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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Also, off topic, but I just can't get into "Mizdow". It's stupid. It's not even a silly type of stupid, it's just out right dumb.


The guy is meant to be his 'stunt double', right? So why does he mimic him? That make zero sense. Stunt doubles don't mimic, they replace the main star for dangerous spots, right?


What, in my opinion, would have worked better, would have been for The Miz to have Damien Sandow, as his stunt double, fight for him. Have The Miz claim his wins for himself, as he's the star, and Sandow is just 'filling in for him' as his stunt man, not mimicking everything he does. But, that's just my opinion.

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the ending should have worked. Reigns as the moster babyface clearing house after coming so close last year ...... it should have worked.


last year, I could totally buy it. it would have been out of no where. It would have been really early for him. But he could have held the belt till Summerslam and lost to Lesnar. this year, I don't know. Once they turned his character to a 1900s insult thrower, I lost interest.


Maybe that's what everyone is mad about?


I liked Reigns. But they changed what I liked about him.


I don't think he's bad on the mic. I think he's awkward on the mic. But you know who else is awkward on the mic? Brock Lesnar. You find a way to make it work. Even if you attach the Rock to him to help guide him to Mania and to help the talking segments with Heyman ... but building "you can do this on your own" story for him.

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Tale of the Tape:


Move Set

Cena: 5 moves of Doom and bust out and occasional Huracanrana or a Powerbomb or a out of nowhere move, depends on who hes wrestling


Roman Reigns: Clothesline, slap, running drop kick to face, Superman punch, Spear. THATS IT..



Winner: Cena



Cena: Even though he busts out a goofy 7th Grader type promo's, he can occasionally put on a passionate promo. Not saying that hes Mick Foley, CM Punk or Ric Flair, but... He not bad.


Reigns: I dont even need to say it.


Winner: Cena


"Shoving Down our throats"


Cena: Ok. Cena debut in 2002, and won 2005. Winning his first World Championship, and he didnt win his first Royal Rumble til 2008. But hes been the "guy" for the last 10 years


Reigns: Been in WWE for 2 years, part of the shield, was injured a good bit of 2014, Just won Royal Rumble.



Winner (or Loser): gonna say... DRAW



Losers: THE FANS!!!



I am just kidding this was all done in fun but to be honest, I think Ziggler should have won it. OH WELL

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That being said, I do think a good portion of the WWE Universe (Boy do I hate using that term, I hate it when teams use that like the Red Sox Nation but I digress) does want to see Bryan in the main event at Mania. Just my opinion but I honestly think it is true.

Oh, I agree 100%. The smark crowds are just more vocal about it, and more likely to rebel when Vince goes with his guy instead.


Not even The Rock could save Reigns from the booing..

Sad but true. I feel like he was there specifically because they knew how the crowd would react and wanted to do something to get them behind Roman at the end, and not even that worked.


I think the main problem with Reigns is that he HAD to win, creatively. I mean, the guy is going to be a star whether we like it or not (personally I like it, I really like it), and you can't be a 'star' without winning the title at some point.

He certainly was going to win it at some point; I'm just not sure that it had to be THIS point. I feel like they had plenty of other routes they could have taken to give Roman a big win at Mania without thrusting him into the main event role that he doesn't seem ready for and the fans don't seem to want to see him in at this point. You could have Bryan win the Rumble and face Lesnar (or maybe even Cena), and put together a Shield triple threat, which to me would be far more interesting than Roman/Brock has any hope of being. Or you could have a Rollins cash in so it's he and Bryan for the title and still give Roman the rub of beating Brock, just not for the title and not in the main event spot.


With either of these alternatives, you could spend the next year trying to build Roman a bit more organically so by the time the 2016 Rumble comes around maybe he'll have more crowd support. As it is, I think Reigns vs. Lesnar is going to turn into Lesnar/Goldberg II.


As for the rest of the show (didn't see it myself), was the triple threat title match as good as I've heard it was? Phrases like "5*" and "MOTYC" are being thrown around by friends that I previously didn't think cared, but also by friends that 100% despise everything John Cena does.

I wouldn't call it 5*, and there were a couple of matches from WrestleKingdom I enjoyed more, but it was an excellent match. A strong MOTYC within WWE.

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Oh, I agree 100%. The smark crowds are just more vocal about it, and more likely to rebel when Vince goes with his guy instead.



Sad but true. I feel like he was there specifically because they knew how the crowd would react and wanted to do something to get them behind Roman at the end, and not even that worked.



He certainly was going to win it at some point; I'm just not sure that it had to be THIS point. I feel like they had plenty of other routes they could have taken to give Roman a big win at Mania without thrusting him into the main event role that he doesn't seem ready for and the fans don't seem to want to see him in at this point. You could have Bryan win the Rumble and face Lesnar (or maybe even Cena), and put together a Shield triple threat, which to me would be far more interesting than Roman/Brock has any hope of being. Or you could have a Rollins cash in so it's he and Bryan for the title and still give Roman the rub of beating Brock, just not for the title and not in the main event spot.


With either of these alternatives, you could spend the next year trying to build Roman a bit more organically so by the time the 2016 Rumble comes around maybe he'll have more crowd support. As it is, I think Reigns vs. Lesnar is going to turn into Lesnar/Goldberg II.



I wouldn't call it 5*, and there were a couple of matches from WrestleKingdom I enjoyed more, but it was an excellent match. A strong MOTYC within WWE.


Exactly this, especially if it's confirmed that Lesnar will be leaving after 'Mania.


I hope Lesnar sticks around for a bit longer as a destructive babyface but I don't see it happening.

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I can't help but to notice that some people don't realize the WWE created "the monster" popularity of Daniel Bryan by going with it at first, then noticing he didn't sell as well as they thought he should (PPV wise) and killing it.... Then bringing the whole thing back with Bryan vs Authority. They brought him over the top, and although there are dozens of reasons to love Daniel Bryan, it's ultimately their own fault he is as popular as he is at this point. They were late to the table (so to speak), which made him more popular then anyone would have imagined him ever being.


It's obvious they have no idea how huge Daniel Bryan really is, around the world. They obviously had no idea how much this could hurt their hand picked "Next Big Thing" in Roman Reigns. Recovery for this is going to be more interesting then anything they do for the rest of the year. Are they going to pretend like they knew this would happen? They really cannot do that, with all the cancellations going on even as we discuss this.


What will happen on RAW tonight? Will it help ratings or hurt them? Should people tune in that are outraged (and from what I've been reading, Outrage is not a strong enough word), and see what kind of damage control WWE does for this?


I don't know exactly what I would do in their position to be honest. Throwing Daniel Bryan back into Wrestlemania just seems like the cheapest thing they can do at this point. What would you do?


WWE Fast Lane is the next PPV before Wrestlemania. I would utilize this PPV as the one with the main event to put things somewhat right, and make the Wrestlemania main event more interesting. Does Brock get featured in this PPV? Does the Rock team up with Roman Reigns? I wouldn't do that after last night myself... Teaming Rock with Roman can critically hurt The Rock. He is getting pops for just being a legend at this point, and will be boo'd teaming up with Roman Reigns. Need to keep Rock as strong as possible for future events.


Roman is going to have to give up his shot, that's the only way. It doesn't have to be Bryan filling his shoes, but I suspect that is the only way it can be a huge success. If I'm going to be honest, not even Dolph or Ambrose could fill that spot. Something has to happen to make Daniel Bryan the guy for this event. It is a match people all over the world wants to see, and the fear of never having Brock around to go against DB is what makes this "Fantasy Match" so special. It's now or never in many people's eyes and I don't think WWE creative realizes how big they could have made this event by making that happen.


I'm not ranting, nor am I against Roman Reigns in any way. It just looks so darn obvious to someone watching WWE routinely, that a match between Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar, is indeed a "Fantasy Match". IF Brock hadn't been booked so smartly all year, it wouldn't have been. However, he has been booked very strong, as the ultimate fighter basically (no pun intended, I swear). The ultimate underdog vs the ultimate beast seems so freakin' obvious as the way to go, I can understand the frustration out there.


Daniel Bryan is NOT going to be the man for years to come, and Roman might well be, and kudos for WWE to be able to tell the difference. However, the here and now is where the money is, and I hate to see them leave the shore without the payload they could have had.

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With either of these alternatives, you could spend the next year trying to build Roman a bit more organically so by the time the 2016 Rumble comes around maybe he'll have more crowd support. As it is, I think Reigns vs. Lesnar is going to turn into Lesnar/Goldberg II.



If allowed to grow like that, Reigns v Rollins burns down the Deathstar at Mania 32. And espeically if you built to the obligatory, yet needed, triple threat between the Sheild.


I hope that hasn't been ruined by the over anxiousness pushing of Reigns. I still think it can be adjusted to work.

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If allowed to grow like that, Reigns v Rollins burns down the Deathstar at Mania 32. And espeically if you built to the obligatory, yet needed, triple threat between the Sheild.


I hope that hasn't been ruined by the over anxiousness pushing of Reigns. I still think it can be adjusted to work.


I really want that within' the next couple of years. Not this year though, and not at Mania. To me it needs to be a match that happens to determine which one gets the chance at the title.


That's one of the things that I think bug people as well. Roman hasn't been in any type of "contenders" match to make him legitimate for a title run, outside of the Royal Rumble.

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I'm also getting a little tired of smarky crowds ruining the big shows for me. In all honesty, WWE should stay clear of towns known to be overly "smart". Roman Reigns winning the Rumble didn't ruin it for me, I can live with that, the inane booing of his win ruined it for me. The guy's a Face, cheer him. You just ruined a major event because you didn't get your own way. So what? That's life.


I see like this... The "smart" fans don't want to see anyone shoved down our throats unless they decide who it is? What? Pure hypocrisy.


If people cheered faces because they the fans are supposed to and booed heels for the same reason wrestling would be 100 times less creative, unpredictable and fun. If everyone did what you said it would be Rocky Maivia running down to help Roman instead of The Rock.


It's such a weird concept that no other form of entertainment has... So you're watching your favourite tv program and they kill off everyone interesting and make a bad actor the lead? 'Don't complain! It's just life'.


I'm not fully against Reigns, and sometimes Smarky crowds annoy me (especially when they hijack things with self indulegent chants) but I wouldn't ever think to tell them not to do it. What makes wrestling such a unique form of entertainment is the direct and immediate reaction of the fans. Also people need to see that it isn't just 'smart' fans. The term itself it just outdated. Even if Philly is a typically 'smarky' crowd when 99% of an crowd think one way it's not just a loud minority.


Put it this way, Facebook is one of the most unsmarky WWE fan bases and even that voted that they disliked the show.

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To be clear, if the show is legitimately cancelled, it's because of the blizzard, not Royal Rumble as some websites would have you believe.


It is, heard the governor of CT warned residents not to travel. Not a mayor, but the damn governor


Also heard rumors of WWE thinking of re-airing the Rumble in Raw's place tonite (also with rumors on top of it that they'd dub in cheering during Reigns' win over the original boos :p)

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Just finished the Rumble. Repeat of last year, really.


Based purely on this crowd's reaction, they have something with the Mizdow character, but they're not quite using it effectively. There's good heat in the withholding of him, but he needs to be unleashed better. Miz did one not-gonna-tag spot too many, and the crowd kinda died. There was one little comeback... but it died again when they realised Mizdow had done everything he was going to do. I guess WWE don't want the Uso's getting a prolonged ass-kicking from the guy, or them getting booed by beating him up. It's an awkward deal.


World title match was fun, but nothing I'd consider great. Brock's germans are too dangerous for my liking.


Onto the Rumble match... Didn't love it. There were fun moments, but most seemed squandered. Bubba's return was cool, but he was dumped like a nostalgia old timer (which is probably how they look at him, despite being great in TNA). Wyatt reunion got a nice reaction, but ended fast and lame. I get why Bryan was dumped early. I think the boos would have died down, had WWE more guys who the crowd were legitimately into. How many guys got real pops after that? Ambrose. Mizdow. Ziggler. Two of which didn't really last long.


The Rumble's a tricky one. Twice in a row they've had a guy they're clearly positioning as the winner, and that's been rejected. How do you build a guy to win it, in a way the crowd will accept? It's almost a shame that the winner headlines WrestleMania, because you can't just call and audible and see who's popular on the night.

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It's official, by the way. From the XL Center website:


Due to the impending blizzard in the Northeast and statewide travel bans, WWE has postponed tonight’s live event in Hartford and cancelled tomorrow night’s live event in Boston; however, WWE will emanate live tonight at 8 p.m. ET from its studios in the Stamford world headquarters.


So I imagine it's going to be a few matches from 2014 or just a look back at the Royal Rumble, something like that. Either way, what you'd consider the "normal" Raw is certainly cancelled. I can't decide whether it's a blessing or a curse because on the one hand they have time to think things over but on the other, they can't immediately appease the fans like they did last year.

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"The organic comeback story of an underdog who had his moment, only to have everything (his title, his father and almost his career) taken away only to return to the match he never got a chance to compete in last year..to defy the odds again and slay the dragon for the title he never lost is not as good as ...wet guy wants belt because reasons." - some guy on 411mania.

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If people cheered faces because they the fans are supposed to and booed heels for the same reason wrestling would be 100 times less creative, unpredictable and fun. If everyone did what you said it would be Rocky Maivia running down to help Roman instead of The Rock.


It's such a weird concept that no other form of entertainment has... So you're watching your favourite tv program and they kill off everyone interesting and make a bad actor the lead? 'Don't complain! It's just life'.


I'm not fully against Reigns, and sometimes Smarky crowds annoy me (especially when they hijack things with self indulegent chants) but I wouldn't ever think to tell them not to do it. What makes wrestling such a unique form of entertainment is the direct and immediate reaction of the fans. Also people need to see that it isn't just 'smart' fans. The term itself it just outdated. Even if Philly is a typically 'smarky' crowd when 99% of an crowd think one way it's not just a loud minority.


Put it this way, Facebook is one of the most unsmarky WWE fan bases and even that voted that they disliked the show.


Sorry, I was kind of annoyed because I was enjoying the show for the most part, but the booing at the end of the show really took all the enjoyment out of it for me. I think I spoke without really thinking.


I think I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place, I'm kind of tired of WWE trying to force Reigns on me, but also tired of the IWC crapping on everything that isn't Daniel Bryan related.

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Especially organic...


The entire current situation could maybe be summed up with this hyperbole. I just borrowed from an italian wrestling website and translated. No intentions to flame, questioning personal choices or insulting someone.


At the restaurant "The Meringue"



Waiter "Do you know what to order, sir."


Client "Yes, I would like the filet mignon, thanks."


Waiter "No, sir. You want the fish soup."


Client "No, please. I don't like the fish, I'd like the filet mignon."


Waiter "But, look how is inviting our fish soup. This is an elite restaurant dish. You can eat filet mignon everyday."


Client "Please, filet mignon is my favorite meal. I want this one!"


Waiter "Sure, sir."


10 minutes later...


Waiter "Here's your fish soup, sir."


Client "The fish soup? I ordered the filet mignon!"


Waiter "No. No. Please taste it."


Client "But, I really want..."


Waiter "Come on, sir. Do you pretend to know about cooking more than our chef? He has 4 Michelin stars! Be gentle and taste it. Here at The Meringue we always say "We are doing the best for our customers.""


Client "Alright, then. I'll try it..."


The client, hesitant, grabs the spoon and taste it. He can easily leave the restaurant but he choses to stay.


Client "But but.., there's shellfish! I'm allergic! ARGH!"


Waiter "Oh, come on! What an exaggerate reaction!"


The client get red and swells up.


Client "I'm suing you! I was asking an ordinary dish and you did things on your own! You'll hear from my advocates!"


Another customer from another table stands up and replies.


Customer "Oh, look at your demands. Even complaining about the waiter's choice because the chef didn't followed your wishes! ANARCHIST! SHAME ON YOU! DO YOU KNOW HOW TO COOK? GO INTO THE KITCHEN! SUCH A BULLY! GET OUT OF HERE!"


The first client gets escorted by paramedics. We don't know if he'll take the risk to come back to the restaurant, even if he loves their filet mignon. If he would have tried sushi instead...


A few moments later, a second waiter brings a plate to the other customer. The customer thanked him, with a smile on his face.


Customer "Oh, that's nice. My favorite food! The special chocolate meringue!!!


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Personally, I'd have had Ambrose win the Rumble, beat Lesnar by a hair in a vicious match and then have Rollins cash in on him and win. You're pretty much set for most of the year with Ambrose again being completely focused on destroying Rollins, but with the added bit of getting back the title he won fair and square against an absolute monster.
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I certainly wouldn't put Daniel Bryan in the main event of this year's WrestleMania, against Brock Lesnar and those suplexes, with his bad neck. He's just come back.


If it wasn't for the particular injury, Daniel Bryan would be the perfect choice. The actual champion versus the one who never lose it. In a similar situation in mma with the injured champion and the interim champion for the undisputed championship. But that's sport, this is entertainment.

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