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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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How can you say he is already lost in the shuffle? After one pinfall loss to Dinero?

Yes, probably a bit of an overreaction. It just seemed like such a fall from grace, going from having a great PPV match with Angle to getting pinned by a mid-carder. The clean win over Joe has me more optimistic as far as Nigel's status goes.

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Yes, probably a bit of an overreaction. It just seemed like such a fall from grace, going from having a great PPV match with Angle to getting pinned by a mid-carder. The clean win over Joe has me more optimistic as far as Nigel's status goes.


I agree, I loved Nigel's debut but over the last few weeks he has sort have been stuck. So hopefully this win over Joe will mean that he is not forgotten. Also, I would like to see him talk more. I think he is good on the mic.

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Aye but she looked better then last time I saw her on TNA. Saw the episode and it was decent and some of the ppv match-ups look interesting just hoping they don't turn AJ heel. Generation Buck Me was exciting but don't have a great look on them. The dark haired one is alright but the blond guy looked mediocre at best and I don't mean in ring wise but Star Quality wise.


Edit: No Jeff Hardy = Bad, No Jordon = Good although it doesn't balance out. Still no Leslie = very good.

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I don't get why girls think tooth pick skinny makes them looks hot.


You have got to be kidding me. You can't possibly be serious. You really don't know why? :confused:


I used to laugh at the Beautiful People's entrance, when they straddled the ring ropes and Velvet would point the cameraman at her postage stamp booty. :p


I'm hoping this pointless booking has...a point. I'm also praying to every diety on Earth (as well as Faerun) that Beer Money doesn't lay down for Hall & Nash. I did like Jarrett's heel turn though ("There aint enough talent in this company to fill a coffee cup").

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You have got to be kidding me. You can't possibly be serious. You really don't know why? :confused:


I used to laugh at the Beautiful People's entrance, when they straddled the ring ropes and Velvet would point the cameraman at her postage stamp booty. :p


I'm hoping this pointless booking has...a point. I'm also praying to every diety on Earth (as well as Faerun) that Beer Money doesn't lay down for Hall & Nash. I did like Jarrett's heel turn though ("There aint enough talent in this company to fill a coffee cup").


Don't know why because i don't talk to girls like that, I'm more like a black guy when it comes to women, I like them Thick and Juicy

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I look at the Genesis card and I think, wow, that looks like a really good card. The booking can't be all that bad. Red font is my comments


*TNA champ AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle in what is billed as Angle's last shot at Styles

This should be another really good match. I hope they don't copy the same format with both guys hitting their finishers over and over. To be honest, I'd like to see AJ pull out an awesome spot to win the match and put Kurt out for a little bit.

*The debut of a new "acquisition"

Lots of hype on this for me. It better not be Sid Vicious though lol.

*Beer Money vs. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall.

Really pumped for this one. Love the Outsiders. I know internet smarks will be mad if the Outsiders win, but I think either outcome can be good depending on how it's booked.

*Abyss vs. Bobby Lashley

This has good potential.

*TNA Tag Team champions The British Invasion vs Matt Morgan and Hernandez

Don't care about this match at all

*TNA Knockouts champ ODB vs Tara - best of Three Falls

I love Tara, hate ODB. Should be a good match.

*TNA X-Division champ Amazing Red vs. mystery opponent

Jeff Hardy?

*Daniels vs. Sean Morley

I'm glad to see Sean Morley getting a real run in a promotion. This should be an entertaining match.

*Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero

Both of these guys have really bright futures in TNA. Feuding them together should elevate both of them.

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I used to laugh at the Beautiful People's entrance, when they straddled the ring ropes and Velvet would point the cameraman at her postage stamp booty. :p


Not so much here. I've tended to play along with that part of the entrance only because it fits the gimmick. Never been much of a booty guy. I figure if I'm looking at a girl's booty, I'm facing the wrong direction. ;)


I'm hoping this pointless booking has...a point. I'm also praying to every diety on Earth (as well as Faerun) that Beer Money doesn't lay down for Hall & Nash.


Amen, Brother. Beer Money represents what's great about TNA. If they are fed to Hall & Nash? Well I won't be resort to the animal violence analogies you would but it's not going to be pleasant.


I did like Jarrett's heel turn though ("There aint enough talent in this company to fill a coffee cup").


Couldn't disagree me more. This was a a WWE type moment here for me. This was so bizarre and so far out in left field it shook me right out of the illusion and had me asking what the hell they thought they were doing. If the company's so bereft of talent, then why in God's name did he spend so much time fighting with the Main Event Mafia? Why didn't he just join them? He wouldn't have been the first guy to have suddenly gone from blood feuding with a guy to teaming up with him. And why did he endure (with all due respect) the mercurial nutburger that is Mick Foley? At least with the MEM, he'd have known from week to week whether they were going to shake his hand or kick him in the nuts. Jarrett's spent an awful lot of time defending the roster and fighting for them to suddenly find them unworthy.


I thought this turn to be THE big failing of the show. It boggled my mind and made absolutely no sense. Being miffed at Dixie and Hulk I could understand. But turning on the talent? He's the one who put them together. If there "aint enough talent in this company to fill a coffee cup", he's undermining his whole case for being upset in the first place. He was so irrational and all over the place I was having to stop and try to puzzle out what the writers were thinking because I wasn't following it as Jarrett expressed it. The coffee cup line was a good one. But good zingers don't mean much if the context doesn't work and this context seemed to be sputtering for power.

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just hoping they don't turn AJ heel.


Why not? I think it would be great if Ric Flair makes him his protege and they bill him as the new 'Nature Boy', with Flair working the mic for him (AJ's main weaknes imo).


While I didn't see the last show, I really don't get the reports on Jarrett going heel. It would make so much more sense for Hogan, Bischoff and Dixie to be the bad guys and the founder of TNA, now seemingly without power, trying to fight off the evil and win back his company. And given his very face-ish speech at Jan 4 (with Hogan's extremely weird heel-ish promo to counter it), it just seems very off to me.


But it looks like an exciting PPV card, the most exciting card I've seen on any PPV for quite a while. It's too bad I have no way of watching it.

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If I may, I think it was supposed to be a shock finish, as Joe was kind of winning the match more often than not iirc.


That's fine. I liked the finish. I just disliked that they used it on a short, unimportant match. Whether it would have been them actually letting Nigel and Joe have a decent match (given that TNA is "about the wrestling" and all) or save it for a PPV, I just think they could have made a lot better use of that kind of finish.


Amen, Brother. Beer Money represents what's great about TNA. If they are fed to Hall & Nash? Well I won't be resort to the animal violence analogies you would but it's not going to be pleasant.


Couldn't disagree me more. This was a a WWE type moment here for me. This was so bizarre and so far out in left field it shook me right out of the illusion and had me asking what the hell they thought they were doing. If the company's so bereft of talent, then why in God's name did he spend so much time fighting with the Main Event Mafia? Why didn't he just join them? He wouldn't have been the first guy to have suddenly gone from blood feuding with a guy to teaming up with him. And why did he endure (with all due respect) the mercurial nutburger that is Mick Foley? At least with the MEM, he'd have known from week to week whether they were going to shake his hand or kick him in the nuts. Jarrett's spent an awful lot of time defending the roster and fighting for them to suddenly find them unworthy.


I thought this turn to be THE big failing of the show. It boggled my mind and made absolutely no sense. Being miffed at Dixie and Hulk I could understand. But turning on the talent? He's the one who put them together. If there "aint enough talent in this company to fill a coffee cup", he's undermining his whole case for being upset in the first place. He was so irrational and all over the place I was having to stop and try to puzzle out what the writers were thinking because I wasn't following it as Jarrett expressed it. The coffee cup line was a good one. But good zingers don't mean much if the context doesn't work and this context seemed to be sputtering for power.


I don't see the possible upside to having Hall & Nash go over Beer Money, especially as Hall is rumored to only be contracted until the PPV. Unless Hall leaves and Nash finds a new partner to continue the feud with... but if that's the intent, why bring in Hall at all?


As for the Jarrett-Hogan angle, much like the segment this week, it just feels sloppy to me. Disjointed somehow. Maybe I just expected more out of two guys who are good on the mic and have so much experience in the business. If I'm not mistaken, Hogan said last week that Jarrett's status as minority ownership stake in TNA had been taken away and given to Hogan... it doesn't work that way. If Hogan just meant that JJ's authority within TNA had been taken away, fine, but state it logically. So far, its hard to tell who is supposed to be the face and heel in the storyline. And Jarrett doing a complete 180 and now being against all the TNA talent.... an about-face of that size needs justification to me. Its not as if its impossible to justify, but giving it none just makes it seem like an abrupt adjustment of the character rather than an evolution. The writing and the promos need to be careful and sharper, I think.


It feels like I'm hating on everything in TNA at this point. Quite honestly - TNA is doing what its always done for me - teasing me with some "good" stuff and then annoying me with negatives.

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Generation Buck Me was exciting but don't have a great look on them. The dark haired one is alright but the blond guy looked mediocre at best and I don't mean in ring wise but Star Quality wise.


I immediately downloaded Impact when I heard the Young Bucks were facing the Machine Guns on it. "Max & Jeremy" did look a little bland, but I think that was half the point. It was supposed to be unexpected... Although how TNA found a way for them to look MORE like Hardy rip offs is beyond me. Spend the next few weeks tweaking their look, evolving from job-guy-look to superstar-stylings, and they'll be fine.


Cool match too. I totally marked out when they hit More Bang For Your Buck.


Turned off the show after that. Might watch the rest if I get bored over the weekend.

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Generation Buck Me was exciting but don't have a great look on them. The dark haired one is alright but the blond guy looked mediocre at best and I don't mean in ring wise but Star Quality wise.


You know it's funny. Right from the beginning with the Hardys I was a Matt guy. Never quite got Jeff. But with these guys, I like the blond. He entertained me more in that one match than I remember Jeff Hardy ever doing. Jeff may have it all over him on Star Quality but I look more forward to seeing more "Jeremy".



I immediately downloaded Impact when I heard the Young Bucks were facing the Machine Guns on it. "Max & Jeremy" did look a little bland, but I think that was half the point. It was supposed to be unexpected... Although how TNA found a way for them to look MORE like Hardy rip offs is beyond me. Spend the next few weeks tweaking their look, evolving from job-guy-look to superstar-stylings, and they'll be fine.


Cool match too. I totally marked out when they hit More Bang For Your Buck.


Turned off the show after that. Might watch the rest if I get bored over the weekend.


I agree that it was a cool match. Speed vs speed really makes the whatever weaknesses the guys may have with Performance Skills stand out less. Not saying either Generation Me or the Guns have those. I don't generally consider it my place to judge that unless it's glaringly obvious. But I loved the pacing and the fluid feel of the match. The two teams matched speed for speed beautifully. Rip either or both teams for Performance reasons if you want but that match was pure performance art. And there's very much a place for that on an undercard.


The think that really got me with the whole Hardy-alike thing was MAX and JEREMY. REALLY? Did you really have to go there? I guess you can make it part of their gimmick that they sluff those names off later and claim to have used them because they were made to feel they had to. Although I will say if they want to play off the Hardy thing I would have marked hard if they had been called Frank and Joe. :)

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So, who do we really think the big reveal at Genesis going to be? Would be amazing if it was Brock or The Rock but that's not gonna happen. Likely to be RVD or Kennedy, surely? But then there's news of Hall pushing Hogan to sign Sid. Would he really be that big of a coup? I'm not so sure.


Who else? Anybody reckon it could actually be Shane O Mac? It doesn't say that this big surprise will be involved in a wrestling capacity.

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Who else? Anybody reckon it could actually be Shane O Mac? It doesn't say that this big surprise will be involved in a wrestling capacity.




I can't even believe people are suggesting Shane McMahon. Andre the Giant is more likely.



Anyway, I think it's going to be Kennedy which is really stupid.

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Yep he said these Young Bucks are really impressive or something like that. He did the same with Desmond Wolfe telling people he used to be known as Nigel McGuiness.


My favorite line was actually Bisschoff telling Hogan that Jarrett really needed an "attitude adjustment" lolz. Now those kind of insider references I can appreciate as for non insiders they don't matter and for those getting it they are funny.

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Yep he said these Young Bucks are really impressive or something like that. He did the same with Desmond Wolfe telling people he used to be known as Nigel McGuiness.


My favorite line was actually Bisschoff telling Hogan that Jarrett really needed an "attitude adjustment" lolz. Now those kind of insider references I can appreciate as for non insiders they don't matter and for those getting it they are funny.


Yeah, those were fine "insider" references. I have issue with overt ones, where it makes no sense unless you get what they're referring to - like some of the stuff Russo used to do in WCW. But the ones on the show last night were not like that.

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Sort of reminded me of when Matt Hardy told Braden Walker that he was quite the wildcat, lol. But yeah, I don't really get why they changed the Bucks to look they way they did. They're already compared to the Hardy Boyz.... that doesn't mean changing them right down to their attire and names to resemble them even more. Who knows, maybe it'll lead to something with Jeff. That just kept bothering me throughout the match though, couldn't help it.


The PPV looks really, really weak. It looks thrown together. I have no reason to care about the bulk of the matches save for maybe the main event and the big surprise. But even the main event, we just saw it last week, so the magic on that is kinda tainted too. I know they only had two weeks to develop it, but gosh. Will be interesting to see the buyrate nonetheless.

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Sort of reminded me of when Matt Hardy told Braden Walker that he was quite the wildcat, lol. But yeah, I don't really get why they changed the Bucks to look they way they did. They're already compared to the Hardy Boyz.... that doesn't mean changing them right down to their attire and names to resemble them even more.


I think changing it from Matt to Max was a good move, but Jeremy is a bit mind boggling. It's not even a cool/modern name. If you have to go with J, what about 'Joshua' or 'Jonas' or 'Jacob' or 'Jackson'? They didn't specify a last name or anything.

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The PPV looks really, really weak. It looks thrown together. I have no reason to care about the bulk of the matches save for maybe the main event and the big surprise. But even the main event, we just saw it last week, so the magic on that is kinda tainted too. I know they only had two weeks to develop it, but gosh. Will be interesting to see the buyrate nonetheless.


I agree, all though it would take a lot for me to buy a PPV. Heck the last time I saw any wrestling PPV was a ROH PPV and the only reason why I bought it was because I was there. To me that is the problem with having monthly PPV's there is really no time to build a feud.

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Hogan said he took come in and take the Title so it has to be someone big enough to do that. I think it has to be Goldberg, RVD, or Kennedy. can't think of Anyone Else it could be.

Ed Leslie! Remember, this is Hogan talking.



The PPV looks really, really weak. It looks thrown together. I have no reason to care about the bulk of the matches save for maybe the main event and the big surprise.

Yeah, three of the matchups are the same as the 1/4 show. At least they'll get more than 4 monutes this time!

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Yep and no commercials or in the case of AJ vs Angle no run in or Naitch randomness (hopefully). I think the commercials really hurt the AJ vs Angle match on Impact making it too much of a highlight real by cutting out the jockying and exchanges in between. TraciBrooksfan you where there am I correct in this?


As for the big acquasition I stand by my earlier percentages and hope to hell it's RVD. Red's mystery opponent I would go with Hardy or Petey.

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Couldn't disagree me more. This was a a WWE type moment here for me. This was so bizarre and so far out in left field it shook me right out of the illusion and had me asking what the hell they thought they were doing. If the company's so bereft of talent, then why in God's name did he spend so much time fighting with the Main Event Mafia? Why didn't he just join them? He wouldn't have been the first guy to have suddenly gone from blood feuding with a guy to teaming up with him. And why did he endure (with all due respect) the mercurial nutburger that is Mick Foley? At least with the MEM, he'd have known from week to week whether they were going to shake his hand or kick him in the nuts. Jarrett's spent an awful lot of time defending the roster and fighting for them to suddenly find them unworthy.


cappyboy, did you really expect for a new regime to "take over" and be held to the old regime's characterizations? Honestly. As PeterHilton said, this is a reboot. When you take over a promotion in TEW, do you have to keep with everything the previous booker did?


To me, that line made the promo because it's so absurd. That's like 'Susan Boyle is gorgeous' or 'Kevin Nash is easily the best technician on the planet'. Everything else was 'meh' about it with Bischoff as the only person who seemed to hit his lines properly.

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