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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Oh...my...God... That was the best spot I've seen in a long time! I just love this feud between Ambrose and Rollins!


If you're talking about the finish, I absolutely hated it.


It made absolutely no sense. They had to have set up those cinderblocks before the announcers were in the arena. But, we had the match because Ambrose antagonized Rollins after the show began. So they had no in-storyline reason to set up the cinderblocks before the show began.


Or is Wile E Coyote a member of the ring crew now?

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If you're talking about the finish, I absolutely hated it.


It made absolutely no sense. They had to have set up those cinderblocks before the announcers were in the arena. But, we had the match because Ambrose antagonized Rollins after the show began. So they had no in-storyline reason to set up the cinderblocks before the show began.


Or is Wile E Coyote a member of the ring crew now?


That's like complaining about Triple H grabbing his sledgehammer from under the ring when he didn't expect to wrestle that night. Or for that matter how the exact object any wrestler wants to use is just sitting for him under the ring no matter the circumstance. Sometimes a little leap in logic is worth a cool spot like that.

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That's like complaining about Triple H grabbing his sledgehammer from under the ring when he didn't expect to wrestle that night. Or for that matter how the exact object any wrestler wants to use is just sitting for him under the ring no matter the circumstance.


And I dislike that as well. There's suspension of disbelief and then there's just insulting the viewers' intelligence.


Me, I'd rather see a heel wrestler go under the ring, find no plunder, and be all like "...oh crap... should have thought this through..." and the face is headed his way...

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And I dislike that as well. There's suspension of disbelief and then there's just insulting the viewers' intelligence.


Me, I'd rather see a heel wrestler go under the ring, find no plunder, and be all like "...oh crap... should have thought this through..." and the face is headed his way...


Then you were born in the wrong era, because wrestling is never going to back to realism like that ever again.

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Wow, what a shocker that Lesnar won the big one. I thought his contract was for 'limited appearances only'. Add to that the fact that the title reign just started made it all the more baffling. He continues to amaze. And that lone kit shooting "let's go Cena" was annoying as f*ck.


All in all it was a bit weird (a good thing). I thought Cena and Swagger were both obvious wins, along with Reigns, but boy was I wrong. How long are they going to continue Rusev's parade. Sure, once he's beaten his gimmick is less attractive, but how long can they keep this up? It's starting to get stale for me.


The women's division might also be heading for a boring month or two. There are few contenders. They can't just keep throwing AJ and Paige together (though I love both) with some weird "frenemy" sauce all over it. It's a little offputting, yet insanely hot, in a way. :p


Nevertheless, I am a happy man. :p

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I think the Bryan talk is really premature. He just said the other day that AFTER he has his surgery its a 3 month recovery time and his surgery isn't even scheduled yet. With this being the second surgery he's had since he's been out it would be really silly of Bryan or the WWE to try and rush him back. It sounds like he might be able to get back in the ring around the Royal Rumble but at that point he's been out six months and had two surgeries I would personally ease the guy back in


I think its pretty much a given its going to be Reigns vs. Lesnar and if they are serious about replacing John Cena and they think Reigns is the guy then I think they should do it at Mania. There is a good story to be told there about two unstoppable monsters colliding. Reigns runs through the entire Authority while Brock holds the title hostage and then its the immovable object vs. the irresistible force.


You can't plan for Bryan to come back because he doesn't even know if/when he'll be back. I doubt The Rock comes back for a Brock match. With the way Brock was throwing Cena around there is no way Rock can risk getting hurt again. Whoever beats Brock is going to be a main eventer for life since at that point it will be over two years since Brock lost a wrestling match which is crazy. Bryan's already over like grover and doesn't NEED the win as much as Reigns does. I'm not a huge fan of Reigns but they haven't given him much of a character yet I suspect that in the coming months when Triple H gets involved we'll see them push that aspect more.


I am enjoying Rollins/Ambrose and they are giving me that Rock/HHH/ vibe two young guys coming up and having a rivalry that is going to take each one to the main event.

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Then you were born in the wrong era, because wrestling is never going to back to realism like that ever again.


It's not about realism. It's about not being lazy in your writing.


It's like a horror movie where a group of hunters in the wilderness get attacked by a werewolf, and despite it being established that none of them had any clue that there were even legends of a werewolf in the area, one of the hunters just happens to find a silver bullet in his box of ammo. Sure, it's a surprise, you wouldn't expect it, but it makes zero sense and they make no attempt to rationalize it.

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It's not about realism. It's about not being lazy in your writing.


It's like a horror movie where a group of hunters in the wilderness get attacked by a werewolf, and despite it being established that none of them had any clue that there were even legends of a werewolf in the area, one of the hunters just happens to find a silver bullet in his box of ammo. Sure, it's a surprise, you wouldn't expect it, but it makes zero sense and they make no attempt to rationalize it.


The difference is just that guys like Triple H are so genius they are ready for anything. Every time WWE runs a show, after the ring is set up, Triple H takes a sledgehammer to ringside and hides it...just in case.


I mean, sure, that's kinda silly...but it works enough for me.


Edit-I know you guys say Rollins and Ambrose didn't have a planned match, but who is to say Triple H didn't have a match planned for them? All three stipulations he was allowing the universe allowed him to execute the plan to eliminate Ambrose.

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The difference is just that guys like Triple H are so genius they are ready for anything. Every time WWE runs a show, after the ring is set up, Triple H takes a sledgehammer to ringside and hides it...just in case.


I mean, sure, that's kinda silly...but it works enough for me.


Edit-I know you guys say Rollins and Ambrose didn't have a planned match, but who is to say Triple H didn't have a match planned for them? All three stipulations he was allowing the universe allowed him to execute the plan to eliminate Ambrose.


Works for me.


Triple H is the boss, he can do what he wants. It's not too difficult for me to think; "Ah, Trips arranged for those cinder blocks to be put there so Rollins could Curb Stomp the crap out of Ambrose's face"


Maybe it was discussed backstage earlier in the night? Maybe it will be addressed on RAW next week?


It was a cool looking spot and really isn't a massive deal. The Ambrose / Rollins feud has been very entertaining, and the segment last night helped further it.

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Raw Review:


Steph & The Bellas - Nice troll job from Steph. Shame the Bellas' acting and mic skills are weak.

The Wyatts vs Show & Henry - Solid Smackdown rematch with the same result but Show & Henry are too slow-paced to be an excting tag team. I'd rather the Wyatts be Tag Champs and feuding with the Dust Bros.

Natalya vs Paige - Solid match until the distraction finish. AJ on the mic made up for it.

Brock Lesnar - Awesome segment. Best Heyman promo ever! I like how he gave props to Cena before burying him on behalf on Lesnar. Eat Sleep Suplex Repeat!

Ziggler vs Miz (Intercontinental Championship) - Solid match. Good selling from Ziggler. Interesting finish. I wouldn't mind the feud continuing but Batista vs Miz at Night of Champions would be even better.

Swagger vs Cesaro - Solid match. Cesaro won! Bo Dallas twisting the knife was great.

Orton & Rybaxel vs Reigns, Sheamus & RVD - Solid but random tag match. The Ryback chants were the best part.

The Usos vs Dust Bros - Solid match. LOL at JBL's "Dustbusters" nickname.

Rusev & Henry - Good work from Henry on the mic but he's just formed a new tag team so someone without a storyline should be in this spot.

Ambrose vs Rollins (Falls Count Anywhere) - Great match. Shame they have to get Kane involved every time. I suppose Ambrose getting the D-Bry burial treatment shows how important he is. Props to Cole for selling the cinder block spot like Ambrose was dead.


Verdict: Disappointing follow-up to SummerSlam. Average show aside from Heyman/Brock and the main event.


If you're talking about the finish, I absolutely hated it. It made absolutely no sense. They had to have set up those cinderblocks before the announcers were in the arena. But, we had the match because Ambrose antagonized Rollins after the show began. So they had no in-storyline reason to set up the cinderblocks before the show began. Or is Wile E Coyote a member of the ring crew now?


I'm pretty sure Kane planted the cinder blocks there and got involved to make sure Rollins destroyed Ambrose like they planned with Trips.

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With all the time they waste on an episode of RAW, it would have been nice if they could have found say, three minutes for Paige and Natalya to actually wrestle before the AJ distraction. I get why they wanted to cut last week's Eva Marie matches short, but Paige and Nat can actually go.


I found the six-man tag surprisingly entertaining. Even the shmozzy final minutes seemed well-organized with the guys who'd been taking damage the whole match remembering to continue selling it. I felt the match made everyone look good except Axel, who just looked okay.


Not sure what the point of putting Rusev over Swagger was if they were just going to bury the guy (well actually, both guys) the next night. Is Henry going to feud with Rusev now? What about his new tag team? It only makes sense to me if Rusev gets a partner and they have a tag feud. Wacky thought: Is Swagger going to become so distraught that he turns on America and joins Rusev?


Regarding the cinder blocks, I have no trouble believing that the Authority was already planning on an Ambrose/Rollins main event. Hey, it's not like it was hard to predict that Ambrose would attack Rollins sometime during the show. I also liked how all three potential stipulations would have resulted in basically the same match. Well played, WWE. Well played.


Line of the night: "What? It's for charity."

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The poll option was lazy too. Why didn't Lawler, who's been in the company for decades and has wrestled for over thirty years AND in character has a distrust in the Authority, instantly pick up on the fact that the three match types were basically the same and question it?


Why did they put no effort to actually indicating that there was a premeditated plan? No mention of a Plan B at all, that's just silly, especially when you could red herring people into thinking Kane himself was the Plan B.

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No Disqualification = Nothing is disqualified.

Fall Counts Anywhere = A Pin can happen anywhere + nothing is disqualified.

No Holds Barred = A previously illegal submission maneuver (Undertaker's Hell's Gate during his feud with Edge) is suddenly made legal for the match in question.


They're all solid gimmick matches for unique storylines. But just like the Lumberjack match, they've been used so interchangeably with differing rules that they've stopped having meaning to the regular fan.

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Pretty sure they are always going to complain about Cena, unless he changes up.


It's not that he's protected, heck, half the people that complain about him respect the hell out of him just as much as any big fan of his does, if not more... even if they are unwilling to admit it.


He's just stale, and people are sick of him. Would happen to anyone in his shoe's, and has. He needs to find his "NWO", then people would be buzzing in a good way about him again (yep... He has to go bad to be good again). Then after a good heel run, and I mean a really good one, then he might be able to change back into what he is today and stay that way another 10 years.

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Cena will go heel when there is enough star power on the babyface side of WWE to replace him. Currently, there is not enough.


Who's fault is that, I wonder? They buried Christian when he started getting strong face reactions against Cena in 2005. They quashed potentially strong face presences like John Morrison, Mr Kennedy, Zack Ryder, Paul Burchill, and MVP.


Guys like Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler keep having fleeting moments, where it's obvious the crowd loves them, only to get shoved right back down. Kofi had a clean pinfall over WWEWHC Champion Orton this year. Now he's a lumberjack.


Even the "top faces" - CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Sheamus, aren't allowed to Main Event a show that Cena's on without crazy circumstances. If Cena doesn't have the belt, he's still the guy they focus on (aside from the WM31 build-up, to be fair).


They put all their eggs in one basket, then when they got more baskets, they still put their eggs in the same old one. They could have a ton of strong faces (some of whom could have turned heel and face five times in the meantime) if they wanted to.

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because heels can't and won't draw money right?


I never said that. That's rediculous.


My point is Cena's public appearances, charity work, etc is not something you can just replace with Roman Reigns in 6 months. Cena is a recognizable star for reasons beyond just wrestling. WWE have to really get behind another babyface and put him on the cover of magazines and on tv talk shows and doing promotional work and things like that.


Currently there isn't anyone even remotely close to Cena in that regard. This process doesn't happen over night and takes months to years to pull off. I don't see a Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns fully replacing all the good that Cena does for the WWE any time soon.

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