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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Now... getting back to the WWE portion of the thread.


What was with the camera man having a seizure during Danielson's last promo?


Also, I liked that, calling out that Daniel Bryan isn't the guy from the indies. That promo was one of the few bright spots of this entire show.

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I have a related comment to make:


I've just started watching SmackDown! like, 2 weeks ago, and I was surprised to find that I really prefer their storylines, as in I actually want to know what's going to happen next. Wonder what the difference is.


[And now for the unrelated part]


TODAY'S ENDURANCE EXERCISE: trying to watch a fluorescent light tube match. Starting in like 2 minutes. I hope I can do it!

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I have a related comment to make:


I've just started watching SmackDown! like, 2 weeks ago, and I was surprised to find that I really prefer their storylines, as in I actually want to know what's going to happen next. Wonder what the difference is.


[And now for the unrelated part]


TODAY'S ENDURANCE EXERCISE: trying to watch a fluorescent light tube match. Starting in like 2 minutes. I hope I can do it!


It was my recaps that convinced you, wasn't it? You're welcome, loyal reader! :D:p

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I have a related comment to make:


I've just started watching SmackDown! like, 2 weeks ago, and I was surprised to find that I really prefer their storylines, as in I actually want to know what's going to happen next. Wonder what the difference is.


[And now for the unrelated part]


TODAY'S ENDURANCE EXERCISE: trying to watch a fluorescent light tube match. Starting in like 2 minutes. I hope I can do it!

I'm with you, definitely. Raw is the more loaded show as far as star power goes, but Smackdown remains far more interesting, IMO.

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Specifically, re: Drew McIntyre. Is he fired? Probably not but when's he coming back? How? Why? All these questions!


And no, sorry Zeel. I don't really read recaps. I've checked yours once or twice, but you're too much man for me to handle.



I'm scared of them light tubes. I remember when I first found out how scared of garbage wrestling I was. I found out when I was watching iMPACT and saw Abyss punch a pile of thumbtacks. That's when I knew that someday... I would still be scared of hardcore wrestling.


Now that I see them in use, they're a lot less scary than I thought. They're like... I'd say made out of glass but that would make me sound stupid. Suffice to say, it looks like it hurts less than a chair shot, assuming you don't get cut, which I know darned well is coming later.


TEST FINISHED: Sorta. I ended up getting a server error from YouTube every time I tried to load past like, 4 minutes into part 2.


Came off as actually a reasonably wrestled match, just with more blood and doing a lot of stuff that made me grossed out. Not really much to write home about.

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Toy Story


What do I win?


Absolutely nothing. I know not a single adult personally who sees appeal in that series (any of the, soon to be three).


Unless you're in marketing. Then Family Friendly means Aimed At Children.


That's my entire point. And since everything in entertainment is dependent on marketing (sometimes wholly), that's why I define it thusly.


An example of something that I wouldn't want kids watching: Gozu. I know, this is setting a strange beginning for this list. But this is the one film I've sat down and suggested my girlfriend watch with me until I realized her 14 year old sister was there. The adult nature of the film is, despite never reaching pornographic levels, unavoidable, and even though I watched it as an informed movie fan, it left me feeling unsettled in a pretty big way that I would never want a child experiencing. (In fact, I came in knowing that Takashi Miike, the director, tended to make somewhat... odd films. Suffice to say that while I felt unsettled, I had known what I was getting myself into.)


This is a great example of what I was referring to. I loved Gozu but it didn't have much that a child would pick up on or understand fully. But again, I can't use myself as a sample audience because, for example, I saw Faces of Death when I was 13 or 14 and it didn't faze me in the least (quiet as it's kept, I actually kinda liked it.).


An example of something that's "not objectionable:" Bull Durham. Sure, there's some adult themes -- a pseudo-open relationship with a woman, for instance, is beyond what I'd normally give to a kid in a story, but if I were all growed-up and my kid came home telling me he saw Bull Durham I wouldn't be bothered.


Okay, this one's good. I can see the point.


An example of something that is, IMO, family friendly without leaving the adults behind: Most Monty Python stuff. Not all, but most. The humor's not lost on children, and the adult themes tend to be subtle. On the other hand, it was written for adults -- it just works for kids too.


I dunno about this one. Maybe the slapstick bits work for kids but the material itself, eh, not for AMERICAN kids, by and large. :p


On the other hand, we have The Little Mermaid 2. Now, for most of these I tried to keep pretty centerist examples (I mean, obviously if I were going for the throat I'd have complained about the Saw series or Hostel as things that I didn't want kids seeing.) but this is a perfect example of what's wrong with things being aimed at kids. When Python writes for adults, they expect them to be discerning individuals who will stop buying your stuff if you put out trash.


When Disney wrote The Little Mermaid 2, they knew darn well that they could put out ANYTHING. And that's was sliding to on RAW for most of 2009.



The Simpsons

The Princess Bride

every Pixar movie

Indiana Jones



The Simpsons? Made to appeal to adults, you say? Then why Futurama?


And maybe you know adults who love them some Animaniacs (in a non-nostalgic way) but I sure don't.


I thought of the Princess Bride but it doesn't strike me as something targeted at kids, given its material (much of it subtle. Kids don't tend to do well with subtlety).


PIXAR has their moments (WALL-E had very mature themes and a very subtle message, though it was visually targeted at kids) but most of their stuff, while very good, strikes me as more of a 'kids movie that draws the parents along' (like Toy Story).


And what ampulator said about the Indiana Jones thing. When you have them change the rating system to suit you, I don't think you can say 'it was made for both kids and adults'.


But I see the point (even if I don't necessarily agree with it).


Personally, I would love to see Miz and Jericho attack Bret Hart during RAW and have him name Danielson as his replacement. Well, as long as Miz taps out to the Cattle Mutilation. :)

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The Simpsons? Made to appeal to adults, you say? Then why Futurama?


The Simpsons has just as much appeal either way, you watch it when you're young and enjoy the silliness but there's so much subtlety to it that adults can appreciate it as well, it is clearly very deliberately catering to both audiences.

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Personally, I would love to see Miz and Jericho attack Bret Hart during RAW and have him name Danielson as his replacement. Well, as long as Miz taps out to the Cattle Mutilation. :)

That would probably be my first genuine mark out moment since Benoit made HHH tap at WMXX (which I feel weird about now, given how things turned out for Benoit. But at the time, I loved watching the guy.)

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I just want to add something on the PG/PG13 discussion. This is actually related to the WWF.


Most movies nowadays aim at those two ratings, not higher or lower. The reason is, if it's lower than PG, which is a G, even kids go "man, this movie is going to be too tame" or if it's higher than PG 13 (rated R or NC-17), then you get less sales.


A lot of the adult-oriented movies aim for the PG-13 rating, as a way to both entice kids to watch (it's violent and edgy so it's taboo!) and adults (it's violent and edgy enough not to be butchered that badly).


I'm not sure what the exact TV rating equivalent is, but actually being PG on TV makes it less... appealling to certain kids. Definitely more appealing to parents, but for kids with less supervision, they will actually be LESS inclined to watch WWE if it's PG.

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i wonder how badly NXT's ratings will plumet because of this, bryan danielson was the only reason i watched this crappy show, il probaly watch raw just incase he shows up but im starting to get sick of wwe and tna might take a break from them for a while
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Skimmed through NXT in like 10 minutes. I was SO psyched for this show when it began. The potential was through the roof. With the right scripting it could have been great, instead it's become an exercise in half-heartedness and awkwardness. I find it unwatchable.


I'm no massive Daniel Bryan mark, but his storyline with The Miz had amazing potential, but has been squandered. Even if he replaces Bret Hart and beats Miz, the pop is only going to be a fraction of what it would have been if the story was done right. I did mark for his promo tonight.


While not everyone would agree with me, I really liked Tarver & Sheffield. Skip had an infectious enthusiasm I really dug, and was surprisingly nimble for his size, and Tarver... well... I was enjoying watching him fail. His promo tonight was also really good. It gave a glimpse into his soul. Shame it took 12 weeks before we saw it.


Sure, the 3 could slot into role in the WWE, but personally that would annoy me. They're fighting for a chance to be in the WWE. If everyone gets a slot, why are they fighting? What's the point?


I'm done with making a big deal about the show. I keep dodging spoilers, but I really don't care any more.

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Sure, the 3 could slot into role in the WWE, but personally that would annoy me. They're fighting for a chance to be in the WWE. If everyone gets a slot, why are they fighting? What's the point?

I'd say it's more about fighting to earn a title shot on PPV.


Did you really think they wouldn't give roster spots to most, if not all of them? I think it would make little sense to devote this much time to these guys, and only have one or two stick around on the main roster. The only guy who sticks out to me as not being ready is Otunga. He needs to spend some time in FCW after NXT ends, because he is nowhere near being ready from an in-ring standpoint. I could see most everyone else at least getting a look on Raw or Smackdown, though the only guy I really care about aside from Danielson is Wade Barrett.

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Sister Act


Journey to the Center of the Earth




Remember the Titans

Cool Runnings

Crocodile Dundee

Escape from Alcatraz

Three Amigos

The Truman Show


Paul Blart: Mall Cop



Kramer vs. Kramer

Driving Miss Daisy




Litterally thousands of PG movies, and a ton that won grammys, academy awards, etc, that were family friendly, and not just for kids. Comedy doesn't necessarily mean "kids" movie either, although young ones are always going to enjoy funny over dramatic any day.


Just wanted to chime in on this since no one even put forth one bit of effort to find anything.

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