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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I still think we will end up having to suffer through a Mania main event of Bork Laser and the new John Cena in Roman Reigns. I wish this will not happen but odds are leaning toward this. I do find the aforementioned scenario cool, but it is very unlikely.


Lesnar vs Reigns will be a good match without a doubt. Lesnar style and brutality makes it hard for matches to be boring but the problem I see is people turning on Reigns for the far cooler Lesnar.

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That's what Paul Heyman, walking heat machine, is for.


All he needs to say is;


Good Evening, My name is Paul Heyman and my client Brock Lesnar Conqured the streak.




















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My fantasy booking:


Royal Rumble - End of the championship match is Lesnar F5s Cena. Rollins does the buckle-bomb/curb stomp combo on Lesnar. Cena drags Rollins out of the ring and AA's Lesnar for the pin. It's his 3rd attempt so it makes sense to finally triumph. Heyman orders Brock to F5 Cena. Rollins curb stomps Cena and takes the title. They already teased a Heyman/Rollins alliance on Smackdown last week so it makes sense. Ambrose wins the Rumble.


Fast Lane - Rollins retains against Cena. Ambrose and Reigns team up to beat Show and Kane. Throw in Bryan vs HHH (Sting stops HHH from cheating) and a Ziggler, Ryback & Rowan vs Harper, BNB and J&J Security handicap match and you've got a decent Good Guys against The Authority based PPV.


Wrestlemania - Rollins vs Lesnar vs Ambrose. Throw in Cena and make it a Fatal Fourway if there's nothing else for him. Rollins retains. Lesnar is optional here depending on his contract. Reigns pins Rusev to start his build to the main event.

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My fantasy booking:


Royal Rumble - End of the championship match is Lesnar F5s Cena. Rollins does the buckle-bomb/curb stomp combo on Lesnar. Cena drags Rollins out of the ring and AA's Lesnar for the pin. It's his 3rd attempt so it makes sense to finally triumph. Heyman orders Brock to F5 Cena. Rollins curb stomps Cena and takes the title. They already teased a Heyman/Rollins alliance on Smackdown last week so it makes sense. Ambrose wins the Rumble.


Fast Lane - Rollins retains against Cena. Ambrose and Reigns team up to beat Show and Kane. Throw in Bryan vs HHH (Sting stops HHH from cheating) and a Ziggler, Ryback & Rowan vs Harper, BNB and J&J Security handicap match and you've got a decent Good Guys against The Authority based PPV.


Wrestlemania - Rollins vs Lesnar vs Ambrose. Throw in Cena and make it a Fatal Fourway if there's nothing else for him. Rollins retains. Lesnar is optional here depending on his contract. Reigns pins Rusev to start his build to the main event.


I'd hate for Cena to tie Ric Flair's record for most world championships with a 5 minute reign. I'm not saying that I'm opposed to Cena tying or breaking Flair's record, just not for 5 minutes.

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NXT was great. Zayn acted heelish to force Regal to make a future match with Owens. Regal made a #1 Contenders tournament. Balor vs Axel was solid but could have been longer. Charlotte vs Sasha (and a a heelish turn from Bayley) set up a Fatal Fourway for the next special. Murphy & Blake upset the Vaudevillians to put themselves into tag title contention. Itami vs Breeze was great. Itami is looking sharper every week and Breeze expanded his moveset with a sweet Crucifix Driver.


Smackdown was good again. With the shorter running time it was better than most of Raw.

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I supposed Zayn and Bayley were 'heelish' in the same way that Austin was 'heelish'. I thought they were just being bad asses, adding a little edge to their usually super-nice characters. Crowd liked it.


Glad Murphy & Blake beat the Vaudevillians. I'm a sucker for tag teams in matching gear, and the Vaudevillians just look like jokes to me. Fun, entertaining jokes, but nothing I'd want in the title picture for long.


I'm still not sold on Itami. He's fine, but compared to Neville and Zayn and even Balor, he hasn't found his WWE act yet. His finish on Breeze was pretty lame, I thought.


Can't quite decide if Balor's entrance is cool or lame. With the bodypaint it's awesome. Without it, it looks like interpretive dance. As sweet an idea as it his to have this dark/evil persona he goes into for big matches, I'd be tempted to just have him be the monster all the time. Boogeyman with workrate.

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At least the Matadores have actual in ring ability. The Ascension are just bad in pretty much every aspect.


Yeah but the difference here is The Ascension "where born and breed to rip and shred!". I couldn't help but almost tear up when he said this...


Vince has no clue sometimes. They could have dropped all the Ascension's cheesy crap (80s costume and script), not given them mic time they can't handle, had them squash a babyface tag team on their debut and had them beat the crap out of these veteran tag teams over the course of a few shows. Sort of like how the Shield were booked but without the numbers advantage. Now that would have put them over as a serious threat.



Well, I disagree to some point here. I agree they shouldn't be rocking the paint like LOD but they should have continued with this look:



I also think that on the 11/8/14 Smackdown would have been a great chance to have them debut. They worked a dark match at the tapping and were over enough so that fans were into their match. The main event of the night was Gold/StarDust vs Uso's in a cage for the title. They should have came down opened the cage and locked it up when both teams were down and beat down both teams, or at least the USO's and let the Dust Busters climb out for the win and to take off. Then just let Ascenion continue to be a thorn in the sides of a few higher up tag teams.

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Some thoughts I wanted to share with you guys after I watched Smackdown. If you didn't watch smackdown, skip the rest of the post.






-First of all, that was a damn good episode of that TV show. There's still too much filler, but the good stuff was very good this week. Ryback/Rusev actually had an element of danger to it for both guys. Ryback's need to win to get into the rumble versus Rusev's streak. Led to an uncharacteristically suspenseful finish for both guys. Damn that's the kind of stuff I want to see.


-I thought the Dolph/Ryback/Rowan promo in the beginning was awesome. Seemed less scripted. Dolph has improved leaps and bounds on the mic. I believed what Ryback was saying. I think he delivered a better, more interesting promo than Reigns did.



-Happy to see a few promos actually PROMOTING the Royal Rumble match.


-Right about now is a great time to turn the heat up on the Rowan/Harper feud. They've been meeting each other quite a bit and I think their matches deliver within reasonable expectations. It seems like the plan for them has been a (hopefully calculated) "slow burn". Which is fine. Those two should be working together for a long time. But dammit I would love to see them come to an ultimate conflict at Wrestlemania. I want to see them really start to maybe up the focus on them and give the fans a decent match with these big men. Give them a solid 20 minute son Wrestlemania and let them call the match. I think we'd be treated to an excellent display of what brawlers can do in the modern era. Maybe I'm being too optimistic.


-Roman Reigns and the Royal Rumble. He has taken a noticeable step backward. The IWC is very down on him. Are the casuals? I don't know. I'm going to the Royal Rumble sunday and I feel like his performance at the PPV can make or break him. Like New York, PHilly is a smark heavy crowd but I'm telling we can very easily still get behind Reigns but he's got to deliver in the match. I still personally feel like Daniel Bryan should win and face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. That's the main event I want. It's not necessarily the one I deserve though :)


-Speaking of "deserves" how about Dean Ambrose? Hasn't this man gotten over enough to see a Wrestlemania main event? It's a longshot as they haven't even hinted at this guy being in the title picture. But, man that would be one hell of a way to burst him onto that scene! And isn't that what the rumble is about? Shouldn't we believe a wildcard can win? Can Amrose be that wild card?


I don't have any kind of sales figures in front of me, but I've been seeing a hell of a lot of Dean Ambrose shirts on people at these shows. I'm not saying he's even touching John Cena or even Bryan in terms of sales, but why can't the company get behind a new kind of babyface? I want to see what Ambrose can do if the machine is behind him. I don't know that realistically it's the right time. But I'd sure love to find out.

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Erick Rowan in a 20 minute singles match?


Making a match long doesn't mean it's going to be good. They could(and should) only get 10-12 minutes tops and it'd probably be better than most matches on the undercard, but 20 minutes? That's reserved for actual meaningful feuds and main events nowadays and I just don't think Rowan would be able to work that long in a singles match and not stink up the joint. Not trying to take anything away from Rowan, but he's by far the weakest link from the Wyatt clan.


I do agree on Dean Ambrose though. He's not the main event player they want, but he just seems like he's going to force his way into that scene like D-Bry did.

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I wouldn't begrudge D-Bry another Wrestlemania main event but he's already super over. In recent years the Rumble winners have been predictable but not this year. Ryback, Orton, Ziggler, Rusev, Wyatt, Bryan, Reigns, Big Show, Kane and Ambrose are all contenders to finish in the top 4. They should capitilize on that unpredictablity and have a popular dark horse like Ambrose win to elevate him. Or finally pull the trigger on Ziggler.
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I wouldn't begrudge D-Bry another Wrestlemania main event but he's already super over. In recent years the Rumble winners have been predictable but not this year. Ryback, Orton, Ziggler, Rusev, Wyatt, Bryan, Reigns, Big Show, Kane and Ambrose are all contenders to finish in the top 4. They should capitilize on that unpredictablity and have a popular dark horse like Ambrose win to elevate him. Or finally pull the trigger on Ziggler.


I want "pull the triggler on Ziggler" trending on Twitter...annnnnnd go!

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I want "pull the triggler on Ziggler" trending on Twitter...annnnnnd go!


My pick for this rumble is Bryan, for one reason and one reason only. Last year. If anyone can recall, last year we saw the whole WWE universe threaten to riot if Bryan was not put in the rumble. Not only did it piss off all the fans in attendance, it pissed off various superstars. This led to CM Punk announcing his hiatus. I truly believe WWE does not want to repeat their mistake. I also think that their stock with Bryan has risen since his WM 30 win and subsequent injury. We will wait and see if Bryan will pull off the upset win, or if the undeserving Reigns will pick up the win. I could write for hours about how Reigns does not deserve the super push he is receiving and also name a handful of superstars who are ten times better both in ring and on the mic then him.

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I'm going with Ambrose and having Rollins win the title on a cash in after Cena pins Lesnar.


I will say I'm enjoying wrestling more over the last week or 2 than I have in a long time, the Raw this week was great and I'm looking foward to the Rumble.


On a different note I think I have a total divas addiction, I thought I would hate it but I think they need a show for the male wrestlers also it adds so much character and I enjoy it.

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I'm going with Ambrose and having Rollins win the title on a cash in after Cena pins Lesnar.


I will say I'm enjoying wrestling more over the last week or 2 than I have in a long time, the Raw this week was great and I'm looking foward to the Rumble.


On a different note I think I have a total divas addiction, I thought I would hate it but I think they need a show for the male wrestlers also it adds so much character and I enjoy it.


Ratings are up since Paige joined Total Divas. I just watch the highlights of her segments.

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So a question, for anyone who may know the answer.


I'm thinking about grabbing a month of the network, so I can watch the rumble. If I do so today (1/25), will it last until 2/25 before I have to pay for a second month, or do they do it at the start of each month?

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