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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Now I'm not upset by the Rock winning the WWE Championship (although does this now mean it's a part time belt?) I like Rock, I like CM Punk and although it's sad to see the reign finally end, Punk has moved as far up that longest reign table as anyone ever will. Plus it now sets up the "Once in A Lifetime Match"... er... part 2? Oh and whoever compared it to David Arquette needs to have a word with themselves because that's like comparing, well The Rock to David Arquette!


I am not happy with John Cena winning the Rumble. In fact I would rather watch Santino Marella vs. Tensai in a Mae Young on a Pole match than John Cena vs. ANYONE and this is why I won't be buying Wrestlemania. He's boring. His promo's are boring, his opponents carry him through matches and his 6(?) moves aren't exactly all that awe-inspiring. I'm trying not to turn this into a Cena bashing post, but I cannot stand the guy. Everything about him is fake.


I would however have paid to see Ziggler vs. Rock at Wrestlemania. Lets face it, we all now know the outcome - and if you doubt it's going to end any other way than a Cena title reign at the end of the show, you're in the minority.


Fleisch Wrestlemania Challenge:

Not including punches and kicks, I set you all the task of counting how many DIFFERENT moves will be used in the Wrestlemania main event by John Cena and The Rock.

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You know, bearing in mind people like to claim that wins and losses don't matter, and it is all in the booking, a lot of people seem overly obsessed with the results.


Here's the thing - the Rumble is the longest match of the year, and is always packed with surprise returns, innovative spots, comedy moments, debuts, intriguing feud setups and more, and this year's had all of those things.


The match went on for an hour, the longest match there will be this year. Why is the focus all on the final three seconds?


I know that might sound like a daft question and I didn't like the finish either - I'm not in the slightest bit enthralled about the match that will be the end result of this at Mania, but I thought the actual Rumble match itself was entertaining throughout.


What I don't understand is why that doesn't seem to matter to the majority. Why is who wins more important than how much you were entertained for the longest match you'll see until next year's Rumble? What did you watch it for, exactly?

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You know, bearing in mind people like to claim that wins and losses don't matter, and it is all in the booking, a lot of people seem overly obsessed with the results.


Here's the thing - the Rumble is the longest match of the year, and is always packed with surprise returns, innovative spots, comedy moments, debuts, intriguing feud setups and more, and this year's had all of those things.


The match went on for an hour, the longest match there will be this year. Why is the focus all on the final three seconds?


I know that might sound like a daft question and I didn't like the finish either - I'm not in the slightest bit enthralled about the match that will be the end result of this at Mania, but I thought the actual Rumble match itself was entertaining throughout.


What I don't understand is why that doesn't seem to matter to the majority. Why is who wins more important than how much you were entertained for the longest match you'll see until next year's Rumble? What did you watch it for, exactly?


People don't want to see Cena headlining Wrestlemania. It's like he has X-Pac heat.

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The rumble was one of the best in a very long time until the final 3 sequence


You have a chance to make a guy like Ryback's entire career (and Ziggler) by having him defeat two guys who are already solidified main eventers. For some reason Cena, being the guy who can get infinite title shots anyways, wins the match and effectively kills a chance for a star to be made.


It's the same thing as having him win MITB instead of making it a normal MITB match, it's taking away a star making, career defining moment like Michael's eliminating Bulldog, or Austin coming back to eliminate Bret. Instead they feed it to a guy who doesn't need any rub on the same night they allow a historic title reign to be ended by a guy who will be around for 3 months.


They always harp on about how there aren't as many stars, but the reason is because they are too stubborn to build them through meaningful wins and would rather give Cena another notch on his belt.

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People don't want to see Cena headlining Wrestlemania. It's like he has X-Pac heat.


Yeah, and I agree with that. I just don't understand people can be entertained for 53 of the 55 minutes and then say the whole thing was rubbish because of the final result.


I thought the event itself was good. Do I like the results? No. Is that the only thing that matters? For me - this is the event where the results matter the least, because the matches are the longest - there is more opportunity to be entertained for an hour before groaning at the end.

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It's probably because they are already ruing what's to come after that result. If you didn't want Cena to win, or Rock, or either, then those results have presumably just set up two-three months of a TV show and events where the main, overwhelming story is likely to be one that you have no interest in. That is why the focus is on the results/the final minutes.


Personally, I dip in and out of WWE these days and usually watch on YouTube so if Cena/Rock/anyone else starts to bore me, it's easy enough to skip over.

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What I don't understand is why that doesn't seem to matter to the majority. Why is who wins more important than how much you were entertained for the longest match you'll see until next year's Rumble? What did you watch it for, exactly?



Best part of the rumble match.


1.. Seeing Golddust dance.

2. Seeing Kofi (sp?) bounce his ass from the table to the ring onJBLs chair.

3. Seeing KAne dump Danial on his behind. :D

4. Seeing the Godfather get kicked out and just the smile on his face.


More entertaining than the finish.



I was hoping my Irish man would win....:D

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I just want to see Cena get booed out of the building in NJ after winning the main event. Maybe then the light will come on that people are tired of him being showed down our throats.


Hell he was getting booed in the rumble for eliminating midcarders


What you should hope for instead is that his merch sales drop because the kids don't harp on thier parents to buy his gear.


That will provoke real movement within the WWE. they already play into his mixed crowd reaction, they don't mind that they can use him as a heel vs. the indy guys as long as he moves merch.

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I just want to see Cena get booed out of the building in NJ after winning the main event. Maybe then the light will come on that people are tired of him being showed down our throats.


Hell he was getting booed in the rumble for eliminating midcarders


My favourite Rumble of all time is still the one Del Rio won. Last year's was pretty poor from what I recall. This one was decent, nothing special. Thought Cena was going to win, so I was prepared for it. My only disappointment was the surprise entrants. Jericho was great in fairness and Goldust was fun. The Godfather was a complete and utter waste. I had the sense of nostalgia for four, maybe five seconds when his song played and that was it. Was waiting for a big surprise that never came. Deliberately avoided all spoilers to ensure I would be surprised. Shame really.

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I loved the rumble last night the action was fast paced and pretty much flawless. For the first time in many many years they told multiple stories within the actual match with Ziggler/Jericho Bo Dallas and Barrett, and Cody Rhodes and Goldust. There was never an outright flat point in the match imo and when things even started getting dull, a big name came out (Sheamus and Orton are perfect examples of this).


The only thing I didnt like about the rumble match was aside from Kane and Bryan tag teams never got to work together. Like Cody Rhodes got eliminated and the very next entry was Damien Sandow, that happened with 3MB and PTP too.

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I really, really, really hope Punk vs. Cena vs Rock happens at Wrestlemania. I know its a slim chance but it would make the main event a little more unpredictable. It also could help Rock because he was a little off in his match with Punk last night and even worse in his Mania match against Cena last year.
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Raw Highlights:


Punk's two rants -- the old intensity is back. Orton vs Cesaro in another physical match. Bo Dallas on a roll. Shield decimating Cena, Sheamus and Ryback. Sandow vs Sheamus in an awesome tables match. "Thank you Sandow" chants! Ziggler/Jericho vs Hell No. Paul Heyman performance review. Lesnar F5 to Vince!


Raw Lowlights:


Cena phoning it in against Rhodes. LOL at Cena "spoiling" Elimination Chamber when he said Rock or Punk would be champ going into Mania. Tensai dancing in lingerie (I still laughed though). Kahli singing.

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Punk fan reacts to Rock winning :D







The Shield are the latest predicted opponents for Undertaker at WM29. While I think it would be a good match I don't want to see Shield lose any time soon. Lesnar vs Taker seems more likely. I'm racking my brains to think who Shield should face at WM29 though. They need to wrestle at least once every few PPVs.

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I grew quite attached to Bo during the Rumble, having never seen him before. First, I felt sorry for him, making his entrance and getting his moves in while the focus was on Kofi and his antics. Then there was a novelty to how long he was lasting. The Rumble is always fun seeing weird pairing you'll never get elsewhere. Look, there's Cena and Bo Dallas brawling in the corner (with Cena being oddly uncooperative). Ooh, Orton's doing a double draping DDT on Bo and (I think) Ziggler. Good for Bo getting in on that spot.


I dunno. Maybe it's because I dabble in the wrestling myself, but I could really strongly relate to him, a young rookie thrown in with dudes above his pay grade. I felt... proud of him. For getting stuck in.

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