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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Agreed. Johnny was pretty good to watch as a talent. But as an on-screen executive, he's strictly stock. There isn't enough to him to put the energy into in-character hating him. That why I wanted Team Teddy to win at Wrestlemania. Love the guy or hate him, there's substance to Teddy's character.


No there's not. Seriously, I don't think there is anyone with less substance to them than Teddy. He had to go, He's been around for ages and his act is so very tired. Johnny may not be the greatest guy around (far from it) but at least he's not Teddy. I'm fine with him being the evil middle manager who somehow found his way to the top so long as he isn't in that position for the next 8 years without evolving.

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. I'm fine with him being the evil middle manager who somehow found his way to the top so long as he isn't in that position for the next 8 years without evolving.


And him being in charge is about to chase me away for another 12 or 18 months as dreadfully boring as he is. Any schlemiel off the street could play Johnny's part and do it with the energy he brings to it.

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I'm always off and on with Johnny. I think as long as there is someone on camera with him, then he's fine. His dialogue with the other characters can be entertaining.


I'm sick of Teddy. And I hope this is just a way to get him off out of the GM role, and reintroduce a new person into the spot. Not sure who, let's see... NASH.

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I'm sorry, but i tend to think that the WWE creatives are asses, and they keep justifying this. Sheamus is suposed to be presented as a dominant face champ, (to the point where they f****** burried D-Bry...) but i only see him brogue kicking people who turned their back on him. Like Bryan on WM, and Del Rio on Raw. This is not a valid way of presenting a dominant champ. And to think that they burried Bryan like that... I knew that they would eventually screw him somehow. And despite the fans reaction and support to Bryan, they'll just try do put their agenda ahead. It's what the WWE always does.
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And him being in charge is about to chase me away for another 12 or 18 months as dreadfully boring as he is. Any schlemiel off the street could play Johnny's part and do it with the energy he brings to it.


Whereas only a true artist could do Teddy's job? Come on, they both blow. Johnny is the fresher of two evils but I agree about the energy (or lack of) he brings. I too would rather see someone good in the role though but this is WWE. If they get 10% of their decisions right they are batting above their average.

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I find Big Johnny hilarious. Him being...not very good...seems perfectly appropriate. Long term I agree it shouldn't last long, but he can be entertaining. Like when he told Punk he was taller than him.


Admittedly though he is hard to take seriously and so doesn't seem so worth rebelling against, which is bad for Punk et al.

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Whereas only a true artist could do Teddy's job? Come on, they both blow. Johnny is the fresher of two evils but I agree about the energy (or lack of) he brings. I too would rather see someone good in the role though but this is WWE. If they get 10% of their decisions right they are batting above their average.


A true artist? Dude, what are you smoking? Just because I like Teddy and see more to him than Laurinaitis doesn't mean I see Long as Olivier or anything. But I may as well stop there because you're determined to hate on him. All I know is if Teddy Long blows, I hope I'm able to blow as well at something visible one of these days.

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A true artist? Dude, what are you smoking? Just because I like Teddy and see more to him than Laurinaitis doesn't mean I see Long as Olivier or anything. But I may as well stop there because you're determined to hate on him. All I know is if Teddy Long blows, I hope I'm able to blow as well at something visible one of these days.



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A true artist? Dude, what are you smoking? Just because I like Teddy and see more to him than Laurinaitis doesn't mean I see Long as Olivier or anything. But I may as well stop there because you're determined to hate on him. All I know is if Teddy Long blows, I hope I'm able to blow as well at something visible one of these days.


Never smoked anything but yes, I am determined to hate Teddy as I am SO BLOODY SICK OF HIM. I ranted about him before and how saying "playa" is the sum total of his entire contribution to the wrestling industry over the last decade or so. Heck, you like him more than Laurinaitis? Fair enough, we all like what we like. I just don't understand it is all since he only entertained me maybe once in the whole time he's been in WWE. I am sure you have more talent in numerous areas than he has in wrestling.

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I'm sorry, but i tend to think that the WWE creatives are asses, and they keep justifying this. Sheamus is suposed to be presented as a dominant heel champ, (to the point where they f****** burried D-Bry...) but i only see him brogue kicking people who turned their back on him. Like Bryan on WM, and Del Rio on Raw. This is not a valid way of presenting a dominant champ. And to think that they burried Bryan like that... I knew that they would eventually screw him somehow. And despite the fans reaction and support to Bryan, they'll just try do put their agenda ahead. It's what the WWE always does.


...Sheamus isn't a heel.

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I meant face. XD My bad. If it was heel, the whole rant wouldn't make sense. :D


With that, I still don't understand where you're coming from about the Sheamus thing. You could somewhat argue a case for Bryan at Mania but even there Sheamus was being opportunistic in a non-heel way. Del Rio on Raw, well yeah he had his back turned to him, and Sheamus makes it pretty clear that it's hazardous to do so.


I mean say for example Shawn Michaels was WWE champ, trading words and fists with heels week in and week out. Would he go ahead and superkick a loudmouth right upfront, as they're staring at each other? No, he's gonna bide his time, soon as the guy turns his back that'll be his no.1 mistake.


And if we went by what WWE "always" does, I don't think Daniel Bryan would even be in the WWE right now, let alone hold its major title.

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@Shawn, I think your just upset about Bryan's match more then anything with that, as just about everyone else is. I know a few people that thought it was funny as hell, but I wasn't one of them. The biggest thing they did wrong with Sheamus is put him in that position with Bryan. Only reason he is/was getting boo'd was because of the Daniel Bryan match. WWE I guess didn't realize how much heat he would get from that.
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@Shawn, I think your just upset about Bryan's match more then anything with that, as just about everyone else is. I know a few people that thought it was funny as hell, but I wasn't one of them. The biggest thing they did wrong with Sheamus is put him in that position with Bryan. Only reason he is/was getting boo'd was because of the Daniel Bryan match. WWE I guess didn't realize how much heat he would get from that.


I guess you're right, i am upset. And they could capitalise on this and turn him face, but no, they will keep trying to sell him as a heel. It's pretty hard to do so when everyone is cheering for him. Hell, i had a hard time watching him dump AJ, when the fans were behind him.

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I meant face. XD My bad. If it was heel, the whole rant wouldn't make sense. :D


Also im unclear where your coming from on the whole wee is "burying" him thing.


I mean, would i have loved to see him lose in a competitive match at Mania? sure.


but the 18 second loss is playing into his new storyline perfectly. For one, it allowed him to give the promo of his career Friday, embrace the fan support while still heeling it up and ending the whole "weasel who hides behind AJ" part of the shtick.


also, they are clearly not just sending bryan to the mid card or something. He announced in his promo he's using his rematch clause, and johnny made it very clear in his promo that he considers Shemus win over bryan tainted and that bryan will be getting another shot at shemus.


I understand that Bryan fans wanted him presented as some sort of dominant heel champion. But thats not the only kind of heel in the world.


EDIT: also since when is being cheered as a heel a bad thing??


most of the best heels are cheered (Y2J, SCSA, Flair, HHH). the fans appreciate the fact that the guy is a phenomenal worker, and boo when they know they are expected to but also cheer the heel.


I think it would be a huge mistake to turn bryan right now, he plays a great heel. Eventually? sure, but why turn a hot heel act right now just because he has fan support? so he can go back to the generic underdog role half the roster does and get lost in the shuffle again?

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Also im unclear where your coming from on the whole wee is "burying" him thing.


I mean, would i have loved to see him lose in a competitive match at Mania? sure.


but the 18 second loss is playing into his new storyline perfectly. For one, it allowed him to give the promo of his career Friday, embrace the fan support while still heeling it up and ending the whole "weasel who hides behind AJ" part of the shtick.


also, they are clearly not just sending bryan to the mid card or something. He announced in his promo he's using his rematch clause, and johnny made it very clear in his promo that he considers Shemus win over bryan tainted and that bryan will be getting another shot at shemus.


I understand that Bryan fans wanted him presented as some sort of dominant heel champion. But thats not the only kind of heel in the world.


EDIT: also since when is being cheered as a heel a bad thing??


most of the best heels are cheered (Y2J, SCSA, Flair, HHH). the fans appreciate the fact that the guy is a phenomenal worker, and boo when they know they are expected to but also cheer the heel.


I think it would be a huge mistake to turn bryan right now, he plays a great heel. Eventually? sure, but why turn a hot heel act right now just because he has fan support? so he can go back to the generic underdog role half the roster does and get lost in the shuffle again?


Guess i hadn't thought about things that way. It does make sense, but i still dislike the 18 secs defeat, and a competitive match wouldn't have hurt. But hey, i like Bryan, i admit i'm not neutral. :D

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Guess i hadn't thought about things that way. It does make sense, but i still dislike the 18 secs defeat, and a competitive match wouldn't have hurt. But hey, i like Bryan, i admit i'm not neutral. :D

The funny thing is, I think the 18 second loss has actually helped him far more than losing the title in a competitive, 8-to-10 minute match would have. I doubt the fans would have been anywhere near as vocal the next night (and apparently on SD too, though I haven't seen it yet) if he'd lost the belt to Sheamus in a legit match.


I definitely want them to keep Bryan heel for now. I've always thought he was better as a heel (see his awesome run with the ROH title in 2006.)

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Crunching gear change here, but I was discussing this with my brother the other day, and he actually came up with an interesting idea that I'd enjoy seeing.


What happens to Rocky now? He's come out and promo'd that he's not going anywhere, and for now I'll take that at face value and assume that we're probably going to see him at Summerslam next. But against who? The Cena thing is done and dusted, and it looks like he's going to be tied up with Lesnar for the time being. Rocky said he wants a title, which once again you would have to assume is where the 'E will push him next. I can't see Daniel Bryan being a great matchup for Rocky - their styles clash too much for me. So that leaves either CM Punk or Chris Jericho, and frankly, either of those two would be big business, but what would really get my money would be The Rock/CM Punk - the promos would just write themselves, and I think Punk's more straight-talking 'honest' approach to promos would be a fantastic contrast with the Rock's catchphrases and over-the-top style.


Plus, I'd argue (Daniel Bryan aside right now. :p) Punk is the most over guy in the WWE after Cena. The damn thing would sell itself.

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The funny thing is, I think the 18 second loss has actually helped him far more than losing the title in a competitive, 8-to-10 minute match would have. I doubt the fans would have been anywhere near as vocal the next night (and apparently on SD too, though I haven't seen it yet) if he'd lost the belt to Sheamus in a legit match.


I definitely want them to keep Bryan heel for now. I've always thought he was better as a heel (see his awesome run with the ROH title in 2006.)


I know that the whole 18 secs deal helped him a lot, and i'm glad, but that is because it backfired. It wasn't the the E's intention. And yes, fans were vocal on SD too. But that Miami crowd on Raw...wow! best crowd i've seen in ages on a WWE event.



Crunching gear change here, but I was discussing this with my brother the other day, and he actually came up with an interesting idea that I'd enjoy seeing.


What happens to Rocky now? He's come out and promo'd that he's not going anywhere, and for now I'll take that at face value and assume that we're probably going to see him at Summerslam next. But against who? The Cena thing is done and dusted, and it looks like he's going to be tied up with Lesnar for the time being. Rocky said he wants a title, which once again you would have to assume is where the 'E will push him next. I can't see Daniel Bryan being a great matchup for Rocky - their styles clash too much for me. So that leaves either CM Punk or Chris Jericho, and frankly, either of those two would be big business, but what would really get my money would be The Rock/CM Punk - the promos would just write themselves, and I think Punk's more straight-talking 'honest' approach to promos would be a fantastic contrast with the Rock's catchphrases and over-the-top style.


Plus, I'd argue (Daniel Bryan aside right now. :p) Punk is the most over guy in the WWE after Cena. The damn thing would sell itself.


I think Punk is the more over guy, period, if we exclude Rocky. It looks like Cena is losing some sales momentum too. I read it somewhere, don't remember where, but i'll try to find it.

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It makes absolutely no sense that WWE creative were trying to bury a guy they have been pushing and creating things like this for...






I can also remember years back Warrior "burying" a young up and comer at Mania, his career turned out alright regardless. Everyone except for Lesnar and Goldberg jobbed on their way up. Wrestling fans have been trained to have short memories, I really don't see how the Danielson loss is a big deal. It wasn't a squash, Sheamus didn't reverse his finishing hold or kick out of a big finisher at the 1 count. It was a cocky heel being caught unware in what was a successful attempt to create a Wrestlemania moment. It wasn't a burial plan that backfired, it was a creative idea that worked out far better than anyone in WWE could've hoped for... IMO :)

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Crunching gear change here, but I was discussing this with my brother the other day, and he actually came up with an interesting idea that I'd enjoy seeing.


What happens to Rocky now? He's come out and promo'd that he's not going anywhere, and for now I'll take that at face value and assume that we're probably going to see him at Summerslam next. But against who? The Cena thing is done and dusted, and it looks like he's going to be tied up with Lesnar for the time being. Rocky said he wants a title, which once again you would have to assume is where the 'E will push him next. I can't see Daniel Bryan being a great matchup for Rocky - their styles clash too much for me. So that leaves either CM Punk or Chris Jericho, and frankly, either of those two would be big business, but what would really get my money would be The Rock/CM Punk - the promos would just write themselves, and I think Punk's more straight-talking 'honest' approach to promos would be a fantastic contrast with the Rock's catchphrases and over-the-top style.


Plus, I'd argue (Daniel Bryan aside right now. :p) Punk is the most over guy in the WWE after Cena. The damn thing would sell itself.


Punk has taken shots at Rock since he came back in the media and on Twitter, so I'd like to think they've been laying the groundwork for it already.


Plus, I'd love to see Punk kick Rock's head in :)

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The funny thing is, I think the 18 second loss has actually helped him far more than losing the title in a competitive, 8-to-10 minute match would have. I doubt the fans would have been anywhere near as vocal the next night (and apparently on SD too, though I haven't seen it yet) if he'd lost the belt to Sheamus in a legit match.


I definitely want them to keep Bryan heel for now. I've always thought he was better as a heel (see his awesome run with the ROH title in 2006.)


Kinda reminds me of the Christian situation last year. Everyone hated how he lost before, but it probably ended up benefiting him more than just having a regular short reign, in the long run.

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