some of the other guys out.


He's one of those types of people you can count on, and I'm sure he's much appreciated and perhaps even responsible for some of these things.


You don't think Cena is a good champion? LOL

Nothing has turned out yet... Punk is in the match for the title again... How is anything ridiculous? Look... Cena is their top guy, you're never going to get rid of that, unless he gets injured or quits. The guy's up there with every other great. The more you hate or love him, the more he's going to be "The Man". Doesn't matter if you say it's good heat or bad heat, he's getting even bigger because of people like you.




Daniel Bryan is NOT Main Event Material for ANY National promotion, anywhere... He wouldn't be Main Event in Japan, Europe, Canada... Anywhere. Most people realise this. I'm most definately sure he realised that before he even committed to them. Most people realise that the MITB win is a set up for him to eventually win the title, and become "workhorse" for the stepladder up the card for WWE that we all know he is capable of being. HE is a "HUGE" asset to the company, in a way like Christian is. He will eventually be able to climb up and down the card with ease, and be a "technical" threat to anyone. But the "Technical" thing is a gimmick much like Mysterio or Sin Cara's amazing gymnastic abilities. With Bryan able to do some of that as well, makes him even more of a threat then the Luchadore's. However, much like them, he will be a "transitional" Main Event champion, at best.


I'm not taking anything away from the guy at all. IF I were in the bussiness, he'd be one of my first picks if I could choose anyone I wanted. The reason is because he is incredible at making other's look good... Let me repeat that.... He is an incredible jobber. He can make anyone from any position of the card look good. Just like Christian can. Everyone cannot do that.


EDIT: Your almost 30, you should be getting some of this stuff by now. Wrestling is "Entertainment", and people are put in as "characters" for specific roles. IF You like one better then another one, or if you like one "actor" better in their character then another "actor", they are doing their job. For example: IF you like CM Punk or Danial Bryan right now, and feel like they are being cheated for some reason, or miss-used or whatever you think... then the show is doing it's job by getting you invested. It's just like watching any other sitcom, movie, show, etc. Sometimes you will like the stories being told, sometimes they aren't your cup of tea. But in all honesty, this attitude as if you know more then they do, somehow know more then other's do, your fooling no one but yourself. It's no different then an actor you really like, or a comedian you really like, not getting lead roles, or not getting an HBO special. They are still there for you to enjoy. The thing is, the only competition in the Wrestling bussiness with companies that are entertainment based, is how many people like or hate you. If "they" somehow miss the boat on that, then you have a complaint.


Your rants to me sound like someone complaining because Freddie killed off a character you related to. It's exactly what would make the movie better. You invest in a character, and care what happens to them. You care about Daniel Bryan, so you care when he has a loss. Nothing wrong with that, that's what your supposed to do, and exactly what WWE hopes you will do.


Yeah, i'm almost 30, and you're probably old enough to recognize someone who is NOT ranting. I made a couple of questions, threw in a few question marks, and suddenly i'm ranting? Granted that my tone seemed a little arrogant, but some guys here take things too serious. I actually think that after Henry's 15 year tenure with the company, he deserves his shot. But i admit i never saw it coming, wich left me surprised. They give him a monster push once a year, every year, and it usually ends with him losing a title match. I thought we were headed that way. Off course he's not my cup of tea, when it comes to "in ring" skills, but his storyline with Sheamus, for example, was something i liked. So, i have no problem with him as a champ, but i hope it doesn't last long, as he is not my cup of tea, as i said. The rest of my post is a bunch of questions and opinions. It doesn't really matther how i voiced them, because i offended no one, and i acused no one of ranting or beeing old enough to know this or that. This what i "like" about some people on the net, they take thing to seriously. Why? Some will agree with me, some won't, but i'm untitled to think i'm sick of Cena, i don't like to see Bryan jobbing (though he's good at it, i never said he wasn't), and i could really see Christian as long term champion, at least once. And yes, i'm also entitled to think that the Punk storyline, in my opinion has lost a major part of it's initial momentum. Sure, he's in the title picture, but it's not the same thing as in July, and could still be as big, or at least close to it. Maybe if hhh and Nash hadn't stuck their noses in it. I mean...i could easilly find better ways to go with that storyline.


The point is, i'm entitled to think all of these things and much more, and you're old enough to understand that, comment on what i posted (as you did) with your opinion, but without the patronizing attitude and the complains about my alleged "ranting". I didn't insult anyone on that post, i didn't refer to anyone on this forum, i dind't say people are not allowed to disagree with me. In that post, i was, period! (To be or not to be...ah yes!) Don't take this the wrong way, i'm not trying to flame or to start a discussion, i just think some things, sometimes are taken much to seriously here. Now i know how Josh Lyman feels. Ah yes...the Lemon-Lyman. The Sorkin writing days...those were the days. After season 4, it kind of went down the drain.


Ps: Extra points for whomever understoond the cultural reference. :D


Edit: Shawn Michaels should never wrestle another match...ever! This coming from me! I don't want him to turn in some kind of Flair. If you're out, you're out. And he got out with style, in the top of his game. That's not easy to acomplish by your own free will. It's easy to fall in temptation of wrestling for a couple more years. As for Taker, does anyone know what is actually going on with him? There rumours a while back that he was really thin and maybe sick because of a picture that showed up on the net, though nobody was sure if that was him on that picture. Rumours about his condition change every day. Some say he's pretty banged up, others that he's sick, others that he just need some rest and can still do a couple more years, etc.


Anyway, i hope the streak doesn't end. Ever. But if it does, i can only see Orton or Punk as the guys to do it and get away with it. As for who he sould face this mania, if he competes, i would dig a Sheamus vs Taker. The Henry vs. Taker wouldn't work, no matter how they push Mark Henry. I would also love to see Orton get a chance at the streak again. Their first match was very good and they could try and top it. As for hhh facing him...no thanks. They had a good match, time to move one. There aren't that many people, other than Michaels, that are capable of pulling of a successfull back to back mania matches with Taker like he did, keeping the enthusiasm and expectations trough the roof.

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I find it somewhat amusing that Triple H seems like a more spiteful boss than many of the evil heel bosses we've seen throughout the years... :p


In other news, I feel like atleast one of the two midcard titles will change hands tonight. Not really confident about which one, though. Would love to say Ryder wins the US title and Rhodes has the surprise retain to help put him over - he says he wants to reinstate the prestige of the IC title, some strong retentions would aid that, and also it seems he'll be going against Orton after HiAC - but I'm not entirely confident that we'll be getting that right now.


If it's the other way around, then I might pick DiBiase to win the IC Title. Rematch at HiAC to end their feud, so Cody can focus on Orton. Should be interesting, either way.

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Why are the divas so damn noisy? Seriously, every other move has to be accompanied "ugh! ugh! oooooooagh!".


Also, Mark Henry is so ridiculously good right now, and I never thought i'd say that. He's got all the little touches down just right - yelling at the fans and all that. One guy had a world title replica and Henry just screams "yours is fake, this is real! YOURS IS FAKE AND THIS IS REAL!" how can you not love that?


Edit: Religious commentary by JR! "Hell in a Cell is like church: Many attend, few understand!"

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I think Henry is the first good heel champion other than Orton in a while. He gets heat from everybody: Internet smarks hate him because they think he sucks, and casual fans hate him for what he does each week.


That's the thing though, not all smarks hate him - i've heard and seen a lot of comments and stuff from people praising his work, saying how he's a hundred times better than he's ever been. We're going back to the whole 'monolithic hive-mind IWC' thing here :p

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