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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'd like to see more kick-outs at one. That's one of my favorite things about Puro that is completely ignored by the US. If they're that tired 2 minutes in that they're almost completely out (2-count) then why can they go on to kick out of 3-4 finishers in a row?


I agree but when only one superstar is kicking out at one it's too obvious they're god-pushing him. Even Super Cena stays down for a 2 count. On a positive note, I've noticed more frequent 2 counts for Sheamus recently in his agressive battles with Show and Cesaro. So after all the one counts it makes any opponent getting two counts out of Sheamus look pretty bad ass.

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I REALLY don't want the Rock to dethrone Punk.


Unless he's going to commit to a full time schedule till WM (which I don't think he will or has) I don't think he will.


I mean, it's all well and good for someone who is going to challenge the champ to be there in person twice a month and on pre recorded video the other times, but If you make him champ....he's gotta be there pretty much every Monday.


I think either


a) shield gets involved (the whole "this guys not even a member of the roster and gets a title shot for being a star 7 years ago???" is tailor made for their injustice stchikc.


b) Cena costs rock, and cuts a promo saying that he's lost focus ever since the rock beat him at mania, and Dolph is right that he's had a horrible year since that happened, wants revenge. Problem with this angle is that it obviously requires Cena to semi-turn, which WWE has shown no interest in.


c) (and least likely but I would enjoy it the most) Ryback gets screwed out of the title again Monday, and costs rock the title because "I can't get a fair match, but this guy walking back into the company gets one???" and then they fued. This is of course an extreme dark horse since it requires a ryback heel turn and rock to show up enough to work an actual program not just show up for a title match and then a lead in to mania.

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I sure hope so, crownsy. Any of those scenarios sound better to me. I think a new champion would benefit best from dethroning Punk. Just my opinion.


The dirt sheets are putting it out there that The Rock has been under the impression he'll take the title from Punk. Now will that happen? Is it just rumor? Who knows? But many fans feel that with Cena basically losing every big match he's been in it's building towards a redemption storyline, one that would see Cena defeat the Rock for the title at WM29 and run right into a long feud with Punk, who spent a huge chunk of 2012 beating Cena.


That scenario at least makes SOME SENSE. Building a long term angle to pit your two top guys against each other is a good move, especially when ratings have been junk. The Rock brings ratings to Raw and if he commits to maybe 5 or 6ish shows between RR and WM, they're all big shows that do big numbers that help pimp your biggest PPV of the year. So that story makes money sense, and in that regard, I approve.


Either way, I don't see The Rock having a terribly long reign with the title if he does win. He's a part timer. I don't particularly care to see Twice in a Lifetime but if that's the match that gets people excited for WM then I say do it.

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I sure hope so, crownsy. Any of those scenarios sound better to me. I think a new champion would benefit best from dethroning Punk. Just my opinion.


The dirt sheets are putting it out there that The Rock has been under the impression he'll take the title from Punk. Now will that happen? Is it just rumor? Who knows? But many fans feel that with Cena basically losing every big match he's been in it's building towards a redemption storyline, one that would see Cena defeat the Rock for the title at WM29 and run right into a long feud with Punk, who spent a huge chunk of 2012 beating Cena.


That scenario at least makes SOME SENSE. Building a long term angle to pit your two top guys against each other is a good move, especially when ratings have been junk. The Rock brings ratings to Raw and if he commits to maybe 5 or 6ish shows between RR and WM, they're all big shows that do big numbers that help pimp your biggest PPV of the year. So that story makes money sense, and in that regard, I approve.


Either way, I don't see The Rock having a terribly long reign with the title if he does win. He's a part timer. I don't particularly care to see Twice in a Lifetime but if that's the match that gets people excited for WM then I say do it.


Yea, I think that makes some sense, though I'm not sure I think it will really add anything to the fued to have Rock be champion for 3 months when he isn't even at the show most nights. Of course, he could commit to more, but seems like you JUST spent over a year establishing that the title means something, and to suddenly use it as a prop for a part timer seems to defeat that purpose.


of course, this is a company who just ran a show focused on vince's women issues and a poop gag to start the new year, so anythings possable.


on a side note, the AJ is a slut angle is just so painfully Vince. the only way any Diva gets a push is by sleeping her way to the top (eve, AJ, Trish, lita, a million others.)


It's amazing how clearly you can feel what is a "vince" angle and what is written by people more in touch with the fans.


If it's a fart/poop joke, a diva being slutty angle, or hornswaggle/ backstage comedy wrestlecrap, or an angle where the company is embarrassed it's a pro wrestling company = Vince


alot of times you can even feel how uncomfortable the talent is with those angles, particularly the 6 year old poop jokes and "the only way women are valuable is underneath a powerful man" angles.

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Rock has been confirmed for an awful lot of shows from now until Mania (including Elimination Chamber), they say that more dates will be confirmed in March. I hate to say it but there's a pretty decent chance that Punk loses the title at the Rumble.


The most likely though is a screwy finish involving one of Cena, Lesnar or The Shield.

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on a side note, the AJ is a slut angle is just so painfully Vince.


I didn't put it like that. She said that Cena broke her heart, and fell in love with Dolph Ziggler.


Granted, I haven't been watching much of WWE lately.


The only way any Diva gets a push is by sleeping her way to the top (eve, AJ, Trish, lita, a million others.)


While we know Vince sometimes hired those kinds of actors, I'm fairly certain that they wouldn't sleep their way to the top.

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I didn't put it like that. She said that Cena broke her heart, and fell in love with Dolph Ziggler.


Granted, I haven't been watching much of WWE lately.




While we know Vince sometimes hired those kinds of actors, I'm fairly certain that they wouldn't sleep their way to the top.


1. Miz brought up the fact that she's been passed around this year, storyline wise. (I think his exact qoute was like "wow AJ, it's been a banner year huh? Bryan, punk, then Kane, then cena, then big E and now dolph? we know that at midnight someone will be happy with you huh?)


2. Cena, later that night, also brought up that she's been with like 6 guys (again, storyline wise) since WM, and was clearly pointing out she's "loose"


as to the second comment, Im talking storyline wise. I'm not saying they DID in real life.


but AJ - only got a push as DB's love toy, and since then always romantically involved.


Eve- Took off when she "hooked up" with Ryder and used him to get to Cena


Lita - Took off to the M/E when she was Edge's booty call


Trish - See same with vince

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1. Miz brought up the fact that she's been passed around this year, storyline wise. (I think his exact qoute was like "wow AJ, it's been a banner year huh? Bryan, punk, then Kane, then cena, then big E and now dolph? we know that at midnight someone will be happy with you huh?)


2. Cena, later that night, also brought up that she's been with like 6 guys (again, storyline wise) since WM, and was clearly pointing out she's "loose"


as to the second comment, Im talking storyline wise. I'm not saying they DID in real life.


but AJ - only got a push as DB's love toy, and since then always romantically involved.


Eve- Took off when she "hooked up" with Ryder and used him to get to Cena


Lita - Took off to the M/E when she was Edge's booty call


Trish - See same with vince




I need to watch more WWE. :o

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I need to watch more WWE. :o


honestly right now i don't know if i can recommend that course of action haha, right now it feels like monday night's are a train wreck I can't look away from, with occasional moments of great work (mostly The shield, Punk, and some of the mid card tag teams, and Hell no v. Rhodes Scholars.)

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honestly right now i don't know if i can recommend that course of action haha, right now it feels like monday night's are a train wreck I can't look away from, with occasional moments of great work (mostly The shield, Punk, and some of the mid card tag teams, and Hell no v. Rhodes Scholars.)




The other option where I live is TNA. No RoH in Australia. :(

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There's a big gap between TLC and the Rumble so WWE are always going to take the easy way out with filler shows (Slammies, Xmas, New Year).


Just watched the Main Event highlights. Looks like Cesaro and Barrett are getting big pushes early 2013 and they both deserve it. Miz and Kofi are also pretty interesting right now.

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On the AJ topic, is she really a slut? I mean in this case I actually disagree only because CM Punk, Kane and Daniel Bryan have one thing in common besides at one point being connected to AJ. All three of them have rejected her. Bryan dumped her, Punk chose the WWE title over her and Kane simply said no. It's not as if she went to one guy to another, she actually liked Punk, she actually liked Kane, she actually liked Bryan. She wanted affection back and when she didn't get it return, she went to another guy. And this adds to the "crazy" character in the sense of she's so obsessed with someone giving her attention that she will keep looking and acting irrational until the right guy gives it to her. So that's how I see it.


And on another note, after watching RAW, I feel face Del Rio has a lot of potential. Love the friendship between him and R-Rod.

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And on another note, after watching RAW, I feel face Del Rio has a lot of potential. Love the friendship between him and R-Rod.


I'd prefer Del Rio as a tweener like in the Xmas Raw, trying to be good but making mistakes and flying off the handle. Ricardo's enziguri kick before being swatted by Big Show was awesome!

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On the AJ topic, is she really a slut? I mean in this case I actually disagree only because CM Punk, Kane and Daniel Bryan have one thing in common besides at one point being connected to AJ. All three of them have rejected her. Bryan dumped her, Punk chose the WWE title over her and Kane simply said no. It's not as if she went to one guy to another, she actually liked Punk, she actually liked Kane, she actually liked Bryan. She wanted affection back and when she didn't get it return, she went to another guy. And this adds to the "crazy" character in the sense of she's so obsessed with someone giving her attention that she will keep looking and acting irrational until the right guy gives it to her. So that's how I see it.


And on another note, after watching RAW, I feel face Del Rio has a lot of potential. Love the friendship between him and R-Rod.


@drew all perfectly logical points, but thats not the way the FACES are presenting it in the storyline. On monday, your top Face (cena) and a UMC face (miz) implied she likes to sleep around (or "hook up" i guess). Miz did it explicitly, Cena did the strong-hint via inuendo+ smirk thing his character does when being oh so clever.


I understand she is now a heel, so faces are going to have to run her down my point is you can FEEL vince all over that storyline. and given Vince's historical treatment of women inside and outside the business, It's just uncomfortable to watch.


Maybe next week he can have nataliya come out and fart in her face after she Frenches dolph. That would bring two of Vince's favorite things together.

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Raw had been fun, these last two episodes were the epitome of dumb wrestling writing but something tells me it'll pick back up this monday when Rock comes back.


It's "Perfect Season Theory". They don't want to burn us out too much before the Road To Wrestlemania, so they're booking a few sub-par shows first.

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I understand she is now a heel, so faces are going to have to run her down my point is you can FEEL vince all over that storyline. and given Vince's historical treatment of women inside and outside the business, It's just uncomfortable to watch.


Oh yeah absolutely. But for what it's worth, I dig AJ's character and I think out of the Divas, her and Eve(who has turned into a completely different person since the heel turn last year) are the clear top two divas. Though Kaitlyn has improved a lot and I dig her Kim Possible esque ring gear

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Oh yeah absolutely. But for what it's worth, I dig AJ's character and I think out of the Divas, her and Eve(who has turned into a completely different person since the heel turn last year) are the clear top two divas. Though Kaitlyn has improved a lot and I dig her Kim Possible esque ring gear


All Divas should know what they're in for joining WWE. Kudos to AJ and Eve for making the most of their Diva-equvialent god pushes in 2012. And Kaitlyn should take the title off Eve and have AJ vs Eve vs Kaitlyn at Wrestlemania.

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