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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Really bad fact mistake by King about MitB not being cashed in a way that the champion has knowledge in advance: RVD cashed in in One Night Stand against Cena, right? King said it's never been done in advance.




Also, amazing finish to Raw. I don't care if that's Punk's millionth heel turn either.

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Also, amazing finish to Raw. I don't care if that's Punk's millionth heel turn either.


But what a turn. it's not every day that we see someone turning by hitting a finisher on the Rock these days. And on that situation. That was nice.

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Totally agree.


1+, I do too. Really, really great RAW that we haven't seen in such a long time to be honest. I wish it was like this every week. When the ref got knocked out in the end and Punk came back to the ring and was going to GTS I was like no no no no no Cena's gonna reverse it, I just knew it.. But then. :rolleyes:

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Just got home. No great matches to speak of, but I didn't expect there to be going in. The show was really fun. I think I may have enjoyed it more than the Royal Rumble.


Not sure how it came across on TV, but the place went NUTS when Lesnar and HHH started brawling. That might have been the biggest reaction of the night.


One of my favorite parts of the show was actually Daniel Bryan ranting during what I assume was the commercial break, in between AJ leaving and Punk coming down. He kept talking about how he was stronger than everyone in the building, and made fun of referee Scott Armstrong, daring him to throw a dropkick. It was really fun for me to see my favorite wrestler in such a high profile spot. I mean, c'mon, who would have ever thought that "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson would have a back and forth with The Rock? :D


But what a turn. it's not every day that we see someone turning by hitting a finisher on the Rock these days. And on that situation. That was nice.

That. was. AWESOME. :eek:


I was so afraid that the show would end with a simple "Cena wins/The Champ is Here/blah blah blah", but what they did was so much better. One of my most memorable live moments, right up there with Taker/HBK in the first HIAC and Rock winning the title/turning heel at Survivor Series in '98.

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I wonder why there was no Steve Austin on the show (Not counting the clips they showed of him.). I was a little shocked to see Slick because I thought he had left the WWF by the time RAW started, still it was nice to see some non-Attitude era guys (I was not a huge fan of the the Attitude Era.).


AJ is just wow, great. Such a beautiful woman and her facial reactions are great.

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I was a little shocked to see Slick because I thought he had left the WWF by the time RAW started, still it was nice to see some non-Attitude era guys (I was not a huge fan of the the Attitude Era.).

As soon as they said "reverend", I turned to my friend and said "How awesome would it be if they brought out Slick?" I was not expecting it to actually happen like five seconds later. :D

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I guess its now safe to say that hands down Punk is overall the best active wrestler in the company period, what other *active* regular is able to seemlessly to pull off both sides of the coin? Maybe Cena can as well, but I doubt we'd ever see it. EVER.
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Raw 1000 was surprisingly awesome.


Highlights: Sandow crashing DX. AJ Raw GM swerve. Punk/Rock/Bryan segment. Miz new IC champ. Steph/HHH/Heyman/Lesnar segment. Lita beating Slater. Brothers of Destruction! Cena v Punk. Cena wastes his MITB cash-in without looking weak, Punk turns into a reluctant heel? If it's a full heel turn I hope they take their time like they did with Bryan, acting a little more heelish week after week. Anyway, it's a great way to freshen the champ up during a long reign. I read that CM Punk is the first WWE Champion to turn heel mid-reign since Savage. Anyone know if that's true?

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I must have missed a rejoiner or something but what the hell was with those guys int he white suits DB was talking to before the one commercial break? That ever get explained? No one's talking about it here or on witter or facebook so it must have been explained and I just missed something.


But yea, the show was fantastic. Total markout for DX. They got a sick pop. I would also like it known that when the Miz hit his Skull-Crushing Finale, there was a legit pop. People were happy for him.


Punk's heel turn is some great storytelling. They did an amazing job with that entire main event. That's the kind of stuff I want to see going forward. Tell your stories in the ring, make me want to actually watch these matches and not fast forward through them.

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But what a turn. it's not every day that we see someone turning by hitting a finisher on the Rock these days. And on that situation. That was nice.


That was AWESOME!!! Period! Great show, and what an ending. This is what i want to see. And that was totally a full turn, not a slow one. Punk is really great at doing both sides. And that was proper story telling. As soon as i saw Cena pinning with no Ref, i got my hopes up...and boy i wasn't disapointed.


Poor Heath Slater. I know it's fun to watch and all, but when a guy gets beaten by a woman...(and by every single old fart week after week) you have to know that he won't be much more then a glorified jobber in the future. I feel sorry for him. But i loved Lita's appearance. Why wasn't Austin here??? They got Billy Gun, but not Austin? I mean...if they could make amends with Gun for one night, why the hell didn't they brought Austin for this show? Maybe something to do with money?


Well...it's safe to say that Punk and The Rock will be going at it in the RR, but will Punk still be champion by then or will he be on a new reign by then? I can totally see Cena winning the strap on Summerslam and Punk recapturing it further down the line.


BTW: Punk vs. The rock = Awesomeness!!!! :D


Ps: DX!!! Hell yeah!!! Always good to see those guys together. And it's always good to see HBK, period. :D

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I must have missed a rejoiner or something but what the hell was with those guys int he white suits DB was talking to before the one commercial break? That ever get explained? No one's talking about it here or on witter or facebook so it must have been explained and I just missed something.


I don't think they ever explained it

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Those dudes in white that Daniel Bryan was talking to kinda looked like people that work for an Insane Asylum. When I saw it I thought Daniel Bryan was going to Marry AJ, then have his new Wife put in an Asylum for being crazy. But, AJ turned on Bryan before he could.

Heh Well maybe......

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Those dudes in white that Daniel Bryan was talking to kinda looked like people that work for an Insane Asylum. When I saw it I thought Daniel Bryan was going to Marry AJ, then have his new Wife put in an Asylum for being crazy. But, AJ turned on Bryan before he could.

Heh Well maybe......


Ohhh ok so I didn't miss something. That makes sense. I mean yea they definitely had traditional "orderly" outfits on so I guess that's it. I missed the end of Raw last week and all of Smackdown so I haven't been following the marriage angle all that closely. I mean we all knew he had something up his sleeve but it wasn't reveal to my knowledge, correct?

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Austin's off filming Grown Ups 2. I dunno but I'd bet with all those egos around that set he probably couldn't sneak away for a day or two to go shoot a wrestling show.




F4Wonline.com reports that Austin is in California working on the movie Grown Ups 2 and he wasn’t a big enough star to where he could just take a day away from filming to appear on RAW.


Source: F4Wonline.com

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Those dudes in white that Daniel Bryan was talking to kinda looked like people that work for an Insane Asylum. When I saw it I thought Daniel Bryan was going to Marry AJ, then have his new Wife put in an Asylum for being crazy. But, AJ turned on Bryan before he could.

Heh Well maybe......


See this is where I thought they were going for as well, but when it did not happen I just figured that they would talk about it at some later point.


On a whole I thought the show was okay not great because it was much like a typical RAW, meaning there was hardly any wrestling on the show. I thought the DX skit ran way too long but that might be because the only one in that group I like is Road Dogg. I have never been a fan of the rest of them.


I think the WWE is going to find out quickly that three hours every Monday night is going to be hard to fill. I remember when Nitro was three hours and those shows seemed to drag on forever.

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I think the WWE is going to find out quickly that three hours every Monday night is going to be hard to fill. I remember when Nitro was three hours and those shows seemed to drag on forever.


Yikes, the night they thought it was a good idea to fill the WHOLE FIRST HOUR with nWo ads and commercials....


That was miserable.


Raw 1000 was good, I loved the CM Punk bit at the end. Strangely, I was able to dismiss the folks D-Bry was talking to, while everyone else has been wondering what was up with them. Not sure why that was.


Also, loved seeing Slick again.


Always liked Slick when I was a kid and I still do. Gonna drive e'erone I know crazy singing Jive Soul Bro now....


Just like I did back then.


Well, first they love me, and then they don't...



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That was a great heel turn by Punk. I thought Punk might turn heel, but it was perfectly executed and I honestly was surprised when he Clothes-lined The Rock out of nowhere.


The way he turned was great because if he had just attacked Cena he would have gotten cheered by a good portion of the crowd, but cutting the Rock off before he can hit the people's elbow on the nostalgia show is going to get everyone in the arena to boo you.


Poor Heath Slater. I know it's fun to watch and all, but when a guy gets beaten by a woman...(and by every single old fart week after week) you have to know that he won't be much more then a glorified jobber in the future. I feel sorry for him.


To be fair it's not like Heath Slater ever really had a shot of being a headliner in the WWE. I've enjoyed watching him get beaten up by legends far more than anything else he's been involved in.

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