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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Unfortunately WWE doesn't really cater to the die hard fan. They prefer to stick a random show out each week, rarely with any continuity from the week before and sell merchandise. Which is clearly good for their business model, but unfortunately the sort of fans they cater to these days soon get bored and move on to something else. There needs to be a middle ground, something the die hards can get behind (that isn't then squashed after a couple of weeks) and something for the casual fans. WWE do not have that. The stories are mundane rubbish that the die hards have seen 20/30 times before but it's ok, because Johnny come Lately who just bought a John Cena T-Shirt and Hulk Hogan foam hand hasn't had the pleasure of sitting through an evil authority vs. the plucky not so underdog before.


I find maybe 20 minutes of Raw interesting these days, I don't watch Smackdown! and I catch NXT once in a while (mainly to see KENTA, PAC and Prince Devitt). It's a shame because I've been a fan since 1990 but just can't watch the crap they spew out any more. You may get 1 interesting storyline every few months, but just when a decent storyline is taking off, they put John Cena in it to kill any momentum the guys were getting or just abruptly end it. No one really has personality and most of the rosters gimmicks are easily interchangeable with anothers. It's probably why people like Damien Sandow, Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose so much, because they're different from the rest of the roster. I loved Seth Rollins until he turned into Randy Orton Jr. Looks like Roman Reigns might come back as... er... insert generic bad ass gimmick here. No doubt he'll come back to huge fan fare and then turn heel before Wrestlemania get's here.


Sorry for the negativity but just annoyed at not getting to watch something I used to like because it no longer appeals.


It's the same for me. After years of the same old and after this year Rumble my interest is almost to zero.


Considering Vince McMahon explained that what is doing is "entertainment", there's better quality of this type of "entertainment". For sure WWE is not an entertainment B+ player, worse.

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Are we surprised though?


This is the same company who decided to beat Ziggler for the IC belt just before he was going to have a miracle run on the PPV the next week.


Nobody with any sense would have a person show up to promote a show and job that person in a short match. She could have squashed Cameron or Rosa or any of the horrible and unused females if they didn't want to have Nattie lose. Or better yet they could have let her and Nattie have a great match that gets both of them over like they've done before...but who are we kidding


Wait, how is losing the IC belt anything other than getting a curse removed so that you can stop losing non-title matches?

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Wait, how is losing the IC belt anything other than getting a curse removed so that you can stop losing non-title matches?


Yeah, I've got to agree. WWE told the story of a guy who was up against it for weeks and weeks on end before finally overcoming the odds to basically singlehandedly overcome the authority at Survivor Series. Whether that story was told well enough in practice is up for debate but Ziggler was put in matches constantly for basically a month and copped a beating for what seemed like weeks on end. Harper was the Authority's boy (and an awesome wrestler) and so reaped the reward, which in this case was the IC belt. It gave Ziggler sympathy with the fans when it happened. it gave Harper the championship and heat, it made his win mean a little bit more and it gives you an IC title ladder match at TLC. I think it was a pretty good booking decision personally.


The Charlotte - Natalya match though? Super dumb.

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Yeah, I've got to agree. WWE told the story of a guy who was up against it for weeks and weeks on end before finally overcoming the odds to basically singlehandedly overcome the authority at Survivor Series. Whether that story was told well enough in practice is up for debate but Ziggler was put in matches constantly for basically a month and copped a beating for what seemed like weeks on end. Harper was the Authority's boy (and an awesome wrestler) and so reaped the reward, which in this case was the IC belt. It gave Ziggler sympathy with the fans when it happened. it gave Harper the championship and heat, it made his win mean a little bit more and it gives you an IC title ladder match at TLC. I think it was a pretty good booking decision personally.


The Charlotte - Natalya match though? Super dumb.


Yeah, I gotta admit. Charlotte vs Natalya was sort of ridiculous. I didn't really watch the whole show, so i'll need to check that one out again.

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From Meltzer:



I got a ton of reaction from people in WWE, all totally mystified how this actually happened. This is the time line based on different stories. At first, this was definitely scheduled as a singles match. Then it was changed to a tag match where Charlotte was going to score the winning fall. Then it was changed back to a singles match with Natalya winning. According to two sources, Natalya then asked to lose feeling it was the right thing. But Vince decided against it. HHH sort of defended the move, saying they had their time cut on a live show, and that you can debate the outcome (the reports we got is that HHH did favor Charlotte going over and Vince made the opposite call) and just said in six months when they bring her in again people will forget this happened.




One person noted to us, "For about 30 seconds, I was mad Charlotte lost, and then reality kicked in and I realized no one cares. One week ago, the whole roster was buried when it came to answering a question about who should beat Taker. No one gets it. Every f***ing week backstage they (HHH, Vince, Dunn, Hayes, Steph) bury the live audience for chanting for Punk. They bury the crowd for not reacting to things. They call them stupid for ordering PPV. Then they bring in a new talent from NXT who is a current champ and beat her in her debut just three days before she has a live title defense. Nattie didn't even want to win."


The way they book these shows sounds like a royal cluster****. I can imagine Hunter's diplomatic response is not what he really thinks.


My problem isn't the time they were given (it was standard length for a dvias match) or even the loss. It was the timing of the loss and the choice of opponent for Charlotte. A loss to AJ, Paige or Nikki would not have hurt as they are the "main event" divas . But Natalya (who Charlotte already beat on the last NXT PPV) is a midcard diva who is less important in kayfabe than her husband (who was a nobody on the main roster a few months ago). That makes Charlotte look weak at the worst possible time. The only saving grace was that it was Nattie who always does her best to wrestle a decent match and not Rosa, Eva or Cameron.

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Problem: RAW is too long, not enough people watch NXT

Solution: Cut RAW to 2 hours and show NXT for the other hour.


It'll never happen, but would be awesome. This was better than anything WWE has put on in.....




...... yeah I'm not really sure.


As a non-indy/Japan watcher, I'm really impressed by Owens/Balor/Itami but it feels to me like Itami is getting lost in the shuffle. I'm hoping he gets to show off a little bit more when he's away from Balor. Finn was incredible though. LOVED Hideo teasing the GTS.


Also, kudos to Charlotte for having arguably the best match at 2 of the 3 Takeovers. OK so maybe it wasn't as good as Sami/Cesaro or Sami/Neville, but just the fact that a women's match is in contention for the top spot in a WWE-owned product is really impressive. Sasha surprised me too, I hadn't been that big a fan of hers until that show. Overall, top to bottom it was a fantastic show.

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So I am watching NXT R Evolution...AGAIN


I have one message... RAW/Smackdown... BE AFRAID.


I mean not just the Superstars, but the Divas and the WRITERS. because Last night showed you how it was supposed to be done!!! I mean when the crowd chants "Holy ***" multiple points in the show to include "Marking out" and "We're not worthy" how many times have you heard this on Raw or Smackdown!!? I mean granted Survivor Series was good, but NXT blew that out of the Water!! I mean even the Women's match KILLED any match that a Diva's match has produced in the last 2 YEARS.


Just saying...



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