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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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NXT Championship Edition Review:


The Great - Kidd vs Neville (NXT Championship). Zayn delivering a Helluva Kick to Titus who tried to screw Neville over.

The Good - Charlotte vs Bayley (Womens Championship). Enzo, Cass & Carmella. The VaudeVillians vs Dillinger & Jordan.

The OK - The Ascension beating down Itami. Corbin squash.


Verdict: Best show since Takeover 2.

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Ambrose has the same problem, as far as talking. I think he is probably the most interesting character on the show right now, but he could stand to improve on the mic. I feel he will improve as his popularity rises though, as I can't help but to think it has to do with confidence in talking


Ambrose is already in the top 5 as far as promo skills in WWE right now. And I think it's safe to say he's #2 behind Cena as the top face.

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Ambrose has the same problem, as far as talking. I think he is probably the most interesting character on the show right now, but he could stand to improve on the mic. I feel he will improve as his popularity rises though, as I can't help but to think it has to do with confidence in talking.


I really don't see it. Ambrose has shown, in my eyes at least, to be great on the mic. His awkward and stilted sentences are intentional, since he's y'know...a little unbalanced. And I don't think there's many in WWE can compare to his mastery of body language.


The OK - The Ascension beating down Itami.


Cue the IWC foaming at the mouth, claiming that WWE hired KENTA just to bury him...

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Cue the IWC foaming at the mouth, claiming that WWE hired KENTA just to bury him...


It was an average beatdown and The Ascension mostly bore me. The idea is good though, having The Ascension put over Itami on their way out of NXT. Itami will probably get the biggest push of KENTA/Devitt/Steen if they want to tap into the Asian markets with the Network.


Read something this week that they had Devitt show up to be Itami's partner against The Ascension at the recent tapings.


Soon. Funaki said he had Itami's back so they might team together first.

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Smackdown Review:


The Great - Nothing

The Good - Miz & Mizdow vs Ziggler & Sheamus. Paige vs Naomi. Big Show apologizing for the Russian Flag incident but refusing to apologize to Lana and Rusev. Cesaro vs Truth. Orton & Kane vs Ambrose & Cena (who left Ambrose to lose so he could chase after Rollins).

The OK - Slator Gator vs The Usos.


Verdict: Solid well-rounded show with little filler.

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2 things.


1) I think it would be AWESOME and HILIARIOUS if at some point Ambrose put on a bad dark wig (with badly painted blond streak) and fake beard and pretended to be Rollins for a promo.

Anybody else think that too?


2) For those of you with the WWE Network, there's apparently a short 3-and-a-half minute featurette about "Creating the new WWE World Heavyweight Championship".

If possible, could anybody who watches it on computer or tablet screencap the plates' design proofs at about 50-55sec, 1:16, 1:32, 1:38, and 1:50?

Somebody recorded it with their camera so I've provided caps of the specific frames from THAT below, in the hopes that one of you who can cap it directly from the video (or even the actual video itself at 720p or 1080p) can provide better shots.


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2 things.


1) I think it would be AWESOME and HILIARIOUS if at some point Ambrose put on a bad dark wig (with badly painted blond streak) and fake beard and pretended to be Rollins for a promo.

Anybody else think that too?


2) For those of you with the WWE Network, there's apparently a short 3-and-a-half minute featurette about "Creating the new WWE World Heavyweight Championship".

If possible, could anybody who watches it on computer or tablet screencap the plates' design proofs at about 50-55sec, 1:16, 1:32, 1:38, and 1:50?

Somebody recorded it with their camera so I've provided caps of the specific frames from THAT below, in the hopes that one of you who can cap it directly from the video (or even the actual video itself at 720p or 1080p) can provide better shots.



Ive had a look around the network and cant find a video about creating the new belt.

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ahhhh far enough i dont watch the live feed.


It's good if you're doing something else and just want some background noise. I remember I put on the live feed not too long ago and they randomly played Mick Foley's school project documentary on Dominic Denucci's wrestling school. That was a treat.

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It's good if you're doing something else and just want some background noise. I remember I put on the live feed not too long ago and they randomly played Mick Foley's school project documentary on Dominic Denucci's wrestling school. That was a treat.


I really only watch the monday night wars show and everything to do with WCW. god i miss WCW lol

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Hey Ambrose is great and so is Wyatt but both guys could and probably will improve. They're entertaining but they could both be a touch more believable. Id bet you both of those workers know full well that they can get better and are trying to every day.


Reminds me of the early versions of the Stone cold character. He was badass right off the bat and knew he was on to something but as the years grew his promos got more realistic and believable and thats when he just took off.

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Who would miss WCW? Don't you know it was nothing until they stole WWE talent and really everything they did was a ripoff of WWE and it didn't work


Up until say mid 1999 always thought that WCW had better matches. while I do think WWE had better main event matches I just thought WCW shows as a whole were better.

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Plus, WWE has stolen/copied plenty of things from other promotions over the years. Mr. McMahon came after "Sleazy E" Eric Bischoff. Andre winning the belt and selling the belt to Ted Dibiase was done by Killer Tim Brooks and Larry Zbyszko. Brooks defeated Paul Orndorff for the NWA National Championship and Larry bought it off of Brooks. Bob Geigel then stripped Larry of the championship. The Nexus and the New Breed(WWECW) were basically the New Blood.


There are very few "original" ideas in wrestling.

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I prefered WWE but that might be due to it being unavailable for us Belgians. We had WCW every week and only got to see WWF when in Germany. And I loved the Kane, 'Taker and Goldust characters as a kid, amongst the other freakshows of the day (Mosh, Mankind, etc). WCW had... Goldberg and Sting. It's hard to remember what drew me to my tv-show every sundayafternoon. The cruisers were exciting, but that couldn't have done it. Must've been Stacy Keibler. That's the only rational reason I can find. :p
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