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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Watched NXT again this week. Yay Network.


I still don't 'get' Baron Corbin. The booking is great. Guy wins fast. Awesome. What I don't understand is the commentators constantly going on about his 'aura' and 'presence'. I don't see it. His hair is thinning. His stomach looks like a face. His real face is wholly inexpressive. His wrestling is fine for developmental. I'm not discounting him, but I've yet to anything too special, besides the booking.


Show was good. I like Blake & Murphy (although one's clearly better than the other. Murphy, I think) and Tyson Kidd is the best wrestler in the world. I'm not loving Kevin Owens yet. The indy-mark in me loved the contract signing, because history, but he doesn't convince me as a main-roster ass-kicker. At least not in this segment, where admittedly, there was no ass kicking.


Disagree on Owens in the segment. I thought he came off as a ass-kicker, just not one who does it for free. It was smart to not have a brawl, that diminishes the importance of Sammi finally getting his hands on him. I thought it was nice to see on contract signing segment where the GM didn't lose control and have it break down into a brawl.


I also think his (owens) gimmick of "I don't care what you think of me, I'm here to win titles and make money, not friends." translates well for a bad ass heel. It's similar to what batistia was doing in my favorite heel run he did.

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I'm not going through the hassle of googling for it if that's what you're asking


If you have facebook just go to the search bar and type his name in, it's his second post, if not...here



Remember how caught up in the ‪#‎RoyalRumble‬ I got last year? I sent out that tweet asking whether WWE hated their own audience, smashed a TV set, and texted all the powers that be - telling them how badly I thought they's messed up. It's safe to say that I was pretty mad last year.

I'm not worried about this year's ‪#‎Wrestlemania‬. I can envision a number of scenarios in which Roman Reigns - WWE Universe and Brock Lesnar - WWE can have an epic confrontation. My suggestion to WWE in this match would be to step aside and let the fertile fields of Paul Heyman's mind run free and allow Lesnar and Reigns to create the most exciting, physical match possible.

No, I'm not worried about Wrestlemania. But I m worried about the Rumble.

I wasn't mad after this year's Rumble. Instead, I was sad. Sad, because the Rumble, which has been one of the most entertaining ‪#‎WWE‬ events of the year for so long, might just be in danger of becoming "just another show", and going the way of "Survivor Series" as a good idea that runs it course and ceases to be relevant. I didn't see this year's Rumble, and with the exception of the final few minutes I caught on WWE Monday Night Raw, I don't envision myself doing so. But I didn't need to see the Rumble or know the outcome to know what a disappointment it was. All I had to do was watch the people. I dropped 3 of my kids off at the Wells Fargo Center at 6:30, and showed up on Broad Street, just a few blocks from the arena at 10:45, just as the crowd was letting out. No one saw me in my vehicle. But I saw them, and could tell, just by the way people were walking- by the way children were dragging their signs, and shuffling slowly, by the way adults held their heads down, with limited verbal interactions - that there was no joy in Philadelphia.

Let me quote a story I wrote about Zack Ryder - WWE Universe several months ago here on Facebook, and hope that the right people in WWE read it - because I think they are on the verge of losing some fans in the fallout of the Rumble. It wasn't just that one of their favorites didn't win - it was the brevity of their appearances, the lack of imagination in their involvement and the unceremonious way in which they were eliminated.

"Eventually people get tired of finding out that the WWE Superstars they have supported with their cheers, their purchases, their signs, their follows and their likes aren't real Superstars - and little by little, those fans lose interest in WWE, find other interests, and become former WWE fans."

I have no intention of becoming the "anti-WWE guy". I'm going to take a little break from ‪#‎Raw‬ and ‪#‎Smackdown‬ for the next couple of weeks, and see what the landscape looks like, heading into the next PPV. I really do think WWE is going to turn out a great Mania, and I'll be in the crowd watching. But I fear for the Rumble. What was once the start of "The Road to Wrestlemania" has now become a roadblock to the good will and excitement needed for a truly memorable Wrestlemania atmosphere.

One more thing. I've heard rumors that Mr McMahon is personally writing the recent Roman Reigns promos. If that's true, I'd like to personally address Mr McMahon.

Dear Vince,

Please stop - you're killing the poor guy,


Mick Foley

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Disagree on Owens in the segment. I thought he came off as a ass-kicker, just not one who does it for free. It was smart to not have a brawl, that diminishes the importance of Sammi finally getting his hands on him. I thought it was nice to see on contract signing segment where the GM didn't lose control and have it break down into a brawl.


I also think his (owens) gimmick of "I don't care what you think of me, I'm here to win titles and make money, not friends." translates well for a bad ass heel. It's similar to what batistia was doing in my favorite heel run he did.


I liked the segment. I won't say a bad word about the segment. It's just a visual thing with Owens. On the indies, he could pass as big and tough. In NXT, standing beside Regal... not so much. It doesn't help that my brother walked in during that segment, took one look at the screen, and said "I don't find either of those guys intimidating". I had to agree. Not that I'd personally want to fight the guy, but I can't imagine the Ryback or Big E quaking in their boots. At least with Sami, he's not supposed to be intimidating. He's a valiant high-flying hard-working everyman babyface, and he's amazing.

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I liked the segment. I won't say a bad word about the segment. It's just a visual thing with Owens. On the indies, he could pass as big and tough. In NXT, standing beside Regal... not so much. It doesn't help that my brother walked in during that segment, took one look at the screen, and said "I don't find either of those guys intimidating". I had to agree. Not that I'd personally want to fight the guy, but I can't imagine the Ryback or Big E quaking in their boots. At least with Sami, he's not supposed to be intimidating. He's a valiant high-flying hard-working everyman babyface, and he's amazing.


Personally, I've always found that Steen's appeal came from his look and how much it makes people underestimate him. At first glance, he seems like nobody special, then he gets in the ring and shows just how quick and vicious he really is. He's the old school kind of tough where you only find him intimidating once you know what he's capable of.

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I still don't 'get' Baron Corbin. The booking is great. Guy wins fast. Awesome. What I don't understand is the commentators constantly going on about his 'aura' and 'presence'. I don't see it. His hair is thinning. His stomach looks like a face. His real face is wholly inexpressive. His wrestling is fine for developmental. I'm not discounting him, but I've yet to anything too special, besides the booking.


If he beats Neville, I'm going to be so disappointed.

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2.95 million viewers for Smackdown. I'd like to see it pass 3 million but they are going to have to put on better shows to do it.


There's talk of a double turn at Mania if Brock re-signs. I'd be happy with that. Have Brock beat Reigns to a good or mixed reaction (depending on the crowd). Reigns can join the Authority and use Rollins as his mouthpiece. Or you can do a tweener turn with Reigns helping Rollins cash in on Lesnar after the match then turning on Rollins at the following Raw to set up a triple threat at Extreme Rules. Reigns can be an unaligned mercenary who will fight anyone face or heel to be the top dog in WWE. Anything but a predictable match with Roman Wins LOL.

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Anyone watching RAW right now?


I never would've thought the WWE would have completely backpedaled on the Royal Rumble, and are possibly going to give them Daniel Bryan.


I personally, would much prefer Bryan vs Brock and I'm glad they're possibly making the switch. But still, I feel like this is how it always should have been. And Bryan lost in a rather pedestrian manner and doesn't really have a kayfabe argument to vie for the WM main event. This just reeks of desperation after a horrible botched angle.


I'm still glad they're at least pretending to listen.

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Anyone watching RAW right now?


I never would've thought the WWE would have completely backpedaled on the Royal Rumble, and are possibly going to give them Daniel Bryan.


I personally, would much prefer Bryan vs Brock and I'm glad they're possibly making the switch. But still, I feel like this is how it always should have been. And Bryan lost in a rather pedestrian manner and doesn't really have a kayfabe argument to vie for the WM main event. This just reeks of desperation after a horrible botched angle.


I'm still glad they're at least pretending to listen.


You could see a Bray Wyatt interference to set up Bray vs Bryan.

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You could see a Bray Wyatt interference to set up Bray vs Bryan.


I figured he would face Ziggler at Mania; those two could steal the show, regardless of how badly Brock vs Reigns tanks.


But would the E really be so dumb to troll the fans again? Would they tease Bryan going to Mania, then take it away yet again for the second straight month? Perhaps I'm deluded, but unless they have plans to turn Reigns heel and Brock baby face, this would bury them in an even bigger hole. Reigns going over Bryan would not go over otherwise. That's why I'm not completely sold yet on Bryan losing at Fast Lane.


At the very least some shenanigans leading to another triple threat match.

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To me, seems pretty obvious that they set up Fast Lane for 2 reasons:

1) To try to get Bryan & Reigns over as friends to at least some of the YES chanters

2) More importantly, to set up a chance for someone to interfere in their Fast Lane match and cost Bryan the match in an attempt to transfer the heat on Reigns to this person interfering (presumably Sheamus, but never put it past McMahon to make it be Big Show or Kane b/c Vince knows that deep down we all want to see more Kane & Big Show angles). The goal is obviously to get people to blame the guy interfering for keeping Bryan out of Mania & get the boos off Reigns (hence the reason for Step 1 above) so they can keep him babyface & let him stay on track for becoming Cena v2.0, but I hold out little to no hope that it works like they hope it will. I foresee there being more than enough boos & jeers to go around


The irony of the entire situation is so beyond the pale, though, that one cannot help but appreciate it. Daniel Bryan gets over with the casual fan due to being an underdog (& with the more hardcore fans due to his in-ring talent), yet WWE continues to buck against him, keeping him over as the underdog in everyone's eyes. Meanwhile, they try their damnedest to book Cena & Reigns in 1-man-against-the-world roles to get them over as underdogs but nobody over the age of 8 buys it and those guys get booed relentlessly not only by the hardcore fans but increasingly more by the casual fan. If they'd just go back to basics on a lot of their booking then they'd be far more successful at getting over the 2-3 guys they actually want to get over while still being able to keep over the fans' own favorites like Bryan (& Punk when he was there)

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To me, seems pretty obvious that they set up Fast Lane for 2 reasons:

1) To try to get Bryan & Reigns over as friends to at least some of the YES chanters

2) More importantly, to set up a chance for someone to interfere in their Fast Lane match and cost Bryan the match in an attempt to transfer the heat on Reigns to this person interfering (presumably Sheamus, but never put it past McMahon to make it be Big Show or Kane b/c Vince knows that deep down we all want to see more Kane & Big Show angles). The goal is obviously to get people to blame the guy interfering for keeping Bryan out of Mania & get the boos off Reigns (hence the reason for Step 1 above) so they can keep him babyface & let him stay on track for becoming Cena v2.0, but I hold out little to no hope that it works like they hope it will. I foresee there being more than enough boos & jeers to go around


The irony of the entire situation is so beyond the pale, though, that one cannot help but appreciate it. Daniel Bryan gets over with the casual fan due to being an underdog (& with the more hardcore fans due to his in-ring talent), yet WWE continues to buck against him, keeping him over as the underdog in everyone's eyes. Meanwhile, they try their damnedest to book Cena & Reigns in 1-man-against-the-world roles to get them over as underdogs but nobody over the age of 8 buys it and those guys get booed relentlessly not only by the hardcore fans but increasingly more by the casual fan. If they'd just go back to basics on a lot of their booking then they'd be far more successful at getting over the 2-3 guys they actually want to get over while still being able to keep over the fans' own favorites like Bryan (& Punk when he was there)

Finally got to catch up on the show and podcast, and I find your post interesting, especially after watching the podcast.


HHH brought up how hard it is to set things up, and how he is a fan of the "slow burn", but so many want it "right now", and so what I took out of it is what is hard is deciding which way to go with it.


What come to my mind was how hot Roman was before his injury, yet on his return not so much, but there were signs that he could be very easily. Daniel Bryan's return on the other hand, a much longer absence from the ring, was red hot right off the bat. With Roman they already had plans for him to utilize the momentum he had before upon his return.... winning the Rumble before the injury would have seemed logical to me, but after his return I felt he needed that "Slow Burn" back to where he was before, before even thinking "Wrestlemania" title match. Seeing that, would make me believe the same would probably be true for Daniel Bryan, given he was away even longer. So I probably wouldn't think "Wrestlemania" title match for him either. I'm speaking strictly creatively, and trying to have plans well in advance not spur of the moment. Daniel Bryan come back hot as hell, probably was not expected.


I tried to speculate on how I would have done damage control, as I feel just throwing Daniel Bryan in the picture is just.... for lack of a better term, cheap. Kind of ruins the Rumble, in my opinion, making it less important as a must see PPV. My question to you, because of what you said about "going back to basics" for booking, is how would you do damage control? I immediately thought what you meant by "going back to basics" is just go with the flow of the crowd, booking by the seat of your pants so to speak. Booking it by the show rather then ahead of time.

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Won't putting Reigns in a match with Bryan just make the fans boo Reigns even more? Especially if he wins.


Depends on the Finish. you could go anywhere, Authority screws DB out of the win with Reigns pulling the "Well, if I win it at Mania, Your first to get the shot man" ect. or some other sort of "excuse" for DB losing.


They are scrambling, you can tell. Even last night, they tried to present the DB-reigns relationship like 3 different ways (united against authority, grudging respect, friends, ect.) to see what, if anything, the crowd responded to.

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Another thing: can anyone explain why Rollins is so intent on getting his title shot, when he's having 'money in the bank' all the damn time. I know they went with the 'plan B'-angle to explain it, but how else do they rationalize it? The only way it would truly make sense, is that he uses it at Mania (there's little opportunities left), to take the title from Reigns after a hard-fought match. Everybody wins. The angle would be the true Mania main event and has relevance all-through the year as the Shield used to be a thing.


Good move of them to book RAW based on the feedback from the crowd in order to appease them, while still getting to do their thing. Nice save, big E.


they tried to present the DB-reigns relationship like 3 different ways (united against authority, grudging respect, friends, ect.) to see what, if anything, the crowd responded to.


True, but the Philly crowd just recently proved one crowd is not representative for the entire 'universe'.

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I was shocked by how good Raw was. Ziggler vs Bray and Rollins vs Bryan were great matches. Reigns was handled well. WWE are in damage control mode and it's working so far. They set up a lot of potential matches for Fast Lane (plus Miz vs Mizdow and Stardust vs Goldust for Wrestlemania unless they get fast-tracked). Still hoping Orton gets involved next week.


Rollins vs Orton

Bryan vs Reigns

Cena vs Rusev

Ambrose vs BNB

The Usos vs UpperCats

Paige vs Nikki

Ziggler, Ryback & Rowan vs Kane, Big Show & Harper (or Rollins)

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I was shocked by how good Raw was. Ziggler vs Bray and Rollins vs Bryan were great matches. Reigns was handled well. WWE are in damage control mode and it's working so far. They set up a lot of potential matches for Fast Lane (plus Miz vs Mizdow and Stardust vs Goldust for Wrestlemania unless they get fast-tracked). Still hoping Orton gets involved next week.


Rollins vs Orton

Bryan vs Reigns

Cena vs Rusev

Ambrose vs BNB

The Usos vs UpperCats

Paige vs Nikki

Ziggler, Ryback & Rowan vs Kane, Big Show & Harper (or Rollins)



You may be able to say that Miz/Mizdow and Stardust/Goldust might be "Fast Laned" ba dum tshhhh..... I'm here all week....

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