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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I thought the Hug It Out thing was hilarious.


I don't see how it was a career killer though. Kane has been through way worse and came out in a main event feud weeks later. D-Bry has been golden throughout this entire run and the anger management stuff has provided a great place for him to still have relevance while they further Punk and Cena.


I hope Kane and Bryan end up tagging together for a bit before this is through.

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Funniest thing I've seen in a while. I love that guy's channel and the wrestling vids he does :D


FUnny stuff indeed!


Back to HHH! Corporate Stooge and Sell out indeed! What was he thinking?? I hope he has the hair long again when he returns to the ring. Cause he looks bloody awful!

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Huh, looks like Jerry Lawler legitimately collapsed at ringside following his match (given that the WWE didn't mention anything about it until after he'd be taken by medical staff). The reports I've see are that he collapsed, went into convulsions, and lost consciousness.


Well, Michael Cole said they were performing CPR and hasn't said a word since then...RAW is literally mute at this point, when it comes to comentary, as Cole is not speaking.


Edit: I'm watching RAW and he did return to the announce table after his match for a while.

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Well, Michael Cole said they were performing CPR and hasn't said a word since then...RAW is literally mute at this point, when it comes to comentary, as Cole is not speaking.


Aye, its incredibly eerie, and just a few matches ago Cole was still doing some commentary... the Sheamus-Otunga match, none. Really hope Lawler is okay.

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I've been on edge for a half hour now. Hearing he was receiving CPR really concerned me. Not doing any commentary for the rest of the show puts a horrible feeling in my stomach. I'm glad he's breathing on his own but Cole said he was getting oxygen too. Hope Lawler pulls through.


Yeah, things don't look good, especially with Cole on "Radio Silence" mode, but it's good to know that he's breathing at this point, though unfortunately that doesn't mean that everything is resolved at this point, and he's still getting oxygen too. Hope he makes it. Really do!

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Well, good to hear Lawler is currently stable and breathing on his own.


However, it sounds like they're checking him for a stroke. That's very worrying.


Indeed. I don't wanna sound like a troll or something, (Cause i really hope JErry is okay) but is this what it takes for the WWE to stop using him as wrestler on occasion? I mean, they have younger guys who never get a chance and they never think twice everytime they get a chance to put an almost 63 year old man in the ring. It makes me angry. Hope Lawler makes a full recovery.

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Indeed. I don't wanna sound like a troll or something, (Cause i really hope JErry is okay) but is this what it takes for the WWE to stop using him as wrestler on occasion? I mean, they have younger guys who never get a chance and they never think twice everytime they get a chance to put an almost 63 year old man in the ring. It makes me angry. Hope Lawler makes a full recovery.


Lawler does a lot of indie shows also.

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