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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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That's really funny actually. I didn't put two and two together (because I don't watch TNA very often) to realise that TNA did it with AJ Styles and WWE is currently doing a similar storyline with AJ Lee. If I were able to watch TNA on a weekly basis I definately would have picked up on it though.
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I'm watching WM21 for the first time. I wonder if WWE are going recreate the Eddie/Rey angle with Kane/Bryan by having them (as tag champs) face each other at WM29 to see who's best (with Bryan hopefully winning).


Seems to be what they're doing. I'm fine with it. It's a good feud and a big win for DB if he did indeed win against Kane at WM.

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I have to say I'm really impressed with how Daniel Bryan has gotten over in almost every situation WWE put him in. Even though Barrett won, most of the TV time seemed to be spent on DB during NXT Season 1.


When he came back after that "firing" situation, he came back to a pretty nice pop, maintained a big face run until a magnificent heel turn. That series with Punk was a dream come true for me personally. I thought this comedy tweener thing he's doing with Kane was cheesy at first, but the dude just makes me laugh when he's on screen.


He's been really entertaining so I hope he gets a nice Wrestlemania moment this year.

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I have to say I'm really impressed with how Daniel Bryan has gotten over in almost every situation WWE put him in. Even though Barrett won, most of the TV time seemed to be spent on DB during NXT Season 1.


When he came back after that "firing" situation, he came back to a pretty nice pop, maintained a big face run until a magnificent heel turn. That series with Punk was a dream come true for me personally. I thought this comedy tweener thing he's doing with Kane was cheesy at first, but the dude just makes me laugh when he's on screen.


He's been really entertaining so I hope he gets a nice Wrestlemania moment this year.


When it was first said that he was coming, and I read on here from people that knew more about him then I, that he was more of an in ring worker, and wouldn't get far in WWE as an entertainer.... from the start I knew he had the potential to be great, just the way he looked at everyone, and that stuff with Michael Cole I loved (although some hated Cole with a passion because of it, I actually loved Cole as well, as it was working).


Him and Punk were WAY better then people first said here, and that's a props to everyone that told us how good they were from the start. I don't even think they had a clue how great they can become, but we all have seen potential now. We can tell there is more greatness to come, especially from Bryan. He's got more wit then most of the roster, hands down.... Entertainment Master is my new nickname for him. He's more entertaining to me then anyone else on the roster.

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Once they're done with the Kane/Bryan team next year I'm confident they'll adjust Bryan's gimmick and push him into the main event for a few months. He's proven he can toe to toe with anyone on the roster, in the ring and on the mic.


I admit I didn't always like Cole running down Bryan. I feel they went a little far with it and with Cole in general. But in retrospect (along his NXT losing streak) it painted Bryan as the ultimate underdog, making his US title run and MITB win all the more awesome. Then creative gave him a gift with the AJ/WHC/heel turn angles and he really took the ball and ran with it. You can tell he puts a lot of effort into his persona and engaging the crowd, hence the huge reaction he's getting (no matter if he's a face, heel or tweener).

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I admit I didn't always like Cole running down Bryan. I feel they went a little far with it and with Cole in general. But in retrospect (along his NXT losing streak) it painted Bryan as the ultimate underdog, making his US title run and MITB win all the more awesome. Then creative gave him a gift with the AJ/WHC/heel turn angles and he really took the ball and ran with it. You can tell he puts a lot of effort into his persona and engaging the crowd, hence the huge reaction he's getting (no matter if he's a face, heel or tweener).


Cole at that point generated sick heel heat. Having a guy like that constantly talking about you on TV can't hurt your popularity :-)

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Kind of a shame WWE's sticking to the usual "bury all actual tag teams for the sake of main guys we aren't smart enough to do anything in singles action with" tactic.


The only 3 teams getting any actual rub aren't tag teams. You don't see the Usos feuding over the titles. PTP fail at every turn. Primo and Epico may as well not even exist.


That's the only way to gain interest in the tag division. Do you seriously think PTP and the Usos are gonna make heads turn? No, you need an act from two recognizable stars without their statuses being lowered too much. Kane and Bryan are clearly having fun with their run and it's working on all counts.


Two things made me just completely not care about the Survivor Series set up. While brilliant on Punk's part to not have to defend the belt and ensure himself another month, two things have just, ruined it.


1. How is it, Mick Foley magically managed to know EVERY single person who was going to be on Punk's team, and just happened to have already convinced their counter part into being on his team?


2. Paul Heyman put together the team, and there's no BROCK? REALLY? Why the hell would Heyman NOT get Brock here?


Not to be trite but can people somehow leave Lesnar alone? Sorry but I see his name brought up everywhere ever since Heyman paired with Punk - "Lesnar should interfere in HIAC, Lesnar should interfere at NoC against Cena" "no Lesnar in Team Punk"... it's getting in that realm again where the IWC always wants the unforseen "trump card" to be the difference maker.


How about this, Heyman has a year-long WWE champion in his pocket. He doesn't need Brock. There's nothing that indicates why he would be thinking about him. Brock will probably come back on his own terms.


I really hope Ziggler beats Cena clean




Exactly this.


There are quite a few people who went far with less. In some cases, MUCH less


Can I get a nod on that?


I'd have no problem with that. I certainly don't want to suffer through another giant wall of text as someone tries way too hard to sound knowledgeable and ends up meandering on for forever.


You're actually admitting to your close-mindedness. It's funny to see.


I really, REALLY want Punk to have the title all the way up til' Wrestlemania. I've been hoping this all year.


Indeed. But I'm actually grateful that he's been bestowed to holding the title for what will likely be at least an entire year.

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I'm not sure what it says when people disparage me and what I say and yet continue to address what I say instead of letting it go.


And in case anyone was confused by our resident informationphobic's use of his magical quotation marks in regards to Daniel Bryan being fired, he really was fired. It was not a work or a story fabricated by those nasty news sites; it was real.

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I'm not sure what it says when people disparage me and what I say and yet continue to address what I say instead of letting it go.


And in case anyone was confused by our resident informationphobic's use of his magical quotation marks in regards to Daniel Bryan being fired, he really was fired. It was not a work or a story fabricated by those nasty news sites; it was real.


You are "correct".

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I'm not sure what it says when people disparage me and what I say and yet continue to address what I say instead of letting it go.


And in case anyone was confused by our resident informationphobic's use of his magical quotation marks in regards to Daniel Bryan being fired, he really was fired. It was not a work or a story fabricated by those nasty news sites; it was real.


Says the guy who continues to disparage me and continues to address what I say :-)


You are comedy gold, sir.

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I found this very, very interesting. :cool:


Source: The Wrestling Observer


Several weeks ago it was reported a top WWE talent spoke up to Vince McMahon and stated that Vince was out of touch with the product and audience.


While there were several rumors as to who it was, word now is that it was the WWE's top star, John Cena.

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Really liking when Sin Cara and Mysterio do the Prime Time Players taunt :D


EDIT: Even better, Cena promo, the crowd was booing at him: "Vickie running a clean show is like me learning a new wrestling move! How many did I have, five, four? I'm kinda sure it was five? Do tackles count!? Of course they do!" :D

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Pretty sure Fantabulous is saying that it wasn't in the Observer. eWrestlingnews is crediting the Observer as well.


I'm saying both; that it wasn't in the Observer and that isn't true to begin with. And given that they're crediting the Observer with a story that was never in the Observer, that tells you all you need to know about how credible this is.

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I'm saying both; that it wasn't in the Observer and that isn't true to begin with. And given that they're crediting the Observer with a story that was never in the Observer, that tells you all you need to know about how credible this is.


The article I read here listed it as a partial source. I assumed it was the part of the article about Wrestlemania seating which is on the Observer website. As I said SEScoops IS fairly credible with the stories they put up and if it turns out to be untrue they will say so. I personally wouldn't just disregard it as false, but I see no reason to try and change your mind either. Base on RAW last night, I doubt Vince got the message if the story were true anyway considering the main event he made for Survivor Series.

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not sure if anyone else in the UK has been to a show over the weekend.. but I was in Nottingham on Sunday and it was a pretty good event.. first time I've been in about 6/7 years..


when the main complaint is the ridiculously overpriced programme's it's not a bad sign.. £15 for basically a glossy photo album.. only 1 page with more than 5 words of writing on it.. terrible..


anyway the show was good.. one big surprise result.. but (as expected) most of it was your predictable house show..


Santino/Brodus def. Primo/Epico

McGillicutty def. Tensai (WHAT?!)

AJ def. Eve / Layla for the Divas Title but Vickie restarted the match so Eve retained

Cena def. Dolph


Cesaro def. Ryder to retain the US Title

Hell No def. Rhodes Scholars to retain the Tag Titles

Ryback def. Punk via DQ after Rhodes Scholars interefered


A good night really; Daniel Bryan got the biggest pop. His and Kane's skit at the end of their match got the biggest reaction of the night.. comedy gold..

Punk, Ryback, Cena and Dolph all got huge reactions..


a good evening of entertainment for £30 - anyone else have any similar experiences this weekend?

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The article I read here listed it as a partial source. I assumed it was the part of the article about Wrestlemania seating which is on the Observer website. As I said SEScoops IS fairly credible with the stories they put up and if it turns out to be untrue they will say so. I personally wouldn't just disregard it as false, but I see no reason to try and change your mind either. Base on RAW last night, I doubt Vince got the message if the story were true anyway considering the main event he made for Survivor Series.


I'm not going to rag on the site too much because I'm pretty sure I know where the original non-existent story originated. But a quick check of the Observer or its site would have told them the Cena story was not in the Observer and that it was, as mentioned, a complete fabrication to begin with. However, I wouldn't hold my hopes that they'll admit the story isn't true because it would also mean having to admit they were too lazy or sloppy to make even the most basic of checks about a news item before posting it.

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