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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Ryback/Cena/Punk is a good main event. I really do hope Punk retains and we get the Rock match, and it gives a way to get Ryback in the main event.


Speaking of Ryback, WOW what a pop he got over in the U.K.! Feed me more!


I also enjoy that all Cena had to do to get cheered again was get caught sleeping with AJ lol.

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How do you know its not true? I'm not disagreeing but you seem very sure its untrue and that to me seems weird unless you have some sort of insider information.


It would seem weird unless I have insider information, wouldn't it.


The fact that a story that would be huge has not been mentioned by any of the reputable news sites, and I know our resident informationphobic would likely deny to his last breath that such places exist even though they do, that should be a pretty big sign that this Cena story is pure garbage. They haven't even brought it up to shoot it down.

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People, please stop the bickering in this thread.


This is the first time I've had a chance to browse the site in about a month and it's frankly pathetic that the exact same people are engaging in the exact same petty name-calling and pedantry as they were when I last read it. The last 10 pages or so were just brutal to go through. We're at what, over six months now of every page featuring at least one moment of "let me break down your post line by line so I can point out why I'm clearly superior to you" - "no, no, let me break down your reply line by line so I can show that actually you are clearly an idiot"....? Seriously??


Consider this your friendly neighbourhood pettiness cut-off point. If it keeps going past this point you'll just get locked out of being able to post in this forum permanently. Disagreements and debate is fine. Smug name-calling and petty attempts at point scoring isn't.

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Even better, Cena promo, the crowd was booing at him: "Vickie running a clean show is like me learning a new wrestling move! How many did I have, five, four? I'm kinda sure it was five? Do tackles count!? Of course they do!" :D



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Even better, Cena promo, the crowd was booing at him: "Vickie running a clean show is like me learning a new wrestling move! How many did I have, five, four? I'm kinda sure it was five? Do tackles count!? Of course they do!" :D


This was always my theory.




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In memory of Linda's wasted 100 million dollars




not only did Linda lose but I think it was in Indiana Richard Mourdock was running and lost...grant it he seems like a real toolbag, but we narrowly missed the chance to have Linda McMahon and Dick Murdock in the US Senate....FML

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I was reading on the dirt sheets that creative is struggling with how to handle a possible Rock title run. Does he fight at Elimination Chamber? Are they cool with no WWE Champion at Raw live events for the months leading into Wrestlemania?


My opinion is still Punk should retain and Cena should fight Punk at WM. They should focus on Ryback and Punk for now, have Punk come out on top until RR where he successfully defends against The Rock.


You then have Cena manage to get the number 1 contendership (win the RR?) and challenge the seemingly unstoppable champion. I think this puts your number 1 and 2 guys in a program together, which USED to be what Wrestlemania was all about.


Now I dont predict any of this will happen lol. They are paying the Rock quite a bit of money I understand, and I don't think anyone wants to see The Rock come back for these special events and lose. I think we're gonna get a crappy rock title run up to WM with "Twice in a Lifetime" being the main event rematch. I just want to see punk in a nice WM match. HHH maybe? Even some kind of swerve with Brock? Who know but I want Punk to get his big WM match. He's had a hell of a year and he deserves it.

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I'm quite sick of Cena-Punk at this point, personally. But this is how I see big matches at Wrestlemania:

John Cena versus Rock for the WWE Championship

Brock Lesnar versus Triple H

CM Punk versus ???

The Undertaker versus ???


I've got a sneaking suspicion they might go with 'Taker versus Punk since they've worked together before (so there's a history to play off of), and it fits in well with Punk's attitude of demanding respect.

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Think Taker's done.


Only way I see him doing a match is halfway during the match (before he gets pinned) is that the lights go out, lightning hits the ring, big puff of smoke and he's gone forever. (or at least for a proper amount of time.)


That should be the only way to retire him. But - it sounds like he is in pretty rough shape right now.

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That is too badass to actually ever happen lol. Just lightning and a puff of smoke. Too cool. I REALLY don't want to see the Mark Calaway non-character retirement speech lol with tears and dramatics. I want the 'Taker to go out all badass like ubernoob said. To be fair, there's never been a character more apt to come back whenever than The Undertaker. The dude's been "dead and buried forever " more times than Magneto. No matter what retirement you give him, the fans will never really expect the WWE to stick to a 'Taker retirement angle. And they'll never be pissed when he comes back.


This is why they should never do an angle like that. If 'Taker can come back and do another WM or two, great. If not, I like the idea of the character going away quietly with no fanfare. It fits him.


Of course he'll be in the Hall of Fame and that would be the moment where we might get an emotional out-of-character Mark Calaway speech. Just saying maybe the character of the Undertaker should never get his funeral.

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Yeah, that's what I was thinking. His HOF induction will be amazing, and he will always get the proper respect. It just makes no sense to do the whole emotional send-off thing for him. It's would be his "unofficial" way of retiring - no speech, nothing like that.


I brought the same thing up on another forum that I'm a part of, and after a discussion... we thought the most badass way to do it would be Taker winning the WHC title after a brutal match. As soon as the bell rings after the match, the lights go out and his music plays. Same thing with lightning and a huge puff of smoke - after the lights go on and the smoke clears, all that's in the ring is Taker's hat and the (now) vacated title laid out in the middle of the ring.

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I find it disappointing that Punk successfully defends the WWE Title against Chris Jericho in a solid half-hour match as part of the triple main event at this year's WM, and apparently it's still not considered good enough to be his WrestleMania moment?


True, he still had to deal with the hype of Bryan/Sheamus (which culminated in "EIGHTEEN SECONDS!!"), HHH/Taker II-in-a-Cell (which I'll agree was indeed awesome except for an actual Cell spot), and Rock/Cena (also awesome for the whole brawling-story aspect), but COME ON, he successfully defended the WWE Title in the main event at WM!

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I've always wanted his last match to be known as his last match.


Let's say he announces his time is coming to an end, his powers are waning and it is time to return 'home'. This sparks a battle for those who want the last ever chance to end the streak, let's say Cena, Punk, Jericho and a few others all want the shot for various reasons.


They all fight it out or even whoever wins that years Rumble says he is giving up a shot at the title for something just as big, the last chance to end the streak.


We'll say Punk gets the shot, and says he is the only person to ever beat Taker by submission (that whole poor angle they did with Vince and Teddy Long and referee Scott Armstrong) and he is going to do it again at Mania. They have an epic match, Punk looks like he might actually get that win a couple of times, but Taker eventually gets win. After doing his usual pose for the fans on one knee he gets up and the bongs start going. Paul Bearer comes out holding the urn high in the air and saying it's time to come home. The lights go out and when they come back he is gone. Bearer is smiling and a glow is emenating from the urn as he screws the lid on tightly and pats the lid before holding it back up in the air as the crowd cheer their appreciation.

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I find it disappointing that Punk successfully defends the WWE Title against Chris Jericho in a solid half-hour match as part of the triple main event at this year's WM, and apparently it's still not considered good enough to be his WrestleMania moment?


on top of winning MITB 2 years in a row (only person). He has quite a few Mania accolades already and honestly he's only just now been a top dog for a year now.


I think if they do HHH/Lesnar 2 at Mania he has to go against Taker unless he fights Rock again and Cena faces taker.


If they do Lesnar/Taker i think the only option is a triple threat with Rock and Cena or maybe a feud with Daniel Bryan with the roles reversed.

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on top of winning MITB 2 years in a row (only person). He has quite a few Mania accolades already and honestly he's only just now been a top dog for a year now.


I think if they do HHH/Lesnar 2 at Mania he has to go against Taker unless he fights Rock again and Cena faces taker.


If they do Lesnar/Taker i think the only option is a triple threat with Rock and Cena or maybe a feud with Daniel Bryan with the roles reversed.


Kinda seeing it was Punk/Ryback 2, after Ryback dominates the rumble.

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Ugh I guess I wasn't expecting Maddox to win all that much, but WWE always does this to wrestlers. Take Josh for example, actually wrestled in independent promotions before going to WWE and became an announcer, then when he is put in a match they make it seem like he has no clue what to do and can't get anything at all on offense. Maddox, another indie and FCW wrestler, begins as a referee and then gets used as a referee would be expected to be used if he were in a match with a wrestler. If this is WWE's attempt to "stay within the relm of realism" it doesn't quite work now that everyone and their mother knows it's all written.


I would have liked to have seen something a bit more sneakier for him. Maybe he'll maje an appearance to screw with Ryback at Survivor Series.


The Vicky/AJ/Dolph/Cena storyline keeps making me think of the Styles storyline he was (or is, haven't seen TNA in a while) what's next AJ will say she's pregnant with Cena's child(or Dolph's haha)

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