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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I get that and with Joe being a joke in TNA and DB being treated this way you might not want to watch the WWE anymore. But at the same time he did have a run with the WHC main eventing Smackdown, having crazy good, high profile matches with CM Punk the guy has had a helluva 2012 up until last night I would say. In fact I'd say he's been playing with the houses money ever since being in the WWE. I didn't figure he'd ever be a signifcant part of it let alone be a main eventer so I'm happy for the guy and as I poitned out HTM and HHH had similar situations happen to them and they turned out ok in the end :)


Everybody likes something different I just choose to look at all the good stuff the guy has had happen to him the last six months or so.

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I agree that having 18 seconds ruin a whole show is an overreaction - but that is what happened for me :p


My main gripe isn't about character or the integrity of the belt. My problem is that a guy who I really like based on his work, Wrestling Road Diaries and a bunch of other stuff, who clearly loves wrestling has been advertised to be having a match and has worked all year to get to Wrestlemania and he and I get that. A supporting character dieing after 18 seconds would be annoying too.

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/nod to just about everything being said. I understand the frustration with DB, I understand Stennicks position and TFC's for that matter.


I've said something similar before. When I read these forums, this thread in particular, it reminds me of talking with my buddies in school... Way back in the 80's. I think this forum is the whole reason I actually still watch wrestling, because I get something out of it with all the comments on here.


Just like Stennick was saying about his Grandmother, I can say the same thing about my parents, etc. Some of my friends loved Roddy Piper, some hated him. When he cheated to win, they would get mad and say "I'm never watching this again, what are they thinking about!!!" Especially if they liked his opponant.


The "Mark"/"Smark" thing doesn't really make anything difference to me. Everyone knows that Wrestling is fake, unless your 10... and even then someone has probably told you already. This has been true for almost 100 years... only they didn't need the internet to know it was fake back then (the papers reported on it enough to convince anyone).


HOWEVER: It does dissapoint me with the grandest PPV of them all. I'm not as huge of a fan for DB in the sense that I'm with most that say when I look at him I don't see the next great Main Eventer of all times. However, I do see all the other skills in him. I do realise there are alot of people that root for him, that like him, that want to see him achieve all the goals a person in Wrestling would like to achieve. I for the life of me have never understood how they can put someone on the grandest PPV of them all, and not have them perform, knowing all this.


You don't say "insert any favorite actor here" is going to be one of the stars of a movie, just to have them show up for a cameo. You shouldn't do that on these PPV's, as people are paying money to see their "favorites" perform.


Just saying, this one night a year, they should have serious match's, no matter the outcomes. No one should be in a match that lasts less then 30 seconds.

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But at the same time he did have a run with the WHC main eventing Smackdown, having crazy good, high profile matches with CM Punk the guy has had a helluva 2012 up until last night I would say. In fact I'd say he's been playing with the houses money ever since being in the WWE. I didn't figure he'd ever be a signifcant part of it let alone be a main eventer so I'm happy for the guy and as I poitned out HTM and HHH had similar situations happen to them and they turned out ok in the end :)

I totally agree with all of this. He's risen further than I ever expected he would, and I think he'll be just fine going forward.

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I have to admit, D-Bry losing in 18 seconds would have definitely put a damper on my WrestleMania festivities, had I not been so focused on Rock - Cena. Also, I missed the whole Sheamus - D-Bry match...


I was in the kitchen, putting barbecue potato chips on my plate, when I heard someone yell, "One match is already over!" from the living room.


Not something I would have wanted to see, even though I fully expected Sheamus to walk away with the gold.



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Punk and DB have been featured more wrestling wise on WWE programming the last 6 months. If it's seeing those guys go on a weekly basis that people want they've delivered on point.


Wrestlemania is more about creating a WM moment. I think that's what they were trying to give prob on account that the match would be lost in the shuffle anyway.

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Punk and DB have been featured more wrestling wise on WWE programming the last 6 months. If it's seeing those guys go on a weekly basis that people want they've delivered on point.


Wrestlemania is more about creating a WM moment. I think that's what they were trying to give prob on account that the match would be lost in the shuffle anyway.


I see the point, I just don't like it. I can't count how many times a lesser match has stolen the show, that wasn't supposed to be the focus. I can never really recall that ever being a bad thing.


Taker vs. HHH doing so well this time around is something I don't think anyone actually expected... IF they come back next year and do it even better, no one would expect that... but if it happened people would be glad (unless they are just totally sick of them or the storyline sucked/didn't work for it).


If they got lost in the shuffle, IMO it really doesn't hurt it at all... However, if they stole the show, it could have been potentially great.


I quoted you, but I know you understand what I'm talking about, with all that heavy research you've done into wrestling history. Lots of things happened that wasn't supposed to happen, and meant good things for the people involved.

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People like to see guys they know are super talented finally get their big moment on the biggest stage to show the world just how good they are. And when they get taken off the big show entirely one year and the next year are squashed in 18-seconds for a reason that is beyond stupid, they're bound to get irritated and quite understandably so. But I won't go into a lengthy and tiresome dissertation over it. If you can't see why fans of a talented worker who finally gets his moment on the big stage are less than happy over his being treated like an afterthought, well, the best argument in the world isn't going to sink in.
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Is Fantabulous ever talking to anyone? Who didn't understand, who is this mystery person that don't understand why fans of DB are upset?


I'm not a fan of DB, but loooooooooooooove Sheamus.


I didn't see the match myself. I was at a party and did not get home till Rock/Cena was about 15 minutes from being over. I will say I think DB deserved a better spot on Mania. It's Wrestlemania. They should have some great matches. That match could have been at say....Raw or something. People will still bribe and complain, but Mania was not the place for it.

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The way I see it is if they want to do these crappy 20 and 30 second matches do them on the pay per views that don't mean anything. Wrestlemania is suppose to be this grand stage and i just think that doing stuff like that not only devalues the workers but the event as well. When people watch Wrestlemania they expect the best show of the year, and putting on an 18 second squash, regardless of who is involved just takes away from that, and adds absolutely nothing to the show.
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The way I see it is if they want to do these crappy 20 and 30 second matches do them on the pay per views that don't mean anything. Wrestlemania is suppose to be this grand stage and i just think that doing stuff like that not only devalues the workers but the event as well. When people watch Wrestlemania they expect the best show of the year, and putting on an 18 second squash, regardless of who is involved just takes away from that, and adds absolutely nothing to the show.


I agree that they would have complained no matter who was in the 18 second squash match.


If that was the RAW vs SD match people would complain... If it was the divas tag match people would complain about it. Really any 18 second squash gets people talking about it. In fact I think every where on the internet that is probably the most talked about match of the night last night.

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I'm not SHoCKED that D-Bry is generating rage. I'm a little surprised that people who've been watching this long enough don't realize that's most likely EXACTLY what they were going for.


I was watching it with alot of people. Some were REALLY pissed lol. I don't get it. It's a wrestling show. They're gonna throw swerves and curves in there to keep it from being completely predictable. And it works. Usually wrestling fans' predictions turn out to be about half right. I think most of us got pretty close to half when I looked at the predictions earlier in the thread.

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The way I look at it now...


MiTB, his unbelievably chocky momentum throughout his career, this title match... I think this is Daniel Bryan's career in a nutshell. The thing being that it gets us talking every time. Which is a good thing in a way.


But it has to be said, watching that Funkasaurus crap just made the whole thing a tad more disconcerting.

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I'm not SHoCKED that D-Bry is generating rage. I'm a little surprised that people who've been watching this long enough don't realize that's most likely EXACTLY what they were going for.


I was watching it with alot of people. Some were REALLY pissed lol. I don't get it. It's a wrestling show. They're gonna throw swerves and curves in there to keep it from being completely predictable. And it works. Usually wrestling fans' predictions turn out to be about half right. I think most of us got pretty close to half when I looked at the predictions earlier in the thread.


The reason I was pissed is because I believe the guy deserves better and a match I was looking forward to basically didn't happen.

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I'm sure I've missed something... oh yeah the Main Event. The only reason any of the audience bought the PPV. The only reason any of the live audience turned up. (Or so we'd been led to believe). I didn't care for it at all. Am I insane? some may think so. I just did not enjoy this match at all. I wanted to, hell I bought the PPV to eb entertained. My reasons for my dislike of this match was cecause The Rock looked like a guy who had been away from the ring too long, which i know he has been, but still that doesn't mean I have to like the match or cut any slack. This was a match hyped for a year, the main event of the biggest wrestlnig event of the year, and based on performance looked like a match you could have stuck somewhere in the middle of a Raw or Smackdown! card. Rock blew up a few minutes in and looked tired and breathless! I really was disappointed. Going into this match I wanted The Great One to win, I wanted him to destroy Cena, but by about the 8th minute I was bored and couldn't get myself back into the match. I ended up not caring who won and just wanted the match to end so I could go to sleep. I honestly hope that's the last time we see The Rock wrestle, because the ring rust was way too obvious for all to see, and at a huge event like Wrestlemania, you want to see a good match. Thank god this was "Once in a Lifetime".


While I agree there were certain questionable, even downright sloppy moments in the Rock/Cena match, you really expecting that much out of John Cena and The Rock is asking for it. Needless to say what they're really known for. Sure, it was hyped for a year but it's still Cena and Rock we're talking about... when it comes to the ring, I mean they're pretty agile, they have some modicum of in-ring psychology, know more than most how to work the crowd, basically they're pretty damn good. But I never expected them to be the breathtaking match of the night. Just the noisiest, most engaging one. From the start, I ticked that MOTY box to go to HHH/Taker or Punk/Jericho. Or actually Sheamus/D-Bry but.. that didn't turn out exactly right. :p There's just a point where you let hype build things up for you a bit too much.


And after witnessing Bret Hart duking it out at Mania, a trio of legends where only one of them turned out to do a decent job afterall, if all it takes is completely expected ring rust to not warrant Rock wrestling anymore, then I guess priorities are in the right order. :p

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I was watching it with alot of people. Some were REALLY pissed lol. I don't get it. It's a wrestling show. They're gonna throw swerves and curves in there to keep it from being completely predictable. And it works.


Good point, but you can't blame people for being pissed if they are Bryan or Sheamus fans who bought Mania specifically to see that match. I know i'd feel like i got hit with the old bait and switch if that match was the only reason i bothered with Mania. Squash matches should really only be done on Raw and Smackdown, that way people don't feeling like they just got screwed paying to see something that was advertised and basically didn't happen, but hey, that's just my opinion.

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Would people be less upset if they didnt waste 10 mins on a stupid Brodus Clay dance?


I think the overall time filling wasting was cut down. (approx) 111 of a 240min show for matches - it's not like there was time constraints. Not only Clay but also that Deadlist Catch crap and far too many adverts for a pay-per-view.

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Would people be less upset if they didnt waste 10 mins on a stupid Brodus Clay dance?


There lies the problem too. Even if it weren't for that, we'll always put the finger on something that could've made up for extra match time. Arguably the pre-Cena/Rock concerts or something else.


Rock vying to become WWE champion.. pretty interesting. IWC speculation, gogogo!


Crowd's been ballistic for Daniel Bryan and he hasn't even shown up yet. Is the "YES!" becoming the new "WHAT"?


Nice look for A-Train.

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