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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Yeah, i'm almost 30, and you're probably old enough to recognize someone who is NOT ranting. I made a couple of questions, threw in a few question marks, and suddenly i'm ranting? Granted that my tone seemed a little arrogant, but some guys here take things too serious. I actually think that after Henry's 15 year tenure with the company, he deserves his shot. But i admit i never saw it coming, wich left me surprised. They give him a monster push once a year, every year, and it usually ends with him losing a title match. I thought we were headed that way. Off course he's not my cup of tea, when it comes to "in ring" skills, but his storyline with Sheamus, for example, was something i liked. So, i have no problem with him as a champ, but i hope it doesn't last long, as he is not my cup of tea, as i said. The rest of my post is a bunch of questions and opinions. It doesn't really matther how i voiced them, because i offended no one, and i acused no one of ranting or beeing old enough to know this or that. This what i "like" about some people on the net, they take thing to seriously. Why? Some will agree with me, some won't, but i'm untitled to think i'm sick of Cena, i don't like to see Bryan jobbing (though he's good at it, i never said he wasn't), and i could really see Christian as long term champion, at least once. And yes, i'm also entitled to think that the Punk storyline, in my opinion has lost a major part of it's initial momentum. Sure, he's in the title picture, but it's not the same thing as in July, and could still be as big, or at least close to it. Maybe if hhh and Nash hadn't stuck their noses in it. I mean...i could easilly find better ways to go with that storyline.


The point is, i'm entitled to think all of these things and much more, and you're old enough to understand that, comment on what i posted (as you did) with your opinion, but without the patronizing attitude and the complains about my alleged "ranting". I didn't insult anyone on that post, i didn't refer to anyone on this forum, i dind't say people are not allowed to disagree with me. In that post, i was, period! (To be or not to be...ah yes!) Don't take this the wrong way, i'm not trying to flame or to start a discussion, i just think some things, sometimes are taken much to seriously here. Now i know how Josh Lyman feels. Ah yes...the Lemon-Lyman. The Sorkin writing days...those were the days. After season 4, it kind of went down the drain.


Ps: Extra points for whomever understoond the cultural reference. :D


Edit: Shawn Michaels should never wrestle another match...ever! This coming from me! I don't want him to turn in some kind of Flair. If you're out, you're out. And he got out with style, in the top of his game. That's not easy to acomplish by your own free will. It's easy to fall in temptation of wrestling for a couple more years. As for Taker, does anyone know what is actually going on with him? There rumours a while back that he was really thin and maybe sick because of a picture that showed up on the net, though nobody was sure if that was him on that picture. Rumours about his condition change every day. Some say he's pretty banged up, others that he's sick, others that he just need some rest and can still do a couple more years, etc.


Anyway, i hope the streak doesn't end. Ever. But if it does, i can only see Orton or Punk as the guys to do it and get away with it. As for who he sould face this mania, if he competes, i would dig a Sheamus vs Taker. The Henry vs. Taker wouldn't work, no matter how they push Mark Henry. I would also love to see Orton get a chance at the streak again. Their first match was very good and they could try and top it. As for hhh facing him...no thanks. They had a good match, time to move one. There aren't that many people, other than Michaels, that are capable of pulling of a successfull back to back mania matches with Taker like he did, keeping the enthusiasm and expectations trough the roof.


Ahh..... I forgot Shawn, English isn't your first language, and I ussually remember that. Sorry about that. I should have known better but slipped my mind. I normally realise your posts are short and simple to get your "thought" through, not to bash or rant, and I missed the boat on it completely.


I hope I don't, but if I do that again, just say something like "/Slaps Prophet", and I'll get it I promise.

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Great Raw in the quick lead-up to Hell in a Cell. The opening segment with HHH and the whining heels had me laughing.


A few good matches. Punk, Rhodes and Sheamus continue to be booked strong. Del Rio got the momentum he needed even with the loss to Punk.


Mason Ryan surprised me. No nice-guy Clark Kent hairstyle and a new finisher. Just keep him off the mic.

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Ahh..... I forgot Shawn, English isn't your first language, and I ussually remember that. Sorry about that. I should have known better but slipped my mind. I normally realise your posts are short and simple to get your "thought" through, not to bash or rant, and I missed the boat on it completely.


I hope I don't, but if I do that again, just say something like "/Slaps Prophet", and I'll get it I promise.


No problem. I'll keep that in mind. As for Teddy Long, i made that same question a month ago. He arrives, books tag and leaveS. Even my booking is more complex than that.

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I was actually interested in David Otunga last night.


I did too. It got me thinking. They could repackage him as a lawyer and a mouthpiece to someone who is better in the ring, but can't talk, like Mcgillicutty (this a ring not a swimming pool.) He'd be like a modern day IRS, except instead of auditing people he could give them legal advice.

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So is there a new stable coming with Christian, Ziggler, Rhodes etc??


I think they are leading to an all heel group of Otunga, Nash, Miz, Truth, Christian, Ziggler, and Rhodes led by Lauranitis to go against HHH's group. HHH's group possibly with Kofi, Bourne, Zack Ryder, Sheamus, Mason Ryan, and others? I dunno but it could be a couple Survivor Series matches or something.

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Also, Mark Henry is so ridiculously good right now, and I never thought i'd say that. He's got all the little touches down just right - yelling at the fans and all that. One guy had a world title replica and Henry just screams "yours is fake, this is real! YOURS IS FAKE AND THIS IS REAL!" how can you not love that?


I lol'ed too. I'm enjoying watching Mark Henry far more than I thought I would. It's actually quite refreshing to see him given the chance to expand on his annual monster push and become more of a heel in his own instead of it generically fizzling out after being fed to Cena/Orton/insert babyface. My only criticism of Henry is that I wish he was a bit more mobile. He's got his power-moves down, but he just isn't able to really make his offense look more explosive/devastating.

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I lol'ed too. I'm enjoying watching Mark Henry far more than I thought I would. It's actually quite refreshing to see him given the chance to expand on his annual monster push and become more of a heel in his own instead of it generically fizzling out after being fed to Cena/Orton/insert babyface. My only criticism of Henry is that I wish he was a bit more mobile. He's got his power-moves down, but he just isn't able to really make his offense look more explosive/devastating.


Without Edge around anymore, they should let him "Spear" people. That's not a hard move to pull off, and getting speared by him would look really great. Imagine him getting down like a front lineman, and then "BAM", right off the floor they go.


I've always hated his slam.

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I, too, have enjoyed seeing Henry. He's fun to watch in that monseter heel role. And I like that they had him put Lawler through the table last week, as he was getting a mixed reaction fromt he fans when he won at NOC and against on Raw when JR introduced him. He had to attack something to keep that badass heel thing up.



I'm thinking the lawsuit is leading to a survivor series angle for sure. Think they are setting up for two or more Survivor series matches? You gotta think Miz and Rtruth will get involved at some point. There's been stuff with Reks and Vickie Guerrero goign back and fortho n twitter about joining up. Plus Cena and Rock are announced as teaming together.

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