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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Santino really should have been given the victory there....the man is over like no one else. If anything Daniel could have used his rematch to get the belt back on Smackdown and then gone into Mania against Sheamus.


IMO, that would make Daniel Bryan look super weak. I mean, sure Santino has been getting over lately, but the only semi-notable match that he's won in the past two years was that battle royal on Smackdown. He's nothing more than a very popular jobber IMO.

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Santino really should have been given the victory there....the man is over like no one else. If anything Daniel could have used his rematch to get the belt back on Smackdown and then gone into Mania against Sheamus.


Yeah, I'm with WC there. Santino doesn't need that win. He's the perfect "jobber to the stars" so to speak.

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IMO, that would make Daniel Bryan look super weak. I mean, sure Santino has been getting over lately, but the only semi-notable match that he's won in the past two years was that battle royal on Smackdown. He's nothing more than a very popular jobber IMO.


Not if it was played up that Daniel beat Barrett after taking a sizable beating then Santino came up from behind and caught Daniel off guard with a roll up. It would have made the chamber look totally unpredictable and then brought in more viewers to Smackdown to see what happened with Santino and the world title then a quick squash submission victory for Daniel and the world is right again.

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Worst match on last? Sure seemed like it. Both chamber matches were solid. And I loved the Santino stuff myself. Maybe I'm not taking this serious enough, but Santino was definitely getting the biggest reaction from the crowd. 1st half of it was good stuff, died off in the end.


Id say the hottest match was the smackdown chamber. The crowd flipped when big show broke in on Bryan. I'd say Big Show or Santino got the biggest pops. I might lean a little towards Santino.


By the way I got my little sister on TV! look for the box of fruity pebbles during Cena/Kane :p

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Raw Chamber - Interesting choice for the opener. Would have picked this as the main or semi-main event. Love that it started with Face vs Face. Some great spots on the chamber floor (with Holy **** chants for Kofi's DDT counter on Ziggler) and Jericho using the pod door on Punk. Kofi was booked strong. Entrant and elimination orders were predictable (in a good way) until Jericho's shock exit. Punk's super push continues. Pretty awesome match.


Cool behind the scenes look at Cena and friends at his gym.


Beth v Tamina - Good match. Shame Tamina didn't win as she deserves it. Bring on Kharma. There's actually a few good divas now. Just like the tag division, the potential is there if the creative team and talent scouts put some effort into them.


Alberto Del Rio, Henry, Christian, Otunga and Johnny Laurangitis in the same segment? Hell yeah!


Smackdown Chamber - After a slow start they cranked it up a few notches. Barrett was booked strong. Highlights were the 2-man chamber floor suplex on Big Show, Big Show breaking into Bryan's pod, Barrett and

Rhodes double-teaming Big Show, and Santino eliminating Rhodes and Barrett to great applause. Santino v Bryan was epic! I really thought Santino was going to win, then lose the title back to Bryan on SD before Mania.


Swagger v Gabriel - US Title Match (Raw v SD) - Filler match but I'm a Gabriel fan so didn't mind.


Kane v Cena - Great brawler match to end an awesome PPV. Kane's suffocation submission is one of my favourite moves. It was pretty even until Cena let loose, which (replacing the 3 moves of doom with a few choice objects and AA'ing Kane off the ambulance like a ragdoll) was actually cheer-worthy instead of groan-worthy.


This is why the Elimination Chamber is one of the favourite PPVs every year. All it lacked was a midcard title match with an actual build-up. Reading a few sites and it seems a lot of people thought the PPV was crap. It was miles better than the Rumble and thoroughly entertaining, IMO, but each to their own.

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Add another one to the 'Santino' bandwagon for me - I sat half-watching the PPV and half-playing WMMA3, and the second half of the Smackdown chamber was the first segment to really get my attention to the exclusion of missing something happening on WMMA3 - I was pleased they avoided going down the cliched route of Bryan/Show as the final two, and like a couple of others already mentioned, for a second I really thought he was actually going to pull it off.


As for the rest of the PPV, I didn't think it was anything particularly noteworthy - I really don't like the whole Kane/Cena feud in the first place - if you're building up to one of the biggest matches of the decade, I don't see the benefit in starting a half-assed feud with a returning monster heel like Kane when everyone knows full well that no matter what happens, this is as far as the feud can go.

Not sure why they opened with the Raw chamber, particularly as the Smackdown chamber had a much weaker lineup - if you're going to have a match like Justin Gabriel vs Jack Swagger, surely that's got to be your curtain jerker? This is why I think the WWE really needs that Tag Team division back - they're ideal warm-up matches for star-heavy PPVs - how many times did the New Age Outlaws provide a solid, entertaining opening to a PPV without burning out the crowd?

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Even though Kane said Cena was Embracing the Hate on Raw last week, but after Cena winning....where did the hate go?


Must went over the ambulance with Kane.


I saw alot of this kind of thinking on my facebook last night. Alot of people seem to feel that if Cena didn't turn heel that the whole Kane "embrace the hate" storyline was for nothing.


I don't think the plan was ever for Cena to go heel. The plan was for him to "overcome the hate" not embrace it haha. They're just trying to come up with new ways to keep him as top face.

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Must went over the ambulance with Kane.


I saw alot of this kind of thinking on my facebook last night. Alot of people seem to feel that if Cena didn't turn heel that the whole Kane "embrace the hate" storyline was for nothing.


I don't think the plan was ever for Cena to go heel. The plan was for him to "overcome the hate" not embrace it haha. They're just trying to come up with new ways to keep him as top face.


Yeah it seems like they wanted to give his character a little bit of progression towards having an edge to him.


They want people to cheer for him at Mania against the Rock I think. This next month will be interesting!

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Problem is, there is no-one but no-one you could put in that ring opposite The Rock on April 1 and not have them be booed out of the building. You're facing one of the biggest stars the WWE has ever had, with more crossover appeal than anyone else bar possibly Hulk Hogan in his prime (and let's be honest, Rocky's movies have been much better... :p) in a match you've been hyping for over a year.

Oh, and you're doing it in his backyard.


There is nothing WWE can do to stop Cena getting a verbal pasting at 'Mania, and I have to say I don't really know what the hell they're going to do - there's no point turning Cena heel, because the guy just can't do it. There are natural faces (Steamboat, Cena, AJ Styles) and there are natural heels (Flair, Jarrett, Vince McMahon)*, and playing them against type just doesn't work - Cena is one of those - all you're going to do by turning him is suck what heat he has and also massively hurt your merchandise sales.


I'll be honest, I can't see Rock jobbing to Cena in his hometown in a match with this much buildup - on the same note though, having Cena lay down for a guy who's been inactive for the better half of a decade and will vanish again after the match is going to seriously hurt his credibility - where does he go from there? There's already a shortage of real main-event heels in the WWE - there's plenty of upper midcard heels like Barrett, Christian, Mark Henry etc, but none of those really make for an interesting feud in my eyes. Maybe if they'd held off on the Kane angle until after 'mania, that would have been ideal, but they went early with that one, and it's pretty much done now.

Maybe I'm being negative, but I just get the feeling that WWE have kind of backed themselves into a corner with this one.


(* - before people start throwing things, I'm not comparing the names mentioned in any way other than the fact that they all tend to play one side of a coin better than another.)

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RAW Chamber: good didn't see Punk walking out with the WWE Championship but i'm not complaining, wasn't expecting Kofi to last to long but seeing the DDT on the steel was pretty awesome, Miz lasting till final two is a plus.


Beth vs Tamina: wanted a win for Tamina but hopefully Beth versus Kharma will come out of it.


SD Chamber: even though i knew Santino wasn't going to win i was marking out when he hit the Cobra on Bryan, wanted Wade to win to see England vs Ireland at Mania, Sheamus hitting the Celtic Cross on Bryan was cool.


Swagger vs Gabriel: didn't feel that good even though i like both men i didn't really like it (probably because hornswoggle was involved).


John Cena vs Kane: in my opinion i thought this was rather crap, i was like OMG Cena's gonna AA Kane off the Ambulance onto the concrete, he does it, oh there was a box there, rather boring to watch, hearing Lawler kissing up to Cena during the match also annoyed me, but then again i hate Lawler on commentary


Overall Rating: 6/10

A chamber should've went on last considering the PPV is called Elimination Chamber

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