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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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but takers nose is more pointy.


The chin does seem a little more "pointy" but I think maybe its the mask thing on the bottom sucking some chin fat up. The eyes/nose strike me as more Kane then Taker. The big giveaway is the lips. Taker has a wide narrow mouth, this is short and fatter lips like Glenn Jacobs. Not to toot my own horn, but I am a bouncer and like to think I'm good at identifying faces. (checking IDs)


.I think the giveaway also is his four-corner pyro arm taunt thing. No one seems to do it quiet like Glen Jacobs, and thats how this Kane did it.


As for the hair, its just a wig. People forget Joey Mercury wrestled with a wig on for a while too when he had that face protection mask on, its not that hard when they have a mask to have a wig too, especially all wet like that.




And if it was Taker, they would of just had him retun with full sleeves. "Arm Makeup" will rub off way way to easy.


Totally agree. Obviously Kane. If others can't see that, they're obviously slow in the head.

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The sad thing is, most of these guys are saying it's Taker just because of the long hair. Clearly they hadn't received the news that a couple of months back he had shaved his entire head bald.


And oh crap, the conspiracy has taken yet another turn for the worse. I just had a conversation with a friend of mine and he brought up some rather interesting info to "prove it's Taker". ((Sigh...))







Current Returning Kane:



I gotta admit though, quite a nice find, I totally forgot about this version of the Undertaker. What storyline involved him at the time for him to wear the mask?

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The sad thing is, most of these guys are saying it's Taker just because of the long hair. Clearly they hadn't received the news that a couple of months back he had shaved his entire head bald.


And oh crap, the conspiracy has taken yet another turn for the worse. I just had a conversation with a friend of mine and he brought up some rather interesting info to "prove it's Taker". ((Sigh...))







Current Returning Kane:



I gotta admit though, quite a nice find, I totally forgot about this version of the Undertaker. What storyline involved him at the time for him to wear the mask?


It's all in the eyes though. That is Kane without a doubt. So is this what Cena is going to be doing for the next few months? Feuding with Kane? That could be great but I hope Kane comes out of it looking stronger than Cena. We need some strong heels to compete with the Ortons, Cenas, and Punks of the WWE.

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i was there live. 6 row ringside, in TV view so i got to be the moron seeing himself on TV :)


Random show thoughts:


after a brutally slow start, it was a great show live! i was sad to see they cut up the 4way match with commercials so much, it was awesome live. Crowd was insanely behind ryder. Fairly quiet for bryan which made me sad.


Kanes Pyro made me jump out of my seat. wasnt expecting that. crowd went nuts. after watching it back on TV, you can see mark henry jump a little when pyro hit.

Just before that, they showed the kids mystery vid, loud y2J chant broke out.


When cena mentioned rock was here, crowd exploded....Cenas demeanor and tone was quite heelish live.


random and LOUD we want ryder chants broke out few times. Crowd was hot with the lets go cena/cena sucks. Crowd popped big for road dogg.


biggest heat went to Cole, followed by vicki, and 3rd would go to miz/Zig.


Post show, they had the 3 way title match (punk, del rio, miz) Punk wins after a gts on Miz. he then went around the ring for pics, high fives, kisses for ladies, and autographs. Was really cool of him.


Funny note, we found where the superstars leave after the show, and got to see them load up in the cars. most waved and then drove by the crowd slowly and waived. What is funny is Ricardo and del rio left in a crap rental and ricard was driving. a little life imitating art lol. have pics i can share.

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The sad thing is, most of these guys are saying it's Taker just because of the long hair. Clearly they hadn't received the news that a couple of months back he had shaved his entire head bald.


And oh crap, the conspiracy has taken yet another turn for the worse. I just had a conversation with a friend of mine and he brought up some rather interesting info to "prove it's Taker". ((Sigh...))







Current Returning Kane:



I gotta admit though, quite a nice find, I totally forgot about this version of the Undertaker. What storyline involved him at the time for him to wear the mask?


I don't know how old those pics are, possibly from USWA when he wrestle'd as the Masked Punisher?


Interesting thought... I can't tell if that's Kane or not under the mask. I can't really tell who it is at all to be honest. When people first started saying something about Taker, I have to be honest, I can see a resemblence. The thing's mentioned makes me think "not" though, as it would be incredibly hard to hide all the tattoo's... and why would they have him do it anyways? He's more popular as Undertaker, if he's going to perform.... Then there is that little fact that he was refered to as "Kane" when first getting the gimmick, as if that was his name. He wasn't introduced as "Kane the Undertaker" in his debut, just Undertaker.. But on TV he was called Kane for the first few weeks. Just thought it interesting to point out (1990).


My opinion... Hard to tell. I figure if it's not Kane, it's just someone filling in til Kane can come back.... some part of a storyline they wrote six month's ago, and they need to have him in it.


Older masked version of Kane looks similar.


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I don't know how old those pics are, possibly from USWA when he wrestle'd as the Masked Punisher?


Interesting thought... I can't tell if that's Kane or not under the mask. I can't really tell who it is at all to be honest. When people first started saying something about Taker, I have to be honest, I can see a resemblence. The thing's mentioned makes me think "not" though, as it would be incredibly hard to hide all the tattoo's... and why would they have him do it anyways? He's more popular as Undertaker, if he's going to perform.... Then there is that little fact that he was refered to as "Kane" when first getting the gimmick, as if that was his name. He wasn't introduced as "Kane the Undertaker" in his debut, just Undertaker.. But on TV he was called Kane for the first few weeks. Just thought it interesting to point out (1990).


My opinion... Hard to tell. I figure if it's not Kane, it's just someone filling in til Kane can come back.... some part of a storyline they wrote six month's ago, and they need to have him in it.


Older masked version of Kane looks similar.



The Undertaker that wore that mask was in 1995.


Later, The Undertaker defeated Kama in a casket match at SummerSlam.[16] Several weeks later, The Undertaker injured his orbital bone near his eye, forcing a period of absence for surgery, until his return at Survivor Series.


The Undertaker returned at the 1995 Survivor Series, wearing a Phantom of the Opera-like, grey upper mask.[16] In the main event of the 1996 Royal Rumble, The Undertaker was unmasked in a WWF Championship match against Bret Hart, when Diesel interfered in the match to cost the Undertaker the championship.[


From Wikipedia.

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So, I'll preface this by saying that I don't have cable SO I didn't see the rest of the show BUT Kane's return was awesome. I just watched it on youtube and the new mask really gives him a demonic feel that we haven't seen in some time. That said, I would have changed the outfit. To me, he'd be more menacing in clothes that aren't 'wrestling attire'. Something torn... like he's literally crawled himself out of a grave or something. That said, it's good to see 'monster' Kane is back.
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I wanted to get a better look at Kane's new mask, the red lighting on Raw made it hard to tell its exact colour but it looked to me like it lacked the black markings of old.


After checking WWE.com, it seems I was right.





Oh, and it's totally Glen Jacobs.

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The sad thing is, most of these guys are saying it's Taker just because of the long hair. Clearly they hadn't received the news that a couple of months back he had shaved his entire head bald.


And oh crap, the conspiracy has taken yet another turn for the worse. I just had a conversation with a friend of mine and he brought up some rather interesting info to "prove it's Taker". ((Sigh...))







Current Returning Kane:



I gotta admit though, quite a nice find, I totally forgot about this version of the Undertaker. What storyline involved him at the time for him to wear the mask?


Undertaker used the mask in the wwf because Mabel( vicera) "broke" his face 1995. If i remember it right he took it of during the royal rumble' 96 title match with Bret Hart when diesel interfered.

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From JR's blog:



On His Announcing Philosophy: "What is my announcing philosophy? Short answer is that embellishing the skills of the in ring talents comes first, why said talents are in a given bout follows, and always avoid using negative/negative analogies to describe the stars. Every performer has to have their redeeming qualities re-enforced no matter their TV persona. It's a delicate, balancing act for broadcasters. Even villains, once clearly identified as villains, have positive attributes that need underscoring. Plus, the various titles have to be made to be special because they are intended to be and that will never change. Society understands championships."



I couldn't agree with this more. Micheal Cole is not a bad commentator. In fact, I think he's versatile and has a great ability to call a match with excitement. However, in my opinion, having the lead guy be so predictable and cheesy hurts the product in the long run. We all know who Cole hates and who he likes. He's going to take some wildly unrealistic point of view on the ridiculous antics of the heels and then talk about how bad the faces are. Cole typically tears down the guys who should be your top talent and is constantly putting over the people you're supposed to hate. I feel like J.R.'s approach to building up a "tweener" makes more sense.


And Lawler... well... he cracks bad jokes.


I feel like a stronger lead commentator would help build this product. I'm not saying that can't be Cole. But it can't be him with the character he currently portrays. Plus, they got him on both shows. Is it a smart idea to have such a hate-able guy as the on-screen leader of your broadcast team?

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I feel like a stronger lead commentator would help build this product. I'm not saying that can't be Cole. But it can't be him with the character he currently portrays. Plus, they got him on both shows. Is it a smart idea to have such a hate-able guy as the on-screen leader of your broadcast team?


When Cole starts going into character I just press MUTE on the remote. *sigh*


I know, it's temporary but you do raise a good question. WWE really needs a strong commentator to rise up and take over Cole's job. However, Cole probably has a good position with the company after having a win at Mania and crap.

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Where's the part about confusing every wrestler with "Chris" in their name in his philosophy?


Seriously though Ross certainly had his favorites (STONE COLD!), but the key is he wasn't negative even when talking about heels. Calling a bad guy "reprehensible" or "heinous" is actually pretty complimentary, and he was constantly putting over how big and scary a guy like Umaga or A-Train or Kane appeared. The biggest problem with heel Cole is that he's being outright negative towards babyfaces and very often he's the only one talking. If you listen to Jesse the Body or Bobby the Brain, these guys would reluctantly talk about how the babyface had a good look and were undeniably talented but just needed to get smarter except in circumstances where they're outright negative in order to lead into a feud. Plus, they had babyface announcers disagreeing with them.


But really the difference between a great announcer like JR and a decent announcer like Cole is that JR is able to bring an element of emotional truth to his commentary- he makes you feel the way he does because he seems to believe so strongly in what he's saying. Cole's emotional connection tends to be limited to energetic excitement, which is far more shallow and less cathartic for the audience. It's why JR is still the voice everyone hears in their head when they envision a big moment- his voice reflects the emotion we want the moment to express.

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Undertaker used the mask in the wwf because Mabel( vicera) "broke" his face 1995. If i remember it right he took it of during the royal rumble' 96 title match with Bret Hart when diesel interfered.


Yeah, Mabel hit his fat man splash on Taker like 10 times on the face. It was one of the few awesome Mable moments.

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