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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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He's been going long on house shows and most reports have the matches as not being very good. Besides, a character like that doesn't really suit long matches, which is where the WWE mentality may come back to haunt them. WWE like long main events in the 15-20 minute range and a guy like Ryback, who isn't the most polished of workers nor does he need to be, is more likely to sink than swim if they insist he goes that long.



Where are these "reports"? Have a link?

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And even if those were true, he wouldn't be that different from Batista's case.


I'm not saying WWE should take what they can get but they can't really afford to hold off on a potential star's rise because of minor factors like this. They needed a guy like Ryback for a long time. A rising babyface legit threat that the crowd has rallied behind significantly. They pull his push off well, and they may not have to rely on Cena all that much.. the same Cena who's showing up to weekly Raws with a damn arm in a cast.

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Dude raw went APE when Ryback finally got his hands on Punk.


I'm not trying to portray this as a barometer of success for an angle or not, but being an out-and-proud pro wrestling fan in my real life, I haven't had more people approach me about a PPV in a 24 hour period than they did when Ryback/Punk was announced. I haven't had people this excited in my personal life since Brock/Cena at Extreme Rules. And before then, can't even remember a non-big-4-ppv that mattered to anyone ever for any reason.


People who barely know who Ryback IS seem pumped about this thing... again... not saying this is an indicator of actual interest around the world. Just saying in my own life people seem really excited.

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He will be ok in the main event scene for a few months. It is a GENIUS move to put him up against Punk whether he's the champ or not. Punk will sell for him (hell he made 70 year old vince look like a million bucks) and he can make him look like pure gold.


The HIAC stipulation totally has this match as one of the most intriguing and unpredictable ones ever finish wise. Does Punk's 330 day title run end to the undefeated Ryback? Or will Ryback remain undefeated?


The cell guarantees that it won't be a usual cop out so it's pretty intresting.

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The build for Ryback has been good. The catchphrases are getting him over ala Bryan and he looks badass. It's the perfect feud for Punk to keep his title reign interesting.


But a lot of people online have questioned a possible deficiency in cardio and core strength training after Ryback dropped Tensai the other week. He doesn't dawdle around as much as Big Show but I doubt he could last more than 15 minutes before he's running on empty. If Ryback can improve his stamina and work hard in-ring he could have a pretty good career in WWE.

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The build for Ryback has been good. The catchphrases are getting him over ala Bryan and he looks badass. It's the perfect feud for Punk to keep his title reign interesting.


But a lot of people online have questioned a possible deficiency in cardio and core strength training after Ryback dropped Tensai the other week. He doesn't dawdle around as much as Big Show but I doubt he could last more than 15 minutes before he's running on empty. If Ryback can improve his stamina and work hard in-ring he could have a pretty good career in WWE.


Tensai "sandbagged" him in my opinion. Meaning he did not allow him to lift him up *going limp*. wwe is good at doing something like that to "test" people. but i don't see it as ryback running out of gas. I think tensai just basicly did not help him out with the move.

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I finally watched that whole Tensai/Ryback deal. I don't blame either guy. I don't think Tensai sandbagged, or Ryback's cardio failed. They just couldn't get the timing right for a difficult lift.


Ryback's move is a really awkward lift too. Lifting more with his back than his legs. Head is a weird position. Not fun.

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Ryback has lifted Tensai before, just not that particular moment on camera. So either he was sandbagged, or his grip slipped, or something. We only notice the mistakes we see, never the things that go right that we don't see.


I think the booking team backed themselves into a corner here, but I've got the solution. Ryback tends to call out "Finish it!" or something before he goes for the win, right? So, after a good 12-15 minute match with a few near-falls, Punk is out of it, Ryback calls 'Finish it!', lifts punk up... and Brock f'in Lesnar comes otu form underneath the ring -inside the cell-, delivers a few mighty punches, delivers an F-5, and drags Punk on top of him.


Survivor Series is main-evented by Team Punk/Lesnar vs Team Cena/Ryback. Maybe throw in Team Hell No and Kofi on the face side, Team Rhodes Scholars and Miz on the heel side.


Then in December you have Punk/Cena (I know, I know, again), Ryback/Lesnar (and if you think Ryback's gotten over now, having him beat Lesnar would make him -huge-), and everyone's ready for the Royal Rumble. You just know that, regardless of anything else, Ryback is getting the 'Kane Push' in the Rumble this year.

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I'm loving Ryback right now. He's slowly starting to really get over big. I mean, supposed "reports" from house shows might say otherwise... if they exist... but he seems to be doing very nice on television. I still don't think he goes over Punk, but I really want to see what happens at the PPV. Punk should figure out a way to win.


I know there's speculation that Punk drops the title in a squash due to "punishment" for Punk's fan incident. I doubt that very much but you get wrestling fans together they are worse than schoolgirls with the backstage gossip and whatnot.

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The HIAC stipulation totally has this match as one of the most intriguing and unpredictable ones ever finish wise. Does Punk's 330 day title run end to the undefeated Ryback? Or will Ryback remain undefeated?


The cell guarantees that it won't be a usual cop out so it's pretty intresting.

The Cell in no way guarantees it won't be a cop out. If WWE want a cop out ending to avoid beating either man, they'll do one.

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I've never understood why people won't watch a match/show just because they already know what happens. So what if you know who wins, if you're expecting a good match why not watch it anyway? If you're a fan who complains about not getting to see good matches, blame yourself, because it's your own fault if you refuse to watch a show just because you already know what happens, especially since you'd already know if it's good or bad. Based on ratings it also gives the company the idea that you don't care about good matches, only crappy stories and statistics.
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I've never understood why people won't watch a match/show just because they already know what happens. So what if you know who wins, if you're expecting a good match why not watch it anyway? If you're a fan who complains about not getting to see good matches, blame yourself, because it's your own fault if you refuse to watch a show just because you already know what happens, especially since you'd already know if it's good or bad. Based on ratings it also gives the company the idea that you don't care about good matches, only crappy stories and statistics.


This is why I dont understand people who dont watch smackdown because they know what's going to happen.


When in reality it has held some of the best TV matches every year

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These reports, note the lack of magical quotation marks, are all over the internet. Have you considered looking things up for yourself?


Yes my quotes have magic powers! Lol wtf does "magical quotes" even mean? I use quotes the way they are meant to, to point out something someone said. YOU SAID there are reports that Ryback/Punk were bad matches


He's been going long on house shows and most reports have the matches as not being very good.


I mean... since it's "ALL OVER THE INTERNET"... one link to an established site that claims the matches are were bad would satisfy me but yet again, you don't disappoint me and you come back with bad sarcasm rather than an intelligent point or opinion. In fact, even if you posted ONE LINK, it still wouldn't make the point that "most reports" indicate bad matches. It would be one "report". But I didn't see one "report" that Ryback/Punk over the weekend wasn't a good match or wasn't over. In fact, on Lordsofpain.net there was fan postings on a few of the stories about how awesome it was. So maybe YOU should read more? I don't know.


And also, for future reference, Skip Sheffield has wrestled 20 minute matches in FCW and on the indy scene before. The idea that he can't make 20 minutes is absurd.


The Kofi/Miz match was actually really good back and forth action. I wish Main Event would chill with the video highlights and we'd just get three or four solid matches in that time frame, but it is what it is. Miz/Kofi got the time it deserved and I would definitely see another at the PPV. I remember when I first saw Kofi on TV thought he was a joke. But each time I saw him wrestle live I was much more impressed over time. The stuff he can do just stands out more in person than it does on T.V. He's over big in Philly for some reason (we just appreciate good work guess). I'd love to see a future main event push from Kofi. Maybe even a MitB win next year.

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This is why I dont understand people who dont watch smackdown because they know what's going to happen.


When in reality it has held some of the best TV matches every year


You have to remember that not everyone watches wrestling for the wrestling, as odd as that sounds. Some prefer the stories, the characters, and/or the "surprise" of the results.

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Quite simply, part of wrestling is the wrestlers trying to make people feel like it's not planned ahead of time. If you know Guy A wins the match, then every time Guy B goes for a pin... even if it's after three finishers and a run-in... you know it's not going to happen. It takes away from the drama.


How many times have you watched a PPV match, and been pretty sure Guy A was going to win, when Guy B kicks out of his finisher and makes a comeback? You're not so sure Guy A is going to win anymore. You're more interested in what happens next. But if you know the outcome already, you're not as involved.

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