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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Still think Brock should have covered up and fled like a coward the second Cena caught him on the jaw. Flailing about in a wild panic until he can take Cena down for some good ol' fashioned lay & pray. Resthold!


I know folks want Brock to be a bad ass/babyface, but that's a heel right there.


Agreed. That'd sell the whole he's BA until he gets rocked. Aren't there a bunch of MMA guys like that anyway.


What build? Brock cheap shot-ing Cena and back attacking. He's a heel and a sneaky arrogant one at that. More Edge than Kane.

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They have the chance to book him to be an absolute beast. That's the way they were making him out to be. He could be unrealisticly beastly, like Cena is super human, if they wanted.




The man they push as the baddest man in the promotion, can't take a shot. WHY? Of ALL the ways to book it. WHY make him look weak? What good comes out of ruining a month's build to being the legit threat?


Why should anyone care about Brock now? He's just some jacked up wimp.


I'm sorry I just don't see how it made him look weak. Cena had to smash him in the head with a steel chain before he could beat him, all other moves excluded. Lesar was demolishing Cena with his own hands, not weapons, and after those first elbow shots real or not I was genuinely afraid that Lesnar was gonna seriously hurt Cena on purpose.


In my opinion they did book him to be an absolute beast, because it took Cena using a steel chain to the jaw and and AA to the steel steps to beat him, while Lesnar needed only his bare hands, because technically Lesnar had him beat with that F5 he hit while the ref was out.


If you look at it strictly based on who won and who lost then you will obviously be upset, and more power to you if thats how you feel, and thats all you want to look at, but to me there is at least a little bit more to it that just winning and losing. Again I agree that the best option they could have used would have seen Brock winning, but the way they booked Cena to win is not, I repeat not the absolute worst way they could have done it, and making it out like it is just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

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I'm sorry I just don't see how it made him look weak. Cena had to smash him in the head with a steel chain before he could beat him, all other moves excluded. Lesar was demolishing Cena with his own hands, not weapons, and after those first elbow shots real or not I was genuinely afraid that Lesnar was gonna seriously hurt Cena on purpose.


In my opinion they did book him to be an absolute beast, because it took Cena using a steel chain to the jaw and and AA to the steel steps to beat him, while Lesnar needed only his bare hands, because technically Lesnar had him beat with that F5 he hit while the ref was out.


If you look at it strictly based on who won and who lost then you will obviously be upset, and more power to you if thats how you feel, and thats all you want to look at, but to me there is at least a little bit more to it that just winning and losing. Again I agree that the best option they could have used would have seen Brock winning, but the way they booked Cena to win is not, I repeat not the absolute worst way they could have done it, and making it out like it is just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.


I have no problem with Cena winning the match. I just have a problem with Lesnar being completely destroyed by one punch with a chain. I've seen the man take FAR worse and not even be phased. I've seen a LOT of people take far worse and manage to kick out.


Yet the baddest man the promotion's ever seen, can't take a shot.

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Some of the stuff on these boards is just ridiculous. The man dominates Cena for like 20 minutes, making him look like the biggest whimp on the planet, but just because Cena finds a way to win that means they made Brock look weak?? They made Brock look way bad-a in this match, and then following the match by refusing medical help. If anything this match elevated both of these guys. It was a tremendous match, some of the best stuff I've seen from the WWE in years in my opinion (and I am not a Brock Lesnar fan, I hate the guy in fact).


It seems like people just like to complain. This was a good ppv. Not perfect, none are ever perfect, but as a follow up to Wrestlemania, it was absolutely epic. Just my opinion.


Also, that Punk/Jericho match was just freaking awesome. 2 best performers in the WWE right now for sure.

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All I can say is it's about time Cena won a match for a change.


Didn't pay for this thing, didn't watch it, but looking at the thread sounded pretty good. Probably should have, but had family matters to attend to.


I would have had Cena lose though.... Just me, he's perfect for getting his butt whipped right now, and over and over again could really make for a good story in itself I think. I seen all the debates about it, but to me, especially if Cena was going to take time off anyways, I would have had Lesnar win, then go after Punk and win that as well. Punk tries again, Lesnar wins, etc... Then have Cena come back and .... Lose again. This could be a year long thing trying to dethrone him, but obviously it's not a smart way to go since he's "part-time" instead of a real worker.

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It's amazing how some people don't even want to let us have our opinion. I did watch the show and it was predictable before the beginning.


Big Show vs. Rhodes - that was the only match that really could end any way, besides the main event, as we all knew that Show wouldn't keep the title for long, the question was, when would he lose it?


As a match it worked out great, and the finish was unexpected.


Bryan vs. Sheamus - Can't get more predictable than this. The man won the title in 18 secs at Mania and has since been pushed as a dominant face. Did anyone really believed he would lose this match? C'mon! You guys are smart, clever guys. This was pretty obvious.


It was a very good match, but it's hard (for me at least) to get behind a match whem most of the card is predictable.


Punk vs. Jericho - Super over champion defends against part-timer who will tour soon. Need i to say more?


THey did a great job on the ring, sure, but we all knew who the winner would be.


Brock vs. Cena - Really thought Brock would win this one, until i saw him beating the crap out of Cena. How fun it would have been to see him win, go to "Raw starring Brock Lesnar" and establish himself as the man for a few weeks, until someone (possibly Punk, for example) would win and get order back on Raw. Great work by both guys in the ring. My problem is not just Cena wining, it's him winning as super Cena. I can definitely understand that he won, as it would be wrong to put a part time as the face of the company for long. What bothers me is that they could have booked it differently, to have Brock winning, with the fans in shock, as he would now "own" Raw, and that would not last long because he's a part timer, so Punk, as champion would beat him and restore Raw to normality. And Cena losing would only help further what could have been a good storyline. Would he be the same after his return? Could he overcome a losing streak?


Or would he lash out? I mean, there was a lot of fun things to to with the Storyline if Brock won. That's what upsets me. I'm not saying thay can't do other things now, but as a fan, my opinion is that i would have like to see the outcome of a Cena defeat. So, Cena wining a part timer, who goes back and forward between businesses as it pleases him and his interests (Please don't compare him to the rock, Rock loves the busines, Brock doesn't) isn't really a big deal for me. I jut think they would have a more interesting way to go if he lost. My opinion, i have the right to it, and i'm not bashing anyone's opinions, so please don't to that to mine. Some of you guys must remember you are not the owners of the truth. I didn't attack anyone, just gave my 2 cents then, still giving them now. And i'm not even mentioning names. Everyone has the right to speak their minds.


So...it was a good PPVwhen it comes to the actual matches, can't argue there, but the results were predictable, and i didn't like some of them. I have the right to do so.


Ps: They could have at least let the Big Show make 1 successfull title defense. I may be wrong, but he never defended the title since Mania, right? He could have won yesterday, and he could have lost it today, or friday. But nothing against him losing the strap. Sorry for the long rant.

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It's amazing how some people don't even want to let us have our opinion. I did watch the show and it was predictable before the beginning.


I have never truly understood the argument about a show being predictable. Its pro wrestling. Its scripted so there is always going to be a level of predictability, especially on lower level pay per view's like this one, and especially for a "Smart Fan". I read the spoilers for smackdown every week and still watch it on Friday's when I can and even knowing what happens I don't let it lessen my enjoyment of the show.


People should know by now that WWE is gonna do what they want to do, and what you, me, or anybody thinks is the best choice may or may not be what WWE thinks is the best choice. By this point I would think people would know better than to expect WWE to make the choices we want them to at every single opportunity.

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The main thing I've learned from the post-Extreme Rules discussion here is that you're only complaining if you disliked the Lesnar/Cena finish. Otherwise, you're just expressing an opinion and that's OK.


Right. I usually don't include myself in these discussions, and usually just stick to reading what everyone else has to say, but here lately I've been adding my two cents in here and there.


It seems to me that people build up so much love and hate for certain workers that they start bashing everything within a certain radius when said wrestlers aren't booked how they feel they should be. I've said it probably a hundred times in my last few posts that I agree Brock should have won the match, but I guess I've just come to expect so little of what I want to see from WWE or TNA for that matter. that it doesn't phase me anymore when they don't do things the way I think it should be done. With that, I have been a wrestling fan for as long as I can remember and to be quite honest there isn't much any company can do, regardless of how moronic I think it may be that will make me any less of a fan of the business. I might not watch it for a while but I will always come back to it good or bad to at least see how things are going. Needless to say I will never be one of these people, who get so pissed at one decision, to say "I will never watch this crap again!", because I just plain enjoy watching it.


Sorry for the long mostly off topic post.:p

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Who's not letting you have an opinion. I respect Arrows quiet a bit and anyone else who shares his opinion. Just disagree with it.


I have no problem with Cena winning the match. I just have a problem with Lesnar being completely destroyed by one punch with a chain. I've seen the man take FAR worse and not even be phased. I've seen a LOT of people take far worse and manage to kick out.


Yet the baddest man the promotion's ever seen, can't take a shot.


Undertaker says 'sup


I guess taking old WWE Brock into account I can see where you're coming from but I'm viewing this as a whole new character.


haven't seen this discussed yet, but I loved the Zack Ryder inclusion in the Kane - Orton brawl. Nice touch.

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Who's not letting you have an opinion. I respect Arrows quiet a bit and anyone else who shares his opinion. Just disagree with it.




Undertaker says 'sup


I guess taking old WWE Brock into account I can see where you're coming from but I'm viewing this as a whole new character.


haven't seen this discussed yet, but I loved the Zack Ryder inclusion in the Kane - Orton brawl. Nice touch.


A character who can only take one shot in a match before he's completely screwed.

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Right. I usually don't include myself in these discussions, and usually just stick to reading what everyone else has to say, but here lately I've been adding my two cents in here and there.


It seems to me that people build up so much love and hate for certain workers that they start bashing everything within a certain radius when said wrestlers aren't booked how they feel they should be. I've said it probably a hundred times in my last few posts that I agree Brock should have won the match, but I guess I've just come to expect so little of what I want to see from WWE or TNA for that matter. that it doesn't phase me anymore when they don't do things the way I think it should be done. With that, I have been a wrestling fan for as long as I can remember and to be quite honest there isn't much any company can do, regardless of how moronic I think it may be that will make me any less of a fan of the business. I might not watch it for a while but I will always come back to it good or bad to at least see how things are going. Needless to say I will never be one of these people, who get so pissed at one decision, to say "I will never watch this crap again!", because I just plain enjoy watching it.


Sorry for the long mostly off topic post.:p


This. It's totally true. Can't deny it. It's like we're backing a soccer team, or football, or basket and it loses, we don't like it, and we criticize the coache's options and we say what we think he or the team could have done better. Nothing wrong with it. I, and i speak for myself, am aware that things won't always go on as we want to, but as long as they can keep us invested in a storyline, as they did in this one, than at least they're doing their job well. That doesn't mean some of us won't complain when someone we want to see winning, loses.

i'm also aware that there's a bigger picture to look, and we have to wait and see how it turns out. As long as they keep me invested in it, fine by me. But i will always like or dislike some of their options and will openly say it. It's what i did, it's what the other guys probably did. So i lashed out a little bit, just like the football fan that saw his team lose, but as i said, as long as they keep in interesting, i will watch. It's pretty normal to be a bit vocal at the end of a ppv when something we dislike happens, i didn't insult any of you, just got a little mad with my "team" (in this case the wwe), but all in the limits of normality. Let's see what Raw has for us today.


Ps: Also loved the Ryder inclusion. And if it did last a bit longer, it would have been even better. But it worked well.

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Glass jaw, as I said. It'd be an interesting gimmick. Great ground game, freakishly strong, glass jaw.


That actually might be feasible. Not that hard to take down if you can actually do anything of significance to him, the issue is that he's pummeling you so viciously, it's near-impossible to do. That may actually be the only way to make him work if he's going to be wrestling all that commonly, I mean if he's gonna destroy Cena like that, I doubt pretty much anyone else on the roster would do much better, so playing him as a massive Glass Cannon might be a way of keeping beating him a possibility.

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Glass jaw, as I said. It'd be an interesting gimmick. Great ground game, freakishly strong, glass jaw.


ANYONE who can't land one lucky shot, is a complete joke. No one can have ANY actual offense against Brock, or he has to be dead from the first 1-2 shots. So no good matches, at all? Yeah, great gimmick.

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ANYONE who can't land one lucky shot, is a complete joke. No one can have ANY actual offense against Brock, or he has to be dead from the first 1-2 shots. So no good matches, at all? Yeah, great gimmick.


Except Brock took a slam to stairs and that nasty spill before that shot and was doing the 'I'm crazy I love pain' schtick. Dude has to be rocked in the face to be beaten. Rocked in the face.


I think that was in reference to Ryder not Lesnar the glass jaw gimmick. Decent one for a midcard sympathy jobber.


nah, I'm talking about Brock.

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Except Brock took a slam to stairs and that nasty spill before that shot and was doing the 'I'm crazy I love pain' schtick. Dude has to be rocked in the face to be beaten. Rocked in the face.




nah, I'm talking about Brock.


Ok read it wrong and yeah, very bad gimmick for ME level talent imho.

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I didn't watch the PPV, but getting beat by Cena's finisher onto the ring steps seems pretty reasonable to me, regardless of how big a badass the character might be.


I still think Brock should've won, don't get me wrong. I just don't understand why people are objecting to the way he lost. If Brock was going to lose, him physically dominating Cena for most of the match before getting caught with a shot and FU/AA'ed onto the steps seems like a pretty good way to do it.

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I didn't watch the PPV, but getting beat by Cena's finisher onto the ring steps seems pretty reasonable to me, regardless of how big a badass the character might be.


I still think Brock should've won, don't get me wrong. I just don't understand why people are objecting to the way he lost. If Brock was going to lose, him physically dominating Cena for most of the match before getting caught with a shot and FU/AA'ed onto the steps seems like a pretty good way to do it.


Yea, i don't really get this argument either.


I mean, i guess spoilers since people DVR but...(in white)


Especially the way their playing it tonight. Brock just flat out murdered triple H. Cena, is apparently going to sell his freaking arm is broken and he needs time off. So yes, Brock took his eye off the ball but they are playing it like he pretty much put cena on the shelf.


He just destroyed triple H and looks like an unstoppable killing machine. I'm pretty sure there not going to job him every main event guys.


With the finsh last night they got everything they wanted


1. Brock is super over as a badass, and they can give cena some time off. Also the brutality of last night and the opening segment lets them use lesnar to bring some pg-13 edginess back


2. when cena does come back, I expect it to be to "save" the WWE. plenty of match ups for brock to go with (orton, shemus, punk) before that happens


3. Never mind now he can go at hunter too.



I really don't see why people are acting like losing from being hit in the face with a steel chain and taking the most over guy in the company's finisher on top of steel steps makes you some sort of joke when the same guy sat thier a bloody mess and pretty much said


"yea i got lucky, my arm is broken, i'm going to be out awhile"

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I didn't watch the PPV, but getting beat by Cena's finisher onto the ring steps seems pretty reasonable to me, regardless of how big a badass the character might be.


I still think Brock should've won, don't get me wrong. I just don't understand why people are objecting to the way he lost. If Brock was going to lose, him physically dominating Cena for most of the match before getting caught with a shot and FU/AA'ed onto the steps seems like a pretty good way to do it.

This is an old school tactic that has been in wrestling has had for years. People would beat up Ric Flair, just for him to bring out the brass knuckles out of his trunks, bean you in the face with it, and then do a pin. Or he would do a sudden School Boy Pin while holding the shorts, after getting tossed around for half an hour. Ric would sell the heck out of everything, too.

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Loved some parts of raw, hated the ending.




Brock destroying hunter, going on a rampage


Bryan winning beat the clock, punk coming out and telling him to bring it on, should be a great match!




ugh. we couldn't have given john cena the month off? great speech last night getting even some of those he hated on his side a bit, then they ruin it tonigh tby bringing him back to go ""oh ho ho!! lucky me i avoided serious injury!!"


and for what, a throw away match with Johnny ace? gag me.


Also, dear WWE, lord tensia isn't working. I'm sorry, i know someone in creative thought a fat ninja was a great idea, but no one cares.

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Also, dear WWE, lord tensia isn't working. I'm sorry, i know someone in creative thought a fat ninja was a great idea, but no one cares.


I don't have a problem with his weight or his ring work. It IS the gimmick. I don't mind that they are playing off his Japan run at all, in fact I like it when they do this with anyone (Let people know what they been doing, where they worked or whatever).


What I don't like is an "OBVIOUS" familiar face, acting like he's now asian, complete with customs and all. IF he were actually from Japan it would work for me. I feel they should have had him be more himself, someone that has learned from being there, and utilizing it here.


As I said, I don't have a problem with his ring work or his weight or anything else physical, it's all about the gimmick. I just can't buy into it.

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Dudes, it's Prince Albert. I think they are giving him the wrong gimmick. All they need to is have him a a menacing badass. It doesn't need to something out-of-character like being from Japan. I haven't seen a lot of his Japan work, but he seems a better fit there than here... if it weren't for the fact that Pro-Wrestling in Japan isn't doing too well these days.
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