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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I still think Brock should've won, don't get me wrong. I just don't understand why people are objecting to the way he lost. If Brock was going to lose, him physically dominating Cena for most of the match before getting caught with a shot and FU/AA'ed onto the steps seems like a pretty good way to do it.


Dominated him to the point I thought halfway through "Why are they burying Cena so bad". It wasn't most of the match it was the whole match. I've never seen a main event for a PPV so one sided. Cena got the pinfall yes but he didn't win.

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Dudes, it's Prince Albert. I think they are giving him the wrong gimmick. All they need to is have him a a menacing badass. It doesn't need to something out-of-character like being from Japan. I haven't seen a lot of his Japan work, but he seems a better fit there than here... if it weren't for the fact that Pro-Wrestling in Japan isn't doing too well these days.


Would you really be ok with him being a main eventer if he was still albert?


listen, i like albert, but at best he's a part time upper midcarder, as someone's hired muscle. I think they totally overestimated the fans reaction to him returning.


I mean, nice to see him back. he should be feuding with the funkasuraus not main eventers.

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Lord Tensai? That is one awful gimmick and a push made too fast. And that is one awful gimmick. And that breathing and screaming and all? Dear God! That is one awful gimmick even for a midcarder, let alone a ME. And they can't find a better guy to ME then A-Train? That is one awful gimmick! I'll say no more. :D
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Punk vs Bryan is incredible news. They've had some killer TV matches. I'm very excited over what we might get to see at the PPV.


Agreed. when they announced lawler i expected some swerve like AJ coming down and letting king make it past the limit, or Bryan being over confident and the wily veteran surviving past the time limit ect.


Was awesome they just let him actually do what a heel should do there and just beat the legend ASAP, much to the crowd's dismay (or in this case, delight since bryan is over ha.)


should be a good match, plus even if Bryan loses (which i expect) but takes punk to the limit in an awesome match (also expect), it legitimizes Bryan way more than sending him back to the mid card ala Ziggler/miz and keeping him on standby till another UMC/ME fued.

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Not liking the result of the beat the clock matches.


Would have loved to see Randy win that.


This whole farce with John L is getting old. He's really not able to play his part very well. They need to change that up. Get someone new in there and shake things up more.


I disagree, I'm liking him in that spot. I'd bet he can still do a match, at least better then Vince could. Something I feel has been needed for a while now. He's just way to easy to make fun of as well. Then there is that believable factor in there, that he really is as dumb as he seems, and just getting in with the right people. Then there is the fact of his actual job for WWE, so... basically for me he is perfect for the role, at least right now.

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Punk vs Bryan is incredible news. They've had some killer TV matches. I'm very excited over what we might get to see at the PPV.


Best news WWE gave us in a while. It's a win-win situation, regardless of who wins. High expectations for this one!

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I REALLY hate Ziggler...


To each his own, to me Dolph is one of their greatest UMC heels. Phenomenal worker, great move set, and for my money the best seller in the company.


Hell he makes Brodus Clay's offense look legit.


What i can't figure out is who told him that pink butt towel look was a good idea?

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Wait... you think Dean Ambrose cuts a better promo than Orton? For realz?


Orton is a blackhole of charisma and his monotone voice drives me insane. He just drones on and on and on.


Ambrose is an above average wrestler and has insane mic skills and charisma.

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See, to me, the only way to judge a good promo is look at the drawing power of a wrestler. Of course there are alot of factors that work into drawing power, I just see no other way to gauge good promo work beyond personal opinion other than to look at the money.


Randy Orton, love him or hate him, is a major draw for the WWE and has been over the years. He's dropped to upper mid card but he's a guy who can be back in the main event picture at any moment. He's headlined wrestlemanias. Sold PPVs. Put butts in seats.


With all due respect to Dean Ambrose, of whom I happen to be a big fan, he's just not at Orton's level yet. I see a ton of potential tho, Jaysin and I'm sure we agree he could be a big big part of the company in the future.


But until he sells out big shows like Randy has, I'm giving Orton the nod for promo work. He simply has drawn more money with his promo work than Ambrose.

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See, to me, the only way to judge a good promo is look at the drawing power of a wrestler. Of course there are alot of factors that work into drawing power, I just see no other way to gauge good promo work beyond personal opinion other than to look at the money.


Randy Orton, love him or hate him, is a major draw for the WWE and has been over the years. He's dropped to upper mid card but he's a guy who can be back in the main event picture at any moment. He's headlined wrestlemanias. Sold PPVs. Put butts in seats.


With all due respect to Dean Ambrose, of whom I happen to be a big fan, he's just not at Orton's level yet. I see a ton of potential tho, Jaysin and I'm sure we agree he could be a big big part of the company in the future.


But until he sells out big shows like Randy has, I'm giving Orton the nod for promo work. He simply has drawn more money with his promo work than Ambrose.


Not hard to out draw someone with millions dumped behind you and 20 bucks in his corner.

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See, to me, the only way to judge a good promo is look at the drawing power of a wrestler. Of course there are alot of factors that work into drawing power, I just see no other way to gauge good promo work beyond personal opinion other than to look at the money.


Randy Orton, love him or hate him, is a major draw for the WWE and has been over the years. He's dropped to upper mid card but he's a guy who can be back in the main event picture at any moment. He's headlined wrestlemanias. Sold PPVs. Put butts in seats.


With all due respect to Dean Ambrose, of whom I happen to be a big fan, he's just not at Orton's level yet. I see a ton of potential tho, Jaysin and I'm sure we agree he could be a big big part of the company in the future.


But until he sells out big shows like Randy has, I'm giving Orton the nod for promo work. He simply has drawn more money with his promo work than Ambrose.


By that argument at one point Ken Doane was a better promo worker than CM Punk because he was higher on the card.

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So...WWE hires him to job? Can't say i didn't saw that one coming. :D I knew Vince wouldn't forget the way he left in 04. And Vince always gets his revenge. I know he's a part-time worker and all, but some people actually expected him to be something more than used to put top talent over. A little more then some people, judging by the post PPV reactions. Oh well, i guess Lesnar's stint with the company will stick to it's original 1 year deal.

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