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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I think they need to decide on what they want. Do they want a face announcer or a heel color? I rather have him as a color, because he's a terrible announcer.


He's god awful at color commentating. I'd rather his role begin to diminish and they let Josh Matthews or Scott Stanford become the lead announcer. Someone who doesn't want to make me change the channel.


Then again, I've always disliked Cole, so I'm biased.

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Kofi/Truth v Hunico/Camacho - Fun match. Lots of potential in the tag division right now.


Damien Sandow rocks. Hallelujah!


Bateman v Ryback - Good to see Bateman on SD. Feeding him to Ryback was was genius.


Orton/Show v Rhodes/Kane - Another good tag match.


Layla v Natalya - Divas in a match with actual wrestling? Doesn't happen very often. Prefer Natalya as a face.


I love AJ & Kaitlyn segments.


Sheamus v Bryan - Great main event match.

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Road Warriors/LoD


The Steiner Brothers

The Dudley Boys

Harlem Heat


The New Age Outlaws


What do these have in common? They were ALL better as a team than their individual parts. Most of these teams ended up with 1 legit singles wrestler and 1 really bad one, but together they were seen as legendary teams. Any of these teams could have faced 2 Main Event stars in a tag match and no one would bat an eyelash when the established team won.


When a tag team is done right, you elevate both stars beyond what they can do by themselves.

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Road Warriors/LoD


The Steiner Brothers

The Dudley Boys

Harlem Heat


The New Age Outlaws


What do these have in common? They were ALL better as a team than their individual parts. Most of these teams ended up with 1 legit singles wrestler and 1 really bad one, but together they were seen as legendary teams. Any of these teams could have faced 2 Main Event stars in a tag match and no one would bat an eyelash when the established team won.


When a tag team is done right, you elevate both stars beyond what they can do by themselves.



I'd have to say while the Dudleys were great, Bubba Ray (Bully Ray) has been great since the team split in TNA.

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Guest codey
The problem with tag teams (and remember, I'm a tag team fan) is that they do elevate two stars. Think of it in TCW terms: You've got a legendary tag team with 90 overness across the map, and you have to pay both of them what their overness deems them worthy of. At the same time, you're only selling merchandise for the team. You're not selling Road Warrior Animal and Hawk shirts separately. No one wants that, they want a Road Warriors shirt. So what happens is you end up paying two guys for the profitability of one.
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I don't get all the Michael Cole hate. I like him, i think he performs well when he doesn't try to go over-the-top. Not the best announcer ever, but pretty decent. Also, i like King as a colour, someone was saying he was awful a few days ago, don't think so, i just think he lacks chemistry with cole. Like the one he had with JR. Boy, those two were an amazing pair.
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Michael Cole doesn't go over the top? He might be the most over the top guy since Mark Madden (Face fulla stuff, face fulla stuff).


Jerry Lawler isn't NEAR as witty as he was 12 years ago. You go watch a Raw from 1998 and then watch one from today and tell me if he's anything like what he used to be. JR and King haven't had chemistry for quite a while. The guy is bland, he's never funny and he's pretty much just a generic announcer now days.


Scott Steiner was always pegged to be a singles star he just refused to leave his brother behind (a good quality I suppose) he main evented a Clash of the Champions against Ric Flair for the WHC in the early nineties. He was a heck of a worker, he was over and he was the talker of the group anyway. The guy should have been World Champion a decade before he was. Bubba Ray has always been a bright light in singles. Remember his RAW of 02 run? He had a mini feud with HHH that was really good actually.

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Road Warriors/LoD


The Steiner Brothers

The Dudley Boys

Harlem Heat


The New Age Outlaws


What do these have in common? They were ALL better as a team than their individual parts. Most of these teams ended up with 1 legit singles wrestler and 1 really bad one, but together they were seen as legendary teams. Any of these teams could have faced 2 Main Event stars in a tag match and no one would bat an eyelash when the established team won.


When a tag team is done right, you elevate both stars beyond what they can do by themselves.


Even if you are spot on, your talking about quality, not necessarily money. A tag team that can believably go over two top stars doesn't equal the money you make off the two top singles stars (example). I get that it can help elevate people that would otherwise not be able to be elevated.... I mean, that was the whole reason for them in the first place.

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The problem with tag teams (and remember, I'm a tag team fan) is that they do elevate two stars. Think of it in TCW terms: You've got a legendary tag team with 90 overness across the map, and you have to pay both of them what their overness deems them worthy of. At the same time, you're only selling merchandise for the team. You're not selling Road Warrior Animal and Hawk shirts separately. No one wants that, they want a Road Warriors shirt. So what happens is you end up paying two guys for the profitability of one.


But you don't pay them the same. The New Age Outlaws moved merchandise at an incredible rate during the attitude era but were never paid individually like Austin or Rock.

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Even if you are spot on, your talking about quality, not necessarily money. A tag team that can believably go over two top stars doesn't equal the money you make off the two top singles stars (example).


I agree, though I think the point is that tag teams should be made with people that are either not marketable as top singles stars or just isn't there yet - so it's not like they'll be sacrificing two main eventers worth of merchandise in exchange for one tag team's worth of merchandise; they'll be trading in two midcarders for a main event tag team, in most cases. Which, in my book, would definately be worth it.


Many tag teams consists of individuals who would simply not be worth much if not for the tag team (such as The Road Warriors) - while others have one worker with huge potential who just isn't ready for the singles push yet (Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, etc). Why not strap them with matching gimmicks and attires and see where that takes them?

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But you don't pay them the same. The New Age Outlaws moved merchandise at an incredible rate during the attitude era but were never paid individually like Austin or Rock.


Which may be why WWE likes to break up teams, before they start asking for more money.

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Which may be why WWE likes to break up teams, before they start asking for more money.


That theory doesn't really make sense. I think that they just don't know how to write tag team fueds/book tag teams. I don't remember seeing one Hart Dynasty, Air Boom, Morrison & Miz or Cryme Tyme t-shirt. As a matter of fact, I don't remember any piece of merchandise for those teams.

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There are several legitimate reasons why WWE wouldn't tag teams. First, tag team success doesn't always translate into singles success. Second, tag teams take away time needed for singles. WWE has enough problems promoting singles as it is. Imagine them promoting tag teams. It would be a huge mess.


That being said, I always thought tag teams actually worked better under companies like the WWE, provided they were willing to put in the time to do them. I just don't think they are willing to give the resources, though.

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That theory doesn't really make sense. I think that they just don't know how to write tag team fueds/book tag teams. I don't remember seeing one Hart Dynasty, Air Boom, Morrison & Miz or Cryme Tyme t-shirt. As a matter of fact, I don't remember any piece of merchandise for those teams.


They made multiple Hart Dynasty shirts and at least one Air Boom shirt.

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You would think with as many workers as they have they would be more inclined to use tag teams to get people exposure, and let them work. They could at least put people together for a while to see who the better worker is, and see what the fans think of each person, once they have established those things, just break them up like the normally do and push the better worker in singles.
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Like I said before, they don't want to divert time from singles to tag. Yes, you are correct that those tags can help singles in the long run. But WWE isn't exactly looking to be creative about it. They have a tendency, until recently, to keep trying the same thing over and over and expecting a better result. Plus, WWE has never put much stock into tag teams, even when it helps to do so.
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