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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Who won the Ryder Miz match? I missed Smackdown and am kinda lazy to find it on hulu


Edit: Nevermind just seen the results on YouTube.....I hope they have a blow off match at Payback.


Quite a good match actually and they were given plenty of time. Maryse is the Stephanie McMahon of the midcard, minus the long speeches.

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Spend the weekend catching up on WWE. Mixed feelings. Several of the sentiments have been uttered by people here so I won't go into details. I will just repeat that I also loved the intense promos from NXT's "recap" episode. The fact that they stand still with these defining matches makes them mean something, instead of the carousel that is the IC title picture.


All in all it's not bad. And given they've billed me already for this month I'll sit it out some more. With the influx of NXT talent surely things can't go bad. Mania wasn't all that imo, but given the overall quality is quite high I'm looking past that. Honestly: would any of you TEW freaks pulled off a frantic Mania given the available workers? I don't know.


And I gotta say: I love seeing Emma and Maryse so I'll watch damnit. It's stronger than myself. :p It's Emma vs Paige on Main Event apparently. Will be nice to see the roles reversed as Emma is clearly coming in as a heel now.

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Obvious troll by the WWE. They did this to draw smarks in to click through a hundred names just to be outraged... like we just did.


Angry Wrestling Vet on Facebook did the work for me, but I agree. They're just trolling. It's still ridiculous to me though. There are far worse people on the list. Warrior for example was a racist homophobe who for awhile had weekly rants about gays and colored people.

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Angry Wrestling Vet on Facebook did the work for me, but I agree. They're just trolling. It's still ridiculous to me though. There are far worse people on the list. Warrior for example was a racist homophobe who for awhile had weekly rants about gays and colored people.


Did you know that Sunny once posted anti-Semite stuff on her twitter? It's true, see for yourself.




Now to be fair; she DID delete the tweets, (thank god) but still. That's a good enough reason to be thrown out of the WWE Hall of Fame.

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Did you know that Sunny once posted anti-Semite stuff on her twitter? It's true, see for yourself.




Now to be fair; she DID delete the tweets, (thank god) but still. That's a good enough reason to be thrown out of the WWE Hall of Fame.


On her official Facebook page in one of her "I'm sorry but not sorry" follow up statuses she also admitted to having authentic n*zi memorabilia and openly supports Donald Trump cause he "says it like it is."


I don't think I've ever gone from blind admiration to instant revulsion so quickly in my life. I knew the woman had personal problems, but at least I could imagine she was at least a decent person deep down. Wishing for the near genocide of an entire religion and proudly owning weapons from the last time this happened made me ashamed and embarrassed for ever wasting energy defending this miserable excuse for a human being.

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I don't know if it's just authority fatuige and being so happy to see a non-heel authority figure in charge, but I agree with Mil, these last two raws have been much better booked from start to finish.


On this one, we got a great Zayn-AJ match, which made both guys look like stars, and had a logical conclusion, as they are clearly moving both Sami and Owens out of Title fueds so that they can fued for Summerslam.


Owen's match was also good, ending was right as he should be focused on his fued with Sami, and I enjoyed Shane being smart enough to go "yea, thanks for the heads up your going to try to ruin my semi main event later, you can take a walk now." and actually having a face outsmart a heel.


Natty Charlotte was good, got their fued started nicely.


I like the Tag Team turny. I wonder why they didn't have Anderson and Gallows kill a tag team BEFORE there match and then demand that teams slot in the turny from Shane, but maybe they have bigger plans than them competing for the tag team titles at this point.


The regins stuff i'm...ok on? They've screwed the bray heel persona up so much at this point that they need to reset it somehow. I will say Reigns should not try to make that "not a good guy, not a bad guy, just THE GUY" catch phrase an every promo thing. It's a good line, but it's not catchy enough to be said every single promo. Save that for when you can slip it in the flow of conversation big guy, not as an attempted catch phrase.

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I don't know if it's just authority fatuige and being so happy to see a non-heel authority figure in charge, but I agree with Mil, these last two raws have been much better booked from start to finish.


On this one, we got a great Zayn-AJ match, which made both guys look like stars, and had a logical conclusion, as they are clearly moving both Sami and Owens out of Title fueds so that they can fued for Summerslam.


Owen's match was also good, ending was right as he should be focused on his fued with Sami, and I enjoyed Shane being smart enough to go "yea, thanks for the heads up your going to try to ruin my semi main event later, you can take a walk now." and actually having a face outsmart a heel.


Natty Charlotte was good, got their fued started nicely.


I like the Tag Team turny. I wonder why they didn't have Anderson and Gallows kill a tag team BEFORE there match and then demand that teams slot in the turny from Shane, but maybe they have bigger plans than them competing for the tag team titles at this point.


The regins stuff i'm...ok on? They've screwed the bray heel persona up so much at this point that they need to reset it somehow. I will say Reigns should not try to make that "not a good guy, not a bad guy, just THE GUY" catch phrase an every promo thing. It's a good line, but it's not catchy enough to be said every single promo. Save that for when you can slip it in the flow of conversation big guy, not as an attempted catch phrase.


Holy cow. An actual solid show? I might have to catch the replay on Hulu. I'm so starved for a good product that I'm legit excited.


And yes, I think the company recognizes that we all have a bit of authority fatigue. Smart decision to remove them for a while.

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Holy cow. An actual solid show? I might have to catch the replay on Hulu. I'm so starved for a good product that I'm legit excited.


And yes, I think the company recognizes that we all have a bit of authority fatigue. Smart decision to remove them for a while.


The only way I want to see the authority is Triple H on NXT and Stephanie Mcmahon in her Mania attire other than that I'm utterly sick of them lol.

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Holy cow. An actual solid show? I might have to catch the replay on Hulu. I'm so starved for a good product that I'm legit excited.


And yes, I think the company recognizes that we all have a bit of authority fatigue. Smart decision to remove them for a while.


for sure. Also the show flows so much better with the Shane character in charge.


For instance, on this show, he gave a short promo that simply announced the card. That right there got me more into the show than the 15 minute, show killing promo about how nothing outside the main event matters from Trips and steph.


Shane's promo was seriously 3 minutes before Owen's came out. He thanked the fans for their "overwhelming social media support" bringing him back for another show (which ok, whatever, i'll roll with it). he then quickly ran down his card, which was AJ v. Zayn (since Sami got screwed last week) and if Zayn wins it's a triple threat, the Women's match up, and the tag team qualifiers starting. Simple, to the point, thanks for the watch list for the show Shane.


Even little touches like him coming out after Wyatt and regins staredown to say "wow, that was cool. I think the crowd wants to see more of you two, who hate each other, against a common enemy, book it" worked so much better than Cole randomly announcing a M/E tag match "per the authority on twitter!" or some crap.


And to end on how refreshing it is, after the AJ - Zayn match,which, seek out the whole match. Not saying it's a 5 star HOF match, but it's easy a 4 star, and got both guys over as huge players going forward, they had a 30 second promo that was so NXT like and told a good story i almost forgot it was Raw.


Set up was Sami being down after the match and AJ telling him "Look, it's three seconds, on this particular day. It doesn't mean anything about you, other than tonight I got you for those three seconds. You're going to get your shot, stay strong man." and then to have Shane pop his head in and essentially be the voice of the audience in saying "wow! what a match! you guys really gave it everything you had, thank you for that, and congrats AJ" before the promo ended was great.

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Best Raw in a very long time, and I'm stoked for next week's show I'll be attending.


So many times we are watching and not really sure where the show is going, oftentimes the main event is booked in the opening segment and the opening match, almost like an invitation to watch the first and come back later. Not this week :)


Dr Phil was excellent, what a promo.

Tournament - love it.

Matches with consequences and storyline progression - love it.


A show that really flowed and didn't drag. Last 45 mins or so a bit harder to watch, but I put this down more to the length of the show. I'm liking the current storylines as they've done really well this week. Hope they keep it up.


On a plus side - Reigns boos were not completely edited out in post production on Hulu (perhaps toned down a little bit). They are pushing this other side to Reigns well these last couple of weeks.


I would hope the WWE could push some of their more 'meaningless' matches as having meaning with saying the wrestlers are fighting for a chance at a title or to be recognised, etc. Tournaments do this easy and added intrigue to the matches on Raw this week.


Just hope they don't let us down in London next week.

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agreed that it was another solid show. My only (minor) gripe, was that I found it odd that they have Anderson and Gallows debut as major heel bad***es ....who are apparently afraid of and back down from the officials. Why they wouldn't just beat up the refs is beyond me.
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The only way to salvage Reigns at all is turn him heel. Just go with the fact he is getting booed. Have AJ Styles win at Payback, than have Reigns beat him up post match. Styles is one of there main merchandise sellers. He can bring in great numbers as champion, but WWE needs to pull the trigger on this very soon.
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The only way to salvage Reigns at all is turn him heel. Just go with the fact he is getting booed. Have AJ Styles win at Payback, than have Reigns beat him up post match. Styles is one of there main merchandise sellers. He can bring in great numbers as champion, but WWE needs to pull the trigger on this very soon.


Much more likely Styles will be doing a heel turn at this point in my opinion even if it is temporary. Only way I see Reigns going heel again is a Shield reunion.


Gallows/Anderson are feuding Usos.... Styles with Reigns... considering the connection it seems to be like its teasing the BC with Gallows and Anderson and Styles together.


My money is on AJ/Reigns ending in a non-finish, with Gallows and Anderson standing tall with AJ to end Payback. This will run for a bit, I reckon. Eventually Finn could be debuting as a heel and AJ goes back to being a face after being double crossed because Anderson & Gallows don't really want AJ being champion, they did it for their true leader instead: Finn.


The Wyatts is an interesting angle and I think will simmer through the spring and Bray will win the MITB, perhaps even costing Reigns the title at Summerslam to Cena. Reigns can get back into the picture later in the year by capturing the briefcase vs Wyatt and heading back into a Shield Triple Threat feud going into Mania season, possibly for the title.


Bray v Finn would be a good shout for a match at some point at a big PPV, Wyatts and BC at Survivor Series maybe.


That would be my scenario looking forward. It was a lot of clever booking this Monday and it's given them lots of options for the months ahead really on quite a few fronts.

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The only way to salvage Reigns at all is turn him heel. Just go with the fact he is getting booed. Have AJ Styles win at Payback, than have Reigns beat him up post match. Styles is one of there main merchandise sellers. He can bring in great numbers as champion, but WWE needs to pull the trigger on this very soon.


I don't know if AJ needs a run with the belt right now. He's 38 years old and seems to be very solidly over without the belt. I think you get a lot more mileage in the slow-burn heel turn they seem to be heading toward with Reigns if he, a cocky jerk, defeats the humble and well-liked, particularly amongst the smark set, AJ Styles. Sets up this run of who Reigns is - a hyper-athletic jerk who smugly does what he wants, when he wants, to whoever he wants to do it. I think Reigns' character actually benefits from holding the belt, a physical and tangible symbol of his increasing arrogance and entitlement. I think the growth we're finally seeing in Reigns loses a ton of momentum if he's knocked out of the title picture. I think they keep working slowly more heel as champ for at least a few months, say Summerslam where he drops it to Ambrose or a returning Rollins or even a last World title run Cena, you might build one of the biggest heels in WWF history that draws serious money for years to come.


I mean, if AJ wins I'm not going to be mad, guy has busted his butt and done everything except hold WWE gold. I just think the longer view is better served by letting Roman have more than one PPV title defense before you take it off him. Frankly, I am legitimately curious about this Reigns run, and cautiously optimistic that we are seeing a world class heel developing before our eyes.

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