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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I don't recall there being an exact date on that, but that would be a nice sign. :p


And A-trainer: that's hilarious. :D


Officially the Western Roman Empire fell the 476 A.D., starting for most of the historians the Medieval Age.


With this road to Wrestlemania I found more interesting to watch a Bolivian match between Sponge Bob and a werewolf.



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Some historians would say it never really 'fell'. But name-changes can go a long way. The name Rome might be gone (or in Turkey), but empire seemed to carry on in a way. But who cares really. Sorry I even brought it up. :p


Just noticed Bo Dallas was on a dark match. I almost forgot he was gone. They could've milked his gimmick somewhat longer imo. It was comedy gold. It seemed NXT is throwing the women gimmicks in the blender too, with Emma appearing all normal (not sure I like that, her gimmick seemed tailor-made) and "that pixie" (forgot her name) gets a chance at a fresh start. But don't you touch Bailey's gimmick. :p In any event, seems like the division gets even more serious (with the cheesy gimmicks leaving).


Fresh storyline with Owens and Riley. Would've done it a little differently so far, but I guess we have TEW for that. :p


And after hearing JR again, the commentary for WWE in general seems, well... crap. The random babbling, irrelevant calls, plain generic calls,... Maybe that's the direction they need to go, but I don't like it. And "there's nothing Brock Lesnar never succeeded at". Right, and then there's the football thing. :p

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And after hearing JR again, the commentary for WWE in general seems, well... crap. The random babbling, irrelevant calls, plain generic calls,... Maybe that's the direction they need to go, but I don't like it. And "there's nothing Brock Lesnar never succeeded at". Right, and then there's the football thing. :p


After catching up on Raw's and PPVs on the WWE network is it just me or does Michael Cole every time someone goes for a pin yell at the top of his voice "FOR THE VICTORY" or "FOR THE WIN" I swear watching last years Wrestlemania he did that every pin of every match...


Annoyed me so much I nearly turned off the show.

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Much like the music at work, I just tune it out. Didn't notice it once.


On the other hand, NXT commentary is mostly refreshing, so I do notice a few things from it.


It actually is, I especially like that you never really get a chance to get sick of the NXT announce team due to the fact they rotate the teams seemingly weekly.


I feel that the WWE main shows would be far more refreshing if they replaced the old, tired announce teams with the team from NXT and give them a little bit of freedom to call what they see rather than making jokes and shouting over the top.


That's where I feel TNA is better, their announce team isn't going to win any awards for being the best but they are clear and concise, they portray the necessary info with regards to storylines and hooks, focus on the wrestlers in the ring and throw little nuggets of history into the mix.


Especially enjoy them calling the recent Aries - Joe match and focusing a little on their history.

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Especially enjoy them calling the recent Aries - Joe match and focusing a little on their history.


These things would indeed color the show, though this is more the area of the head commentator, who needs a 'professor'-like knowledge base, that he needs to recall from the top of his head. If not we'll soon get the "Twitter me if I'm wrong"-movement, which brings me to the next 'evolution' I dislike. Commentators seem to spend more time watching their social media on their phones than they watch the frickin' match.


I almost chuckled when Regal told Riley that he should "focus on his preperation duties as a commentator". You can't honestly expect me to believe they prepare nowadays. I like to think JR did (or either her was really talented), and like to think Taz and BookerT never did (though I sometimes enjoyed them).


The factoids that appear pre-show on WMMA4, for example, are nice things to know. It's the commentator's job to dictate them as the fans nowadays (me included) often don't bother to look it up. WWE does have their "last week on RAW"-segments during the entrances that educate the viewer, but subtle things like a worker finally hitting his submission for the first time in a relatively lenghty feud, sometimes get lost. Commentators can point that out, but instead they sometimes just go with a literal description of what happens or just talk about other things and acknowledge the fact with "awtch, that hurt", this while the whole thing could be carefully planned. Luckily, they seem to keep track of who never tapped out.

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The Connor Michalek segment... teh feelz...


I'm of two minds of it.


1. It's great to show appreciation to Connor the Crusher, who by all signs seemed to be a wonderful young boy taken from the world too soon.

2. This does however, stink of a WWE publicity stunt, especially considering the Warrior wanted his award to first go to the hardworking ring crews/backstage employees of the WWE.

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I'm of two minds of it.


1. It's great to show appreciation to Connor the Crusher, who by all signs seemed to be a wonderful young boy taken from the world too soon.

2. This does however, stink of a WWE publicity stunt, especially considering the Warrior wanted his award to first go to the hardworking ring crews/backstage employees of the WWE.


Am I the only one concerned that the WWE has an award to honor strength, perseverance, courage, and compassion, and the reward is named after an insane racist homophob? I mean I know the WWE is now pretending he was a good person, but you can still find his insane ramblings online and see just how big of a piece of crap he really was.

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Commentators can point that out, but instead they sometimes just go with a literal description of what happens or just talk about other things and acknowledge the fact with "awtch, that hurt", this while the whole thing could be carefully planned. Luckily, they seem to keep track of who never tapped out.


I almost face-palmed when Rollins hit the Slingblade on Reigns. Instead of calling the move or saying, "That was a sweet looking Slingblade from Rollins," Booker just said, "Awww yeah." :rolleyes:


It never used to bother me much but watching NXT and Lucha Underground every week makes it hard to ignore. While I'm sure it's not Vince's intention it makes the announcers sound lazy and uneducated (in a wrestling sense).

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Raw looked like it was going to be good but ran out of steam pretty quick. The best parts:


All of Orton's segments. R-Truth's shenanigans. Bryan vs BNB. Heyman bringing his A+ mic game again. Wizdow! Natalya & Naomi somehow putting on a solid 2 minute match. Bray's reaction to Undertaker's trickery.

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I liked the fluent match structure, with the next workers coming to the ring at the end of the previous match (NewDay into Uso's). You get these little interactions for free. There doesn't always need to be a promo at the end of each match. You saw it in NXT earlier (with Bull & Corbin, for instance). There's lots of possibilities there story-wise.


Bray laughing like a madman was indeed the best part.

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I liked the fluent match structure, with the next workers coming to the ring at the end of the previous match (NewDay into Uso's). You get these little interactions for free. There doesn't always need to be a promo at the end of each match. You saw it in NXT earlier (with Bull & Corbin, for instance). There's lots of possibilities there story-wise.


Bray laughing like a madman was indeed the best part.


The booking of that part of the show was an interesting change of the usual structure. The problem was that a lot of people are sick of The Usos, don't care about Los Matadores or The New Day and the Tag Champs lost. And they threw a 2 minute Divas match in between (and the crowd went dead for that as well). They should have had PTP vs The Ascension instead of the Divas and had all the teams brawl at the end.

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Also the way they use the word 'dominate' all the time, as soon as someone strings four moves together. Do they even know what it means?


Dominate would almost literaly be making someone your b*tch, which is kinda what Orton dit on RAW. Ironically, they didn't mention it during that segment.

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NXT Review:


Enzo & Cass vs Lucha Dragons (#1 Contender) - Solid match won by the Full Sail favorites. Now is the time for Enzo & Cass to step up their in-ring game.

Carmella vs Bliss - Solid 5 minute match (which is 3 minutes longer than the divas got on Raw and Smackdown) between 2 green rookies. Carmella dominated but Bliss won with the Sparkle Splash. It helps set her apart since most of the women in WWE favor mat-based wrestling.

Parker vs A-Ry - Riley delivered a passionate promo backstage. I marked for his old entrance theme and so did the crowd. Solid match. Owens showed up to take the mickey out of A-Ry.

Breeze vs Itami - Good match but give them another 5 to 10 minutes and they could do even better.


Verdict: Enjoyably consistent show. No wasted matches or segments (except for the Owens hype vid). I just wish they would cut out the Raw/PPV advertising and extend the show by 10 minutes.

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I don't know for sure about the other commentators, but Lawler has said that he does absolutely no preparation, he doesn't want to even know what's on the card until he's at the desk.


Lawlers whole job has always been to throw in one liners. I dont think it takes preparation to do such a thing. he comes up with them or they are fed to him from someone over the headset.

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