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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Brock/Punk is a good set up I just don't see them changing Punk's character so drastically so close to 'mania but who knows? It would be a nice set up and I think a good match. I would enjoy that. It's more realistic given Rock/Cena 2 pretty much needs a belt attached to it to make sense to see Rock somehow get the belt by WM which leaves Punk open for Brock. Again, the only thing I see stopping that from being a reality is a Punk face turn this close to mania.


For me Punk and Taker is an amazing match this year for WM. If punk retains through elimination chamber, it sets up a huge storyline with Taker wanting one more run at the title and putting his streak on he line to get it. Punks long reign versus Takers WM streak is money.

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Lots of options, I think if I had to write it, it would play something like this (I haven't watched consistently so I'm not sure how realistic this is)...


Rock and Cena toe-to-toe in a long match with Rock starting to gain the advantage. The shield interferes and starts taking out the Rock. Then they turn and take out Punk. In comes Ziggler to cash in and make it a triple threat so he can claim to beat Rock and Punk in the same night (like Jericho beat Rock and Austin).


Ziggler goes for the cover over both men at once, both kick out and the start going at it again. The Rock takes control. Brock comes out and takes out the Rock. Punk starts barking orders to take out Ziggler, Brock gets annoyed and takes out Punk instead. Ziggler gets the pinfall.


Why this way

- Rock doesn't get the title (not going to be around enough to defend it), and has an excuse allowing further title shots when he returns.

- Dolph gets his claim to fame, be it a cheap one and they can test him out as champ.

- Punk gets to complain about being cheated.

- Sets up Rock vs Brock, or vs Ziggler

- Sets up Punk vs Brock (either heyman turns citing Punk as weak for needing help lately, or is a wildcard in their match as he has allegiance to both)

- May set up Ziggler vs Ryback if we find that Ziggler has been behind the shield.

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Smackdown recap:


- Barrett vs Sheamus - Great chemistry. Even match with lots of smart counters. Barrett impressed me the way he sold Sheamus' offense while not looking weak.

- Punk/Shield/Rock segments were dynamite.

- Cesaro as guest announcer = win! Miz is interesting right now but if he beats Cesaro in the pre-show title match I'll be disappointed.

- Big Show getting revenge on ADR with the announce table was a nice touch.


Brock Lesnar: Rumor has it he's signing a new 1 year deal same as the last one. Punk and Orton could be his 2 major feuds. Not sure about Punk as he'd have to turn face. I'd like to see him remain heel up to WM30 and a match against Austin where Punk goes over, they shake hands and Punk has a face turn.


Orton would be perfect if they still plan to turn him heel. Have him and Lesnar bump into each other backstage a few times and start getting physical, lots of staring, smirking and shoving. Put Lesnar over Orton in a PPV match to make him strong going into his next feud (Sheamus maybe?). Orton starts losing confidence in his matches and tells the "WWE Universe" he realises he's gone soft the last few years and needs to get his edge back if he wants to win titles again. Have him attack a popular babyface like Sheamus or Bryan to turn heel.

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Rumble Predictions

Pre Show Match- United States Title

Antonio Cesaro© vs The Miz


World Title Match- Last Man Standing

Alberto Del Rio© vs Big Show

See my Rumble pick for explanation.


WWE Divas Title

Kaitlyn© vs Tamina


30 Man Royal Rumble Match

Dolph Ziggler

I can easily see Dolph winnnig the Rumble in order to secure a World Title match at Wrestlemania. He could lose to Del Rio in his Rumble cash in, but post match Big E Langston or Ziggles himself destroys Del Rio and then Ziggles cashes in MitB to win the World Heavyweight Title


Tag Team Title Match

Team Hell No© vs Rhodes Scholars

Hell No are amazing together, but I think they'd be good if they were in chase mode.


WWE Title Match

CM Punk© vs The Rock

I keep going back and forth on this one, but I think the Rock takes it. Definitely going to be match of the night though.


I'm guessing this is the match order as well. The tag title match and divas title match might get flipped, but I feel like the World Title match should start the show and leave the Rumble in the middle so that the tag title match and divas title matches are buffers between the big matches.

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Smackdown recap:


- Barrett vs Sheamus - Great chemistry. Even match with lots of smart counters. Barrett impressed me the way he sold Sheamus' offense while not looking weak.

- Punk/Shield/Rock segments were dynamite.

- Cesaro as guest announcer = win! Miz is interesting right now but if he beats Cesaro in the pre-show title match I'll be disappointed.

- Big Show getting revenge on ADR with the announce table was a nice touch.


Brock Lesnar: Rumor has it he's signing a new 1 year deal same as the last one. Punk and Orton could be his 2 major feuds. Not sure about Punk as he'd have to turn face. I'd like to see him remain heel up to WM30 and a match against Austin where Punk goes over, they shake hands and Punk has a face turn.


Orton would be perfect if they still plan to turn him heel. Have him and Lesnar bump into each other backstage a few times and start getting physical, lots of staring, smirking and shoving. Put Lesnar over Orton in a PPV match to make him strong going into his next feud (Sheamus maybe?). Orton starts losing confidence in his matches and tells the "WWE Universe" he realises he's gone soft the last few years and needs to get his edge back if he wants to win titles again. Have him attack a popular babyface like Sheamus or Bryan to turn heel.


Only problem with that, is it requires Randy Orton to touch a microphone. All the good booking in the world doesn't matter if "The World's Most Boring Man" Blandy Snorton forces me to change the channel because he's doing more than flopping around on the mat and trying to hit his lame DDT.

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I watched a bit of the Rumble match itself. I quite liked how they handled certain aspects, such as several of the popular 'nostalgia' entrants being eliminated by Cody Rhodes and Ziggler to get them heat with the crowd. And there were several great spots (Kofi landing on Tensai's back, followed by Kofi's pogo spot, Kane catching DB and throwing him back in), etc. From what I saw of it, the actual Rumble match was very good this year.


Despised the finish, obviously. So pointless.

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I didn't watch...but seriously, what were you expecting? A 2nd Rock/Cena showdown was inevitable from the moment Rock beat Cena last year.


If anything, reading the description of how the title match ended gives me hope that they'll turn the main event into a 3-way with Punk, which is the best result I could have envisioned. But either way, there was no way Rock and Cena weren't going to be part of the WM main event.

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I love the "you still got it" chant at Jericho at the start of the rumble and his "I never lost it" response.


I hated that the Rumble match came before the CM-Rock match.


I found the rumble match itself to be alittle bland. I was very surprised that Jericho came in at #2. I didnt even know he was going to be in the match. No Big Show in the match. The Godfather was a waste of a number. some superstars that came out to fight at the end of RAW last week werent even in the rumble match.

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Here's several tweets I posted, just to see how pissed off I am at the shit WWE gave us for the Royal Rumble

(Twitter name is @Psycho_Sam_BBW) (WARNING: May not be suitable for work)

Fun fact: The Godfather is second in Trending. WWE, this is saying something!


WWE embraces the hate. That's all I can think of why the show was crap.


Methinks Cena will win. Mealsothinks that CM Punk vs. The Rock won't happen due to a riot. #RoyalRumble


This or WCW booked by Vince Russo? #RoyalRumble


Here's a retweet as well.


Bo Dallas has outlasted The Godfather. Attitude Era marks on Youtube have invested in razor blades.
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I enjoyed the royal rumble until towards the end. Once Ziggler was gone the winner was obvious. Some of the other guys put in great performances. Jericho was Jericho the best in the world at everything he does, even keeping his return secret. Nice to see Goldust back, hopefully now we'll see Cody vs Goldust. Expected Godfather's appearance to be short, with his age and that he's retired. Bo Dallas was good and suprised they let him eliminate Barrett. Kofi tried to beat last years achievement but think he fell short. Not his fault but the chairs aren't the most stable to try that trick.


The two rumors that didn't come true were a shame as both Carlito and Shelton Benjamin would have added to the rumble.


Actually pretty surprised at the depth in the rumble. Ok Otunga, Khali, Santino and Godfather were not expected to stay long but the rest were all decent talent with some good ones left off the rumble. WWE have the most talented roster they've had in years and yet the shows are the worst.

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Royal Rumble:


Cesaro v Miz - Cesaro can do no wrong in the ring. I expected a more even match but Miz totally put Cesaro over. Deserved to be on the main show.


Show v ADR - A a few good spots outside the ring and an interesting finish saved it from being a boring match. The champ looked resilient and crafty. ADR & Ricardo are a good double act.


Rhodes Scholars v Hell No - Fun match but I thought Hell No would lose. At least the Rumble started their downfall. Does this mean Rhodes Scholars get yet another shot as Hell No implode?


Royal Rumble - Jericho at #2! Santino funny as usual. Goldust chants! Sheamus makes a quick impact. Kofi does it again! Rhodes drumming up heat with his eliminations. Cena rampage. Bryan kicking frenzy. Cesaro uppercut frenzy. Why waste a spot on Kahli? Bryan and Kane spot -- Yes! Orton double DDT. Bo Dallas gets the debut push and the bull-hammer. Jericho code-breaker on Ryback. Ziggler eliminates Jericho! Orton rampage. Sheamus knocks out Ziggler who lasted longest. Strong final 3 but no heels. It made sense for Cena to win but it sure isn't going to win over the IWC.


Punk v Rock - Fast paced from the start. Similiar to Cena vs Rock with Punk dominating, although this time the announcers were selling Rock's kayfabe inujry and ring rust. Announce table collapse could have been nasty. They fooled me with the ending for a minute! I love Punk's long reign but they needed to shake things up and they did. Now please book Rock vs Cena vs Punk for WM 29.


Verdict: The first 3 matches were decent. The Rumble and WWE Title matches delivered, IMO. A good if predictable start for the Road to Wrestlemania.

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