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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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NXT Review:


I'm going to have watch every week now. Paige vs Summer Rae and Wyatt vs Jericho were good matches. The announce team (Regal, Dawson & Maddox) was fun.




I've just started recapping NXT for the Daily Mirror. Here's a link to last weeks Clash of Champions show




This weeks show should hopefully be up soon!


EDIT: The recap of this weeks show is now online if anybody is interested?



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First of all, I didn't say it was John Cena's fault. This point doesn't have to do with Cena, but with how the result of this is WWE's over-reliance on Cena in general. Second of all, I'm not comparing this scene to 1997, you are, and that's a subject I wouldn't dare touch. Especially comparing today's stars to the Attitude era's cream of the crop. Yeah how convenient is it to bring up Kofi Kingston's name, no he isn't on that level of entertainment and that's obvious. I'm talking about the last few years, circa late 00s where the star power was potent enough that they were giving chances to upper-midcarders while having a relatively rich main-event base.


As much as I don't like The Miz, he was given a shot at the big brass and now back to where he was, which I don't mind to be honest but it's been the case with a lot of them and the main-event scene has generally been narrow. If it weren't as narrow, there wouldn't be as much disgruntlement over Cena's presence. All I'm saying is it's something to get used to. There's not really any blame to place on specifically anybody, management may be feeling frisky for the same reasons you're seeing, that it may be the case that half of these midcarders don't really scream big star anytime soon, that said a bit of leeway certainly could've been given upon certain upper-midcarders. Eventually it has in terms of guys like Sheamus and Punk, the main-event scene is slowly getting out of the shell they used to be in about a year or two ago where it got somewhat bad. Personally, I don't think Del Rio is leaps and bounds above Miz or Barrett anyway but that's another topic and most of those guys may come full circle as top dogs one day.


Brother I wasn't really arguing with you i was more agreeing with you.

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Brother I wasn't really arguing with you i was more agreeing with you.


My bad then, I just wholesomely expected someone to go way back and use the attitude era as a crutch when I didn't specify in my preceding post what era I was referring to. Didn't intend any hard feelings either way.


Absolutely agree with this.


But the future looks pretty bright to me. Claudio/Antonio is already on WWE T.V., Hero/Ohno is close. You mentioned Bryan and Punk already making it. I love 2/3rds of the Shield (sorry Reigns), and there is still plenty of great talent to come.


It's not too late for someone like Zack Ryder, Santino Marella, Justin Gabirel, Drew McIntyre, to name a few to get the big break that defines them as a superstar (and not the WWE version of a 'superstar', but a real superstar like Austin, Rock, Cena, etc).


I've mentioned this a couple times before a while back but most of the biggest names came from very puny beginnings. Before Austin was Stone Cold he was 'The Ring Master'. Before The Rock, there was Rocky Miavia. Before Cena became a Thug and then a Marine, he was The Prototype. Before Edge electrified the tag team division and then became a multi World champ, he was.... I can't even type it... here goes... Sexton Hardcastle. :D Triple H, before being The Game, even before being Hunter Hearst Helmsley, had the VERY horrible name in WCW... Terra Rysing(spelling might be off).


Point is, someone will step up. Time will go on. Cena will hang up his boots eventually, and the wrestling world will hardly miss him. But right now, Cena is The Man. Like it or not. :p


I agree too, and I often think about these past gimmicks as well. I can probably deal with a few more years of Cena, but I'm just hoping the transition on top star billing will be as smooth as it were in the past eras. In other words, I hope someone steps up soon. Even if they don't, the roster has indeed come quite a long way over the last few years.

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Why do people keep pointing to Steve Austin as a guy who struggled to make it? The man was pushed to the near top in WCW before Hogan came in with wins over legends like Steamboat, and he came into WWF with Ted DiBiase as his manager of all people. His gimmick might have been shit, but he was still a prominent figure in the company even before he turned Rattlesnake.
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Why do people keep pointing to Steve Austin as a guy who struggled to make it? The man was pushed to the near top in WCW before Hogan came in with wins over legends like Steamboat, and he came into WWF with Ted DiBiase as his manager of all people. His gimmick might have been shit, but he was still a prominent figure in the company even before he turned Rattlesnake.


I don't think that is what they are saying at all. They are simply pointing him out as someone who had a pretty crappy gimmick to begin with, and then transitioned into the gimmick that helped him become a star.


Do you really think Austin would have been as big as he was if he had kept the The Ringmaster gimmick?

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Again though its Randy Orton, the guy left feces in a Diva's bag.


Or what about Steve Austin refusing to do a program with Jeff Jarrett? Or Steve Austin walking out on the company because he didn't want to job to Brock Lesnar?


For a guy that is as squeaky clean as him in the dirt sheets


Orton didn't leave crap in anyone's bag, it was a mixture of various (all non-faecal) things made to look like it. Still not classy, but nowhere near as bad as actually taking a dump in someone's stuff. Someone (maybe London & Kendrick?) talked about it in a shoot interview, and the side of the story whoever it was gave was that the diva in question had been less than pleasant to the other divas for a while.


Was the Jarrett thing not something to do with rumours about the Jarretts stiffing Austin on payments when he was working for their territory and also Jarrett getting it on with Debra while Austin was too? And the Brock thing both he (Austin) and Paul Heyman (I know, reliable source...) have said in interviews it wasn't refusing to lose to Brock. It was refusing to lose to Brock in an off the cuff throwaway TV match, rather than being in a program and losing on a PPV and making it mean something.


Haven't a few guys (Kenny Dykstra springs to mind) mentioned that Cena was supposedly cheating on his wife? And I think the dirtsheets have written as much too. Not saying it's true; just that he hasn't always been shown squeaky clean in the dirtsheets.


Basically what I'm saying is, there's always two sides (at least) to every story. Best to just take them all with a pinch of salt.

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Quick check in, Monday is last law school exam OF ALL TIME!! woooo! pumped!


but, that aside, that's why i havent been checking in. I'm free weeknights and weekend this week, we'll work it out.


back to studying.


And after that, only the bar exam to look forward to! :p


I don't think that is what they are saying at all. They are simply pointing him out as someone who had a pretty crappy gimmick to begin with, and then transitioned into the gimmick that helped him become a star.


Do you really think Austin would have been as big as he was if he had kept the The Ringmaster gimmick?


I think the narrative gets re-structured all the time to be "who ever would've guessed Steve Austin would be a mega-star?" and his Ringmaster gimmick is part of that story of how he "came from nowhere" and nobody could've expected he'd be a breakout name. But as I alluded to earlier, it really wasn't all that much of a stretch. In WCW he was a freak athlete with incredible stamina who worked 20 minute matches with guys like Ricky Steamboat, then showed a ton of charisma with the Hollywood Blondes. It's not like Steve Austin just suddenly appeared and was magically a great wrestler with enormous charisma, and that's the part that WWF's spin of the "Stone Cold" story always short-changes.

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I've just started recapping NXT for the Daily Mirror. Here's a link to last weeks Clash of Champions show




This weeks show should hopefully be up soon!


EDIT: The recap of this weeks show is now online if anybody is interested?




Good reviews. Keep them coming.

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Raw Highlights:


- Sandow singing


- ADR vs Ziggler - Great action. Crazy DQ finish. Zeb awesome on commentary. Love the face plant suplex.

- Usos/Kofi vs Shield - Usos getting air time on Raw??? Ambrose's Headlock Driver looks too dangerous for PG WWE and I love it!

- Cesaro winning and putting himself over better than the creative team in one short promo.

- Lesnar & Heyman HQ invasion was hilarious. "Oh no, Brock, not the TV!"

- Henry burying the crowd & Michael Cole, and whipping Sheamus.



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SD Highlights:


Kofi vs Rhodes - Average match. Both are capable of better.

Ziggler/Coulter/Swagger/ADR/Langston - Another good segment building to the Triple Threat Ladder Match.

Ambrose vs Bryan - Great match despite the DQ finish. Fantastic chemistry.

Mark Henry World Record Attempt - 110,000-pound double tractor trailer pull. That's what he do!

Jericho vs Ryback - Ryback's best match to date. The finish was unexpected. Jericho did a good job putting him over. If these 2 were feuding over the WWE title I'd actually care about it.


Best part of SD:

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Went to a Smackdown House Show today. No Sheamus, no Ziggler, and two separate matches for the epic Rhodes Scholars/Tons of Funk feud. The injury bug seems to be hitting pretty hard post-Wrestlemania. Orton went over Big Show in the main event; Orton was easily the biggest and maybe only guy other than Khali that the crowd seriously got behind. Justin Gabriel and Ted DiBiase were not exactly getting inspiring reactions in their matches. Big Show also got a big babyface pop when he came out, and had to heel it up for the first few minutes of the match to get the crowd against him. ADR also got a pretty decent pop, after Coulter and Swagger came out and drew a bunch of heat by confusing Texas with Oklahoma. They easily had the best match of the show, too.
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Seriously though, Ryback can stop screaming "RYBACK RULES" any time now...


Well his other slogan was catchy and the entire arena shouted it everywhere they went


They just HAD to turn him heel because he was stale and wasn't getting the reactions they wanted from the crowd :rolleyes:

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Well his other slogan was catchy and the entire arena shouted it everywhere they went


They just HAD to turn him heel because he was stale and wasn't getting the reactions they wanted from the crowd :rolleyes:


And the reason he was stale was because he's a loser... :(

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Raw Highlights:


Fandango vs Jericho dance-off - Segment was way too long but Fandango got his heat back big time.

Kofi vs Sandow - Sandow needs a title reign more than Kofi.

Henry - Josh's punishment for being heel without permission from Vince :D Henry is WWE's best heel right now.

Cesaro vs Orton - This match-up again? Cesaro deserves better.

Cena/Hell No vs Shield - Great match as expected. The DQ loss for the Shield makes it less obvious to marks that they're going to win their matches at ER so good booking, IMO.

Big E vs Swagger - Heel vs heel! Decent match.

AJ vs Natalya - The 2 best divas buried by a commentary team of 6 :( At least there was a veiled boob job reference and AJ won with the Sexy Octopus.

HHH/Lesnar - Pretty good segment actually.


Verdict: Filler epsiode before the PPV. WWE App pimping went into overdrive. The 3v3 tag match and a couple of segments saved it from being totally lame.


In other news, Ziggler stole the show on Twitter. Must be high on meds.



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