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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Well they say there's always two sides to every story. I will say this: if things with WWE medical were that bad, then wouldn't half the current roster be dead? I mean, this is the same company who played it safe with the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett and now most recently, Roman Reigns (their rumored next golden goose, no less), and all guys who the WWE could have severely used during their respective times on the injured list.


But none of them were anywhere near the main event (except for Reigns when The Shield were main eventing). It was less important to keep them on TV than it was Punk, Cena, Orton etc. If Bryan didn't need surgery WWE probably wouldn't have given him time off. Although Bryan strikes me as the type of guy who would happily wrestle injured given the chance unlike Punk who had to force himself to do it every day. No judgement from me either way.


You know... I can't help but to think that this might have been his big chance and he blew it away "IF" you look at it in a very positive light from WWE's perspective. Keeping him active, having a match with Triple H, everything not concrete for Wrestlemania yet, maybe due to not knowing what Punk was going to do. Yeah, Bryan was the man that year, but while watching up to January, and the way things were going, I couldn't help but to think Punk was going to be up for the title, and I honestly thought Bryan would be the biggest threat to it after the fact.... I honestly thought they might build up to a Daniel Bryan verse CM Punk Wrestlemania event for 2015. If you go back and look at how everything was evolving, and how it felt like they were NOT going to give it to Daniel Bryan just yet (before Punk walking), it made sense, at least to me that they were building this long term plan for the both of them that would have our fantasy Wrestlemania match (at least mine) as the end result.


Orton was champ so he was main eventing WM30. It was obvious when Batista returned before the Rumble he would win it and main event WM30. Punk was never main eventing WM30. And either he or Bryan would have tread water for awhile while the other challenged Orton or Batista post-WM30.


As for the 2015 fantasy scenario, I doubt Punk would have lasted that long. For several months before the Rumble he looked sluggish in the ring and like he was going through the motions outside of major PPV matches. Something looked off to me, I just had no idea who bad it was. He needed an extended break to recover and Vince/Trips were never going to allow that.


Just my own opinions based on what I've read and seen with my own eyes, so take it all with a pinch of salt.

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As for the 2015 fantasy scenario, I doubt Punk would have lasted that long. For several months before the Rumble he looked sluggish in the ring and like he was going through the motions outside of major PPV matches. Something looked off to me, I just had no idea who bad it was. He needed an extended break to recover and Vince/Trips were never going to allow that.


Just my own opinions based on what I've read and seen with my own eyes, so take it all with a pinch of salt.


I agree with the bolded statement completely, most of you people have stated that you know that I don't like CM Punk so take this for what it' worth but to me CM Punk's last good match I really liked was his match with Taker at Wrestlemania 29. Even when he came back at Payback 2013 in his hometown of Chicago and faced Jericho he seemed a bit off probably from the previous two months off so that's understandable. I forgave Punk for his match with Jericho at Payback (although I still enjoyed the match) because at the time I was still a fan of his.


But then from that point forward all the way to the day he left the company (was fired according to him) he half assed every performance he was in from my personal observation and again at the time this was occurring I was still a fan of him but he just seemed off to me.


I will say this as well, I always was wondering why he came in at number 1 in last years rumble and laid around in the ring for what was about a half hour it made me a bit upset but after hearing him say that he was injured I completely get why he did it and I can't fault him for it.


I may not like the guy but I do agree with some of the stuff he said within the podcast. I will hold off further judgment on this issue until December 1st when I hear McMahon's side of the story on The Steve Austin Show if that is something that they are going to talk about on it and I imagine that it will be talked about.

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I listened to the podcast today. He definitely comes across as bitter, but he pretty much stated that flat out in the very beginning. What he had to say about Vince, Trips and the WWE in general was interesting in and of itself, but what I took away more than anything was the incompetence of the WWE's doctor(s). They came across horribly there, and it's no surprise to me that that's the one thing they actually responded to.


I may not like the guy but I do agree with some of the stuff he said within the podcast. I will hold off further judgment on this issue until December 1st when I hear McMahon's side of the story on The Steve Austin Show if that is something that they are going to talk about on it and I imagine that it will be talked about.

I highly doubt that they'll touch on it. I'm sure Austin would have no problem addressing it, but I would bet Vince will talk to him beforehand and tell him that this topic is off-limits.

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I thought it was a great listen. I used YouTube and went through bits and pieces of the Rumble to see if I could see what Punk was talking about, and it all seemed to check out. I didn't realize quite how banged up and rough he looked in that Rumble match, even at the start. Within 10 mins in to the match he is grimacing really hard. Reminded me of watching HBK and Stone Cold's WM match.


I know it's one mans side to a story, but I definitely didn't think he really said anything too terrible about anyone other than the doctors. Sure, some things he said seemed a bit bitter, but think about how you talk about some of your past jobs. I know that while I did enjoy a lot of my last job, there were definitely things I could vent that would seem harsh.

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I'm guessing the fact he spoke out means that AJ must be leaving soon.


From what initial reports are saying the wrestlers are on punk's side, even the ones who don't like him, while Vince is mad and Triple H is furious.


Just remember, those "reports" reported a bunch of B.S. in the first place. According to punk anyway :)

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I thought it was a great listen. I used YouTube and went through bits and pieces of the Rumble to see if I could see what Punk was talking about, and it all seemed to check out. I didn't realize quite how banged up and rough he looked in that Rumble match, even at the start. Within 10 mins in to the match he is grimacing really hard. Reminded me of watching HBK and Stone Cold's WM match.


Yeah, when I saw it live I noticed Kane being there well before he did anything, it was good to hear the story behind that. It's really quite sad that the company/business fosters this mentality of striving forward when you're injured, always going the extra mile, hoping to be recognised and rewarded for it, even if instead they give the glory to people who put in a lot less effort. Even after everything Punk had been through, even knowing the WM plans, even with how beaten up he was, with an undiagnosed staph infection and a concussion, he still maintained that he had to keep doing the job he was asked to do.


I'm glad that he's managed to find happiness outside of that system.

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This post stands a good chance to get lost in all this CM Punk talk, but here it goes.


I had read that Nikki Bella actually cut a good promo on Smackdown. I found it and watched it, but it seems like it was weirdly cut and edited. The parts they kept seemed decent enough but it felt...incomplete? If that's the case then it's a shame, as I think Nikki has definitely grown leaps and bounds in the ring and on the microphone over the past year.

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This post stands a good chance to get lost in all this CM Punk talk, but here it goes.


I had read that Nikki Bella actually cut a good promo on Smackdown. I found it and watched it, but it seems like it was weirdly cut and edited. The parts they kept seemed decent enough but it felt...incomplete? If that's the case then it's a shame, as I think Nikki has definitely grown leaps and bounds in the ring and on the microphone over the past year.


I read she made reference to Punk and they needed the promo to advance an angle so they edited it as best they could.

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NXT was much better this week even though it was an angle-heavy show. Highlights: Breeze dry-retching at the "uggo of all uggos" Marcus Louis. Pop for Blue Pants (sign her up already!). Vaudevillians silent film (so good it practically turned them babyface again). 2nd Kevin Owens promo (more character development in 60 seconds than most wrestlers get in a year). Tyson blowing off Nattie to FaceTime his cats. Balor vs Kidd (Balor hit a Pele Kick, Twisting Brainbuster and Penalty Kick!).



Smackdown was a solid show. Highlights: Rowan eliminating Big Show and Mizdow stunt-eliminating himself in the US Championship Battle Royale. Merchandising Kane. Rollins vs Ryback. The New Day's impressive debut against Slater, Titus & Axel (they even busted out some team moves). Ziggler vs Harper for the Intercontinental Championship.

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I think it also said she went about 10 minutes and had a longer promo than Wyatt


So yeah that would need chopping down, cant have those females looking like stars with TV time. They do have their own show after all


Yeah it's being reported it was a long babyface-ish promo that was actually good because it wasn't completely scripted. Nikki also said that AJ was trying to be like Punk. Then the podcast happened. It probably would have been edited anyway but maybe not as much.


And here's the story behind the formation of The Shield from 2 perspectives (Punk and Rollins):



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With JR calling the show in the Tokyo Dome (New Japan, who has teamed up with GFW), any chance that WWE signs him just to keep him away?


In a somewhat related note, NJPW is launching their own Network, but currently only online (not through Roku, Apple TV, etc).

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Yeah it's being reported it was a long babyface-ish promo that was actually good because it wasn't completely scripted. Nikki also said that AJ was trying to be like Punk. Then the podcast happened. It probably would have been edited anyway but maybe not as much.


There's a transcript and audio of the full promo. It's really isn't that good as people tried to make it sound IMO. The bold parts are what aired.


“I’m not going to say trashy, classless things like Ms. Lee did because unlike Ms. Lee, I actually care about the kids that sit in this audience. It’s time that everyone heard the real truth about AJ Lee. Yes, we heard over and over and over again your sob story. Yes, we have heard over and over about how hard you worked. But you wanna know what? I have worked harder. The biggest difference between you and me is that I don’t have to go tell everyone so they like me. And most important, that is what makes me fearless.


You wanna know why you don’t have any friends? It’s because you’re so threatened by anyone who doesn’t like you. AJ, I want you to take a good hard look at what a woman is, a real woman, a classy woman! I want you to take a look at what a real Divas champion looks like. AJ, I want you to know that forever, through these fearless eyes, you will always be that pathetic manipulating little girl from New Jersey.


and on the CM Punk thing






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