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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Non-Spoiler thoughts about HiaC


Ziggler/Cesaro: Great back and forth. Finish was unpredictable. Both should be higher up the card.


Usos/Dust Bros: Did we really need this again? Not a bad match but it's been overdone.


Nikki/Brie: Finish was really predictable considering the stip. People need to drop the "Bellas can't wrestle" attitude because they put on a decent match here.


Sheamus/Miz: Sanddow, I mean Mizdow, was the star of the match. Both during the match and especially post-match.


Cena/Orton: Better than I was expecting. This is another that has been done to death BUT they put on a very good match. Finish was incredible.


AJ/Paige: You knew these two would put on a good match, the two best Divas since Trish and Lisa. Doesn't hurt that they are also the 2 sexiest divas in WWE right now.


Ambrose/Rollins: Ten minutes in, the match officially began (lol). Very intense from the beginning and never lost that edge. Finish NO ONE could have seen coming and it was AWESOME. Rollins will move on to cashing in at some point soon and Ambrose has his next fued set up.


Overall this was the best PPV of the year. Not one bad match, and PLENTY of great spots.

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AJ/Paige: You knew these two would put on a good match, the two best Divas since Trish and Lisa. Doesn't hurt that they are also the 2 sexiest divas in WWE right now.


To me this match wasn't all that great, was it good? Yes but I just didn't care about the match going into this show and wasn't a fan of the match overall. hopefully the storyline ends because these two women don't seem to click at all at least for me. And as far as AJ being Sexy she's hot but she needs to eat a sandwich or five because she's hella skinny.

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I was kind of whelmed by this show on the one hand there was Cesaro vs Ziggler, Mizdow, Ambrose finally getting to beat the hell out of Rollins and Wyatt's attack, but I had to sit through the Bellas and their boring feud, The Miz and more Rusev crap (if they give him an Iron Sheik-like tag partner I will forgive everything).


But it has to be said:



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To me this match wasn't all that great, was it good? Yes but I just didn't care about the match going into this show and wasn't a fan of the match overall. hopefully the storyline ends because these two women don't seem to click at all at least for me. And as far as AJ being Sexy she's hot but she needs to eat a sandwich or five because she's hella skinny.


Is AJ a face? because she just comes across as a deadset bitch lol she just doesnt look like she wants to be there at all.

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this was the first PPV i have watched since Wrestlemania this year


and going to be honest I was pretty "Meh" about all of it


apart from Rusev/Big Show, i did not enjoy much of it


Ambrose vs Rollins, i think i was expecting too much, just seemed really slow, i was expecting a real grudge match where both are locked in together, liked the Bray Wyatt bit


still enjoyed the main event, but i don't know just something didn't click with me, but my friends liked it so i imagine its just e grumbling

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Gonna try to write my opinions without spoilers, since I'm usually the one who doesn't watch the PPV until a couple of days later and I know how it feels.


Ziggler vs. Cesaro was a good match, but I didn't like the way it ended. I thought it could have gone on a little longer, but then it did swerve me a bit.


I thought Nikki vs Brie was a surprisingly good match. That said, the ending was a bit predictable. I'm digging Nikki working the stiff forearm into her arsenal.


Cosmic Brothers vs. Usos didn't really feel like anything more than old champs using their rematch clause, which they may have already had, I don't remember. Standard tag fare, there are definitely better matches that could've been on the card.


Cena vs. Orton was okay. I expected this to be the main event, but I can understand why it wasn't. It felt really formulaic, but it wasn't a bad match. I thought it was smart that they didn't use a ton of weapons spots given the second Cell match.


Seamus vs. Miz was awesome, and Mizdow was amazing. The commentary could've done a better job on explaining why Mizdow did what he did, but the post-match is what sold it for me. Not a fan of the result, but oh well.


Rusev vs. Big Show was good. Either guy looked like they could've won it, and I agree with the result and the finish. Not sure where this feud goes from here.


AJ vs. Paige was pretty eh. At the time, I wasn't sure if that was the finish they planned or if it was something else, and it seemed like a poorly planned spot as well. I'd like to see them get other Divas involved in this feud (not Alicia Fox) but who knows?


Rollins vs. Ambrose was awesome. They had a big prematch moment and for a while I thought they were gonna go off the air on that moment and not even have the match, which would've made me mad. Not a fan of moving off of this feud quite yet, but I'm curious to hear why everything went down the way it did.

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I didn't think anything was that bad about the PPV, but nothing was that great either. Cena/Orton was typical 'kick out of finishers until the real finish' type of WWE 'great match' we've been seeing for years, but the two do work well together.


Ambrose/Rollins was good. I liked it. But I thought it could have been even better. This was the match they should have let someone bleed in. It really would have meant something and even though it's against what they do nowadays, I just think it would have been acceptable based on the circumstances. Very good spot in that match though. And I enjoyed the ending.

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Is AJ a face? because she just comes across as a deadset bitch lol she just doesnt look like she wants to be there at all.


I don't know what she is and I really don't care. She looks like she is completely unmotivated and like you said doesn't want to be there at all. Here's an Idea AJ if you don't want to be here then go be with your idiot husband CM Punk and stop being so god awful in the ring.

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I don't know what she is and I really don't care. She looks like she is completely unmotivated and like you said doesn't want to be there at all. Here's an Idea AJ if you don't want to be here then go be with your idiot husband CM Punk and stop being so god awful in the ring.


Are you mad or are you extremely mad? Hard to be motivated when you've been in a dead feud for 7 months now

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Are you mad or are you extremely mad? Hard to be motivated when you've been in a dead feud for 7 months now


It's also hard to be motivated when your husband throws a hissy fit and quits and you still have to go and work for the people you husband had the blue with.


She'll see out her contract and I think that'll be it for AJ in WWE tbh.

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My thoughts on Hell In A Cell-


Ziggler vs Cesaro- Good match, the clean sweep was a nice surprise, and it really makes Ziggler look that much better.


Nikki vs Brie- I've actually turned in to a big Nikki fan lately. She is far better in the ring than she ever used to be, and she is out growing Brie in the acting department too at a quick rate. I was actually kind of upset that she didn't get to be with The Authority more post SS, because I think working with Steph and HHH, Nikki could have really benefited from being around those two. I do think Nikki can carve out a spot in the WWE as the power move diva for a while. I think her finisher looks great just has a terrible name. On a final note, I can't stand Brie...she seems to have nothing of her own, and even riding the coat tails of Bryan's chant and finisher, she just doesn't look like she connects much with the crowd. They do the chant because they miss Bryan, not because they like her.


Gold and Stardust vs Usos- A really nice match. I didn't mind it. Seeing the amazing work Goldust is doing, it's upsetting to think about all the years he lost battling his own issues.


Cena vs Orton- I'm enjoying Orton a bit more, but I wish instead of the super serious Viper they would just let him be an arrogant d-bag. Let him just be himself. I like his Twitter personality a lot more than the viper. Not excited Cena won, but the AA in to RKO spot was really well done.


Shamus vs Miz- Fun to watch...have to wonder how things are going to play out with Sandow stealing all these segments. WWE is definitely getting the camera on Sandow a lot more than they did initially when he was doing his stunt work.


Rusev vs Big Show- Someone needs to find a new reason to fight Rusev other than America vs Russia. I'm not tired of Rusev, I'm tired of the same thing being ran month after month with him. I was actually hoping Mark Henry would have sided with the Russians and turned on Big Show during the match. Could you imagine how awesome that would be?! I do enjoy Michael Cole claiming Big Show was our last hope for defeating Rusev because it was so absurd...it was as if Cole forgot about a lot of big name guys such as Cena, Lesnar, Ambrose, HHH, Daniel Bryan, Orton and so on. I know some of those would take a lot of work to make sense in a story, but I don't think Michael Cole should be THAT worried.


AJ vs Paige- Match was okay, ended on a really weird note. Thanks to Alicia for throwing her beat up friend in the ring so AJ could pick up the scraps? I know it stopped a potential count out, but she could have distracted the ref or something. So maybe the worst part about this is that Alicia Fox is just a terrible manager? I'm okay with that, she doesn't have a ton of experience managing so I guess it makes sense.


Ambrose vs Rollins- While the last match ended in a really weird way, this one started really weird. Rollins has been a chicken and pretty much only sneak attacked Ambrose for months now, why on earth did Ambrose expect Rollins to be eager to climb a cell and battle him, as Ambrose had a weapon even?! By all that, Rollins should have just entered the ring and waited for the idiot to get down and then Rollins would be in the advantageous spot as Ambrose had to enter the ring. Really weird booking. I think the roles should have be flipped. I could have easily understood Rollins being the first wrestler to go to the ring and go to the top of the cell trying to hide from Ambrose, and I could have easily accepted Ambrose being so hellbent on revenge that he would have climbed up there anyway. After all that though, the match was pretty good. I was a bit let down by the spot-y nature of it though, because I think just having a quality clean wrestling match between the two would be absolutely fantastic, but that didn't ruin the match too much for me. The ending was a nice change of pace, and hopefully Ambrose's wild and fast style can get Bray to raise his game a little bit in the ring.


Good show overall, with the ending really pushing the younger, newer characters as really out future of the company...should be interesting to see where things go on to from here.

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HIAC Review:


Ziggler vs. Cesaro (Intercontinental championship) - Great match with a rare clean sweep. I just wish they'd been given another 5 minutes.

Nikki vs. Brie - Solid match with a clean heel win. It's a shame they suck on the mic because the Bellas have improved a lot in the ring.

The Usos vs The Dust Bros (Tag Team Championship) - Solid match. The Dust Bros should feud with New Nation (if Vince let's them do it) before The Ascension debut and destroys everyone.

Orton vs Cena - Good match. The best thing they did was not slow the pace down with rest holds. It's placing on the card and the result work perfectly if Orton's turning on the Authority. I'm wondering what they do with the #1 Contendership now because WWE must realize Cena vs Brock Part 3 is a bad idea.

Miz vs Sheamus (US Championship) - Solid match thanks to Mizdow who is indeed awesome. Rusev should take the US title off Sheamus so he and Lana can take the Russia vs USA story to the next level.

Rusev vs Big Show - Solid match that should have been longer. Impressive mat wrestling and suplex from Rusev. I think they keep teasing a Henry heel turn just to mess with us.

AJ vs Paige (Divas Championship) - Solid match but due to months of uncreative lesbian/frenemies booking I found the Bellas match more interesting. I was disappointed they didn't use any fresh moves other than Paige's fall-away slam.

Ambrose vs Rollins - Great match. The way they started it was awesome. I just wish they would make the Cell shorter so could do stunts more often. Kane & The Stooges were used effectively. I would have preferred a clean finish but Wyatt vs Ambrose has me excited so long as Creative has worked out a compelling story for them. After the weird chant I was expecting The Ascension to be in the Cell with Bray. My hope is that Ambrose is the one to beat Lesnar at Wrestlemania after winning the Rumble. Then have Rollins try to cash in the MITB briefcase on him. But I'm not holding my breath.


Verdict: Consistent PPV. I loved the opening and closing matches and enjoyed everything in between to some degree. The crowd could have been better but at least they didn't crap on the Divas like usual.



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The ghostbuster one is hilarious. I loved that segment. Together with the audience participation, they produced a very eerie effect.


I especially enjoyed the 2-out-of-3 falls match. The finish was awesome.


The women's division is going nowhere and is weirding me out, but I honestly don't mind watching whatever Paige and AJ do as they're... well... quite hot. :D But do we really have to see yet another AJ vs Fox? At least the Bellas will produce some potentially nice segments over the coming month.


And Cena looks like an idiot, praising all the local sports teams while rooting for opposing teams the week after that. I'm sick and tired of his cheap segments. Rock had lots of silly segments, but I still rewatch those because it had something more. Lots of his rants made no sense, but it was entertaining. Steph kinda owned him when he said he was 'listening to the fans'. :rolleyes:

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Raw Review:


Opening segment - Loved it. Orton was dynamite on the mic. Seth sold that RKO like road kill!

Dust Bros vs World's Slowest Tag Team (Tag Team Championship) - OK match but Henry & Show didn't deserve a title shot. The turn was OK but they never follow through on Henry's heel pushes so it's hard to care.

AJ vs Fox - Good work from Paige. Sets up a triple threat match, which I hope AJ wins so she can feud with Nikki. And please no more flirting from Paige with JBL.

Cena & The Authority - Survivor Series themed re-hash of Heyman's recent segment where he tried to turn Cena, but Steph made it work.

Miz & Mizdow vs The Usos - Fun match.

Hulk Hogan - Skippable pimping segment.

Bo vs Ryback - Squash match. I marked out for Ryback's return. Just keep him away from Axel.

Ambrose & Bray - I wanted to see Ambrose vs Cesaro but I was OK with Ambrose going nuts on him instead. I hope Cesaro joins Team Authority.

Nikki vs Naomi - Solid match. This angle can work if they limit the Bellas' mic time.

Ziggler vs Kane - Surprisingly good match.

Cena vs Rollins - Great match. These 2 always work well together. The roster rush was a weak ending.


Verdict: Strong follow-up to HIAC.

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Just wanted to check and see if anyone else was getting tired of watching the Monday Night Wars series on the WWE network?


When they started, I ate them up and really enjoyed them, as it was my favorite period in wrestling. But as they continue, the revisionist history is almost too much to bear. They actually tend to paint Vince McMahon as some sort of plucky underdog David taking on Ted Turner's Goliath.


I understand that history is written by the victors, but they are getting ridiculous. I find myself wondering how WCW would have made the same series if they had won and launched their own network.



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Just wanted to check and see if anyone else was getting tired of watching the Monday Night Wars series on the WWE network?


When they started, I ate them up and really enjoyed them, as it was my favorite period in wrestling. But as they continue, the revisionist history is almost too much to bear. They actually tend to paint Vince McMahon as some sort of plucky underdog David taking on Ted Turner's Goliath.


I understand that history is written by the victors, but they are getting ridiculous. I find myself wondering how WCW would have made the same series if they had won and launched their own network.




Vince was the underdog to that story. Now, the 80's was a different story.

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I haven't seen any of the series on the network, but one thing I found amusing about previous documentaries was how they portrayed WCW as pure evil for trying to drive them out of business and cost people their livelihoods. But it was totally OK for Vince to do the exact same thing to the territories in the 80's, of course.
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The Monday Night Wars series has worn on me as much as the whole Attitude Era has at this point. We've seen it re-hashed sooo many times over the years. The Attitude Era is just too played out for me at this point. I wish they could find that kind of focus for original content on other eras. I personally didn't watch a ton during Ruthless Aggression, so it'd be nice to see some of that brought back up.



On another note, anyone else bothered by Uso's using twin magic tactics on RAW to pick up a win? That is a heel move!

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Just wanted to check and see if anyone else was getting tired of watching the Monday Night Wars series on the WWE network?


When they started, I ate them up and really enjoyed them, as it was my favorite period in wrestling. But as they continue, the revisionist history is almost too much to bear. They actually tend to paint Vince McMahon as some sort of plucky underdog David taking on Ted Turner's Goliath.


I understand that history is written by the victors, but they are getting ridiculous. I find myself wondering how WCW would have made the same series if they had won and launched their own network.




I enjoy them even though what happend and WWE verison of what happend are 2 different things. I hated the Montreal Screwjob episode because it pretty much only gave you part truths about what happend. I enjoyed the Mick Foley episode aswell and the crusierweight episode.


I also found it annoying that WWE imply that WCW ripped off Steve Austins look for Goldberg.


Chris Jericho was in full WWE Kiss arse mode during his episode. I hated the whole "yeah I was with WCW but really I wanted to be with WWE" BS.

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I haven't seen any of the series on the network, but one thing I found amusing about previous documentaries was how they portrayed WCW as pure evil for trying to drive them out of business and cost people their livelihoods. But it was totally OK for Vince to do the exact same thing to the territories in the 80's, of course.


/nod. In my opinion, destroying multiple territories doing exactly the same thing, stealing the most popular by offering more money then the other companies could, was a whole lot worse... more evil if you will.

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